

共计 2560 个字符,预计需要花费 7 分钟才能阅读完成。

from pycocotools.coco import COCO
import numpy as np
import skimage.io as io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
import csv
import shutil​
def create_coco_maps(ann_handle):

coco_name_maps = {}
coco_id_maps = {}
cat_ids = ann_handle.getCatIds()
cat_infos = ann_handle.loadCats(cat_ids)
for cat_info in cat_infos:
    cat_name = cat_info['name']
    cat_id = cat_info['id']
    if cat_name not in coco_name_maps.keys():
        coco_name_maps[cat_name] = cat_id
    if cat_id not in coco_id_maps.keys():
        coco_id_maps[cat_id] = cat_name​
return coco_name_maps, coco_id_maps

def get_need_cls_ids(need_cls_names, coco_name_maps):

need_cls_ids = []
for cls_name in coco_name_maps.keys():
    if cls_name in need_cls_names:
return need_cls_ids

def get_new_label_id(name, need_cls_names):

for i,need_name in enumerate(need_cls_names):
    if name == need_name:
        return i
return None

if name == ‘__main__’:

# create coco ann handle
need_cls_names = ['person','bicycle','car','motorcycle','bus','truck','traffic light']
dst_img_dir = '/dataset/coco_traffic_yolov5/images/val/'
dst_label_dir = '/dataset/coco_traffic_yolov5/labels/val/'
min_side = 0.04464 # while 224*224, min side is 10. 0.04464=10/224
annFile = '{}/annotations/instances_{}.json'.format(dataDir,dataType)
# create coco [电子钱包](https://www.gendan5.com/wallet.html)maps for id and name
coco_name_maps, coco_id_maps = create_coco_maps(ann_handle)​
# get need_cls_ids
need_cls_ids = get_need_cls_ids(need_cls_names, coco_name_maps)​
# get all imgids
img_ids = ann_handle.getImgIds() # get all imgids
for i,img_id in enumerate(img_ids):
    print('process img: %d/%d'%(i, len(img_ids)))
    new_info = ''
    img_info = ann_handle.loadImgs(img_id)[0]
    img_name = img_info['file_name']
    img_height = img_info['height']
    img_width = img_info['width']​
    boj_infos = []
    ann_ids = ann_handle.getAnnIds(imgIds=img_id,iscrowd=None)
    for ann_id in ann_ids:
        anns = ann_handle.loadAnns(ann_id)[0]
        obj_cls = anns['category_id']
        obj_name = coco_id_maps[obj_cls]
        obj_box = anns['bbox'] 
        if obj_name in need_cls_names:
            new_label = get_new_label_id(obj_name, need_cls_names)
            x1 = obj_box[0]
            y1 = obj_box[1]
            w = obj_box[2]
            h = obj_box[3]
            #x_c_norm = (x1) / img_width
            #y_c_norm = (y1) / img_height
            x_c_norm = (x1 + w / 2.0) / img_width
            y_c_norm = (y1 + h / 2.0) / img_height
            w_norm = w / img_width
            h_norm = h / img_height
            if w_norm > min_side and  h_norm > min_side:
                boj_infos.append('%d %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f\n'%(new_label, x_c_norm, y_c_norm, w_norm, h_norm))
    if len(boj_infos) > 0:
        print('this img has need cls')
        shutil.copy(dataDir + '/' + dataType + '/' + img_name, dst_img_dir + '/' + img_name)
        with open(dst_label_dir + '/' + img_name.replace('.jpg', '.txt'), 'w') as f:
        print('this img has no need cls')