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  1. golang 官网的 mongo driver 怎么执行了没有日志输入啊
  2. golang mongo driver 如何记录 sql,如何打印之行的命令


在这之前我应用 MySQL 是比拟多的,起初遇到有记录用户日志需要,随着数据量越来越大,MySQL 越来越扛不住,就降级为了 Mongo,在应用 Mongo 过程中,发现没法记录日志,就是无奈将打印代码发动的 sql,之前应用 gorm 打印 execute sql 是很不便的。


终于在不懈~ 打住,其实很简略,就在 ClientOptions 字段里:

// ClientOptions contains options to configure a Client instance. Each option can be set through setter functions. See
// documentation for each setter function for an explanation of the option.
type ClientOptions struct {
    AppName                  *string
    Auth                     *Credential
    AutoEncryptionOptions    *AutoEncryptionOptions
    MaxConnecting            *uint64
    PoolMonitor              *event.PoolMonitor
    Monitor                  *event.CommandMonitor // 执行的命令监视器(日志)
    ServerMonitor            *event.ServerMonitor

    err error
    uri string
    cs  *connstring.ConnString

github 代码地址

是的—— ClientOptions.Monitor 字段。


package mongolearn

import (


var (mongoDsn = "mongodb://admin:123456@")

// TestConnUseDb sql monitor
func TestConnWithMonitor() {ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
    defer cancel()

    // client option
    var clientOpt = options.Client().ApplyURI(mongoDsn)
    // log monitor
    var logMonitor = event.CommandMonitor{Started: func(ctx context.Context, startedEvent *event.CommandStartedEvent) {
            log.Printf("mongo reqId:%d start on db:%s cmd:%s sql:%+v", startedEvent.RequestID, startedEvent.DatabaseName,
                startedEvent.CommandName, startedEvent.Command)
        Succeeded: func(ctx context.Context, succeededEvent *event.CommandSucceededEvent) {
            log.Printf("mongo reqId:%d exec cmd:%s success duration %d ns", succeededEvent.RequestID,
                succeededEvent.CommandName, succeededEvent.DurationNanos)
        Failed: func(ctx context.Context, failedEvent *event.CommandFailedEvent) {
            log.Printf("mongo reqId:%d exec cmd:%s failed duration %d ns", failedEvent.RequestID,
                failedEvent.CommandName, failedEvent.DurationNanos)
    // cmd monitor set
    client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOpt)
    if nil != err {fmt.Printf("mongo connect err %v\n", err)
    } else {fmt.Printf("mongo connect success~\n")
        defer func() {if err = client.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {panic(err)

    // update test
    if re, err := client.Database("test").Collection("test").UpdateOne(ctx, bson.M{"name": "cc"}, bson.M{"$set": bson.M{"age": 12}}); err != nil {log.Printf("%v", err)
    } else {log.Printf("mongo update one re %+v", re)


mongo connect success~
2023/08/20 13:22:43 mongo reqId:6 start on db:test cmd:update sql:{"update": "test","ordered": true,"lsid": {"id": {"$binary":{"base64":"qfrrzSt7SkCN5ChY04/T5A==","subType":"04"}}},"$db": "test","updates": [{"q": {"name": "cc"},"u": {"$set": {"age": {"$numberInt":"12"}}}}]}
2023/08/20 13:22:43 mongo reqId:6 exec cmd:update success duration 44489114 ns
2023/08/20 13:22:43 mongo update one re &{MatchedCount:0 ModifiedCount:0 UpsertedCount:0 UpsertedID:<nil>}

# 上面是断开 mongo 时触发的命令
2023/08/20 13:22:43 mongo reqId:7 start on db:admin cmd:endSessions sql:{"endSessions": [{"id": {"$binary":{"base64":"qfrrzSt7SkCN5ChY04/T5A==","subType":"04"}}}],"$db": "admin"}
2023/08/20 13:22:43 mongo reqId:7 exec cmd:endSessions success duration 58037162 ns

通过以上日志能够看到,mongo 的 monitor 依照 Started, Succeeded 程序记录,最初才会执行函数外的 日志。


