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这篇文章的次要目标是通知大家如何配置 Prometheus,使得它能够从指定的 Web Api 接口采集指标数据。文章中用到的案例是 NGINX 的采集配置,从设定了用户名和明码的 NGINX 数据指标页中采集数据,因而这篇文章的副标题可能是 nginx 的 prometheus 采集配置 或者prometheus 采集 basic auth 的 nginx

上图是配置实现后,在 Grafana 配置了模板的成果。

应用过 Prometheus 的敌人想必都晓得如何配置 address:port 类服务,例如收集某个 Redis 的相干信息时,配置能够这么写:

  - job_name: 'redis'
    - targets: ['']

正文:以上案例中假如 Redis Exporter 的 地址和端口是。

这种是最简略,也是最为人熟知的方法。然而如果要监控指定的 Web API,可就不能这么写了。如果你没有看到这篇文章,你可能会在搜索引擎外面这么搜:

  • Prometheus 监控 Web
  • Prometheus scrape Web
  • Prometheus 监控接口
  • Prometheus 监控指定 API
  • Prometheus API 配置
  • Prometheus 域名 配置
  • Prometheus basic auth
  • Prometheus 接口 用户名 明码

但很可怜的是,搜不到什么无效信息(当初是 2021 年 03 月),能找到的基本上都是坑。


假如咱们当初须要从地址为 https://www.weishidong.com//s… 的接口收集相干的 Prometheus 监控指标,并且这个接口应用了 basic auth(假设用户名为 weishidong,明码为 0099887kk)进行根本的权限校验。


依照之前见到的 Prometheus 配置填写的话,很有可能把配置写成这样:

  - job_name: 'web'
    - targets: ['http://www.weishidong.com/status/format/prometheus']
      username: weishidong
      password: 0099887kk



方才的操作真的是蹩脚透了,遇到不懂的问题时,咱们当然是去翻官网文档了 ->Prometheus Configuration。浏览时举荐自上而下,不过如果你比拟焦急,能够间接来到 采集配置 这个局部。官网给出的示例如下(内容太多,这里只保留跟本文相干的局部,倡议大家去看原文):

# The job name assigned to scraped metrics by default.
job_name: <job_name>

# How frequently to scrape targets from this job.
[scrape_interval: <duration> | default = <global_config.scrape_interval>]

# Per-scrape timeout when scraping this job.
[scrape_timeout: <duration> | default = <global_config.scrape_timeout>]

# The HTTP resource path on which to fetch metrics from targets.
[metrics_path: <path> | default = /metrics]

# honor_labels controls how Prometheus handles conflicts between labels that are
# already present in scraped data and labels that Prometheus would attach
# server-side ("job" and "instance" labels, manually configured target
# labels, and labels generated by service discovery implementations).
# If honor_labels is set to "true", label conflicts are resolved by keeping label
# values from the scraped data and ignoring the conflicting server-side labels.
# If honor_labels is set to "false", label conflicts are resolved by renaming
# conflicting labels in the scraped data to "exported_<original-label>" (for
# example "exported_instance", "exported_job") and then attaching server-side
# labels.
# Setting honor_labels to "true" is useful for use cases such as federation and
# scraping the Pushgateway, where all labels specified in the target should be
# preserved.
# Note that any globally configured "external_labels" are unaffected by this
# setting. In communication with external systems, they are always applied only
# when a time series does not have a given label yet and are ignored otherwise.
[honor_labels: <boolean> | default = false]

# honor_timestamps controls whether Prometheus respects the timestamps present
# in scraped data.
# If honor_timestamps is set to "true", the timestamps of the metrics exposed
# by the target will be used.
# If honor_timestamps is set to "false", the timestamps of the metrics exposed
# by the target will be ignored.
[honor_timestamps: <boolean> | default = true]

# Configures the protocol scheme used for requests.
[scheme: <scheme> | default = http]

# Optional HTTP URL parameters.
  [<string>: [<string>, ...] ]

# Sets the `Authorization` header on every scrape request with the
# configured username and password.
# password and password_file are mutually exclusive.
  [username: <string>]
  [password: <secret>]
  [password_file: <string>]

# Sets the `Authorization` header on every scrape request with
# the configured bearer token. It is mutually exclusive with `bearer_token_file`.
[bearer_token: <secret>]

# Sets the `Authorization` header on every scrape request with the bearer token
# read from the configured file. It is mutually exclusive with `bearer_token`.
[bearer_token_file: <filename>]

如果你认真看的话,应该会关注到几个要害信息:metrics_pathbasic_auth。其中,metrics_path 用于指定 HTTP 类指标信息采集时的路由地址,默认值是 /metrics;字段 basic_auth 则是用来进行权限验证的,而且明码这里能够指定密码文件,而不是间接填写明文(一般来说,指定密码文件的安全性稍高与明文)。



- job_name: 'web'
    metrics_path: /status/format/prometheus
    - targets: ['www.weishidong.com']
      username: weishidong
      password: 0099887kk

要留神的是,这里并不需要填写 http:// 字样,因为 Prometheus 默认的 Scheme 就是 http。如果地址的 Scheme 是 https 的话,依照文档指引,咱们须要增加 scheme 字段,对应的配置为:

- job_name: 'web'
    metrics_path: /status/format/prometheus
    - targets: ['www.weishidong.com']
    scheme: https
      username: weishidong
      password: 0099887kk

配置实现后,Prometheus 应该就能顺利的采集到数据了,配上 Grafana,就可能看到开篇给出的监控效果图。
