

共计 24201 个字符,预计需要花费 61 分钟才能阅读完成。

应用计算机视觉和自然语言解决来为 X 射线的图像生成文本形容。




放射学也称为诊断成像,是一系列通过拍摄身材部位的照片或图像来诊断和医治疾病的测试。尽管有几种不同的成像查看,但最常见的包含 X 射线、MRI、超声波、CT 扫描和 PET 扫描。


借助深度学习和自然语言解决,咱们能够通过形容 X 射线来缩小放射科医生的工作量,因而在本案例钻研中,咱们将从 X 射线中提取后果,将雷同的概念扩大到其余局部例如 MeSH 等,


依据美国放射学杂志和 BMJ:英国医学杂志,与特定地区的人口相比,放射科医生很少,特地是在农村和较小的社区环境中,因而医学图像解释和编目存在微小提早,从而影响到医疗诊断,并使患者护理面临危险。

医学图像由业余医学专业人员(放射科医师)浏览和解释,他们对每个查看区域的发现通过书面医学报告(放射学报告)进行记录和传播。撰写医疗报告的过程通常须要 5-10 分钟左右。一天之内,医生必须编写数以百计的医学报告,这可能会破费他们很多工夫。如果咱们开发的模型能够在没有放射科医生和编目员的任何干涉的状况下放慢医学图像解释和编目,这将无效地解决了这些问题。


图像和文本句子是序列信息,因而咱们将在编码器 - 解码器等设置中应用像 LSTM 或 GRU 这样的 RNN(循环神经网络),并增加注意力机制来进步咱们的模型性能。当然应用 Transformers 实践上来说会更好。

如何评估我的模特的体现呢?BLEU: Bilingual Evaluation Understudy

BLEU 是一种用于评估机器翻译文本品质的算法。BLEU 背地的中心思想是机器翻译越靠近业余的人工翻译越好,它也是最早宣称与人工品质判断具备高度相关性的指标之一,并且到当初依然是最受欢迎的指标之一。

BLEU 的输入始终是一个介于 0 和 1 之间的数字。该值示意候选文本与参考文本的类似水平,靠近 1 的值示意更类似。本文应用的 BLEU 是基于 n -gram 精度改良的,因为它应用 n-gram 来比拟和评估生成文本的品质并给出分数,它计算疾速简略并且被宽泛应用。

BLEU 的工作形式很简略。给定一个句子和一组参考句子的一些候选翻译,咱们应用词袋办法来查看在翻译和参考句子中同时呈现了多少 BOW。BOW 是一种简略而高效的办法,可确保机器翻译蕴含参考翻译也蕴含的要害短语或单词。换句话说,BLEU 将候选翻译与人工生成的带正文的参考翻译进行比拟,并比拟候选句子中有多少命中。BOW 呈现次数越多,翻译成果就越好。

在理解 BLEU 之前,咱们须要理解 Precision、Modified Precision 和 Brevity Penalty。


这里 tp 和 fp 别离代表真正例和假正例。咱们能够认为正例大抵对应于命中或匹配的概念。换句话说正例是咱们能够从给定的候选翻译中构建的单词 n-gram 包。真正例是呈现在候选翻译和一些参考翻译中的 n-gram。误报是只呈现在候选翻译中的那些。

Modified Precision:

如果简略的基于精度的度量计算会产生很大的问题,比方如果咱们有一个候选样本,It it it it it it it it it it it it it” 下面的精度计算会给出 1 作为输入,但它给定的候选是十分蹩脚的。这是因为精确度只波及查看是否呈现了一个命中,但它不查看是否反复。因而须要批改精度,如果这些反复屡次,咱们将进行裁剪:

Count 指的是咱们调配给某个 n -gram 的命中次数。Mw 是指在候选句子中呈现 n -gram 的次数。Mmax,即该 n -gram 在任何一个参考句子中呈现的最大次数。

Brevity Penalty:

