public function actionView($id)
$query = new Query;
->from('table_1 t1')
->innerJoin('table_2 t2', 't2.t1_id = t1.id')
->innerJoin('table_3 t3', 't2.t3_id = t3.id')
->innerJoin('table_4 t4', 't3.t4_id = t4.id')
->andWhere('t1.id =' . $id);
$rows = $query->all();
return $this->render('view', ['model' => $this->findModel($id),
'rows' => $rows,
在视图 view.php 中显示来自 table_2- 4 的数据,这些数据与 table_1 相干:
foreach($rows as $row) {echo $row['t2_field_1'];
echo $row['t2_field_2'];
它能够工作,然而我不确定这是否是最正确的 Yii2 办法.
我试图在模型 TableOne 中定义关系:
public function getTableTwoRecords()
{return $this->hasMany(TableTwo::className(), ['t1_id' => 'id']);
public function getTableThreeRecords()
{return $this->hasMany(TableThree::className(), ['id' => 't3_id'])
public function getTableFourRecords()
{return $this->hasMany(TableFour::className(), ['id' => 't4_id'])
而后在控制器 TableOneController 中退出记录:
$records = TableOne::find()
然而它不起作用. 如果我仅退出前三个表,那么它将起作用. 如果增加第四张表,则会收到以下谬误音讯:” 获取未知属性:frontend \ models \ TableOne :: t3_id”
如果我以这种形式更改函数 getTableFourRecords():
public function getTableFourRecords()
{return $this->hasOne(TableThree::className(), ['t4_id' => 'id']);
而后我收到此谬误音讯:”SQLSTATE [42S22]: 找不到列:1054’on 子句 ’ 中的未知列 ’table_4.t4_id’ 正在执行的 SQL 是:SELECT table_1 .* FROM table_1 INNER JOIN table_2 ON table_1 . id = table_2 . t1_id INNER JOIN table_3 ON table_2 . t3_id = table_3 . id INNER JOIN table_4 ON table_1 . id = table_4 . t4_id “
Model TableOne:
public function getTableTwoRecords()
{return $this->hasMany(TableTwo::className(), ['t1_id' => 'id']);
Model TableTwo:
public function getTableThreeRecord()
{return $this->hasOne(TableThree::className(), ['id' => 't3_id']);
Model TableThree:
public function getTableFourRecord()
{return $this->hasOne(TableFour::className(), ['id' => 't4_id']);
Controller TableOneController:
public function actionView($id)
return $this->render('view', ['model' => $this->findModel($id),
The view table-one/view.php:
foreach ($model->tableTwoRecords as $record) {
echo 'Table 2 >>';
echo 'ID:' . $record->id;
echo 'T1 ID:' . $record->t1_id;
echo 'T3 ID:' . $record->t3_id;
echo 'Table 3 >>';
echo 'ID:' . $record->tableThreeRecord->id;
echo 'T4 ID:' . $record->tableThreeRecord->t4_id;
echo 'Table 4 >>';
echo 'ID:' . $record->tableThreeRecord->tableFourRecord->id;
echo '<br>';
也能够应用基于 GridView 的解决方案.
模型 TableTwo:
foreach ($model->tableTwoRecords as $record) {
echo 'Table 2 >>';
echo 'ID:' . $record->id;
echo 'T1 ID:' . $record->t1_id;
echo 'T3 ID:' . $record->t3_id;
echo 'Table 3 >>';
echo 'ID:' . $record->tableThreeRecord->id;
echo 'T4 ID:' . $record->tableThreeRecord->t4_id;
echo 'Table 4 >>';
echo 'ID:' . $record->tableThreeRecord->tableFourRecord->id;
echo '<br>';
应用 yii 为 TableTwo 模型生成的 TableOneController 中的 actionView 函数已被编辑:
use app\models\TableTwo;
use app\models\TableTwoSearch;
public function actionView($id)
$searchModel = new TableTwoSearch(['t1_id' => $id, // the data have to be filtered by the id of the displayed record]);
$dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams);
return $this->render('view', ['model' => $this->findModel($id),
'searchModel' => $searchModel,
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
以及 views/table-one/view.php 的代码如下:
echo GridView::widget([
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'columns' => [