在 render 阶段的开端会调用 commitRoot(root); 进入 commit 阶段,这里的 root 指的就是 fiberRoot,而后会遍历 render 阶段生成的 effectList,effectList 上的 Fiber 节点保留着对应的 props 变动。之后会遍历 effectList 进行对应的 dom 操作和生命周期、hooks 回调或销毁函数,各个函数做的事件如下
在 commitRoot 函数中其实是调度了 commitRootImpl 函数
function commitRoot(root) {var renderPriorityLevel = getCurrentPriorityLevel();
runWithPriority$1(ImmediatePriority$1, commitRootImpl.bind(null, root, renderPriorityLevel));
return null;
在 commitRootImpl 的函数中次要分三个局部:
commit 阶段前置工作
- 调用 flushPassiveEffects 执行完所有 effect 的工作
- 初始化相干变量
- 赋值 firstEffect 给前面遍历 effectList 用
do {
// 调用 flushPassiveEffects 执行完所有 effect 的工作
flushPassiveEffects();} while (rootWithPendingPassiveEffects !== null);
// 重置变量 finishedWork 指 rooFiber
root.finishedWork = null;
// 重置优先级
root.finishedLanes = NoLanes;
// Scheduler 回调函数重置
root.callbackNode = null;
root.callbackId = NoLanes;
// 重置全局变量
if (root === workInProgressRoot) {
workInProgressRoot = null;
workInProgress = null;
workInProgressRootRenderLanes = NoLanes;
} else { }
//rootFiber 可能会有新的副作用 将它也退出到 effectLis
let firstEffect;
if (finishedWork.effectTag > PerformedWork) {if (finishedWork.lastEffect !== null) {
finishedWork.lastEffect.nextEffect = finishedWork;
firstEffect = finishedWork.firstEffect;
} else {firstEffect = finishedWork;}
} else {firstEffect = finishedWork.firstEffect;}
mutation 阶段
遍历 effectList 别离执行三个办法 commitBeforeMutationEffects、commitMutationEffects、commitLayoutEffects 执行对应的 dom 操作和生命周期
在介绍双缓存 Fiber 树的时候,咱们在构建完 workInProgress Fiber 树之后会将 fiberRoot 的 current 指向 workInProgress Fiber,让 workInProgress Fiber 成为 current,这个步骤产生在 commitMutationEffects 函数执行之后,commitLayoutEffects 之前,因为 componentWillUnmount 产生在 commitMutationEffects 函数中,这时还能够获取之前的 Update,而 componentDidMount
componentDidUpdate 会在 commitLayoutEffects 中执行,这时曾经能够获取更新后的实在 dom 了
function commitRootImpl(root, renderPriorityLevel) {
do {
commitBeforeMutationEffects();} while (nextEffect !== null);
do {
commitMutationEffects(root, renderPriorityLevel);//commitMutationEffects
} while (nextEffect !== null);
root.current = finishedWork;// 切换 current Fiber 树
do {
commitLayoutEffects(root, lanes);//commitLayoutEffects
} while (nextEffect !== null);
mutation 后
- 依据 rootDoesHavePassiveEffects 赋值相干变量
- 执行 flushSyncCallbackQueue 解决 componentDidMount 等生命周期或者 useLayoutEffect 等同步工作
const rootDidHavePassiveEffects = rootDoesHavePassiveEffects;
// 依据 rootDoesHavePassiveEffects 赋值相干变量
if (rootDoesHavePassiveEffects) {
rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = false;
rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = root;
pendingPassiveEffectsLanes = lanes;
pendingPassiveEffectsRenderPriority = renderPriorityLevel;
} else {}
// 确保被调度
ensureRootIsScheduled(root, now());
// ...
