共计 11507 个字符,预计需要花费 29 分钟才能阅读完成。
为了不便用户装置 istio 和操作相应的 manifest,社区将本来的纯 helm 装置模式演变成现在的 cli 和 operator 模式 (https://docs.google.com/docum…)。同时为了保障后向兼容和良好的代码复用,cli 复用 operator 提供的命令行 api,operator 命令行基于 helm 的 chart 渲染进行实现。根本的模式构造如下图所示:
因而,本文从 istioctl 提供的 install 和 manifest 指令登程,依照 istioctl->operator->helm 的方向进行剖析,重点形容 operator 中 cmd 的实现流程。
此节可参考 https://istio.io/latest/docs/… 官网文档。
istioctl 实质上是利用 cobra 编写的命令行程序,在 /istio/istioctl/cmd/root.go 中将 InstallCmd 退出 RootCmd 中,而 InstallCmd 由 operator 实现。
installCmd := mesh.InstallCmd(loggingOptions) | |
hideInheritedFlags(installCmd, FlagNamespace, FlagIstioNamespace, FlagCharts) | |
rootCmd.AddCommand(installCmd) |
接下来,以 istioctl install –set installPackagePath=/istio/manifests –set profile=empty -f test0.yaml -f test1.yaml 为例,剖析各个函数。其中 test0.yaml 和 test1.yaml 的内容如下图所示。
# test0.yaml | |
apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1 | |
kind: IstioOperator | |
spec: | |
profile: minimal | |
hub: docker.io/istio | |
tag: 1.1.4 | |
components: | |
pilot: | |
enabled: true |
# test1.yaml | |
apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1 | |
kind: IstioOperator | |
spec: | |
hub: docker.io/istio | |
tag: 1.1.5 | |
components: | |
pilot: | |
enabled: true |
ParseYAMLFiles 从左到右读取并笼罩 - f 标记所传入的 IstioOperator yaml,并提取出其中的 profile 字段。因而提取出的 profile 为 minimal,test0.yaml 和 test1.yaml 的初步处理结果 temp0.yaml 如下所示。
# temp0.yaml | |
apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1 | |
kind: IstioOperator | |
spec: | |
profile: minimal | |
hub: docker.io/istio | |
tag: 1.1.5 | |
components: | |
pilot: | |
enabled: true |
ReadYamlProfile 依据 –set profile=empty 对 ParseYAMLFiles 返回的 profile 后果进行笼罩,因而最终的 profile 为 empty。
GetProfileYAML 从 –set installPackagePath=/istio/manifests 指定的目录读取 empty yaml,因为 istio 所提供的所有内置 profile 都基于 default profile,因而利用 empty yaml 去笼罩 default profile,最终失去 temp1.yaml。
#empty yaml | |
# The empty profile has everything disabled | |
# This is useful as a base for custom user configuration | |
apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1 | |
kind: IstioOperator | |
spec: | |
components: | |
base: | |
enabled: false | |
pilot: | |
enabled: false | |
ingressGateways: | |
- name: istio-ingressgateway | |
enabled: false |
#default yaml | |
apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1 | |
kind: IstioOperator | |
metadata: | |
namespace: istio-system | |
spec: | |
hub: gcr.io/istio-testing | |
tag: latest | |
# You may override parts of meshconfig by uncommenting the following lines. | |
meshConfig: | |
defaultConfig: | |
proxyMetadata: {} | |
enablePrometheusMerge: true | |
# Opt-out of global http2 upgrades. | |
# Destination rule is used to opt-in. | |
# h2_upgrade_policy: DO_NOT_UPGRADE | |
# Traffic management feature | |
components: | |
base: | |
enabled: true | |
pilot: | |
enabled: true | |
# Istio Gateway feature | |
ingressGateways: | |
- name: istio-ingressgateway | |
enabled: true | |
egressGateways: | |
- name: istio-egressgateway | |
enabled: false | |
# Istio CNI feature | |
cni: | |
enabled: false | |
# Remote and config cluster configuration for an external istiod | |
istiodRemote: | |
enabled: false | |
# Global values passed through to helm global.yaml. | |
# Please keep this in sync with manifests/charts/global.yaml | |
values: | |
defaultRevision: "" | |
global: | |
istioNamespace: istio-system | |
istiod: | |
enableAnalysis: false | |
logging: | |
level: "default:info" | |
logAsJson: false | |
pilotCertProvider: istiod | |
jwtPolicy: third-party-jwt | |
proxy: | |
image: proxyv2 | |
clusterDomain: "cluster.local" | |
resources: | |
requests: | |
cpu: 100m | |
memory: 128Mi | |
limits: | |
cpu: 2000m | |
memory: 1024Mi | |
logLevel: warning | |
componentLogLevel: "misc:error" | |
privileged: false | |
enableCoreDump: false | |
