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RLayer.js 一个 react 构建的桌面 PC 端 自定义 Dialog 组件 内置 30+ 参数配置、10+ 弹框类型、7+ 动画成果 ,提供极简的接口及清新的皮肤。领有顺滑般 最大化 / 缩放 / 拖拽 体验!

RLayer在设计及开发上参考了之前的 VLayer 弹出框组件。在成果上放弃一致性。
vlayer一款 vue2.x 开发的网页弹框组件,感兴趣的能够去看看这篇文章。


在须要用到弹出框的页面引入 rlayer 组件即可。

// 引入 RLayer
import rlayer from './components/rlayer';

提供了十分繁难的调用写法 rlayer({...})

showConfirm = () => {
    let $rlayer = rlayer({
        title: '题目信息',
        content: "<div style='color:#0070f3;padding:50px;'> 显示弹窗内容。</div>",
        shadeClose: true,
        zIndex: 2021,
        lockScroll: true,
        resize: true,
        dragOut: false,
        btns: [
                text: '勾销',
                click: () => {$rlayer.close()
                text: '确定',
                style: {color: '#09f'},
                click: () => {// ...}

留神:如果弹框类型为 message|notify|popover,则须要应用如下调用形式。




rlayer 反对如下丰盛的参数配置。

 * 弹出框参数配置
static defaultProps = {
    // 参数
    id: '',                       // {string} 管制弹层惟一标识,雷同 id 共享一个实例
    title: '',                    // {string} 题目
    content: '',                  // {string|element} 内容(反对字符串或组件)type: '',                     // {string} 弹框类型(toast|footer|actionsheet|actionsheetPicker|android|ios|contextmenu|drawer|iframe)layerStyle: '',               // {object} 自定义弹框款式
    icon: '',                     // {string} Toast 图标(loading|success|fail)shade: true,                  // {bool} 是否显示遮罩层
    shadeClose: true,             // {bool} 是否点击遮罩层敞开弹框
    lockScroll: true,             // {bool} 是否弹框显示时将 body 滚动锁定
    opacity: '',                  // {number|string} 遮罩层透明度
    xclose: true,                 // {bool} 是否显示敞开图标
    xposition: 'right',           // {string} 敞开图标地位(top|right|bottom|left)xcolor: '#333',               // {string} 敞开图标色彩
    anim: 'scaleIn',              // {string} 弹框动画(scaleIn|fadeIn|footer|fadeInUp|fadeInDown|fadeInLeft|fadeInRight)position: 'auto',             // {string|array} 弹框地位(auto|['150px','100px']|t|r|b|l|lt|rt|lb|rb)drawer: '',                   // {string} 抽屉弹框(top|right|bottom|left)follow: null,                 // {string|array} 追随定位弹框(反对.xxx #xxx 或 [e.clientX,e.clientY])time: 0,                      // {number} 弹框主动敞开秒数(1|2|3...)zIndex: 8090,                 // {number} 弹框层叠
    topmost: false,               // {bool} 是否置顶以后弹框
    area: 'auto',                 // {string|array} 弹框宽高(auto|'250px'|['','200px']|['650px','300px'])maxWidth: 375,                // {number} 弹框最大宽度(只有当 area:'auto' 时设定才无效)maximize: false,              // {bool} 是否显示最大化按钮
    fullscreen: false,            // {bool} 是否全屏弹框
    fixed: true,                  // {bool} 是否固定弹框
    drag: '.rlayer__wrap-tit',    // {string|bool} 拖拽元素(可自定义拖动元素 drag:'#xxx' 禁止拖拽 drag:false)dragOut: false,               // {bool} 是否容许拖拽到浏览器外
    lockAxis: null,               // {string} 限度拖拽方向可选: v 垂直、h 程度,默认不限度
    resize: false,                // {bool} 是否容许拉伸弹框
    btns: null,                   // {array} 弹框按钮(参数:text|style|disabled|click)// 事件
    success: null,                // {func} 层弹出后回调
    end: null,                    // {func} 层销毁后回调

