周末无事,想装上 PHP8 体验一把新版本的个性,找了一个 Yii2 写的老我的项目,后果运行 migration 初始化环境就遇到了问题,建表脚本间接报错。
Exception: There is no active transaction
而同样的脚本在 7.4 版本也齐全失常。
$conn = new PDO("mysql:host=;dbname=test", 'root', '123456');
try {$sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test (`id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `text` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT'', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;";
$sql = "INSERT INTO test values(1,'test1')";
$conn->commit();} catch (Exception $e) {echo $e->getMessage();
MySQL DDL 语句会触发隐式提交,如果事务里执行的是其余 DML/DQL 语句,就齐全没问题。官网文档里也有提到这个问题。
Some databases, including MySQL, automatically issue an implicit COMMIT when a database definition language (DDL) statement such as DROP TABLE or CREATE TABLE is issued within a transaction. The implicit COMMIT will prevent you from rolling back any other changes within the transaction boundary.
然而在 PHP 8.0 以前的版本,带来的影响只是事务被提前提交,不能回滚而已,不晓得为啥 8.0 要改成一个异样,并且 ChangeLog 又并未提到该变更。