模块热替换 (hot module replacement 或 HMR) 是 webpack 提供的最有用的性能之一。它容许在运行时更新所有类型的模块,而无需齐全刷新。
- 保留在齐全从新加载页面期间失落的应用程序状态。
- 只更新变更内容,以节俭贵重的开发工夫。
- 在源代码中 CSS/JS 产生批改时,会立即在浏览器中进行更新,这简直相当于在浏览器 devtools 间接更改款式。
留神:HMR 只能被利用到开发环境中。
更新 webpack.config.js 配置。
devServer: {
- port: 9000,
- host: ‘’,
- hot: true,
plugins: [
// 定义了 devServer.hot:true 后,能够省略不写,具体起因能够查看本文四、源码剖析 1.1 -> webpack-dev-server/lib/utils/addEntries.js 的代码
// new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()
] - package.json 增加 scripts。
webpack-cli 提供了三个启动 webpack-dev-server 命令:webpack serve、webpack s、webpack server,它们的作用是雷同的。具体起因能够查看本文四、源码剖析 -> webpack-cli/lib/webpack-cli.js 的代码。
"scripts": {+ "dev": "webpack serve",}
- 在 index.js 中新增 module.hot?.accept 办法。
function render() {root.innerHTML = require('./print.js')
+ module.hot?.accept(['./print.js'], render)
- 批改 print.js。
function printMe() {- console.log('Updating print.js');
+ console.log('Updating print.js 1');
module.exports = printMe
package.json 中减少 scripts。
"scripts": {+ "debug": "node ./node_modules/.bin/webpack serve"}
vscode 中关上 debug 面板,新建一个 launch.json 配置,启动 debug。
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "type": "node", "request": "launch", "name": "debug", "runtimeExecutable": "npm", "runtimeArgs": [ "run-script", "debug" ], "skipFiles": ["<node_internals>/**"], // cwd 设置为须要调试我的项目的根目录 "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/webpack/hmr/test" } ] }
以下内容次要是以执行 webpack serve 命令后,各个模块(文件)次要做了什么事件,来开展论述。
webpack serve
-> ./node_modules/./bin/webpack 中 runCli (line 48)
const runCli = cli => {const pkg = require('webpack-cli/package.json');
-> webpack-cli/bin/cli.js (line 25)
-> webpack-cli/lib/bootstrap.js (line 4)
const cli = new WebpackCLI();
await cli.run(args);
-> webpack-cli/lib/webpack-cli.js (line 783)
const externalBuiltInCommandsInfo = [
{name: 'serve [entries...]',
alias: ['server', 's'],
pkg: '@webpack-cli/serve',
const loadCommandByName = async (commandName) => {require(pkg);
this.webpack = require('webpack');
// line 1834
createCompiler(options, callback) {let compiler = this.webpack(options}
return compiler;
-> @webpack-cli/serve/index.js (line 6)
const startDevServer_1 = __importDefault(require("./startDevServer"));
// line 81
const compiler = await cli.createCompiler();
await startDevServer_1.default(compiler);
-> @webpack-cli/serve/startDevServer.js (line 92)
Server = require('webpack-dev-server/lib/Server');
const server = new Server(compiler, options);
server.listen(options.port, options.host, (error) => {if (error) {throw error;}
-> webpack-dev-server/lib/Server.js (line 92)
// 批改 entry 和 plugins line 72
updateCompiler(this.compiler, this.options);
// 监听 compiler.hooks.done line 182
const {done} = compiler.hooks;
done.tap('webpack-dev-server', (stats) => {this._sendStats(this.sockets, this.getStats(stats));
this._stats = stats;
// 实例化 express line 168
this.app = new express();
// 调用 webpack-dev-middleware line 207
Object.assign({}, this.options, { logLevel: this.log.options.level})
// 创立 http server line 688
this.listeningApp = http.createServer(this.app);
// 设置 http listen line 774
listen(port, hostname, fn) {
this.hostname = hostname;
return this.listeningApp.listen(port, hostname, (err) => {
// 创立 socket server
// 实例化 socket server line 696
createSocketServer() {
const SocketServerImplementation = this.socketServerImplementation;
this.socketServer = new SocketServerImplementation(this);
this.socketServer.onConnection((connection, headers) => {if (!connection) {return;}
if (this.hot) {
// 通知 client 端,热更新服务启动结束
this.sockWrite([connection], 'hot');
