

当咱们像上面这样应用 createApp 创立 vue app 实例过程中产生了什么?

const {createApp} = Vue
createApp({setup() {return {}


首先,进入的是 vue 导出的 createApp 函数,它将所有参数都合并为了 args, 并调用了 ensureRenderer 函数并调用了其返回数据上的 createApp,而后将 args 打散传入。

这里能够看出 ensureRenderer 调用的是 runtime-core 内导出的 createRenderer 办法,createRenderer 接管了 rendererOptions,

这样做的目标是,一是应用 renderer 做了单例缓存,防止创立多个 renderer, 二是 vue3 思考到更好的反对多端的渲染,没有强耦合浏览器的 dom 操作,而是把一些操作的具体实现裸露给开发者本人去实现,这里传入的 rendererOptions 就是 浏览器 dom 环境的具体实现

import {createRenderer} from '@vue/runtime-core'

const rendererOptions = extend({patchProp}, nodeOps) // 渲染相干的一些配置,比方更新属性的办法,操作 DOM 的办法

let renderer: Renderer<Element | ShadowRoot> | HydrationRenderer

function ensureRenderer() { 
  return (
    renderer ||
    (renderer = createRenderer<Node, Element | ShadowRoot>(rendererOptions))

export const createApp = ((...args) => {const app = ensureRenderer().createApp(...args) //


createRenderer 办法外部调用的又是 baseCreateRenderer

export function createRenderer<
  HostNode = RendererNode,
  HostElement = RendererElement
>(options: RendererOptions<HostNode, HostElement>) {return baseCreateRenderer<HostNode, HostElement>(options)

baseCreateRenderer 外部内容就很多了,这里的 options 就是内部传入的平台相干的操作细节 rendererOptions,而后将 insert、remove 等办法从 options 中取出。在下方实现的渲染相干的一系列办法中调用,因为内容过长,这里将其省略了。再往下,函数的开端呢导出了二个比拟重要的货色,render 办法,createApp 办法,而后 createApp 办法又是通过 createAppAPI 办法创立的的,其承受了 render 和 hydrate。这也是内部能够调用 ensureRenderer().createApp(...args) 的起因

import {createAppAPI} from './apiCreateApp'

function baseCreateRenderer(
  options: RendererOptions,
  createHydrationFns?: typeof createHydrationFunctions
): any {

  const { 
    insert: hostInsert,
    remove: hostRemove,
    patchProp: hostPatchProp,
    createElement: hostCreateElement,
    createText: hostCreateText,
    createComment: hostCreateComment,
    setText: hostSetText,
    setElementText: hostSetElementText,
    parentNode: hostParentNode,
    nextSibling: hostNextSibling,
    setScopeId: hostSetScopeId = NOOP,
    cloneNode: hostCloneNode,
    insertStaticContent: hostInsertStaticContent
  } = options  
  const patch: PatchFn = () => {/*.... */}
  const processText: ProcessTextOrCommentFn = = () => {/*.... */}
  const processCommentNode: ProcessTextOrCommentFn = = () => {/*.... */}
  const mountStaticNode = = () => {/*.... */}
  const patchStaticNode = () => {/*.... */}
  const moveStaticNode = () => {/*.... */}
  const removeStaticNode = () => {/*.... */}
  const processElement = () => {/*.... */}
  const mountElement = () => {/*.... */}
  const setScopeId = () => {/*.... */}
  const mountChildren: MountChildrenFn = () => {/*.... */}
  const patchElement = () => {/*.... */}
  // The fast path for blocks.
  const patchBlockChildren: PatchBlockChildrenFn = () => {/*.... */}
  const patchProps = () => {/*.... */}
  const processFragment = () => {/*.... */}
  const processComponent = () => {/*.... */}
  const mountComponent: MountComponentFn = () => {/*.... */}
  const updateComponent = () => {/*.... */}
  const setupRenderEffect: SetupRenderEffectFn = () => {/*.... */}
  const updateComponentPreRender = () => {/*.... */}
  const patchUnkeyedChildren = () => {/*.... */}
  const patchKeyedChildren = () => {/*.... */}
  const move: MoveFn = () => {/*.... */}
  const unmount: UnmountFn = () => {/*.... */}
  const remove: RemoveFn = () => {/*.... */}
  const removeFragment = () => {/*.... */}
  const unmountComponent = () => {/*.... */}
  const unmountChildren: UnmountChildrenFn = () => {/*.... */}
  const getNextHostNode: NextFn = () => {/*.... */}
  const render: RootRenderFunction = () => {/*.... */}
  const internals: RendererInternals = () => {/*.... */}

  return {
    createApp: createAppAPI(render, hydrate)

