

  • 大家好!我来自南京,在 OpenHarmony 成长打算啃论文俱乐部,与 华为、软通能源、润和软件、拓维信息、深开鸿 等公司一起,学习和钻研 操作系统技术
    从往年 1 月 11 日退出 OpenHarmony 俱乐部曾经有靠近 8 个月工夫了。笔者始终在思考啃论文给我带来了些什么,通过啃论文能为 OpenHarmony 做些什么。笔者利用大二升大三寒假两个月工夫移植了 Speexdsp 这个三方库到 OpenHarmony 规范零碎,而对于后面的问题我仿佛找到了答案,现将啃论文和三方库移植分享教训如下:


下期预报: 在 OpenHarmony 的编译体系下编译 speexdsp 的 so 和测试用的可执行文件, 以及编译报错的解决办法。

本期为 移植 speexdsp 到 OpenHarmony 规范零碎 的第③期,次要内容如下:

speexdsp 移植后已提交至 openhamrony sig 仓库:https://gitee.com/openharmony…

四、将三方库退出到 OpenHarmony 的编译体系

依据上一步剖析后果,编写 gn 文件,将三方库退出到 OpenHarmony 的编译体系。

OpenHarmony 编译构建子系统提供了一个基于 Gn 和 ninja 的编译构建框架。依据产品配置,编译生成对应的镜像包。其中编译构建流程为:

  • 应用 Gn 配置构建指标。
  • Gn 运行后会生成 ninja 文件。
  • 通过运行 ninja 来执行编译工作。

OpenHarmony 三方库编译环境搭建

本次移植时在 openharmony3.2Beta1 版本上运行的,所以须要筹备 openharmony3.2Beta1 的源码。
先在 Widows 上装置虚拟机,在虚构机上安装 Ubuntu18.04 或者 20.04。笔者应用的为 Ubuntu20.04。

1. 将 Ubuntu Shell 环境批改为bash

  • 关上终端执行
sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
  • 将 Shell 由 dash 改为 bash。
  • 抉择< 否 >
  • 更改胜利如下:

2. 下载华为集成开发环境 DevEco Device Tool Linux 版本,目前最新版本号为3.1.0.200

HUAWEI DevEco Device Tool(以下简称 DevEco Device Tool)是 OpenHarmony 面向智能设施开发者提供的一站式集成开发环境,反对 OpenHarmony 的组件按需定制,反对代码编辑、编译、烧录和调试等性能,反对 C /C++ 语言,以插件的模式部署在 Visual Studio Code 上。

  • 间接在 Ubuntu 上关上 firefox 输出下载地址下载
  • 解压 DevEco Device Tool 安装包,并对解压后的文件赋权
unzip devicetool-linux-tool-
chmod u+x devicetool-linux-tool-
  • 装置 DevEco Device
  • 执行命令装置 DevEco Device

    sudo ./devicetool-linux-tool-


3. 获取规范零碎源码
执行命令 sudo apt-get install git git-lfs 装置 git 客户端和 git-lfs

  • 配置 git 用户信息

    git config --global user.name "yourname"
    git config --global user.email "your-email-address"
    git config --global credential.helper store

    git config --global credential.helper store执行这个命令会在本地生成一个文本,上边记录配置。而后再拉取代码就不必再输出账号信息了。

  • 进入 gitee 官网个人主页,个人头像下方就是 user.name
  • 再进入设置点击邮箱治理就能够失去你的 your-email-address
  • 装置 gitee 码云 repo 工具
sudo apt-get install curl
sudo curl https://gitee.com/oschina/repo/raw/fork_flow/repo-py3 -o /usr/local/bin/repo
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/repo
sudo pip3 install -i https://repo.huaweicloud.com/repository/pypi/simple requests
  • 应用 repo+https 下载公布 Tag 节点源码


sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest -b refs/tags/OpenHarmony-v3.2-Beta1 --no-repo-verify
repo sync -c
repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

3. 在源码目录下执行脚本装置编译器及二进制工具
下载的 prebuilts 二进制默认寄存在与 OpenHarmony 同目录下的 OpenHarmony_2.0_canary_prebuilts 下。

bash build/prebuilts_download.sh

4. 装置依赖工具

sudo apt-get install binutils git git-lfs gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z1-dev ccache libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip m4 bc gnutls-bin python3.8 python3-pip ruby

