资深数据库专家,专研 MySQL 十余年。善于 MySQL、PostgreSQL、MongoDB 等开源数据库相干的备份复原、SQL 调优、监控运维、高可用架构设计等。目前任职于爱可生,为各大运营商及银行金融企业提供 MySQL 相干技术支持、MySQL 相干课程培训等工作。
* 爱可生开源社区出品,原创内容未经受权不得随便应用,转载请分割小编并注明起源。
我之前有一篇介绍在 MySQL SHELL 环境中如何对文档类数据进行操作,然而 MySQL SHELL 性能很多,除了能够操作文档类数据,也能够对关系表进行各种 DDL,DML 等操作。这里我就用几个简略例子来示范下如何用 MySQL SHELL 操作关系表。
此处援用的数据库示例基于官网的 SAMPLE DATABASE:WORLD,表构造以及数据能够自行下载。
MySQL SHELL 对关系型数据库的操作波及到三个组件:
- MySQL:传统 mysql,操作比较简单,除了写法有些差别外,基本上等同于 SQL 操作。
- MySQL X:基于 X DEV 协定操作 mysql,其中蕴含很多类,除了能够操作文档数据,也能够操作关系表。
- SHELL:蕴含了以上两个组件,能够随便切换,重点在于如何抉择连贯协定。
第一:mysql 组件
连贯数据库:mysql.get_session 或者 mysql.get_classic_session
MySQL Py > connection_url="mysql://root:root@localhost/world?socket=(/var/lib/mysql/official/mysql.sock)"
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1 = mysql.get_session(connection_url);
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1
MySQL Py > connection_url={"schema":"world","user":"root","password":"root","socket":"/var/lib/mysql/official/mysql.sock"}
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1=mysql.get_session(connection_url);
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1
接下来能够用 ClassicSession 类提供的各种办法来对关系表进行相干操作,所有的操作都能够间接用函数 run_sql 来执行:
对表 city 查问:
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1.run_sql("table city limit 1")
| ID | Name | CountryCode | District | Population |
| 1 | Kabul | AFG | Kabol | 1780000 |
1 row in set (0.0005 sec)
对表 city 插入:
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1.run_sql("insert into city(name,countrycode,population,district) values ('test','CHN',1000000,'dd')")
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.0079 sec)
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1.run_sql("select * from city where name ='test'")
| ID | Name | CountryCode | District | Population |
| 4097 | test | CHN | dd | 1000000 |
1 row in set (0.0032 sec)
对表 city 更新:
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1.run_sql("update city set name='who know ?'where id=4097")
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.0894 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1.run_sql("select * from city where id=4097")
| ID | Name | CountryCode | District | Population |
| 4097 | who know ? | CHN | dd | 1000000 |
1 row in set (0.0005 sec)
对表 city 删除:
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1.run_sql("delete from city where id=4097")
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.0739 sec)
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1.run_sql("select * from city where id=4097")
Empty set (0.0004 sec)
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1.start_transaction();
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.0003 sec)
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1.run_sql("delete from city where id =1")
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.0006 sec)
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1.rollback();
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.2070 sec)
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1.run_sql("select * from city where id = 1")
| ID | Name | CountryCode | District | Population |
| 1 | Kabul | AFG | Kabol | 1780000 |
1 row in set (0.0004 sec)
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1.close();
MySQL Py > ytt_cn1
第二:mysqlx 组件
MySQL X 组件蕴含了很多类,上面我来举几个罕用的例子:
仍然是先连贯数据库 world:X 协定端口 33060 或者 X SOCKET(用 mysqlx.get_session 办法)。
MySQL Py > connection_urlx="mysqlx://root:root@localhost/world?socket=(/var/lib/mysql/official/mysqlx.sock)"
MySQL Py > ytt_cnx1=mysqlx.get_session(connection_urlx);
比方找出人口小于 800 的城市并且列出对应的国家名字:
SQL:select a.id,a.name,b.name country_name, a.population from city a join country b on (a.countrycode = b.code and a.population < 800);
SQLRESULT 类:相似于 mysql 游标用法
MySQL Py > sql1="select a.id,a.name,b.name country_name, a.population from city a join country b on (a.countrycode = b.code and a.population < 800)"
MySQL Py > sql_result1=ytt_cnx1.run_sql(sql1)
MySQL Py > sql_result1.fetch_one()
"The Valley",
MySQL Py > sql_result1.fetch_one()
"Flying Fish Cove",
"Christmas Island",
MySQL Py > sql_result1.fetch_one_object();
{"country_name": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"id": 2316,
"name": "Bantam",
"population": 503
MySQL Py > sql_result1.fetch_all()
"West Island",
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"Città del Vaticano",
"Holy See (Vatican City State)",
SqlExecute 类:相似于 prepare 语句用法
比方把之前的人口判断条件替换为绑定变量(?或者变量 (:a)),这样能够不便多个条件一起查问。
MySQL Py > sql2="select a.id,a.name,b.name country_name, a.population from city a join country b on (a.countrycode = b.code and a.population < ?)"