// 执行 flushSyncCallbackQueue 解决 componentDidMount 等生命周期或者 useLayoutEffect 等同步工作
return null;
当初让咱们来看看 mutation 阶段的三个函数别离做了什么事件
执行 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate
在源码中 commitBeforeMutationEffectOnFiber 对应的函数是 commitBeforeMutationLifeCycles 在该函数中会调用 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate,当初咱们晓得了 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate 是在 mutation 阶段中的 commitBeforeMutationEffect 函数中执行的,而 commit 阶段是同步的,所以 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate 也同步执行
function commitBeforeMutationLifeCycles(
current: Fiber | null,
finishedWork: Fiber,
): void {switch (finishedWork.tag) {
case ClassComponent: {
if const instance = finishedWork.stateNode;
const snapshot = instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(//getSnapshotBeforeUpdate
finishedWork.elementType === finishedWork.type
? prevProps
: resolveDefaultProps(finishedWork.type, prevProps),
- 调度 useEffect
在 flushPassiveEffects 函数中调用 flushPassiveEffectsImpl 遍历 pendingPassiveHookEffectsUnmount 和 pendingPassiveHookEffectsMount,执行对应的 effect 回调和销毁函数,而这两个数组是在 commitLayoutEffects 函数中赋值的(待会就会讲到),mutation 后 effectList 赋值给 rootWithPendingPassiveEffects,而后 scheduleCallback 调度执行 flushPassiveEffects
function flushPassiveEffectsImpl() {if (rootWithPendingPassiveEffects === null) {// 在 mutation 后变成了 root
return false;
const unmountEffects = pendingPassiveHookEffectsUnmount;
pendingPassiveHookEffectsUnmount = [];//useEffect 的回调函数
for (let i = 0; i < unmountEffects.length; i += 2) {const effect = ((unmountEffects[i]: any): HookEffect);
const destroy = effect.destroy;
const mountEffects = pendingPassiveHookEffectsMount;//useEffect 的销毁函数
pendingPassiveHookEffectsMount = [];
for (let i = 0; i < mountEffects.length; i += 2) {const effect = ((unmountEffects[i]: any): HookEffect);
const create = effect.create;
effect.destroy = create();}
componentDidUpdate 或 componentDidMount 会在 commit 阶段同步执行 (这个前面会讲到),而 useEffect 会在 commit 阶段异步调度,所以实用于数据申请等副作用的解决
> 留神,和在 render 阶段的 fiber node 会打上 Placement 等标签一样,useEffect 或 useLayoutEffect 也有对应的 effect Tag,在源码中对应 export const Passive = /* */ 0b0000000001000000000;
function commitBeforeMutationEffects() {while (nextEffect !== null) {
const current = nextEffect.alternate;
const effectTag = nextEffect.effectTag;
// 在 commitBeforeMutationEffectOnFiber 函数中会执行 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate
if ((effectTag & Snapshot) !== NoEffect) {commitBeforeMutationEffectOnFiber(current, nextEffect);
// scheduleCallback 调度 useEffect
if ((effectTag & Passive) !== NoEffect) {if (!rootDoesHavePassiveEffects) {
rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = true;
scheduleCallback(NormalSchedulerPriority, () => {flushPassiveEffects();
return null;
nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;// 遍历 effectList
commitMutationEffects commitMutationEffects 次要做了如下几件事
- 调用 commitDetachRef 解绑 ref(第 11 章 hook 会解说)
- 依据 effectTag 执行对应的 dom 操作
- useLayoutEffect 销毁函数在 UpdateTag 时执行
function commitMutationEffects(root: FiberRoot, renderPriorityLevel) {
// 遍历 effectList
while (nextEffect !== null) {
const effectTag = nextEffect.effectTag;
// 调用 commitDetachRef 解绑 ref
if (effectTag & Ref) {
const current = nextEffect.alternate;
if (current !== null) {commitDetachRef(current);
// 依据 effectTag 执行对应的 dom 操作
const primaryEffectTag =
effectTag & (Placement | Update | Deletion | Hydrating);
switch (primaryEffectTag) {
// 插入 dom
case Placement: {commitPlacement(nextEffect);
nextEffect.effectTag &= ~Placement;
// 插入更新 dom
case PlacementAndUpdate: {
// 插入
nextEffect.effectTag &= ~Placement;
// 更新
const current = nextEffect.alternate;
commitWork(current, nextEffect);
// 更新 dom
case Update: {
const current = nextEffect.alternate;
commitWork(current, nextEffect);
// 删除 dom
case Deletion: {commitDeletion(root, nextEffect, renderPriorityLevel);
nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;
当初让咱们来看看操作 dom 的这几个函数
**commitPlacement 插入节点:**
简化后的代码很清晰,找到该节点最近的 parent 节点和兄弟节点,而后依据 isContainer 来判断是插入到兄弟节点前还是 append 到 parent 节点后
function commitPlacement(finishedWork: Fiber): void {
const parentFiber = getHostParentFiber(finishedWork);// 找到最近的 parent
let parent;
let isContainer;
const parentStateNode = parentFiber.stateNode;
switch (parentFiber.tag) {
case HostComponent:
parent = parentStateNode;
isContainer = false;
const before = getHostSibling(finishedWork);// 找兄弟节点
if (isContainer) {insertOrAppendPlacementNodeIntoContainer(finishedWork, before, parent);
} else {insertOrAppendPlacementNode(finishedWork, before, parent);
**commitWork 更新节点:**
如果 fiber 的 tag 是 SimpleMemoComponent 会调用 commitHookEffectListUnmount 执行对应的 hook 的销毁函数,能够看到传入的参数是 HookLayout | HookHasEffect,也就是说执行 useLayoutEffect 的销毁函数。 如果是 HostComponent,那么调用 commitUpdate,commitUpdate 最初会调用 updateDOMProperties 解决对应 Update 的 dom 操作
function commitWork(current: Fiber | null, finishedWork: Fiber): void {if (!supportsMutation) {switch (finishedWork.tag) {
case SimpleMemoComponent: {commitHookEffectListUnmount(HookLayout | HookHasEffect, finishedWork);
switch (finishedWork.tag) {
case HostComponent: {
function updateDOMProperties(
domElement: Element,
updatePayload: Array<any>,
wasCustomComponentTag: boolean,
isCustomComponentTag: boolean,
): void {
// TODO: Handle wasCustomComponentTag
for (let i = 0; i < updatePayload.length; i += 2) {const propKey = updatePayload[i];
const propValue = updatePayload[i + 1];
if (propKey === STYLE) {setValueForStyles(domElement, propValue);
} else if (propKey === DANGEROUSLY_SET_INNER_HTML) {setInnerHTML(domElement, propValue);
} else if (propKey === CHILDREN) {setTextContent(domElement, propValue);
} else {setValueForProperty(domElement, propKey, propValue, isCustomComponentTag);
**commitDeletion 删除节点:**
如果是 ClassComponent 会执行 componentWillUnmount,删除 fiber,如果是 FunctionComponent 会删除 ref、并执行 useEffect 的销毁函数,具体可在源码中查看 unmountHostComponents、commitNestedUnmounts、detachFiberMutation 这几个函数
function commitDeletion(
finishedRoot: FiberRoot,
current: Fiber,
renderPriorityLevel: ReactPriorityLevel,
): void {if (supportsMutation) {
// Recursively delete all host nodes from the parent.