5. 最初测试一下 OpenHarmony 三方库编译环境


./build.sh --product-name rk3568 --ccache --build-target= 要编译的部件名 --target-cpu arm64
#其中:--product-name rk3568 指定产品名为 rk3568 
#其中:--ccache              编译应用 ccache
#其中:--target-cpu arm64    编译构建 64 位零碎

在源码目录下执行编译 zlib 命令,生成 libzlib.z.so

./build.sh --product-name rk3568 --ccache --build-target=zlib

编译生成了 libzlib.z.so,编译环境没问题。

配置 speexdsp 源码

下载完 openharmony3.2Beta1 源码后,将 speexdsp 的源码拷贝到 openhamony 的 third_party 目录下。

在 OpenHarmony/sources/third_party/speexdsp 和 OpenHarmony/sources/third_party/speexdsp/libspeexdsp 下别离编写一份 BUILD.gn 文件,实现 speexdsp 的 gn 及测试用例的 gn 化。测试用例指的是测试 speexdsp 性能的程序。

speexdsp 编译 gn 化, 新增工程构建脚本。

OpenHarmony/sources/third_party/speexdsp 下增加 BUILD.gn 脚本文件。

OpenHarmony/sources/third_party/speexdsp/BUILD.gn 内容如下:


    cflags = [

    cflags = [

    ldflags = ["-lm"]

ohos_shared_library("speexdsp_share") {
    sources = [
    defines = [
    configs = [ 
    include_dirs = [
    part_name = "speexdsp"



import 函数将 ohos.gni 文件导入到以后作用域。导入的文件是独立执行的,生成的作用域被复制到以后文件中。一个.gni 文件会定义构建参数和模板。build 目录下 ohos.gni 文件内容如下


# import cxx base templates
if (support_jsapi) {import("//build/ohos/ace/ace.gni")


# import prebuilt templates


    cflags = [
  • configs 定义了该模块编译配置的环境变量 speexdsp_nowarn_config,第 24 行 ohos_shared_library 定义了最终生成的模块名,这里代表此模块为最终生成 libspeexdsp.z.so。所以在 第五行到第七行中 config 中增加了编译 libspeexdsp.z.so 须要增加的编译器标记

    • 然而 ”-Wno-implicit-function-declaration”、”-Wno-pointer-sign””、-Wno-unused-variable” 并非是剖析 speexdsp 原生库得来的 cflag 编译器标记。
    • 而是起初在 ohos 上编译验证过程中,依据编译报错信息增加的。如果不增加它们,执行./build.sh –product-name rk3568 –ccache –build-target=speexdsp 命令后,则无奈编译生成 openharmony 上的运行的 libspeexdsp.z.so 库,会呈现编译正告信息 -W-implicit-function-declaration、-W-pointer-sign、-W-unused-variable。解决办法就是在 gn 化时增加 cflag 标记 ”-Wno-implicit-function-declaration”、”-Wno-pointer-sign””、-Wno-unused-variable”。

      • clang 编译器正告打消:
        1. 呈现正告的就是间接在 - W 前面加 no,比方 -Wimplicit-function-declaration 改为 -Wno-implicit-function-declaration
        2. 还有另外的一种办法:-Wimplicit-function-declaration=no


    cflags = [

    ldflags = ["-lm"]
  • configs 定义了该模块编译配置的环境变量 speexdsp_cflag_config,在第十三行到第十六行增加了编译须要增加的编译器标记 “-g”,”-O2″,”-fvisibility=hidden”, “-DHAVE_CONFIG_H”。

    • “-g”,”-O2″,”-fvisibility=hidden” 通过剖析原生库 config.log 和 makefile 文件,具体请查看第二期内容。
    • “-DHAVE_CONFIG_H” 通过剖析执行 build 命令后编译 ohos 上 speexdsp 的 so 库报错信息得来

      • 增加 ”-DHAVE_CONFIG_H” 后依然有报错信息,解决办法是把 linux 下编译 speexdsp 原生库./configure 后生成的 config.h 搁置在 thrid_party/speexdsp 下。


ohos_shared_library("speexdsp_share") {
    sources = [
    defines = [
    configs = [ 
    include_dirs = [
    part_name = "speexdsp"
  • 第 24 行 ohos_shared_library 定义了最终生成的模块名,这里代表此模块为最终生成 libspeexdsp.z.so/ 动静库

