

所谓量化交易(自动化交易),是在交易阶段由计算机主动进行的一种 investment 模式,它是对人类的 investment 理念进行规范化、变量化、模型化,造成一整套可量化的操作理念,并用历史数据进行剖析和验证。所谓合约,其外围就是依据行情来买涨买跌,即无论是行情涨跌都能从中获利,然而行情变化莫测难以预料

Contract quantitative trading,with specific and measurabl(cc13422088639)objectives or tasks.The trading strategy with single old division(trader)is realized in the form of code.When the trading market is reached,it will be intelligently reminded through the exchange app,so as to achieve the quantitative index and realize it through specific data;Quantitative trading strategy;


1 系统性

量化交易能够对大量的数据进行解决,在建设一个量化 investment 的核心思想时,蕴含该 investment 的估值、成长、市场构造和宏观周期等。

2 大概率


3 纪律严

量化交易进行 investment 时齐全依附计算机提供的信号触发点来进行决策,防止了人为因素对交易判断的烦扰。


1. 量化交易可打消交易上的心理压力,躲避情绪稳定;有利于疾速变动的市场条件;

2. 策略自动化,能够在不同的市场条件下(应用以后或过来的价格数据)轻松测试;

3. 捕获市场机会,监控的市场相比拟于用户要多些,相应的机会也要多些;

4. 信息的解决能力强;量化交易对信息的解决能力绝对较强,当用户面对证券市场时,感觉它就如同大海似的,在茫茫的大海之中,要想继续地获取回报,就须要一个指引;

5. 危险绝对较低,逻辑上来说,只有程序判断交易条件达到的状况下,The interest rate spread appears.As long as the user trades successfully,he can get profits.The risk does not come from judging the right or wrong of the market rise and fall,but from whether the program can grab the order.Such risk is still relatively low compared with the right and wrong of rise and fall.Therefore,the market has always called strategy Low-Risk Strategy for people with low risk tolerance,能够抉择策略。
