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被问到矩阵 2 3 和矩阵 3 2 相乘是几乘几。我懵😳了。记录总结下
- CSS3 3D 变换时,是用的矩阵相乘;
- WebGL 应用中大量应用了矩阵运算,各种各样的运算,如点定位、光线运算、动静角色
let arr1=[[2,3,-1],[6,1,-2]] | |
let arr2=[[4,-5],[-3,0],[1,2]] |
答复下文首的问题,矩阵 2 3 和矩阵 3 2 相乘是 2 *2
webGL 中的利用
function WebGLBox() { | |
// Setup the canvas and WebGL context | |
this.canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); | |
this.canvas.width = window.innerWidth; | |
this.canvas.height = window.innerHeight; | |
this.gl = MDN.createContext(canvas); | |
var gl = this.gl; | |
// Setup a WebGL program, anything part of the MDN object is defined outside of this article | |
this.webglProgram = MDN.createWebGLProgramFromIds(gl, 'vertex-shader', 'fragment-shader'); | |
gl.useProgram(this.webglProgram); | |
// Save the attribute and uniform locations | |
this.positionLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(this.webglProgram, 'position'); | |
this.colorLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(this.webglProgram, 'color'); | |
// Tell WebGL to test the depth when drawing, so if a square is behind | |
// another square it won't be drawn | |
gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST); | |
} | |
WebGLBox.prototype.draw = function(settings) { | |
// Create some attribute data; these are the triangles that will end being | |
// drawn to the screen. There are two that form a square. | |
var data = new Float32Array([ | |
//Triangle 1 | |
settings.left, settings.bottom, settings.depth, | |
settings.right, settings.bottom, settings.depth, | |
settings.left, settings.top, settings.depth, | |
//Triangle 2 | |
settings.left, settings.top, settings.depth, | |
settings.right, settings.bottom, settings.depth, | |
settings.right, settings.top, settings.depth | |
]); | |
// Use WebGL to draw this onto the screen. | |
// Performance Note: Creating a new array buffer for every draw call is slow. | |
// This function is for illustration purposes only. | |
var gl = this.gl; | |
// Create a buffer and bind the data | |
var buffer = gl.createBuffer(); | |
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer); | |
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, data, gl.STATIC_DRAW); | |
// Setup the pointer to our attribute data (the triangles) | |
gl.enableVertexAttribArray(this.positionLocation); | |
gl.vertexAttribPointer(this.positionLocation, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); | |
// Setup the color uniform that will be shared across all triangles | |
gl.uniform4fv(this.colorLocation, settings.color); | |
// Draw the triangles to the screen | |
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6); | |
} | |
```` | |
### 3、JS 如何进行矩阵相乘 | |
####(1)应用 JS 数组来示意数据 | |
+ 应用 for 循环来遍历矩阵相乘;####(2)应用现成的封装函数 | |
比方,CSS3 matrix() |
transform: matrix(1.2, 0.2, -1, 0.9, 0, 20);
####(3)应用封装好的函数库 | |
gl-matrix | |
https://github.com/toji/gl-matrix | |
### 参考链接 | |
MDN | |
https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/WebGL_API/Matrix_math_for_the_web | |
### 写在最初的话 | |
##### 1、我建了一个前端学习小组 | |
感兴趣的搭档,能够加我微信:learningisconnecting | |
##### 2、学习路上,经常会懈怠《有想学技术须要监督的同学嘛~》https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/FyuddlwRY7DsHUejCjiVug | |
##### 3、分享成长认知办法 | |
欢送关注我的公众号:国星聊成长 | |
每周分享我学习到的成长 / 认知办法 |