    如果是生成动态库 ohos_static_library(” “) {}

  • 第二十五行到第三十五行 sources 模块蕴含了须要编译的源码文件
  • 第四十六行到五十行 include_dirs 模块蕴含了编译依赖的头文件门路
  • 第五十一行 part_name 该模块编译依赖的编译子系统组件名。该配置项是为了模块最终生成的 so 文件能在零碎编译完后主动拷贝到系统目录中。如果没有配置该项,零碎编译完后是不会主动将生成的 so 文件拷贝到系统目录。

测试用例 gn 化,新增工程构建脚本

OpenHarmony/sources/third_party/speexdsp/libspeexdsp 下增加 BUILD.gn 脚本文件。


    cflags = [

config("speexdsp_cflag_config") {ldflags = [ "-lm"]
    cflags_cc = [

config("speexdsp_config") {
    include_dirs = ["//third_party/speexdsp/include"]

    public_configs = [ 
    sources = ["testdenoise.c"]
    configs = [":speexdsp_cflag_config",]
    deps = ["//third_party/speexdsp:speexdsp_share"]
    part_name = "speexdsp"

    public_configs = [ 
    sources = ["testecho.c"]
    configs = [":speexdsp_cflag_config"]
    deps = ["//third_party/speexdsp:speexdsp_share"]
    part_name = "speexdsp"

    public_configs = [ 
    sources = ["testjitter.c"]
    configs = [":speexdsp_cflag_config"]
    deps = ["//third_party/speexdsp:speexdsp_share"]
    part_name = "speexdsp"

    public_configs = [ 
    sources = ["testresample.c"]
    configs = [":speexdsp_cflag_config"]
    deps = ["//third_party/speexdsp:speexdsp_share"]
    part_name = "speexdsp"

     public_configs = [ 
    sources = ["testresample2.c"]
    configs = [":speexdsp_cflag_config"]
    deps = ["//third_party/speexdsp:speexdsp_share"]
    part_name = "speexdsp"

测试用例 gn 化 代码解析的内容与 speexdsp 编译 gn 化内容类似,这里不做反复解释,只补充以下几点。

  • 测试用例是在 ohos 上测试 libspeexdsp.z.so 性能用的。
  • 第 28、48、68、88、108 行:gn 中的指标类型 executable 示意生成可执行文件 testdenoise、testecho、testjitter、testresample、testresample2。
  • 第 41、61、81、101、121 行:deps 示意测试用例模块编译依赖其余模块, 这里指的是测试用例的编译依赖。libspeexdsp.z.so 库。
  • 第 45、65、85、105、125 行:part_name 示意测试用例模块编译依赖的编译子系统组件名。该配置项是为了模块最终生成的 so 文件能在零碎编译完后主动拷贝到系统目录中。如果没有配置该项,零碎编译完后是不会主动将生成的 so 文件拷贝到系统目录。

OpenHarmony/sources/third_party/speexdsp 目录下增加 ohos.build。

  • 定义子系统并退出到编译框架
    在零碎源码根目录下创立一个目录作为子系统目录,子系统目录可创立在 OpenHarmony 源码目录任意地位。

    • 本我的项目以 third_party/speexdsp 作为为子系统目录,子系统名字即为 speexdsp。

子系统 speexdsp 目录下创立 ohos.build 文件,build 构建时会先读取该文件。

  "subsystem": "speexdsp",
  "parts": {
    "speexdsp": {
      "module_list": [
      "inner_kits": [ ],
      "system_kits": [ ],
      "test_list": []}
  • build 文件夹下的 subsystem_config.json 文件,次要蕴含子系统名称与门路信息,在 preloader 阶段被加载,依据子系统名称和门路信息查找该门路下的 ohos.build 文件。
  • 其中须要蕴含 module_list、inner_kits、system_kits、test_list 四个局部的申明:

    • module_list:部件蕴含的模块列表
    • inner_kits:部件提供其它部件的接口
    • system_kits:部件提供给生成利用的接口
    • test_list:部件对应模块的测试用例

