

micro.newService() 中 newOptions

func newOptions(opts ...Option) Options {
    opt := Options{
        Auth:      auth.DefaultAuth,
        Broker:    broker.DefaultBroker,
        Cmd:       cmd.DefaultCmd,
        Config:    config.DefaultConfig,
        Client:    client.DefaultClient,
        Server:    server.DefaultServer,
        Store:     store.DefaultStore,
        Registry:  registry.DefaultRegistry,
        Router:    router.DefaultRouter,
        Runtime:   runtime.DefaultRuntime,
        Transport: transport.DefaultTransport,
        Context:   context.Background(),
        Signal:    true,

    for _, o := range opts {o(&opt)

    return opt

初始化了一堆根底设置,来看看 Runtime
在 runtime/runtime.go 中的
DefaultRuntime Runtime = NewRuntime()

// NewRuntime creates new local runtime and returns it
func NewRuntime(opts ...Option) Runtime {
    // get default options
    options := Options{}

    // apply requested options
    for _, o := range opts {o(&options)

    // make the logs directory
    path := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "micro", "logs")
    _ = os.MkdirAll(path, 0755)

    return &runtime{
        options:    options,
        closed:     make(chan bool),
        start:      make(chan *service, 128),
        namespaces: make(map[string]map[string]*service),


  1. 初始化并设置 options
  2. 创立日志目录,零碎的长期目录 /micro/logs
  3. 返回 runtime{}

runtime 的相干介绍 https://github.com/micro/docs…
