React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. In this guide, we will cover how to set up a React app with Create React App and how to deploy it with 4everland.
Step 1: Set Up Your React Project
Start by setting up your React application using the Create React App (CRA) CLI tool. With this, you can generate a project to start and run React.
To create a new app, you may choose yarn, npx or npm, following is the method of npm:
If you would prefer other methods, please check Create React App (//…) for more information.
Step 2: Deploying Your React Project with 4everland
To deploy a React project with 4everland for Git, make sure it has been pushed to GitHub repository.
Start a deployment, click on “Import”, then select your connected Git account.
- Setup Root Directory
Setup the root directory, for most of the project just keep it default, for monorepo, a sub directory could be selected, this is where npm install and build command runs.
2: Configurate Build Settings
A default framework should be selected after root directory is set. A framework would have default Build Commands and Output Directory, switch on Override to override default settings.
3: Environment Variables
Optionally, Set Environment Variables if required, which could be accessed via process.env.VARIABLE_NAME in your code.
4: Checkout build status
Build status:
• Created: A new task is created
• Queued: The task is pending in a queue, should be processed soon
• Running: The task is running in progress
• Success: All building steps, deployment steps is done
• Failure: Exception/Error while building or deploy the sit
5: Checkout deployment history
• Click on the logo to return to the project list
• Click on a project to check out details
• Click on Deployments on the navigation tab to checkout deployment histories
If the build steps failed and build settings needs to be updated, checkout Project Settings.