rlayer 弹框模板

render() {
    let opt = this.state
    return (
        <div className={domUtils.classNames('rui__layer', {'rui__layer-closed': opt.closeCls})} id={opt.id} style={{display: opt.opened?'block':'none'}}>
            {/* 遮罩 */}
            {opt.shade && <div className="rlayer__overlay" onClick={this.shadeClicked} style={{opacity: opt.opacity}}></div> }
            <div className={domUtils.classNames('rlayer__wrap', opt.anim&&'anim-'+opt.anim, opt.type&&'popui__'+opt.type)} style={{...opt.layerStyle}}>
            {opt.title && <div className='rlayer__wrap-tit' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: opt.title}}></div> }
            <div className='rlayer__wrap-cntbox'>
                { opt.content ? 
                    opt.type == 'iframe' ? 
                    (<iframe scrolling='auto' allowtransparency='true' frameBorder='0' src={opt.content}></iframe>
                    (opt.type == 'message' || opt.type == 'notify' || opt.type == 'popover') ? 
                        <div className='rlayer__wrap-cnt'>
                        {opt.icon && <i className={domUtils.classNames('rlayer-msg__icon', opt.icon)} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: opt.messageIcon[opt.icon]}}></i> }
                        <div className='rlayer-msg__group'>
                            {opt.title && <div className='rlayer-msg__title' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: opt.title}}></div> }
                            { typeof opt.content == 'string' ? 
                            <div className='rlayer-msg__content' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: opt.content}}></div>
                            <div className='rlayer-msg__content'>{opt.content}</div>
                        typeof opt.content == 'string' ? 
                        (<div className='rlayer__wrap-cnt' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: opt.content}}></div>)
            { opt.btns && <div className='rlayer__wrap-btns'>
                {opt.btns.map((btn, index) => {return <span className={domUtils.classNames('btn')} key={index} style={{...btn.style}} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: btn.text}}></span>
            {opt.xclose && <span className={domUtils.classNames('rlayer__xclose')}></span> }
            {opt.maximize && <span className='rlayer__maximize'></span>}
            {opt.resize && <span className='rlayer__resize'></span>}
            <div className='rlayer__dragfix'></div>
 * @Desc     ReactJs|Next.js 自定义弹窗组件 RLayer
 * @Time     andy by 2020-12-04
 * @About    Q:282310962  wx:xy190310
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
// 引入操作类
import domUtils from './utils/dom'
let $index = 0, $lockCount = 0, $timer = {}
class RLayerComponent extends React.Component {
    static defaultProps = {// ...}
    constructor(props) {super(props)
        this.state = {
            opened: false,
            closeCls: '',
            toastIcon: {// ...},
            messageIcon: {// ...},
            rlayerOpts: {},
            tipArrow: null,
        this.closeTimer = null
    componentDidMount() {window.addEventListener('resize', this.autopos, false)
    componentWillUnmount() {window.removeEventListener('resize', this.autopos, false)
     * 关上弹框
    open = (options) => {options.id = options.id || `rlayer-${domUtils.generateId()}`
        this.setState({...this.props, ...options, opened: true,}, () => {const { success} = this.state
            typeof success === 'function' && success.call(this)
     * 敞开弹框
    close = () => {const { opened, time, end, remove, rlayerOpts, action} = this.state
        if(!opened) return
        this.setState({closeCls: true})
        this.closeTimer = setTimeout(() => {
                closeCls: false,
                opened: false,
            if(rlayerOpts.lockScroll) {
                if(!$lockCount) {document.body.style.paddingRight = ''document.body.classList.remove('rc-overflow-hidden')
            if(time) {$index--}
            if(action == 'update') {document.body.style.paddingRight = ''document.body.classList.remove('rc-overflow-hidden')
            rlayerOpts.isBodyOverflow && (document.body.style.overflow = '')
            typeof end === 'function' && end.call(this)
        }, 200);
    // 弹框地位
    auto = () => {
        // ...
        // 全屏弹框
        if(fullscreen) {this.full()
        // 弹框拖拽 | 缩放
    autopos = () => {const { opened, id, fixed, follow, position} = this.state
        if(!opened) return
        let oL, oT
        let dom = document.querySelector('#' + id)
        let rlayero = dom.querySelector('.rlayer__wrap')
        if(!fixed || follow) {rlayero.style.position = 'absolute'}
        let area = [domUtils.client('width'), domUtils.client('height'), rlayero.offsetWidth, rlayero.offsetHeight]
        oL = (area[0] - area[2]) / 2
        oT = (area[1] - area[3]) / 2
        if(follow) {this.offset()
        } else {
            typeof position === 'object' ? (oL = parseFloat(position[0]) || 0, oT = parseFloat(position[1]) || 0
            ) : (
                position == 't' ? oT = 0 : 
                position == 'r' ? oL = area[0] - area[2] : 
                position == 'b' ? oT = area[1] - area[3] : 
                position == 'l' ? oL = 0 : 
                position == 'lt' ? (oL = 0, oT = 0) : 
                position == 'rt' ? (oL = area[0] - area[2], oT = 0) : 
                position == 'lb' ? (oL = 0, oT = area[1] - area[3]) :
                position == 'rb' ? (oL = area[0] - area[2], oT = area[1] - area[3]) : 
            rlayero.style.left = parseFloat(fixed ? oL : domUtils.scroll('left') + oL) + 'px'
            rlayero.style.top = parseFloat(fixed ? oT : domUtils.scroll('top') + oT) + 'px'
    // 追随元素定位
    offset = () => {const { id, follow} = this.state
        let oW, oH, pS
        let dom = document.querySelector('#' + id)
        let rlayero = dom.querySelector('.rlayer__wrap')
        oW = rlayero.offsetWidth
        oH = rlayero.offsetHeight
        pS = domUtils.getFollowRect(follow, oW, oH)
        rlayero.style.left = pS[0] + 'px'
        rlayero.style.top = pS[1] + 'px'
    // 最大化弹框
    full = () => {// ...}
    // 复原弹框
    restore = () => {// ...}
    // 拖拽 | 缩放弹框
    move = () => {// ...}
    // 事件处理
    callback = () => {const { time} = this.state
        // 倒计时敞开弹框
        if(time) {
            // 避免反复计数
            if($timer[$index] != null) clearTimeout($timer[$index])
            $timer[$index] = setTimeout(() => {this.close()
            }, parseInt(time) * 1000);
    // 点击最大化按钮
    maximizeClicked = (e) => {
        let o = e.target
        if(o.classList.contains('maximized')) {
            // 复原
            this.restore()} else {
            // 最大化
    // 点击遮罩层
    shadeClicked = () => {if(this.state.shadeClose) {this.close()
    // 按钮事件
    btnClicked = (index, e) => {let btn = this.state.btns[index]
        if(!btn.disabled) {typeof btn.click === 'function' && btn.click(e)
    render() {
        let opt = this.state
        return (
            <div className={domUtils.classNames('rui__layer', {'rui__layer-closed': opt.closeCls})} id={opt.id} style={{display: opt.opened?'block':'none'}}>
                {opt.shade && <div className="rlayer__overlay" onClick={this.shadeClicked} style={{opacity: opt.opacity}}></div> }
                <div className={domUtils.classNames('rlayer__wrap', opt.anim&&'anim-'+opt.anim, opt.type&&'popui__'+opt.type, opt.drawer&&'popui__drawer-'+opt.drawer, opt.xclose&&'rlayer-closable', opt.tipArrow)} style={{...opt.layerStyle}}>
                {opt.title && <div className='rlayer__wrap-tit' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: opt.title}}></div> }
                {opt.type == 'toast' && opt.icon ? <div className={domUtils.classNames('rlayer__toast-icon', 'rlayer__toast-'+opt.icon)} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: opt.toastIcon[opt.icon]}}></div> : null }
                <div className='rlayer__wrap-cntbox'>
                    { opt.content ? 
                        opt.type == 'iframe' ? 
                        (<iframe scrolling='auto' allowtransparency='true' frameBorder='0' src={opt.content}></iframe>
                        (opt.type == 'message' || opt.type == 'notify' || opt.type == 'popover') ? 
                            <div className='rlayer__wrap-cnt'>
                            {opt.icon && <i className={domUtils.classNames('rlayer-msg__icon', opt.icon)} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: opt.messageIcon[opt.icon]}}></i> }
                            <div className='rlayer-msg__group'>
                                {opt.title && <div className='rlayer-msg__title' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: opt.title}}></div> }
                                { typeof opt.content == 'string' ? 
                                <div className='rlayer-msg__content' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: opt.content}}></div>
                                <div className='rlayer-msg__content'>{opt.content}</div>
                            typeof opt.content == 'string' ? 
                            (<div className='rlayer__wrap-cnt' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: opt.content}}></div>)
                {/* btns */}
                { opt.btns && <div className='rlayer__wrap-btns'>
                    {opt.btns.map((btn, index) => {return <span className={domUtils.classNames('btn')} key={index} style={{...btn.style}} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: btn.text}}></span>
                {opt.xclose && <span className={domUtils.classNames('rlayer__xclose')} style={{color: opt.xcolor}}></span> }
                {opt.maximize && <span className='rlayer__maximize'></span>}
                {opt.resize && <span className='rlayer__resize'></span>}
                <div className='rlayer__dragfix'></div>

