


  1. 浏览 React Doc 中 TS 局部
  2. 浏览 TypeScript Playground 中 React 局部

    引入 React:永远应用命名空间导入(namespace import)

    import * as React from 'react';
    import {useState} from 'react'; // 能够独自导出一遍外部项
    import * as ReactDom from 'react-dom';

    不举荐 import React from 'react'。👉为什么?
    这种引入形式被称为 default export。不举荐的起因是第 React 仅仅是作为一个命名空间存在的,咱们并不会像应用一个值一样来应用 React。从 React 16.13.0 开始,React 的导出形式也曾经更正为 export {xxx, ...} 的模式了 (commit)。之所以default export 还能够应用,是因为目前 React 的构建产物是 Commonjs 标准的,webpack 等构建工具做了兼容。


1. 尽量应用 Function Component 申明,即 React.FC:

export interface Props {
  /** The user's name */
  name: string;
  /** Should the name be rendered in bold */
  priority?: boolean

const PrintName: React.FC<Props> = (props) => {
  return (
      <p style={{fontWeight: props.priority ? "bold" : "normal"}}>{props.name}</p>

我个别在开发时应用 vscode snippets 疾速生成:

"Functional, Folder Name": {
    "prefix": "ff",
    "body": [
      "import * as React from'react';",
      "","const {useRef, useState, useEffect, useMemo} = React;","",
      "","interface ${TM_DIRECTORY/.*[\\\\\\\\\\\\/](.*)$/$1/}Props {","",
      "","const defaultProps: ${TM_DIRECTORY/.*[\\\\\\\\\\\\/](.*)$/$1/}Props = {};","",
      "const ${TM_DIRECTORY/.*[\\\\\\\\\\\\/](.*)$/$1/}: React.FC<${TM_DIRECTORY/.*[\\\\\\\\\\\\/](.*)$/$1/}Props> = (props: React.PropsWithChildren<${TM_DIRECTORY/.*[\\\\\\\\\\\\/](.*)$/$1/}Props> = defaultProps) => {",
      "const { } = props;",
      "","  return (","",
      "","export default ${TM_DIRECTORY/.*[\\\\\\\\\\\\/](.*)$/$1/};",""
    "description": "Generate a functional component template"

Hook 相干

举荐装置 vscode 插件:React Hooks Snippets 疾速写 hook,进步开发效率。

2. useState<T>:当状态初始值为空时,举荐写出残缺泛型,否则能够主动推断类型。


const [user, setUser] = React.useState<User | null>(null)

留神:如果初始值为 undefined,可不必在泛型中加上 undefined。

3. useMemo() 和 useCallback() 会隐式推断类型,举荐不传泛型

注:不要常常用 useCallback,因为也会减少开销。仅当:

  • 包装在 React.memo()(或 shouldComponentUpdate)中的组件承受回调 prop;
  • 当函数用作其余 hooks 的依赖项时 useEffect(...,[callback])

4. 自定义 hook 如果返回为数组,须要手动增加 const 断言:

function useLoading() {const [isLoading, setLoading] = React.useState(false);
  const load = (aPromise: Promise<any>) => {setLoading(true)
    return aPromise.then(() => setLoading(false));
  // 理论须要: [boolean, typeof load] 类型
  // 而不是主动推导的:(boolean | typeof load)[]
  return [isLoading, load] as const;


export function useLoading(): [
  (aPromise: Promise<any>) => Promise<any>
] {const [isLoading, setState] = React.useState(false)
  const load = (aPromise: Promise<any>) => {setState(true)
    return aPromise.then(() => setState(false))
  return [isLoading, load]


5. 应用默认参数值代替默认属性

interface GreetProps {age?: number}
const defaultProps: GreetProps = {age: 21};
const Greet = (props: GreetProps = defaultProps) => {/* ... */}

起因:Function Component 的 defaultProps 最终会被废除,不举荐应用。
如果仍要应用 defaultProps,举荐如下形式:

interface IProps {name: string}
const defaultProps = {age: 25,};

// 类型定义
type GreetProps = IProps & typeof defaultProps;
const Greet = (props: GreetProps) => <div></div>
Greet.defaultProps = defaultProps;

// 应用
const TestComponent = (props: React.ComponentProps<typeof Greet>) => {return <h1 />}
const el = <TestComponent name="foo" />

6. 倡议应用 Interface 定义组件 props(TS 官网举荐做法),应用 type 也可,不强制

type 和 interface 的区别:type 类型不能二次编辑,而 interface 能够随时扩大。

7. 应用 ComponentProps 获取未被导出的组件参数类型,应用 ReturnType 获取返回值类型


// 获取参数类型
import {Button} from 'library' // 然而未导出 props type
type ButtonProps = React.ComponentProps<typeof Button> // 获取 props
type AlertButtonProps = Omit<ButtonProps, 'onClick'> // 去除 onClick
const AlertButton: React.FC<AlertButtonProps> = props => (<Button onClick={() => alert('hello')} {...props} />


// 获取返回值类型
function foo() {return { baz: 1}
type FooReturn = ReturnType<typeof foo> // {baz: number}

8. 对 type 或 interface 进行正文时尽量应用 /* /,以便取得更好的类型提醒

/* ✅ */
 * @param a 正文 1
 * @param b 正文 2
type Test = {
  a: string;
  b: number;
const testObj: Test = {
  a: '123',
  b: 234,

