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阐明:brew install –with-training-tools tesseract 训练工具装置失败用源码装置如下

1. 先装置依赖

# Packages which are always needed.
brew install automake autoconf libtool
brew install pkgconfig
brew install icu4c
brew install leptonica

# Packages required for training tools.
brew install pango

# Optional packages for extra features.
brew install libarchive

# Optional package for builds using g++.
brew install gcc

2. 下载源码


3. 编译装置

cd tesseract-4.1.1
mkdir build
cd build

# Optionally add CXX=g++-8 to the configure command if you really want to use a different compiler.
../configure PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/opt/libarchive/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib/pkgconfig
make -j

# Optionally install Tesseract.
sudo make install

# Optionally build and install training tools.
make training
sudo make training-install

!!!留神看下执行 conifgure 的时候查看装置的依赖是否查看时失效,否则装置训练工具可能会失败!重点看下这些

checking for pkg-config... [some valid path]

checking for lept >= 1.74... yes

checking for libarchive... yes

checking for icu-uc >= 52.1... yes

checking for icu-i18n >= 52.1... yes

checking for pango >= 1.22.0... yes

checking for cairo... yes