1 -> webpack-dev-server/lib/utils/updateCompliler.js (line 48)
addEntries(webpackConfig, options);
compilers.forEach((compiler) => {
const config = compiler.options;
// 使 entry 批改失效
compiler.hooks.entryOption.call(config.context, config.entry);
// 使 plugins 批改失效
1.1 -> webpack-dev-server/lib/utils/addEntries.js (line 142)
// config.entry 减少 webpack-dev-server/client/index.js line 39
const clientEntry = `${require.resolve('../../client/')}?${domain}${sockHost}${sockPath}${sockPort}`;
// config.entry 减少 webpack/hot/dev-server.js line 49
hotEntry = require.resolve('webpack/hot/dev-server');
config.entry = prependEntry(config.entry || './src', additionalEntries);
// devServer.hot: true 会主动增加 HotModuleReplacementPlugin 插件 line 153
config.plugins.push(new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin());
1.1.1 -> webpack-dev-server/client/index.js (line 176)
代码会被打包进 app.bundle.js 中,在 client 端内实例化 websocket, 用来和 server 端的 ws 服务建设连贯,以便接管 webpack 每次编译的最新变动。
var onSocketMessage = {
// client 端接管 server 端发送 hot 指定,开启 HMR 模式 line 46
hot: function hot() {
options.hot = true;
log.info('[WDS] Hot Module Replacement enabled.');
// 接管 webpack 每次编译的最新 hash line 63
hash: function hash(_hash) {status.currentHash = _hash;},
// 编译实现 line 107
ok: function ok() {
// 第一次编译不必 reloadApp
if (options.initial) {return options.initial = false;}
reloadApp(options, status);
// client 端建设 webSocket 连贯, 有 sockjs、websocket、path 三种类型 line 176
socket(socketUrl, onSocketMessage);
1.1.2 -> webpack-dev-server/client/utils/reloadApp.js (line 23)
// 触发 webpackHotUpdate 事件 line 23
var hotEmitter = require('webpack/hot/emitter');
hotEmitter.emit('webpackHotUpdate', currentHash);
1.2.1 -> webpack/hot/dev-server.js (line 23)
代码会被打包进 app.bundle.js 中,设置 webpackHotUpdate 事件监听,在 webpackHotUpdate 事件被触发时执行热更新查看 check。
// 触发 webpackHotUpdate 事件 line 23
var hotEmitter = require("./emitter");
hotEmitter.on("webpackHotUpdate", function (currentHash) {
lastHash = currentHash;
if (!upToDate() && module.hot.status() === "idle") {log("info", "[HMR] Checking for updates on the server...");
// 触发 module.hot.check() line 12
var check = function check() {
.then(function (updatedModules) {if (!updatedModules) {window.location.reload();
2 -> webpack-dev-server/lib/utils/getSocketServerImplementation.js (line 3)
// 提供 sockjs、ws、path 三种类型的 socket 服务
if (options.transportMode.server === 'sockjs') {ServerImplementation = require('../servers/SockJSServer');
} else if (options.transportMode.server === 'ws') {ServerImplementation = require('../servers/WebsocketServer');
} else {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-dynamic-require
ServerImplementation = require(options.transportMode.server);
} catch (e) {serverImplFound = false;}
2.1 -> webpack-dev-server/lib/servers/WebsocketServer.js (line 12)
// 实例化 ws 服务
this.wsServer = new ws.Server({
noServer: true,
path: this.server.sockPath,
// http server 被 client 拜访后,ws server 触发 connection 事件 line 17
this.server.listeningApp.on('upgrade', (req, sock, head) => {this.wsServer.handleUpgrade(req, sock, head, (connection) => {this.wsServer.emit('connection', connection, req);
3 -> webpack-dev-middleware/index.js (line 67)
// 开启 watching 模式编译 line 41
context.watching = compiler.watch(options.watchOptions, (err) => {if (err) {context.log.error(err.stack || err);
if (err.details) {context.log.error(err.details);
// 设置文件系统 line 65
setFs(context, compiler);
// 提供动态资源服务 line 67
3.1 -> webpack-dev-middleware/middleware.js (line 96)
// server content line 96
let content = context.fs.readFileSync(filename);
res.setHeader('Content-Type', contentType);
