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这里应用 swoole 官网的镜像:https://github.com/swoole/doc…


  • latest:应用的是最新版本的 PHP 和 Swoole 的 master 分支
  • php7.x:应用的是 7.x 版本的 PHP 和 Swoole 的 master 分支
  • 4.x.x-php7.x:应用的是 7.x.xx 版本的 PHP 和 Swoole 的 4.x.x 分支



docker pull phpswoole/swoole:4.5.9-php7.4


docker run --rm phpswoole/swoole:4.5.9-php7.4 "php -m"
docker run --rm phpswoole/swoole:4.5.9-php7.4 "php --ri swoole"
docker run --rm phpswoole/swoole:4.5.9-php7.4 "composer --version"


创立 HTTP 服务器端:

# /d/swoole/www/server.php

#!/usr/bin/env php


$http = new Swoole\Http\Server("", 9501);
    function (Swoole\Http\Request $request, Swoole\Http\Response $response) {
                Hello, world!


docker run --rm -p 8000:9501 --name swoole -v /d/swoole/www:/var/www phpswoole/swoole:4.5.9-php7.4



容器启动后会尝试执行 php server.php 命令启动服务,所以无需手动进入容器执行。

应用 docker-compose 主动重启服务

创立 docker-compose.yml 文件:

# This docker-compose.yml file shows how Supervisor program(s) are reloaded automatically when file changes detected
# under web root /var/www. There are two environment variables used:
#     1. AUTORELOAD_PROGRAMS: space-separated Supervisor program(s) to be reloaded when file changes detected. e.g.,
#            AUTORELOAD_PROGRAMS: "swoole"       # Autoreload Supervisor program "swoole" only.
#            AUTORELOAD_PROGRAMS: "swoole nginx" # Autoreload Supervisor program "swoole" and "nginx".
#     2. AUTORELOAD_ANY_FILES: Optional. If set to "true", "1", "yes", or "y", reload Supervisor program(s) when any
#        files under the root directory (/var/www in this example) is changed; otherwise, reload only when PHP file(s)
#        are changed.
version: '3'

    build: .
      - 8000:9501
      - ./www:/var/www

同目录下创立 Dockerfile 文件:

FROM phpswoole/swoole:4.5.9-php7.4

# COPY ./www/ /var/www/


docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up --build --force-recreate -d
docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" stop

docker-compose 参数阐明:

-f, –file FILE 指定 Compose 模板文件,默认为 docker-compose.yml

docker-compose up 参数阐明:

-–build 在启动容器前构建服务镜像
–force-recreate 强制从新创立容器,不能与–no-recreate 同时应用
-d 在后盾运行服务容器并打印名称 

主动执行 php server.php 探索

官网镜像的 Dockerfile 中,构建实现后会执行以下内容:

# dockerfiles\4.5.9\php7.4\cli\Dockerfile

ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]
CMD []

WORKDIR "/var/www/"

而后会去扫描 usr/local/boot/ 目录下的脚本并执行:

# rootfilesystem\entrypoint.sh

# Now run .php and .sh scripts under folder /usr/local/boot in order.
shopt -s nullglob
for f in /usr/local/boot/*.sh ; do
shopt -u nullglob
IFS=$'\n' boot_scripts=($(sort <<<"${boot_scripts[*]}"))
unset IFS
for f in "${boot_scripts[@]}" ; do
    . "$f"

而后会去扫描 etc/supervisor/service.d/ 目录下的配置并执行:

# usr\local\boot\supervisor.sh

case "${BOOT_MODE}" in
        echo "INFO: Supervisord configuration files copied from folder'/etc/supervisor/${BOOT_MODE,,}.d/'."
        find /etc/supervisor/${BOOT_MODE,,}.d/ -mindepth 1 -type f -name "*.conf" -exec cp -t /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ {} +

在配置中执行了执行的命令为 php /var/www/server.php


user = root

command = php /var/www/server.php
user = root

其余官网提供的 compose

  • Basic examples:

    • 00-autoload: Restart the Swoole web server automatically if file changes detected under web root.
    • 01-basic: print out “Hello, World!” using Swoole as backend HTTP server.
    • 02-www: to use some customized PHP script(s) in the Docker image built.
    • 03-nginx: to use Swoole behind an Nginx server.
    • 04-entrypoint: to use a self-defined entrypoint script in the Docker image built.
    • 05-boot: to update content in the Docker container through a booting script.
    • 06-update-token: to show how to update server configurations with built-in script update-token.sh.
    • 07-disable-default-server: Please check the docker-compose.yml file included to see show how to disable the default web server created with Swoole.
  • Manage PHP extensions and configurations:

    • 10-install-php-extension: how to install/enable PHP extensions.
    • 11-customize-extension-options: how to overwrite/customize PHP extension options.
    • 12-php.ini: how to overwrite/customize PHP options.
    • 13-install-swoole-extension: Please check the README file included to see how to install Swoole extensions like async, orm, postgresql, and serialize.
    • 14-install-phpx: Please check the README file included to see how to install PHP-X.
    • 15-install-phpx-extension: Please check the README file included to see how to install PHP-X based extensions like zookeeper.
  • Manage Supervisord programs:

    • 20-supervisord-services: to show how to run Supervisord program(s) in Docker.
    • 21-supervisord-tasks: to show how to run Supervisord program(s) when launching a one-off command with Docker. Please check the README file included to see how to run the example.
    • 22-supervisord-enable-program: to show how to enable program(s) in Supervisord program.
    • 23-supervisord-disable-program: to show how to disable Supervisord program(s).
  • Debugging:

    • 30-debug-with-gdb: Please check the README file included to see how to debug your PHP code with gdb.
    • 31-debug-with-valgrind: Please check the README file included to see how to debug your PHP code with Valgrind.
    • 32-debug-with-strace: Please check the README file included to see how to debug your PHP code with strace.
    • 33-debug-with-blackfire: Please check the README file included to see how to debug your PHP code with Blackfire.
    • 34-debug-with-sdebug: Please check the README file included to see how to debug your PHP code in different ways with sdebug (forked from Xdebug to work with Swoole).