MySQL Py > sql_result2=ytt_cnx1.sql(sql2);
MySQL Py > a=800
MySQL Py > b=500
MySQL Py > sql_result2.bind(a)
| id | name | country_name | population |
| 62 | The Valley | Anguilla | 595 |
| 1791 | Flying Fish Cove | Christmas Island | 700 |
| 2316 | Bantam | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 503 |
| 2317 | West Island | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 167 |
| 2728 | Yaren | Nauru | 559 |
| 2805 | Alofi | Niue | 682 |
| 2912 | Adamstown | Pitcairn | 42 |
| 3333 | Fakaofo | Tokelau | 300 |
| 3538 | Città del Vaticano | Holy See (Vatican City State) | 455 |
9 rows in set (0.0022 sec)
MySQL Py > sql_result2.bind(b)
| id | name | country_name | population |
| 2317 | West Island | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 167 |
| 2912 | Adamstown | Pitcairn | 42 |
| 3333 | Fakaofo | Tokelau | 300 |
| 3538 | Città del Vaticano | Holy See (Vatican City State) | 455 |
4 rows in set (0.0023 sec)
Table 类:获取以后连贯数据库下单张表,能够对这张表进行任何 DML 操作。(获取 Table 类之前,得先获取 Schema 类)
MySQL Py > ytt_schema1=ytt_cnx1.get_schema('world')
MySQL Py > ytt_tbname1=ytt_schema1.get_table('city');
查找人口少于 800 的记录:
MySQL Py > ytt_tbname1.select().where("population<800")
| ID | Name | CountryCode | District | Population |
| 62 | The Valley | AIA | – | 595 |
| 1791 | Flying Fish Cove | CXR | – | 700 |
| 2316 | Bantam | CCK | Home Island | 503 |
| 2317 | West Island | CCK | West Island | 167 |
| 2728 | Yaren | NRU | – | 559 |
| 2805 | Alofi | NIU | – | 682 |
| 2912 | Adamstown | PCN | – | 42 |
| 3333 | Fakaofo | TKL | Fakaofo | 300 |
| 3538 | Città del Vaticano | VAT | – | 455 |
9 rows in set (0.0024 sec)
MySQL Py > ytt_tbname1.select().where("population<800").order_by("population desc").limit(3)
| ID | Name | CountryCode | District | Population |
| 1791 | Flying Fish Cove | CXR | – | 700 |
| 2805 | Alofi | NIU | – | 682 |
| 62 | The Valley | AIA | – | 595 |
3 rows in set (0.0024 sec)
Table 类蕴含几个子类:TableSelect、TableInsert、TableUpdate、TableDelete。
之前查找人口小于 800 的记录后果即为 TableSelect,能够基于此类来后续操作
MySQL Py > tbselect1=ytt_tbname1.select().where("population<800")
MySQL Py > tbselect1.select("[id,name]").order_by("population desc").limit(2);
| JSON_ARRAY(`id`,`name`) |
| [1791, "Flying Fish Cove"] |
| [2805, "Alofi"] |
2 rows in set (0.0031 sec)
MySQL Py > ytt_tbname1.count()
MySQL Py > tbinsert1=ytt_tbname1.insert(["name","population","countrycode","district"]).values('test',1000000,'CHN','dd');
MySQL Py > tbinsert1.execute();
Query OK, 1 item affected (0.0054 sec)
MySQL Py > ytt_tbname1.count()
多 VALUES 模式:
MySQL Py > tbinsert1=ytt_tbname1.insert(["name","population","countrycode","district"]).values('test',1000000,'CHN','dd').values('test',1000000,'CHN','dd');
MySQL Py > tbinsert1.execute()
Query OK, 2 items affected (0.0325 sec)
Records: 2 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
MySQL Py >
MySQL Py > ytt_tbname1.count()
MySQL Py > ytt_cnx1.start_transaction();
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.0004 sec)
MySQL Py > tbinsert1=ytt_tbname1.insert(["name","population","countrycode","district"]).values('test',1000000,'CHN','dd');
MySQL Py > tbinsert1
Query OK, 1 item affected (0.0008 sec)
MySQL Py > tbinsert1
Query OK, 1 item affected (0.0006 sec)
MySQL Py > tbinsert1
Query OK, 1 item affected (0.0008 sec)
MySQL Py > tbinsert1
Query OK, 1 item affected (0.0006 sec)
MySQL Py > ytt_cnx1.commit();
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.2737 sec)
MySQL Py > ytt_tbname1.count()
MySQL Py > tbupdate1=ytt_tbname1.update().set('district','nothing').where("name='test'")
MySQL Py > tbupdate1
Query OK, 0 items affected (0.0048 sec)
Rows matched: 9 Changed: 9 Warnings: 0
MySQL Py > tbdelete1=ytt_tbname1.delete().where("district='nothing'");
MySQL Py > tbdelete1
Query OK, 9 items affected (0.0112 sec)
MySQL Py > ytt_tbname1.count()
第三:SHELL 组件
SHELL 组件能够在 MySQL 和 MySQL X 间随便切换,并且连贯后,蕴含了一个默认数据库类“db”,db 等价于 ytt_cnx1.get_current_schema(),
MySQL Py > ytt_cnx_shell1=shell.connect(connection_urlx)
Creating an X protocol session to 'root@localhost/world'
Fetching schema names for autocompletion... Press ^C to stop.
Your MySQL connection id is 10 (X protocol)
Server version: 8.0.23 MySQL Community Server - GPL
Default schema `world` accessible through db
仍然还是操作表 city,
MySQL localhost+ ssl world Py > ytt_tbname2=db.get_table("city")
MySQL localhost+ ssl world Py > ytt_tbname2
之后的操作和之前 mysqlx 的一样。
MySQL localhost+ ssl world Py > ytt_tbname2.select(['id','name']).where("population<800").order_by("id desc").limit(3);
| id | name |
| 3538 | Città del Vaticano |
| 3333 | Fakaofo |
| 2912 | Adamstown |
3 rows in set (0.0011 sec)
所以如果用 MySQL SHELL 来操作 mysql 关系表,举荐用 SHELL 组件的形式,非常灵活。