res.statusCode = res.statusCode || 200;
if (res.send) {res.send(content);
} else {res.end(content);
3.2 -> compiler.watch 首次编译生成 dist/app.bundle.js
// 拦挡__webpack_require__申请,重写 require 申请,在 module 上新增 hot、parents、children 属性 webpack/lib/hmr/HotModuleReplacement.runtime.js line 39
__webpack_require__.i.push(function (options) {
var module = options.module;
var require = createRequire(options.require, options.id);
module.hot = createModuleHotObject(options.id, module);
module.parents = currentParents;
module.children = [];
currentParents = [];
options.require = require;
// 收集模块间的依赖关系,寄存在模块的 parents、children 属性里 webpack/lib/hmr/HotModuleReplacement.runtime.js line 52
function createRequire(require, moduleId) {var me = installedModules[moduleId];
if (!me) return require;
var fn = function (request) {if (me.hot.active) {if (installedModules[request]) {var parents = installedModules[request].parents;
if (parents.indexOf(moduleId) === -1) {parents.push(moduleId);
} else {currentParents = [moduleId];
currentChildModule = request;
if (me.children.indexOf(request) === -1) {me.children.push(request);
} else {currentParents = [];
return require(request);
return fn;
// 创立 module.hot 对象 webpack/lib/hmr/HotModuleReplacement.runtime.js line 103
function createModuleHotObject(moduleId, me) {
var hot = {_acceptedDependencies: {}, // 收集 module.hot.accept 依赖
active: true,
accept: function (dep, callback, errorHandler) {if (dep === undefined) hot._selfAccepted = true;
else if (typeof dep === "function") hot._selfAccepted = dep;
else if (typeof dep === "object" && dep !== null) {for (var i = 0; i < dep.length; i++) {hot._acceptedDependencies[dep[i]] = callback || function () {};
} else {hot._acceptedDependencies[dep] = callback || function () {};
check: hotCheck,
apply: hotApply,
return hot;
// 开启热更新查看 webpack/lib/hmr/HotModuleReplacement.runtime.js line 242
function hotCheck(applyOnUpdate) {// __webpack_require__.hmrM = hmrDownloadManifest, fetch 申请 app.[hash].hot-update.json 文件
return __webpack_require__.hmrM().then(function (update) {var updatedModules = [];
currentUpdateApplyHandlers = [];
return Promise.all(Object.keys(__webpack_require__.hmrC).reduce(function (
) {// __webpack_require__.hmrC = hmrDownloadUpdateHandlers, 创立 script 标签,用 jsonp 的形式去加载 app.[hash].hot-update.js 文件
// 收集 applyHandlers
return promises;
).then(function () {return waitForBlockingPromises(function () {if (applyOnUpdate) {
// 触发 applyHandlers
return internalApply(applyOnUpdate);
// fetch 申请 app.[hash].hot-update.json 文件
__webpack_require__.hmrM = () => {if (typeof fetch === "undefined") throw new Error("No browser support: need fetch API");
return fetch(__webpack_require__.p + __webpack_require__.hmrF()).then((response) => {if (response.status === 404) return;
if (!response.ok) throw new Error("Failed to fetch update manifest" + response.statusText);
return response.json();});
__webpack_require__.hmrC.jsonp = function (
) {// 收集加载 app.[hash].hot-update.js 文件后的解决办法
chunkIds.forEach(function (chunkId) {
if (__webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) &&
installedChunks[chunkId] !== undefined
) {
// 创立 jsonp 工作
promises.push(loadUpdateChunk(chunkId, updatedModulesList));
// 触发 module.hot._acceptedDependencies webpack/lib/hmr/JavascriptHotModuleReplacement.runtime.js line 24
function applyHandler(options) {
var moduleOutdatedDependencies;
return {apply: function (reportError) {for (var outdatedModuleId in outdatedDependencies) {if (__webpack_require__.o(outdatedDependencies, outdatedModuleId)) {var module = __webpack_require__.c[outdatedModuleId];
if (module) {
