

共计 16186 个字符,预计需要花费 41 分钟才能阅读完成。

CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2019
Assignment 1 (15 Marks)
Due: Friday 29 March 2019 at 20:30
Welcome to Travel Inspiration!
We are going to be building a travel recommendation program. Out of ideas where to travel? Travel
Inspiration has got you covered.
The program will ask the user questions about their preferences in a travel destination. It will use
these to recommend the best match in a database of potential travel destinations.
You are provided with a file travel.py, which serves as a template for the assignment. This file is
where you should write the code for your solution. The file also provides an example of how to read
the data from the database, one destination at a time. You need to implement the functionality to
question the user and perform the matching. The database is in the form of a text file,
destinations.csv. You may edit this text file to add more destinations for testing.
This assignment is broken down into six main tasks, grouped into two categories: Core

  1. Questions & Inputs
  2. First Exact Match
  3. Climate & Season Factor
  4. Interests
    ? Advanced
  5. Input Validation
  6. Multiple Inputs
    Do not attempt the advanced tasks unless you have implemented all the core tasks. Most of the
    marks for this assignment are assigned to the core tasks.
    Getting Started
    The archive a1_files.zip contains all the necessary files to start this assignment. It contains:
    travel.py: The main assignment file. Add your code to this file.
    destinations.csv: The destinations database, in Comma Separated Value (CSV) format.
    destinations.py: Code to help Python read from a database. You are not expected to
    understand the code in the destinations.py file. The provided travel.py demonstrates
    everything you need to do to use this code.
    Core Tasks
  7. Questions & Inputs
    The first task involves creating the questionnaire and prompting the user for input. Your program
    must duplicate the functionality demonstrated below.
    The final line of output is the recommended destination. For now, this should be None, but in the
    following tasks this should be replaced with the recommended destination.
    You may assume that the user will only enter valid input.
    CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2019
    Required Output
    Welcome to Travel Inspiration!
    What is your name? Dora
    Hi, Dora!
    Which continent would you like to travel to?
    1) Asia
    2) Africa
    3) North America
    4) South America
    5) Europe
    6) Oceania
    7) Antarctica

    What is money to you?
    $$$) No object
    $$) Spendable, so long as I get value from doing so
    $) Extremely important; I want to spend as little as possible
    How much crime is acceptable when you travel?
    1) Low
    2) Average
    3) High
    Will you be travelling with children?
    1) Yes
    2) No
    Which season do you plan to travel in?
    1) Spring
    2) Summer
    3) Autumn
    4) Winter
    What climate do you prefer?
    1) Cold
    2) Cool
    3) Moderate
    4) Warm
    5) Hot
    Now we would like to ask you some questions about your interests, on a scale
    of -5 to 5. -5 indicates strong dislike, whereas 5 indicates strong interest,
    and 0 indicates indifference.
    How much do you like sports? (-5 to 5)
    CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2019
    How much do you like wildlife? (-5 to 5)
    How much do you like nature? (-5 to 5)
    How much do you like historical sites? (-5 to 5)
    How much do you like fine dining? (-5 to 5)
    How much do you like adventure activities? (-5 to 5)
    How much do you like the beach? (-5 to 5)
    Thank you for answering all our questions. Your next travel destination is:
    User input is bold, italic and blue.
    Your program must match this output exactly. Including spaces, spelling and punctuation. Your
    programs will be tested using an automated system that will match your program’s output with the
    expected output. A mismatch in the output will result in the test failing. Note: Option lines, i.e.
    “1) Spring”, should begin with two spaces.
    Input Requirements
    For name, anything is valid. For general questions, the user input will be the value to the left of the
    parenthesis (i.e. 1-7 for continent; $, $$ or $$$ for money; etc.). For interest questions, the user
    input will be an integer between -5 and 5, inclusive. For tasks 1 to 4, you may assume that the user
    input is always valid.