Brevity Penalty 惩办短的候选翻译,从而确保只有足够长的机器翻译能力取得高分。它的指标是找到与所的候选翻译的长度最靠近的参考句子的长度。如果该参考句子的长度大于候选句子,就会施加一些惩办;如果候选句子更长,则不利用任何惩办。处罚的具体公式如下:


集成下面的所有 BLEU 的公式如下:

这里的 N 为指定单词包的大小,或 N -gram,Wn 示意修改后的精度 pn 的权重。

NLTK 包中有 BLEU 现成的实现,咱们能够间接应用

from nltk.translate.bleu_score import sentence_bleu
reference = [['this', 'is', 'small', 'test']]
candidate = ['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']
print('Cumulative 1-gram: %f' % sentence_bleu(reference, candidate, weights=(1, 0, 0, 0)))
print('Cumulative 2-gram: %f' % sentence_bleu(reference, candidate, weights=(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0)))
print('Cumulative 3-gram: %f' % sentence_bleu(reference, candidate, weights=(0.33, 0.33, 0.33, 0)))
print('Cumulative 4-gram: %f' % sentence_bleu(reference, candidate, weights=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25)))


对于这个本文的钻研,咱们应用来自印第安纳大学医院网络的开源数据。印第安纳大学 - 胸部 x 光片 (PNG 图片)



数据大小:1.36 GB,图像数量:7470,所有图片均为 png 格局,能够间接应用 OpenCV 解决图像。所有的图像都有雷同的宽度 512 像素。然而高度从 362 p 到 873 px 不等。

图像中蕴含了 FRONTAL 和 LATERAL 两个方向的 x 光

XML 报告数据如下:

印第安纳大学 - 胸部 x 光片 (XML 报告):


数据大小:20.7 MB,报告总数:3955,咱们能够应用 xml.etree.ElementTree 解析 XML 报告,Xml 蕴含以下重要数据,须要从 Xml 中提取。

1、适应症:该数据形容了钻研起因和 / 或实用的临床信息或诊断的简略、简洁的陈说。对适应症的清晰了解也能够说明钻研应解决的适当临床问题。例如:结核病检测阳性、胸痛等,




整合下面的 2 个信息简略的可视化如下:


应用 XML 库,咱们从每个患者 XML 报告中提取“发现”、图像门路和患者 id 信息,并与它们造成一个数据集。

images = []
patient_ids = []
img_findings = []
for filename in tqdm(os.listdir(os.getcwd()+'/reports/ecgen-radiology')):
    if filename.endswith(".xml"):
        f = os.path.join(os.getcwd()+'/reports/ecgen-radiology',filename)     
        tree = ET.parse(f)
        root = tree.getroot()
        for child in root:
            if child.tag == 'uId':
              patient = child.attrib['id']
            if child.tag == 'MedlineCitation':
                for attr in child:
                    if attr.tag == 'Article':
                        for i in attr:
                            if i.tag == 'Abstract':
                                for name in i:
                                    if name.get('Label') == 'FINDINGS':
        for p_image in root.findall('parentImage'):

总共有 3851 名患者:

  • 1 张图像患者:446 例
  • 2 张图像患者:3208 例
  • 3 张图像患者:181 例
  • 4 张图像患者 15 例
  • 5 张图像患者:1 例.


如果患者有一张与报告相干的 X 射线图像,咱们将雷同的图像复制两次作为 image1 和 image2。

如果患者有两张与报告相干的 X 射线图像,咱们将第一张图像做为 image1,第二张做为 image2。

如果患者有两个以上的 X 射线与报告相关联,咱们随机抉择 2 个 作为 image1 和 image2。


在发现列中大概有 13% 的空值。咱们将删除在后果列中具备空值的行,因为没法用随机的后果填充空值。并将其转换为小写,删除垃圾词

image_findings_dataset['findings'] = image_findings_dataset.loc[:,('findings')].str.lower()