moduleOutdatedDependencies =
for (var j = 0; j < moduleOutdatedDependencies.length; j++) {var dependency = moduleOutdatedDependencies[j];
var acceptCallback =
// 清空 module.hot._acceptedDependencies 中的办法
return outdatedModules;
// 拼接 jsonp 申请 app.[hash].hot-update.js 门路
function loadUpdateChunk(chunkId) {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {var url = __webpack_require__.p + __webpack_require__.hu(chunkId);
__webpack_require__.l(url, loadingEnded);
// 创立 script 标签来加载 js 文件
__webpack_require__.l = (url, done, key, chunkId) => {
var script, needAttach;
if (!script) {
needAttach = true;
script = document.createElement('script');
script.charset = 'utf-8';
script.timeout = 120;
script.src = url;
needAttach && document.head.appendChild(script);
// 定义 self["webpackHotUpdate"]办法,用 currentUpdate 来收集须要热更新模块的模块 webpack/lib/web/JsonpChunkLoadingRuntimeModule.js line 303
self["webpackHotUpdate"] = (chunkId, moreModules, runtime) => {for (var moduleId in moreModules) {if (__webpack_require__.o(moreModules, moduleId)) {currentUpdate[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];
if (currentUpdatedModulesList) currentUpdatedModulesList.push(moduleId);
// 应用须要热更新的模块 webpack/lib/hmr/HotModuleReplacement.runtime.js line 298
function internalApply(options) {var results = currentUpdateApplyHandlers.map(function (handler) {return handler(options);
results.forEach(function (result) {if (result.apply) {// 调用 applyHandler.apply()
var modules = result.apply(reportError);
3.3 -> compiler.watch 从新编译, 由 webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin 生成 dist/app.[hash].hot-update.json
// c 为须要替换的 chunkIds
3.4 -> compiler.watch 从新编译, 由 webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin 生成 dist/app.[hash].hot-update.js
// 调用 self["webpackHotUpdate"](chunkId, moreUpdates)
self["webpackHotUpdate"]("app", {
((module) => {function printMe() {console.log('Updating print.js.3');
module.exports = printMe
function (__webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
(() => {
// 为每次编译最新的 hash
__webpack_require__.h = () => ("4bbb5237e2809cf139b2")
HMR 工作流程剖析
webpack 监听到我的项目中文件或者模块的代码有批改后,由 webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin 插件生成 hot-update.json 和 hot-update.js 补丁文件,而后客户端通过 socket 连贯失去补丁文件,最初由
HMR runtime 将补丁文件的内容利用到模块零碎中。
HMR 工作原理图
上图展现了从咱们批改代码,到模块热更新实现的一个 HMR 残缺工作流程,图中已用箭头将流程标识进去。
- webpack-dev-server 提供 http server 服务和 socket server 服务,在 webpack-dev-middleware 中间件中启用 webpack 的 watch 模式。
- 当文件系统中某一个文件产生批改,webpack 监听到文件变动,依据配置文件对模块从新编译打包,并将打包后的代码保留在文件系统中。
- webpack-dev-server/client/index.js 在浏览器端和服务端之间建设一个 websocket 长连贯,将 webpack 编译打包的状态信息告知浏览器端。
- 浏览器端通过 webpack/hot/dev-server.js 接管到最新的编译信息,从而触发 module.hot.check 办法来开始热更新查看。
- 执行 webpack/lib/hmr/HotModuleReplacement.runtime.js 中的 hotCheck 办法,通过 hmrDownloadManifest 以 fetch 形式申请 hot-update.json 文件,而后执行 loadScript 以 jsonp 的形式加载 hot-update.js 文件。
- 执行 hot-update.js 文件中的 self[‘webpackHotUpdate’]办法,在 webpack/lib/web/JsonpChunkLoadingRuntimeModule.js 文件的 self[‘webpackHotUpdate’]办法定义中去收集到须要更新的模块依赖。
- 调用 internalApply 办法,用新模块替换掉旧模块,而后执行 module.hot.__acceptedDependencies 中的回调函数,从而实现模块替换的成果。
- @webpack-cli/serve/lib/index.js 启动服务
- webpack-dev-server/lib/Server.js 设置 http 和 socket 服务监听
- webpack-dev-server/client/index.js 提供 websocket 连贯
- webpack/hot/dev-server.js 触发 module.hot.check
- webpack-dev-middleware/index.js 启用 compiler.watch()和提供动态资源服务
- static/hmr.js 收集模块依赖、下载 hot-update.json、hot-update、js 文件,执行模块热替换
本文和大家次要分享 Webpack 的 HMR 源码剖析和工作原理,在工作原理剖析中,通过一张“webpack hmr 工作原理图”图让大家对 HMR 整个工作流程有所理解,HMR 自身源码内容较多,许多细节之处本文没有残缺写出,须要各位读者本人缓缓浏览和了解源码。
1. 官网文档