  8. First Exact Match
    Extend your program to output a recommended destination on the final line, instead of None.
    For this task, the recommended destination should be the first destination that meets the following
    The continent must match exactly (destination.get_continent()).
    If the user will be travelling with children, it must be kid friendly
    Cost must be less than or equal to the user’s response to the money question
    Crime cannot be greater than is acceptable to the user (destination.get_crime()).
    If no exact match is found, the recommended destination should be None.
    There is no difference between varying levels of cost and crime, provided they meet the above
    requirements. For example, if the user’s money response is $$, then a cost of either $ or $$ would
    be equally valid.
    CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2019
  9. Climate & Season Factor
    In addition to the requirements from 2. First Exact Match, the program must look for the best match
    from all destinations, according to the following criteria:
    Matches the user’s climate preference exactly (destination.get_climate()).
    Has the greatest season_factor, for the user’s selected season (e.g.
    As above, if no exact match is found, the recommended destination should be None.
  10. Interests
    Extend the matching criteria from task 3 to consider the user’s interests as well as the season factor.
    To do this, let score = season_factor * interest_score, where season_factor is
    defined above (e.g. destination.get_season_factor(‘summer’)) and the interest score is
    the sum of the user’s response multiplied by the destination’s score, for each interest (sports,
    wildlife, nature, historical, cuisine, adventure, beach). More specifically:
    interest_score = responsesports * scoresports

    • responsewildlife * scorewildlife
    • responsenature * scorenature
    • responsehistorical * scorehistorical
    • responsecuisine * scorecuisine
    • responseadventure * scoreadventure
    • responsebeach * scorebeach

    Where responseinterest is the user’s response for the given interest, and scoreinterest is the
    destination’s score for the given interest (e.g. destination.get_interest_score(‘beach’)).
    Advanced Tasks

  11. Input Validation
    For this task you may no longer assume that the user will enter valid input.
    If, for any question, the user enters invalid input, they should be asked the question again until they
    enter valid input, as demonstrated in the example below.
    Input Validation Example

    How much crime is acceptable when you travel?
    1) Low
    2) Average
    3) High

    I’m sorry, but 5 is not a valid choice. Please try again.
    How much crime is acceptable when you travel?
    1) Low
    2) Average
    3) High

    CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2019

  12. Multiple Inputs
    Extend the continent and season questions to accept multiple inputs, so that the user can type in
    multiple options separated by a comma, as shown below.
    A destination is now considered a match if it’s continent matches one of the user’s choices (there is
    no ordering; each choice is considered equally).
    The season factor used in calculating the score is now the greatest factor of those matching the
    user’s choice.
    Extend your input validation to handle multiple inputs.
    Values can be repeated (i.e.“2,3,2”is a valid input).
    Numbers can have spaces around them (i.e.“2, 3 ,4”is a valid input).
    Numbers can be unordered (i.e.“1,4,3”is a valid input).
    You should first implement this task to handle the simple case, where the input does not have
    repeated values, spaces or is unordered. Once this is working, then implement each type of
    validation in turn. Marking will test to determine how much of the validation your implement, and
    you can obtain part marks for partially implementing the validation for this section.
    Multiple Inputs Example

    Which continents would you like to travel to?
    1) Asia
    2) Africa
    3) North America
    4) South America
    5) Europe
    6) Oceania
    7) Antarctica


    Which seasons do you plan to travel in?
    1) Spring
    2) Summer
    3) Autumn
    4) Winter
    1, 3