当 hover 到 Test 时类型提醒更为敌对:

9. 组件 Props ts 类型标准

type AppProps = {
  /** string */
  message: string;
  /** number */
  count: number;
  /** boolean */
  disabled: boolean;
  /** 根本类型数组 */
  names: string[];
  /** 字符串字面量 */
  status: 'waiting' | 'success';
  /** 对象:列出对象全副属性 */
  obj3: {
    id: string;
    title: string;
  /** item 为对象的数组 */
  objArr: {
    id: string;
    title: string;
  /** 字典 */
  dict: Record<string, MyTypeHere>;
  /** 任意齐全不会调用的函数 */
  onSomething: Function;
  /** 没有参数 & 返回值的函数 */
  onClick: () => void;
  /** 携带参数的函数 */
  onChange: (id: number) => void;
  /** 携带点击事件的函数, 不要再用 e: any 了 */
  onClick(e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>): void;
  /** 可选的属性 */
  optional?: OptionalType;
  children: React.ReactNode; // 最佳,反对所有类型(JSX.Element, JSX.Element[], string)
  renderChildren: (name: string) => React.ReactNode;
  style?: React.CSSProperties;
  onChange?: React.FormEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>; // 表单事件

10. 组件中 event 解决

常见的 Eventl 类型:

React.SyntheticEvent<T = Element>
React.ClipboardEvent<T = Element>
React.DragEvent<T = Element>
React.FocusEvent<T = Element>
React.FormEvent<T = Element>
React.ChangeEvent<T = Element>
React.KeyboardEvent<T = Element>
React.MouseEvent<T = Element>
React.TouchEvent<T = Element>
React.PointerEvent<T = Element>
React.UIEvent<T = Element>
React.WheelEvent<T = Element>
React.AnimationEvent<T = Element>
React.TransitionEvent<T = Element>


type changeFn = (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;

如果不太关怀事件的类型,能够间接应用 React.SyntheticEvent,如果指标表单有想要拜访的自定义命名输出,能够应用类型扩大:

const App: React.FC = () => {const onSubmit = (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => {e.preventDefault();
    const target = e.target as typeof e.target & {password: { value: string;};
    }; // 类型扩大
    const password = target.password.value;
  return (<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
          <input type="password" name="password" />
        <input type="submit" value="Log in" />

11. 尽量应用 optional channing

12. 尽量应用 React.ComponentProps<typeof Component> 缩小非必要 props 导出

13. 不要在 type 或 interface 中应用函数申明

/** ✅ */
interface ICounter {start: (value: number) => string

/** ❌ */
interface ICounter1 {start(value: number): string

14. 当部分组件联合多组件进行组件间状态通信时,如果不是特地简单,则不须要用 mobx 或者 倡议联合 useReducer() 和 useContext() 一起应用,频繁的组件间通信最佳实际:


import * as React from 'react';

export interface State {
  state1: boolean;
  state2: boolean;

export const initState: State = {
  state1: false,
  state2: true,

export type Action = 'action1' | 'action2';

export const StoreContext = React.createContext<{
  state: State;
  dispatch: React.Dispatch<Action>;
}>({state: initState, dispatch: value => { /** noop */} });

export const reducer: React.Reducer<State, Action> = (state, action) => {
 // 用 reducer 的益处之一是能够拿到之前的 state
  switch (action) {
    case 'action1':
      return {...state, state1: !state.state1};
    case 'action2':
      return {...state, state2: !state.state2};
      return state;


import * as React from 'react';
import {StoreContext, reducer, initState} from './store';

const {useReducer} = React;

const WithProvider: React.FC<Record<string, unknown>> = (props: React.PropsWithChildren<Record<string, unknown>>) => {
  // 将 state 作为根节点的状态注入到子组件中
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initState);
  const {children} = props;

  return <StoreContext.Provider value={{state, dispatch}}>{children}</StoreContext.Provider>;

export default WithProvider;


import * as React from 'react';
import WithProvider from './withProvider';
import Component1 from './components/Component1';
import Component2 from './components/Component2';

const {useRef, useState, useEffect, useMemo} = React;

interface RankProps {}

const defaultProps: RankProps = {};

const Rank: React.FC<RankProps> = (props: React.PropsWithChildren<RankProps> = defaultProps) => {const {} = props;

  return (
      <Component1 />
      <Component2 />

export default Rank;

子组件只须要 import StoreContext 之后 useContext() 就能失去 state 和 dispatch

import * as React from 'react';
import {StoreContext} from '../../store';

const {useContext} = React;

interface Component1Props {}

const defaultProps: Component1Props = {};

const Component1: React.FC<Component1Props> = (props: React.PropsWithChildren<Component1Props> = defaultProps) => {const { state, dispatch} = useContext(StoreContext);

  const {} = props;

  return (
      state1: {state.state1 ? 'true' : 'false'}
        onClick={(): void => {dispatch('action1');
        changeState1 with Action1

export default React.memo(Component1); // 倡议有 context 的中央最好 memo 一下,进步性能

Store.tsWithProvider.tsx 能够配置成 vscode snippets,须要用到时间接应用。


[1] React + TypeScript 实际
[2] 精读《React Hooks 最佳实际》

欢送在评论或 issue 中探讨,指出不合理之处,补充其余最佳实际~