批改 build/subsystem_config.json,新增子系统定义。

在源码 /build/subsystem_config.json 中减少子系统选项, 把子系统 speexdsp 配置到 build/subsystem_config.json。

 "speexdsp": {
    "path": "third_party/speexdsp",
    "name": "speexdsp"

留神:要求合乎 json 语法标准,要在 } 前加,(如下图所示)

批改 vendor/hihope/rk3568/config.json 文件将 speexdsp 增加至 rk3568 开发板,在 vendor 目录下新增产品的定义。

将子系统及其组件退出产品定义中,以 rk3568 为例,产品定义文件在 vendor/hihope/rk3568/config.json,须要将以下内容增加到 config.json 中:

      "subsystem": "speexdsp",
      "components": [
          "component": "speexdsp",
          "features": []}

下期分享内容: 在 OpenHarmony 的编译体系下编译 speexdsp 的 so 和测试用的可执行文件, 以及编译报错的解决办法


本文中 知识点附送 的内容并不和 移植 speexdsp 到 openharmony 规范零碎 间接相干,仅作为拓展浏览的知识点,因而读者能够不作过细的理解。


generate ninja 工具,在 out 目录下生成 ninja 编译文件 *.ninja,gn 的可执行文件地位在 prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86 目录里

[email protected]:~/Desktop/OpenHarmony/sources/prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin$ ./gn --help

Commands (type "gn help <command>" for more help):
  analyze: Analyze which targets are affected by a list of files.
  args: Display or configure arguments declared by the build.
  check: Check header dependencies.
  clean: Cleans the output directory.
  desc: Show lots of insightful information about a target or config.
  format: Format .gn files.
  gen: Generate ninja files.
  help: Does what you think.
  ls: List matching targets.
  meta: List target metadata collection results.
  path: Find paths between two targets.
  refs: Find stuff referencing a target or file.

Target declarations (type "gn help <function>" for more help):
  action: Declare a target that runs a script a single time.
  action_foreach: Declare a target that runs a script over a set of files.
  bundle_data: [iOS/macOS] Declare a target without output.
  copy: Declare a target that copies files.
  create_bundle: [iOS/macOS] Build an iOS or macOS bundle.
  executable: Declare an executable target.
  generated_file: Declare a generated_file target.
  group: Declare a named group of targets.
  loadable_module: Declare a loadable module target.
  rust_library: Declare a Rust library target.
  rust_proc_macro: Declare a Rust procedural macro target.
  shared_library: Declare a shared library target.
  source_set: Declare a source set target.
  static_library: Declare a static library target.
  target: Declare an target with the given programmatic type.

Buildfile functions (type "gn help <function>" for more help):
  assert: Assert an expression is true at generation time.
  config: Defines a configuration object.
  declare_args: Declare build arguments.
  defined: Returns whether an identifier is defined.
  exec_script: Synchronously run a script and return the output.
  foreach: Iterate over a list.
  forward_variables_from: Copies variables from a different scope.
  get_label_info: Get an attribute from a target's label.
  get_path_info: Extract parts of a file or directory name.
  get_target_outputs: [file list] Get the list of outputs from a target.
  getenv: Get an environment variable.
  import: Import a file into the current scope.
  not_needed: Mark variables from scope as not needed.
  pool: Defines a pool object.
  print: Prints to the console.
  process_file_template: Do template expansion over a list of files.
  read_file: Read a file into a variable.
  rebase_path: Rebase a file or directory to another location.
  set_default_toolchain: Sets the default toolchain name.
  set_defaults: Set default values for a target type.
  set_sources_assignment_filter: Set a pattern to filter source files.
  split_list: Splits a list into N different sub-lists.
  string_join: Concatenates a list of strings with a separator.
  string_replace: Replaces substring in the given string.
  string_split: Split string into a list of strings.
  template: Define a template rule.
  tool: Specify arguments to a toolchain tool.
  toolchain: Defines a toolchain.
  write_file: Write a file to disk.