createAppAPI 外部返回了 createApp 函数。这个函数外部次要是创立了 app 对象根本数据结构,其上有 uuid, use(注册插件),component(注册子组件),mount 等等属性和办法。这里要留神的是,mount 办法外部调用了 createAppAPI 接管的 render 渲染器,此时以闭包模式存在,最初返回了 app 对象

export function createAppAPI<HostElement>(
  render: RootRenderFunction,
  hydrate?: RootHydrateFunction
): CreateAppFunction<HostElement> {return function createApp(rootComponent, rootProps = null) {const context = createAppContext()
    const installedPlugins = new Set() 

    let isMounted = false 

    const app: App = (context.app = {
      _uid: uid++,
      _component: rootComponent as ConcreteComponent, 
      _props: rootProps,
      _container: null,
      _context: context,
      _instance: null,


      get config() {return context.config},

      use(plugin: Plugin, ...options: any[]) {if (installedPlugins.has(plugin)) {__DEV__ && warn(`Plugin has already been applied to target app.`)
        } else if (plugin && isFunction(plugin.install)) {installedPlugins.add(plugin)
          plugin.install(app, ...options) 
        } else if (isFunction(plugin)) {installedPlugins.add(plugin)
          plugin(app, ...options)
        return app

      mixin(mixin: ComponentOptions) {if (__FEATURE_OPTIONS_API__) {if (!context.mixins.includes(mixin)) {context.mixins.push(mixin)
        return app
      // 注册组件
      component(name: string, component?: Component): any {if (!component) {return context.components[name]

        context.components[name] = component
        return app

      directive(name: string, directive?: Directive) {if (!directive) {return context.directives[name] as any
        context.directives[name] = directive
        return app

        rootContainer: HostElement,
        isHydrate?: boolean, 
        isSVG?: boolean
      ): any {if (!isMounted) { 
          const vnode = createVNode( 
            rootComponent as ConcreteComponent,
          vnode.appContext = context

          render(vnode, rootContainer, isSVG)
          isMounted = true
          app._container = rootContainer 
          ;(rootContainer as any).__vue_app__ = app  // app 挂到 dom __vue_app__ 属性上
          return vnode.component!.proxy

      unmount() {if (isMounted) {render(null, app._container)
          delete app._container.__vue_app__

      provide(key, value) {context.provides[key as string] = value
        return app
    return app

返回 app 后,这时就回到了一开始的 createApp 函数,将返回的 app 实例存储在了 app 变量内,并取出 mount 办法,并从新定义了一个 app.mount 办法,对本来的 mount 办法进行了一次包装,包装的目标呢和 renderer 是一样的,将平台的具体实现抽离,由开发者自行实现,
这里 app.mount 办法所接管的 containerOrSelector 参数就是咱们内部传入的 #app 选择器 , 而后应用 normalizeContainer 对这个选择器进行标准化,返回的是理论的 dom,如果没找到理论的 dom 的话就间接 return 了,如果发现组件没有提供 template、render,那就会取 dom 的 innerHTML 作为 template , 并在调用 mount 办法挂载前清空理论 dom 的 innerHTML,挂载完后移除了 v -cloak 等属性,并将 app 返回

export const createApp = ((...args) => {const app = ensureRenderer().createApp(...args)

  const {mount} = app // 取出本来的 mount 
  app.mount = (containerOrSelector: Element | ShadowRoot | string): any => {const container = normalizeContainer(containerOrSelector)
    if (!container) return

    const component = app._component // 取出组件的对象数据
    if (!isFunction(component) && !component.render && !component.template) {component.template = container.innerHTML}
    container.innerHTML = '' 
    const proxy = mount(container, false, container instanceof SVGElement)
    if (container instanceof Element) {container.removeAttribute('v-cloak')
      container.setAttribute('data-v-app', '') 
    return proxy

  return app
}) as CreateAppFunction<Element>

当内部调用 mout 办法时,app.mount 天然就被调用了


这就又进入到了在 createApp 中定义的最后的 mount , 外部创立了 vNode , 并调用了 render 办法进行渲染,并将 isMounted 批改

    rootContainer: HostElement,
    isHydrate?: boolean, 
    isSVG?: boolean
  ): any {if (!isMounted) {
      const vnode = createVNode(
        rootComponent as ConcreteComponent,
      vnode.appContext = context

      render(vnode, rootContainer, isSVG)

      isMounted = true
      app._container = rootContainer 
          ;(rootContainer as any).__vue_app__ = app  
      return vnode.component!.proxy



createApp -> ensureRenderer -> baseCreateRenderer -> createAppAPI (接管 render 办法) -> createApp 创立并返回 app 对象 -> 回到 createApp,包装 app.mount -> 内部调用 .mount('#app') -> 触发 app.mount -> mount -> 调用 render 办法渲染