statusPort: 15020 | |
readinessInitialDelaySeconds: 1 | |
readinessPeriodSeconds: 2 | |
readinessFailureThreshold: 30 | |
includeIPRanges: "*" | |
excludeIPRanges: ""excludeOutboundPorts:"" | |
excludeInboundPorts: "" | |
autoInject: enabled | |
tracer: "zipkin" | |
proxy_init: | |
image: proxyv2 | |
resources: | |
limits: | |
cpu: 2000m | |
memory: 1024Mi | |
requests: | |
cpu: 10m | |
memory: 10Mi | |
# Specify image pull policy if default behavior isn't desired. | |
# Default behavior: latest images will be Always else IfNotPresent. | |
imagePullPolicy: "" | |
operatorManageWebhooks: false | |
tracer: | |
lightstep: {} | |
zipkin: {} | |
datadog: {} | |
stackdriver: {} | |
imagePullSecrets: [] | |
oneNamespace: false | |
defaultNodeSelector: {} | |
configValidation: true | |
multiCluster: | |
enabled: false | |
clusterName: "" | |
omitSidecarInjectorConfigMap: false | |
network: "" | |
defaultResources: | |
requests: | |
cpu: 10m | |
defaultPodDisruptionBudget: | |
enabled: true | |
priorityClassName: "" | |
useMCP: false | |
sds: | |
token: | |
aud: istio-ca | |
sts: | |
servicePort: 0 | |
meshNetworks: {} | |
mountMtlsCerts: false | |
base: | |
enableCRDTemplates: false | |
validationURL: "" | |
pilot: | |
autoscaleEnabled: true | |
autoscaleMin: 1 | |
autoscaleMax: 5 | |
replicaCount: 1 | |
image: pilot | |
traceSampling: 1.0 | |
env: {} | |
cpu: | |
targetAverageUtilization: 80 | |
nodeSelector: {} | |
keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge: 30m | |
enableProtocolSniffingForOutbound: true | |
enableProtocolSniffingForInbound: true | |
deploymentLabels: | |
podLabels: {} | |
configMap: true | |
telemetry: | |
enabled: true | |
v2: | |
enabled: true | |
metadataExchange: | |
wasmEnabled: false | |
prometheus: | |
wasmEnabled: false | |
enabled: true | |
stackdriver: | |
enabled: false | |
logging: false | |
monitoring: false | |
topology: false | |
configOverride: {} | |
istiodRemote: | |
injectionURL: "" | |
gateways: | |
istio-egressgateway: | |
env: {} | |
autoscaleEnabled: true | |
type: ClusterIP | |
name: istio-egressgateway | |
secretVolumes: | |
- name: egressgateway-certs | |
secretName: istio-egressgateway-certs | |
mountPath: /etc/istio/egressgateway-certs | |
- name: egressgateway-ca-certs | |
secretName: istio-egressgateway-ca-certs | |
mountPath: /etc/istio/egressgateway-ca-certs | |
istio-ingressgateway: | |
autoscaleEnabled: true | |
type: LoadBalancer | |
name: istio-ingressgateway | |
env: {} | |
secretVolumes: | |
- name: ingressgateway-certs | |
secretName: istio-ingressgateway-certs | |
mountPath: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs | |
- name: ingressgateway-ca-certs | |
secretName: istio-ingressgateway-ca-certs | |
mountPath: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-ca-certs |
#temp1.yaml | |
apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1 | |
kind: IstioOperator | |
metadata: | |
namespace: istio-system | |
spec: | |
components: | |
base: | |
enabled: false | |
cni: | |
enabled: false | |
egressGateways: | |
- enabled: false | |
name: istio-egressgateway | |
ingressGateways: | |
- enabled: false | |
name: istio-ingressgateway | |
istiodRemote: | |
enabled: false | |
pilot: | |
enabled: false | |
hub: gcr.io/istio-testing | |
meshConfig: | |
defaultConfig: | |
proxyMetadata: {} | |
enablePrometheusMerge: true | |
tag: latest | |
values: | |
base: | |
enableCRDTemplates: false | |
validationURL: ""defaultRevision:"" | |
gateways: | |
istio-egressgateway: | |
autoscaleEnabled: true | |
env: {} | |
name: istio-egressgateway | |
secretVolumes: | |
- mountPath: /etc/istio/egressgateway-certs | |
name: egressgateway-certs | |
secretName: istio-egressgateway-certs | |
- mountPath: /etc/istio/egressgateway-ca-certs | |
name: egressgateway-ca-certs | |