Built-in predefined variables (type "gn help <variable>" for more help):
  current_cpu: [string] The processor architecture of the current toolchain.
  current_os: [string] The operating system of the current toolchain.
  current_toolchain: [string] Label of the current toolchain.
  default_toolchain: [string] Label of the default toolchain.
  gn_version: [number] The version of gn.
  host_cpu: [string] The processor architecture that GN is running on.
  host_os: [string] The operating system that GN is running on.
  invoker: [string] The invoking scope inside a template.
  python_path: [string] Absolute path of Python.
  root_build_dir: [string] Directory where build commands are run.
  root_gen_dir: [string] Directory for the toolchain's generated files.
  root_out_dir: [string] Root directory for toolchain output files.
  target_cpu: [string] The desired cpu architecture for the build.
  target_gen_dir: [string] Directory for a target's generated files.
  target_name: [string] The name of the current target.
  target_os: [string] The desired operating system for the build.
  target_out_dir: [string] Directory for target output files.

Variables you set in targets (type "gn help <variable>" for more help):
  aliased_deps: [scope] Set of crate-dependency pairs.
  all_dependent_configs: [label list] Configs to be forced on dependents.
  allow_circular_includes_from: [label list] Permit includes from deps.
  arflags: [string list] Arguments passed to static_library archiver.
  args: [string list] Arguments passed to an action.
  asmflags: [string list] Flags passed to the assembler.
  assert_no_deps: [label pattern list] Ensure no deps on these targets.
  bundle_contents_dir: Expansion of {{bundle_contents_dir}} in create_bundle.
  bundle_deps_filter: [label list] A list of labels that are filtered out.
  bundle_executable_dir: Expansion of {{bundle_executable_dir}} in create_bundle
  bundle_resources_dir: Expansion of {{bundle_resources_dir}} in create_bundle.
  bundle_root_dir: Expansion of {{bundle_root_dir}} in create_bundle.
  cflags: [string list] Flags passed to all C compiler variants.
  cflags_c: [string list] Flags passed to the C compiler.
  cflags_cc: [string list] Flags passed to the C++ compiler.
  cflags_objc: [string list] Flags passed to the Objective C compiler.
  cflags_objcc: [string list] Flags passed to the Objective C++ compiler.
  check_includes: [boolean] Controls whether a target's files are checked.
  code_signing_args: [string list] Arguments passed to code signing script.
  code_signing_outputs: [file list] Output files for code signing step.
  code_signing_script: [file name] Script for code signing.
  code_signing_sources: [file list] Sources for code signing step.
  complete_static_lib: [boolean] Links all deps into a static library.
  configs: [label list] Configs applying to this target or config.
  contents: Contents to write to file.
  crate_name: [string] The name for the compiled crate.
  crate_root: [string] The root source file for a binary or library.
  crate_type: [string] The type of linkage to use on a shared_library.
  data: [file list] Runtime data file dependencies.
  data_deps: [label list] Non-linked dependencies.
  data_keys: [string list] Keys from which to collect metadata.
  defines: [string list] C preprocessor defines.
  depfile: [string] File name for input dependencies for actions.
  deps: [label list] Private linked dependencies.
  externs: [scope] Set of Rust crate-dependency pairs.
  framework_dirs: [directory list] Additional framework search directories.
  frameworks: [name list] Name of frameworks that must be linked.
  friend: [label pattern list] Allow targets to include private headers.
  include_dirs: [directory list] Additional include directories.
  inputs: [file list] Additional compile-time dependencies.
  ldflags: [string list] Flags passed to the linker.
  lib_dirs: [directory list] Additional library directories.
  libs: [string list] Additional libraries to link.
  metadata: [scope] Metadata of this target.
  output_conversion: Data format for generated_file targets.
  output_dir: [directory] Directory to put output file in.
  output_extension: [string] Value to use for the output's file extension.
  output_name: [string] Name for the output file other than the default.
  output_prefix_override: [boolean] Don't use prefix for output name.
  outputs: [file list] Output files for actions and copy targets.
  partial_info_plist: [filename] Path plist from asset catalog compiler.
  pool: [string] Label of the pool used by the action.
  precompiled_header: [string] Header file to precompile.
  precompiled_header_type: [string] "gcc" or "msvc".
  precompiled_source: [file name] Source file to precompile.
  product_type: [string] Product type for Xcode projects.
  public: [file list] Declare public header files for a target.
  public_configs: [label list] Configs applied to dependents.
  public_deps: [label list] Declare public dependencies.
  rebase: [boolean] Rebase collected metadata as files.
  response_file_contents: [string list] Contents of .rsp file for actions.
  script: [file name] Script file for actions.
  sources: [file list] Source files for a target.
  testonly: [boolean] Declares a target must only be used for testing.
  visibility: [label list] A list of labels that can depend on a target.
  walk_keys: [string list] Key(s) for managing the metadata collection walk.
  write_runtime_deps: Writes the target's runtime_deps to the given path.
  xcode_extra_attributes: [scope] Extra attributes for Xcode projects.
  xcode_test_application_name: [string] Name for Xcode test target.

