

koa-logger 源码解析

以 GET 申请“/”为例子,koa-logger 会打印以下日志:

  <-- GET /
GET / - 790ms
  --> GET / 200 803ms 185b


// koa-logger 主函数
function dev (opts) {
  // print 函数,默认参数为空时是调用 console.log,如果有 transporter 选项,则调用 transporter 函数代替
  const print = (function () {
    let transporter
    if (typeof opts === 'function') {transporter = opts} else if (opts && opts.transporter) {transporter = opts.transporter}

    return function printFunc (...args) {
      // 留神:这里做了格局说明符替换
      const str = util.format(...args)
      if (transporter) {transporter(str, args)
      } else {console.log(...args)

  return async function logger (ctx, next) {
    // request
    const start = ctx[Symbol.for('request-received.startTime')] ? ctx[Symbol.for('request-received.startTime')].getTime() : Date.now()
    // 打印申请日志
    print('' + chalk.gray('<--') +' '+ chalk.bold('%s') +' '+ chalk.gray('%s'),

    try {await next()
    } catch (err) {
      // log uncaught downstream errors
      log(print, ctx, start, null, err)
      throw err

    // calculate the length of a streaming response
    // by intercepting the stream with a counter.
    // only necessary if a content-length header is currently not set.
    // 通过应用计数器拦挡流来计算响应流的长度。只有在以后没有设置 Content-Length 的响应报头时才须要。const length = ctx.response.length
    const body = ctx.body
    let counter
    if (length == null && body && body.readable) {
      ctx.body = body
        .pipe(counter = Counter())
        .on('error', ctx.onerror)

    // log when the response is finished or closed,
    // whichever happens first.
    // 记录响应实现或敞开的工夫,以先产生的工夫为准。个别都是触发 finish 事件
    const res = ctx.res

    const onfinish = done.bind(null, 'finish')
    const onclose = done.bind(null, 'close')

    // 重点:判断一个流申请是否完结
    res.once('finish', onfinish)
    res.once('close', onclose)

    function done (event) {res.removeListener('finish', onfinish)
      res.removeListener('close', onclose)
      // 打印 申请形式 门路 状态码 响应工夫 报文长度
      log(print, ctx, start, counter ? counter.length : length, null, event)

还有个 logger 辅助函数:

 * Log helper. 封装的输入打点数据的辅助函数

function log (print, ctx, start, len, err, event) {
  // 从 err 获取响应的状态码
  // 以下字段比方 err.isBoom、err.output.statusCode、err.status 等都是依据业务来的
  // 个别业务都有对立的解决响应的中间件
  // 留神 500、404 的解决辨别
  const status = err
    ? (err.isBoom ? err.output.statusCode : err.status || 500)
    : (ctx.status || 404)

  // set the color of the status code;
  // 依据不同状态码区间,1xx、2xx、3xx、4xx、5xx,映射抉择不必色彩输入加以辨别
  const s = status / 100 | 0
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  const color = colorCodes.hasOwnProperty(s) ? colorCodes[s] : colorCodes[0]

  // get the human readable response length
  let length
  // 204、205、304 非凡解决
  if (~[204, 205, 304].indexOf(status)) {length = ''} else if (len == null) {length = '-'} else {
    // 借助 bytes 库,计算响应内容大小、输入相似 2b、2kb
    length = bytes(len).toLowerCase()}

  const upstream = err ? chalk.red('xxx')
    : event === 'close' ? chalk.yellow('-x-')
      : chalk.gray('-->')

  print('' + upstream +' '+ chalk.bold('%s') +' '+ chalk.gray('%s') +' '+ chalk[color]('%s') +' '+ chalk.gray('%s') +' '+ chalk.gray('%s'),

 * Show the response time in a human readable format.
 * In milliseconds if less than 10 seconds,
 * in seconds otherwise.

function time (start) {const delta = Date.now() - start
  return humanize(delta < 10000
    ? delta + 'ms'
    : Math.round(delta / 1000) + 's')


这个包代码很简略,不到 200 行代码,性能也很简略,须要拓展须要手动定制。