// Detach refs and call componentWillUnmount() on the whole subtree.
unmountHostComponents(finishedRoot, current, renderPriorityLevel);
} else {// Detach refs and call componentWillUnmount() on the whole subtree.
commitNestedUnmounts(finishedRoot, current, renderPriorityLevel);
const alternate = current.alternate;
if (alternate !== null) {detachFiberMutation(alternate);
commitLayoutEffects 在 commitMutationEffects 之后所有的 dom 操作都曾经实现,能够拜访 dom 了,commitLayoutEffects 次要做了
- 调用 commitLayoutEffectOnFiber 执行相干生命周期函数或者 hook 相干 callback
- 执行 commitAttachRef 为 ref 赋值
function commitLayoutEffects(root: FiberRoot, committedLanes: Lanes) {while (nextEffect !== null) {
const effectTag = nextEffect.effectTag;
// 调用 commitLayoutEffectOnFiber 执行生命周期和 hook
if (effectTag & (Update | Callback)) {
const current = nextEffect.alternate;
commitLayoutEffectOnFiber(root, current, nextEffect, committedLanes);
// ref 赋值
if (effectTag & Ref) {commitAttachRef(nextEffect);
nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;
在源码中 commitLayoutEffectOnFiber 函数的别名是 commitLifeCycles,在简化后的代码中能够看到,commitLifeCycles 会判断 fiber 的类型,SimpleMemoComponent 会执行 useLayoutEffect 的回调,而后调度 useEffect,ClassComponent 会执行 componentDidMount 或者 componentDidUpdate,this.setState 第二个参数也会执行,HostRoot 会执行 ReactDOM.render 函数的第三个参数,例如
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector("#root"), function() {console.log("root mount");
当初能够晓得 useLayoutEffect 是在 commit 阶段同步执行,useEffect 会在 commit 阶段异步调度
function commitLifeCycles(
finishedRoot: FiberRoot,
current: Fiber | null,
finishedWork: Fiber,
committedLanes: Lanes,
): void {switch (finishedWork.tag) {
case SimpleMemoComponent: {
// 此函数会调用 useLayoutEffect 的回调
commitHookEffectListMount(HookLayout | HookHasEffect, finishedWork);
// 向 pendingPassiveHookEffectsUnmount 和 pendingPassiveHookEffectsMount 中 push effect // 并且调度它们
case ClassComponent: {
// 条件判断...
// 条件判断...
instance.componentDidUpdate(//update 在 layout 期间同步执行
case HostRoot: {commitUpdateQueue(finishedWork, updateQueue, instance);//render 第三个参数
在 schedulePassiveEffects 中会将 useEffect 的销毁和回调函数 push 到 pendingPassiveHookEffectsUnmount 和 pendingPassiveHookEffectsMount 中
function schedulePassiveEffects(finishedWork: Fiber) {const updateQueue: FunctionComponentUpdateQueue | null = (finishedWork.updateQueue: any);
const lastEffect = updateQueue !== null ? updateQueue.lastEffect : null;
if (lastEffect !== null) {
const firstEffect = lastEffect.next;
let effect = firstEffect;
do {const {next, tag} = effect;
if ((tag & HookPassive) !== NoHookEffect &&
(tag & HookHasEffect) !== NoHookEffect
) {
//push useEffect 的销毁函数并且退出调度
enqueuePendingPassiveHookEffectUnmount(finishedWork, effect);
//push useEffect 的回调函数并且退出调度
enqueuePendingPassiveHookEffectMount(finishedWork, effect);
effect = next;
} while (effect !== firstEffect);
commitAttacRef 中会判断 ref 的类型,执行 ref 或者给 ref.current 赋值
function commitAttachRef(finishedWork: Fiber) {
const ref = finishedWork.ref;
if (ref !== null) {
const instance = finishedWork.stateNode;
let instanceToUse;
switch (finishedWork.tag) {
case HostComponent:
instanceToUse = getPublicInstance(instance);
instanceToUse = instance;
if (typeof ref === "function") {
// 执行 ref 回调
} else {
// 如果是值的类型则赋值给 ref.current
ref.current = instanceToUse;