Other help topics:
  all: Print all the help at once
  buildargs: How build arguments work.
  dotfile: Info about the toplevel .gn file.
  execution: Build graph and execution overview.
  grammar: Language and grammar for GN build files.
  input_conversion: Processing input from exec_script and read_file.
  label_pattern: Matching more than one label.
  labels: About labels.
  metadata_collection: About metadata and its collection.
  ninja_rules: How Ninja build rules are named.
  nogncheck: Annotating includes for checking.
  output_conversion: Specifies how to transform a value to output.
  runtime_deps: How runtime dependency computation works.
  source_expansion: Map sources to outputs for scripts.
  switches: Show available command-line switches.


ninja 构建工具,编译时依据 gn 生成的 *.ninja 文件进行编译构建,ninjiad 的可执行文件地位在 prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86 目录里

[email protected]:~/Desktop/OpenHarmony/sources/prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin$ ./ninja --help
usage: ninja [options] [targets...]

if targets are unspecified, builds the 'default' target (see manual).

  --version      print ninja version ("1.10.1")
  -v, --verbose  show all command lines while building

  -C DIR   change to DIR before doing anything else
  -f FILE  specify input build file [default=build.ninja]

  -j N     run N jobs in parallel (0 means infinity) [default=18 on this system]
  -k N     keep going until N jobs fail (0 means infinity) [default=1]
  -l N     do not start new jobs if the load average is greater than N
  -n       dry run (don't run commands but act like they succeeded)

  -d MODE  enable debugging (use '-d list' to list modes)
  -t TOOL  run a subtool (use '-t list' to list subtools)
    terminates toplevel options; further flags are passed to the tool
  -w FLAG  adjust warnings (use '-w list' to list warnings)

对于 deps、external_deps 的应用

在增加一个模块的时候,须要在 BUILD.gn 中申明它的依赖,为了便于后续处理部件间依赖关系,咱们将依赖分为两种——部件内依赖 deps 和部件间依赖 external_deps。



部件内依赖:现有模块 module1 属于部件 part1,要增加一个属于部件 part1 的模块 module2,module2 依赖于 module1,这种状况就属于部件内依赖。

部件间依赖:现有模块 module1 属于部件 part1,要增加一个模块 module2,module2 依赖于 module1,module2 属于部件 part2。模块 module2 与模块 module1 分属于两个不同的部件,这种状况就属于部件间依赖。


ohos_shared_library("module1") {
  part_name = "part1"   # 必选,所属部件名称
ohos_shared_library("module2") {
  deps = [
    "module1 的 gn target",
 ]                        # 部件内模块依赖
part_name = "part1"       # 必选,所属部件名称


ohos_shared_library("module1") {
  part_name = "part1"   # 必选,所属部件名称
ohos_shared_library("module2") {
  external_deps = [
  ]                      # 部件间模块依赖,这里依赖的模块必须是依赖的部件申明在 inner_kits 中的模块
  part_name = "part2"    # 必选,所属部件名称

留神:部件间依赖要写在 external_deps 外面,格局为”部件名: 模块名 ” 的模式,并且依赖的模块必须是依赖的部件申明在 inner_kits 中的模块。

查看.ninja_log 文件能够晓得每个模块编译的开始和完结工夫

out/rk3568/.ninja_log 文件记录了每个模块编译的开始和完结工夫(ms),完结工夫和开始工夫距离越短示意模块的编译工夫越短,编译性能越高。

从左到右别离示意:start time|end time|mtime|command hash。
mtime(modify time)显示的是文件内容被批改的最初工夫