secretName: istio-egressgateway-ca-certs | |
type: ClusterIP | |
istio-ingressgateway: | |
autoscaleEnabled: true | |
env: {} | |
name: istio-ingressgateway | |
secretVolumes: | |
- mountPath: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs | |
name: ingressgateway-certs | |
secretName: istio-ingressgateway-certs | |
- mountPath: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-ca-certs | |
name: ingressgateway-ca-certs | |
secretName: istio-ingressgateway-ca-certs | |
type: LoadBalancer | |
global: | |
configValidation: true | |
defaultNodeSelector: {} | |
defaultPodDisruptionBudget: | |
enabled: true | |
defaultResources: | |
requests: | |
cpu: 10m | |
imagePullPolicy: "" | |
imagePullSecrets: [] | |
istioNamespace: istio-system | |
istiod: | |
enableAnalysis: false | |
jwtPolicy: third-party-jwt | |
logAsJson: false | |
logging: | |
level: default:info | |
meshNetworks: {} | |
mountMtlsCerts: false | |
multiCluster: | |
clusterName: "" | |
enabled: false | |
network: "" | |
omitSidecarInjectorConfigMap: false | |
oneNamespace: false | |
operatorManageWebhooks: false | |
pilotCertProvider: istiod | |
priorityClassName: "" | |
proxy: | |
autoInject: enabled | |
clusterDomain: cluster.local | |
componentLogLevel: misc:error | |
enableCoreDump: false | |
excludeIPRanges: ""excludeInboundPorts:"" | |
excludeOutboundPorts: "" | |
image: proxyv2 | |
includeIPRanges: '*' | |
logLevel: warning | |
privileged: false | |
readinessFailureThreshold: 30 | |
readinessInitialDelaySeconds: 1 | |
readinessPeriodSeconds: 2 | |
resources: | |
limits: | |
cpu: 2000m | |
memory: 1024Mi | |
requests: | |
cpu: 100m | |
memory: 128Mi | |
statusPort: 15020 | |
tracer: zipkin | |
proxy_init: | |
image: proxyv2 | |
resources: | |
limits: | |
cpu: 2000m | |
memory: 1024Mi | |
requests: | |
cpu: 10m | |
memory: 10Mi | |
sds: | |
token: | |
aud: istio-ca | |
sts: | |
servicePort: 0 | |
tracer: | |
datadog: {} | |
lightstep: {} | |
stackdriver: {} | |
zipkin: {} | |
useMCP: false | |
istiodRemote: | |
injectionURL: "" | |
pilot: | |
autoscaleEnabled: true | |
autoscaleMax: 5 | |
autoscaleMin: 1 | |
configMap: true | |
cpu: | |
targetAverageUtilization: 80 | |
deploymentLabels: null | |
enableProtocolSniffingForInbound: true | |
enableProtocolSniffingForOutbound: true | |
env: {} | |
image: pilot | |
keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge: 30m | |
nodeSelector: {} | |
podLabels: {} | |
replicaCount: 1 | |
traceSampling: 1 | |
telemetry: | |
enabled: true | |
v2: | |
enabled: true | |
metadataExchange: | |
wasmEnabled: false | |
prometheus: | |
enabled: true | |
wasmEnabled: false | |
stackdriver: | |
configOverride: {} | |
enabled: false | |
logging: false | |
monitoring: false | |
topology: false |
OverlayIOP 将 ReadYaml(And)Profile 所失去的 temp0.yaml 笼罩于 temp1.yaml 之上,失去 final.yaml
#empty yaml | |
# The empty profile has everything disabled | |
# This is useful as a base for custom user configuration | |
apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1 | |
kind: IstioOperator | |
spec: | |
components: | |
base: | |
enabled: false | |
pilot: | |
enabled: false | |
ingressGateways: | |
- name: istio-ingressgateway | |
enabled: false |
# final.yaml | |
apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1 | |
kind: IstioOperator | |
metadata: | |
creationTimestamp: null | |
namespace: istio-system | |
spec: | |
components: | |
base: | |
enabled: false | |
cni: | |
enabled: false | |
egressGateways: | |
- enabled: false | |
name: istio-egressgateway | |
ingressGateways: | |
- enabled: false | |
name: istio-ingressgateway | |
istiodRemote: | |
enabled: false | |
pilot: | |
enabled: true | |
hub: docker.io/istio | |
installPackagePath: /istio/manifests | |
meshConfig: | |
defaultConfig: | |
proxyMetadata: {} | |
enablePrometheusMerge: true | |