动静 className

在 react.js 中动静绑定 class 类名。有如下几种罕用办法。

// 字符串拼接
<i className={["rlayer"+" "+item.icon]} ></i>

// 判断
<i className={["rlayer",isOK ? item.icon : ''].join('')} ></i>

// ES6 模板字符串
<i className={`rlayer ${isOK ? item.icon : ''}`} ></i>

这里采纳了 React classnames 库。

classNames('foo', 'bar'); // => 'foo bar'
classNames('foo', { bar: true}); // => 'foo bar'
classNames({'foo-bar': true}); // => 'foo-bar'
classNames({'foo-bar': false}); // => ''classNames({foo: true}, {bar: true}); // =>'foo bar'classNames({foo: true, bar: true}); // =>'foo bar'

// lots of arguments of various types
classNames('foo', { bar: true, duck: false}, 'baz', {quux: true}); // => 'foo bar baz quux'

// other falsy values are just ignored
classNames(null, false, 'bar', undefined, 0, 1, { baz: null}, ''); // =>'bar 1'

rlayer 组件反对自定义拖拽把手 drag:'#aaa',是否能够拖动到窗口内部 dragOut:true
另外还反对 iframe 弹框,只需设置 type:'iframe',content 传入网址就行。
配置 fullscreen:true 即可关上弹框就显示全屏。

好了,基于 React.js 开发 pc 端弹窗组件就分享到这里。心愿对大家有些帮忙哈!✍✍

ending,附上两个 vue.js 示例我的项目
vue|nuxt.js 仿微信 app 聊天实例:https://segmentfault.com/a/11…
vue.js 自定义虚拟化滚动条组件:https://segmentfault.com/a/11…
