I got some problems when I am using the client recommend in the official document, that doesn’t work for my current project. Instead I used the same way that work as I expected.
import requests
import pandas as pd
if __name__ == '__main__':
1. login and get api and token.
2. change test contents.
'''url ="http://comdo.hanlp.com/api"msg ="2021 年 HanLPv2.1 为生产环境带来次世代最先进的多语种 NLP 技术。阿婆主来到北京立方庭参观天然语义科技公司。"headers = {"token":"your token"}
postData = {"text":"2021 年 HanLPv2.1 为生产环境带来次世代最先进的多语种 NLP 技术。阿婆主来到北京立方庭参观天然语义科技公司."}
r = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=postData)
data = r.json()
# transform into dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data)
1.hanlp doc
2.use hanlp api
3.convert JSON data from Request into Pandas Dataframe