profile: empty | |
tag: 1.1.5 | |
values: | |
base: | |
enableCRDTemplates: false | |
validationURL: ""defaultRevision:"" | |
gateways: | |
istio-egressgateway: | |
autoscaleEnabled: true | |
env: {} | |
name: istio-egressgateway | |
secretVolumes: | |
- mountPath: /etc/istio/egressgateway-certs | |
name: egressgateway-certs | |
secretName: istio-egressgateway-certs | |
- mountPath: /etc/istio/egressgateway-ca-certs | |
name: egressgateway-ca-certs | |
secretName: istio-egressgateway-ca-certs | |
type: ClusterIP | |
istio-ingressgateway: | |
autoscaleEnabled: true | |
env: {} | |
name: istio-ingressgateway | |
secretVolumes: | |
- mountPath: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-certs | |
name: ingressgateway-certs | |
secretName: istio-ingressgateway-certs | |
- mountPath: /etc/istio/ingressgateway-ca-certs | |
name: ingressgateway-ca-certs | |
secretName: istio-ingressgateway-ca-certs | |
type: LoadBalancer | |
global: | |
configValidation: true | |
defaultNodeSelector: {} | |
defaultPodDisruptionBudget: | |
enabled: true | |
defaultResources: | |
requests: | |
cpu: 10m | |
imagePullPolicy: "" | |
imagePullSecrets: [] | |
istioNamespace: istio-system | |
istiod: | |
enableAnalysis: false | |
jwtPolicy: third-party-jwt | |
logAsJson: false | |
logging: | |
level: default:info | |
meshNetworks: {} | |
mountMtlsCerts: false | |
multiCluster: | |
clusterName: "" | |
enabled: false | |
network: "" | |
omitSidecarInjectorConfigMap: false | |
oneNamespace: false | |
operatorManageWebhooks: false | |
pilotCertProvider: istiod | |
priorityClassName: "" | |
proxy: | |
autoInject: enabled | |
clusterDomain: cluster.local | |
componentLogLevel: misc:error | |
enableCoreDump: false | |
excludeIPRanges: ""excludeInboundPorts:"" | |
excludeOutboundPorts: "" | |
image: proxyv2 | |
includeIPRanges: '*' | |
logLevel: warning | |
privileged: false | |
readinessFailureThreshold: 30 | |
readinessInitialDelaySeconds: 1 | |
readinessPeriodSeconds: 2 | |
resources: | |
limits: | |
cpu: 2000m | |
memory: 1024Mi | |
requests: | |
cpu: 100m | |
memory: 128Mi | |
statusPort: 15020 | |
tracer: zipkin | |
proxy_init: | |
image: proxyv2 | |
resources: | |
limits: | |
cpu: 2000m | |
memory: 1024Mi | |
requests: | |
cpu: 10m | |
memory: 10Mi | |
sds: | |
token: | |
aud: istio-ca | |
sts: | |
servicePort: 0 | |
tracer: | |
datadog: {} | |
lightstep: {} | |
stackdriver: {} | |
zipkin: {} | |
useMCP: false | |
istiodRemote: | |
injectionURL: "" | |
pilot: | |
autoscaleEnabled: true | |
autoscaleMax: 5 | |
autoscaleMin: 1 | |
configMap: true | |
cpu: | |
targetAverageUtilization: 80 | |
deploymentLabels: null | |
enableProtocolSniffingForInbound: true | |
enableProtocolSniffingForOutbound: true | |
env: {} | |
image: pilot | |
keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge: 30m | |
nodeSelector: {} | |
podLabels: {} | |
replicaCount: 1 | |
traceSampling: 1 | |
telemetry: | |
enabled: true | |
v2: | |
enabled: true | |
metadataExchange: | |
wasmEnabled: false | |
prometheus: | |
enabled: true | |
wasmEnabled: false | |
stackdriver: | |
configOverride: {} | |
enabled: false | |
logging: false | |
monitoring: false | |
topology: false |
配置局部总结如下,operator 将绝大部分面向用户的配置复杂度都暗藏在了内置 profile 中,其中 base profile 是根底演变项,演变过程为 base profile -> select profile -> user config -> set flag,越往后优先级越高。在具体实际中,内置 profile 能满足大多数需要,若有额定需要则应用 user config 解决,set flag 不便于管理。
后面提到,operator 要应用 helm 的 chart rendering,因而通过 GenerateConfig 生成的 final.yaml 能够映射到 helm 的 values.yaml。并且,为了便于用户了解与保护 helm chart,istio 管制面的每一个组件都有一个 chart 与之对应,final.yaml 中各个组件的配置最终映射到各个 chart 的 values.yaml 进行渲染。charts 目录如下所示。
每个组件的 chart 渲染胜利后生成所需的 manifest,并利用 k8s 的 api 与 apiserver 进行交互,最初胜利创立或更新 istio 失常运行所需的所有资源。
Manifest 命令根本与 Install 命令的流程相似,只是通过 helm 渲染后不须要与 apiserver 交互并创立资源,因而不再赘述。