    Note that the words“continents”and“seasons”are now plural.
    Utility Functions
    To implement the assignment you will need to use some utility functions provided in the
    destinations.py file. The specific functions that you need to use for each task have been
    identified in the description above. The initial code inside travel.py provides an example of using
    all of these functions. The following table indicates the type of the value returned by each of the
    CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2019
    Function Parameter Return Type
    destination.get_name() no parameter string
    destination.get_crime() no parameter string
    destination.is_kid_friendly() no parameter boolean
    destination.get_cost() no parameter string
    destination.get_climate() no parameter string
    destination.get_continent() no parameter string
    destination.get_interest_score() string that is the name of the
    destination.get_season_factor() string that is the name of the
    In addition to providing a working solution to the assignment problem, the assessment will involve
    discussing your code submission with a tutor. This discussion will take place in week 6, during the
    practical session to which you have signed up. You must attend your allocated practical session,
    swapping to another session is not possible. In preparation for your discussion with a tutor you
    should consider:
    any parts of the assignment that you found particularly difficult, and how you overcame them
    to arrive at a solution; or, if you did not overcome the difficulty, what you would like to ask the
    tutor about the problem;
    whether you considered any alternative ways of implementing a given function;
    where you have known errors in your code, their cause and possible solutions (if known).
    It is important that you can explain to your tutor the algorithmic logic of your program and how
    each of the functions that you have written operates. (For example, if you have used a while loop in
    a function, why this was an appropriate choice).
    In the interview you must demonstrate understanding of your code. If you cannot demonstrate
    understanding of your code, this may affect the final mark you achieve for the assignment. A
    technically correct solution may not achieve a pass mark unless you can demonstrate that you
    understand its operation.
    You must submit your assignment electronically via the assignment one submission link on
    Blackboard. For information on submitting through Blackboard, please read:
    You must submit your assignment as a single Python file called travel.py (use this name – all
    lower case), and nothing else. Do not submit the destinations.csv or destinations.py files.
    Do not submit any sort of archive file (e.g. zip, rar, 7z, etc.).
    Late submissions of the assignment will not be marked. Do not wait until the last minute to submit
    your assignment, as the time to upload it may make it late. Multiple submissions are allowed, so
    ensure that you have submitted an almost complete version of the assignment well before the
    submission deadline of 20:30. Your latest, on time, submission will be marked. Ensure that you
    submit the correct version of your assignment.
    CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2019
    In the event of exceptional personal or medical circumstances that prevent you from handing in the
    assignment on time, you may submit a request for an extension. See the course profile for details
    of how to apply for an extension.
    Requests for extensions must be made no later than 48 hours prior to the submission deadline. The
    application and supporting documentation (e.g. medical certificate) must be submitted via my.UQ.
    You must retain the original documentation for a minimum period of six months to provide as
    verification, should you be requested to do so.
    Assessment and Marking Criteria
    This assignment assesses course learning objectives:

  13. apply program constructs such as variables, selection, iteration and sub-routines,
  14. read and analyse code written by others,
  15. read and analyse a design and be able to translate the design into a working program,
  16. apply techniques for testing and debugging
    Criteria Mark
    Programming Constructs
    Program is well structured and readable
    Identifier names are meaningful and informative
    Algorithmic logic is appropriate
    Functions are used to split logic into meaningful and useful blocks, with data
    passed as parameters and returned appropriately
    Functions are well-designed, simple cohesive blocks of logic
    Sub-Total 5.5
  17. Questions and Inputs
  18. First Exact Match
  19. Climate and Season Factor
  20. Travel Interests
  21. Input Validation
  22. Multiple Inputs
    Sub-Total 7
    Comments are clear and concise, without excessive or extraneous text
    Program, and all functions having informative docstring comments
    Significant blocks of program logic are clearly explained by comments
    Sub-Total 2.5
    Total / 15
    Your total mark will be constrained if your program does not implement all the core functionality
    (tasks 1 to 4). The following table indicates a multiplier that will be applied to your programming
    constructs and documentation marks based on how much of the core functionality your program
    correctly implements.
    CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2019
    Functionality Correctly Implemented Multiplier
    Task 1 does not execute at all 25%
    Task 1 is partially working 35%
    Task 1 is completely working 50%
    Task 2 is mostly working 75%
    Task 3 is mostly working 85%
    Task 4 is mostly working 100%
    It is your responsibility to ensure that you have adequately tested your program to ensure that it is
    working correctly.
    A partial solution will be marked. If your partial solution causes problems in the Python interpreter
    please comment out the code causing the issue and we will mark what is working. Python 3.7.2 will
    be used to test your program. If your program works correctly with another version of Python but
    does not work correctly with Python 3.7.2, you will lose at least all the marks for the functionality
    Please read the section in the course profile about plagiarism. Submitted assignments will be
    electronically checked for potential plagiarism.
    CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2019
    Detailed Marking Criteria
    Criteria Mark
    Programming Constructs 1 0.5 0
    Program is well structured and readable Code structure highlights logical blocks
    and is easy to understand. Code does
    not employ global variables. Constants
    clarify code meaning.
    Code structure corresponds to some
    logical intent and does not make the
    code too difficult to read. Code does
    not employ global variables.
    Code structure makes the code difficult
    to read.
    Identifier names are meaningful and
    All variable and function names are
    clear and informative, increasing
    readability of the code.
    Most identifier names are informative,
    aiding code readability to some extent.
    Most identifier names are not clear or
    informative, detracting from code
    Algorithmic logic is appropriate Algorithm design is simple, appropriate,
    and has no logical errors.
    Control structures are well used to
    implement expected logic.
    Algorithm design is not too complex or
    has minor logical errors.
    A few control structures are a little
    Algorithm design is overly complex or
    has significant errors.
    Many control structures are used in a
    convoluted manner (e.g. unnecessary
    nesting, multiple looping, …).
    Functions are used to split logic into
    some meaningful and useful blocks, with
    data passed as parameters and returned
    Functions represent useful logical functionality
    and parameters and return
    values are appropriate.
    Functions represent some useful logical
    functionality and parameters and return
    values are usually appropriate (e.g. too
    functions or they are too large).
    Functions are not used or are not useful
    logical blocks. Parameters or return
    values are not used or are not
    Programming Constructs 1.5 1 0.5 0
    Functions are welldesigned,
    cohesive blocks of
    Program is well-designed, splitting
    the logic into an appropriate
    number of general functions,
    where each function performs a
    single cohesive logical task.
    Program is split into a reasonable
    number of general functions.
    None are too complex or large.
    Program may use functions
    correctly, but some functions are
    large blocks of logic that
    implement multiple tasks. Or,
    parameters are not used well.
    Program makes little or no use of
    functions. Functions implemented
    are often large and complex
    blocks of logic. Parameters may
    be poorly used.
    CSSE1001 / 7030 Semester 1, 2019
    Functionality 1 0.5 0
    Task 1: Questions & Inputs All prompts are correctly displayed and
    can accept correct inputs.
    Most prompts are displayed and they can
    accept correct input
    Few prompts are displayed or most
    cannot accept input.
    Task 2: First Exact Match In all cases finds the correct destination
    match. (2 marks)
    In all simple cases finds the correct
    destination match. (1 mark)
    In most cases does not find the correct
    destination match. (0.5 or 0 marks)
    Task 3: Climate and Season Factor In all cases finds the correct destination
    In all simple cases finds the correct
    destination match.
    In most cases does not find the correct
    destination match.
    Task 4: Travel Interests In all cases finds the correct destination
    In all simple cases finds the correct
    destination match.
    In most cases does not find the correct
    destination match.
    Task 5: Input Validation Handles all invalid input strings Handles simple invalid inputs Does not handle any invalid inputs.
    Task 6: Multiple Inputs In all cases finds the correct destination
    In all simple cases finds the correct
    destination match.
    In most cases does not find the correct
    destination match.
    Documentation 1.5 1 0.5 0
    Comments are clear
    and concise, without
    excessive or extraneous
    Comments provide useful
    information that elaborates on
    the code. These are useful in
    understanding the logic and are
    not verbose.
    Many comments are irrelevant or
    do not provide any detail beyond
    what is already obvious in the
    code. Excessive length of some
    comments obscures the program
    All functions having
    informative docstring
    Program docstring is a clear
    summary of its purpose.
    All functions have docstrings that
    provide a complete,
    unambiguous, description of how
    it is to be used.
    Program docstring fairly clearly
    summarises its purpose.
    All functions have docstrings that
    provide a complete and fairly
    clear description of how it is to
    be used.
    Most docstrings provide a
    complete and fairly clear
    Some docstrings provide an
    inaccurate description, or there
    are functions without docstrings.
    Significant blocks of
    program logic are
    clearly explained by
    In-line comments are used to
    explain logical blocks of code
    (e.g. significant loops or
    In-line comments are missing in
    places where they would have
    been useful. Or, in-line
    comments are irrelevant or
    repeat what is already clear in
    the code.