def decontracted(row):
  # specific
  row = str(row)
  row = re.sub(r"won\'t","will not", row)
  row = re.sub(r"can\'t","can not", row)
  # general
  row = re.sub(r"n\'t"," not", row)
  row = re.sub(r"\'re"," are", row)
  row = re.sub(r"\'s"," is", row)
  row = re.sub(r"\'d"," would", row)
  row = re.sub(r"\'ll"," will", row)
  row = re.sub(r"\'t"," not", row)
  row = re.sub(r"\'ve"," have", row)
  row = re.sub(r"\'m"," am", row)
  row = re.sub('xxxx','',row) #occurs many times in text may be private information which isn't useful
  return str(row)
  def preprocessing(row):
  row = str(row)
  row = re.sub(r'xx*','',row) # Removing XXXX
  row = re.sub(r'\d','',row) # Removing numbers 
  temp = ""for i in row.split(" "): #Removing 2 letter words
    if i!= 'no' or i!='ct':
      temp = temp + ' ' + i
  temp = re.sub('{2,}', ' ',temp) #Replacing double space with single space
  temp = re.sub(r'\.+', ".", temp) #Replacing double . with single .
  temp = temp.lstrip() #Removing space at the beginning
  temp = temp.rstrip() #Removing space at the end
  return temp

image_findings_dataset['findings']= image_findings_dataset['findings'].apply(preprocessing)


咱们能够看到像胸腔积液 (pleural effusion),气胸 (pneumothora),心脏纵隔轮廓 (cardiomediastnal silhouette),yi 个别状况下咱们认为这些词不是失常词,但这些是医学畛域特有的,并且呈现的频率很大,阐明预处理后看起来很洁净。


如果仔细观察后果列,能够看到后果列中的数据偏差于非疾病数据(数据不均衡),并且因为咱们的数据非常少,大概 3300 条记录,这基本不足以用于深度学习办法,所以这里将尝试应用从新采样的办法解决数据使数据均衡(咱们尝试了多种办法,上面的办法是最好的)


第 1 步:让咱们把数据集分成两局部

1、发现列呈现次数超过 25 次。

2、发现列少于或等于 5 次。

第 2 步:用 test_size = 0.1 划分训练测试集以取得大于 5 的后果。

第 3 步:将 20% 样本大小的训练测试集划分为小于或等于 5 的后果。而后增加该样本测试并应用剩下的进行训练

第 4 步:上采样多数点,下采样少数点


findings_gt_5 = image_findings_dataset[image_findings_dataset['findings_count']>5]
findings_lte_5 = image_findings_dataset[image_findings_dataset['findings_count']<=5] 
train,test = train_test_split(findings_gt_5,stratify = findings_gt_5['findings'].values,test_size = 0.1,random_state = 420)
test_findings_lte_5_sample = findings_lte_5.sample(int(0.2*findings_lte_5.shape[0]),random_state = 420)
findings_lte_5 = findings_lte_5.drop(test_findings_lte_5_sample.index,axis=0)
test = test.append(test_findings_lte_5_sample)
test = test.reset_index(drop=True)
train = train.append(findings_lte_5) 
train = train.reset_index(drop=True)

image_findings_dataset_majority = train[train['findings_count']>=25] #having value counts >=25
image_findings_dataset_minority = train[train['findings_count']<=5] #having value counts <=5
image_findings_dataset_other = train[(train['findings_count']>5)&(train['findings_count']<25)] #value counts between 5 and 25
n1 = image_findings_dataset_minority.shape[0]
n2 = image_findings_dataset_majority.shape[0]
n3 = image_findings_dataset_other.shape[0]
image_findings_dataset_minority_upsampled = resample(image_findings_dataset_minority,
                                 replace = True,
                                 n_samples = 4*n1,
                                 random_state = 420)
image_findings_dataset_majority_downsampled = resample(image_findings_dataset_majority,
                                 replace = False,
                                 n_samples = n2//5,
                                 random_state = 420)
image_findings_dataset_other_downsampled = resample(image_findings_dataset_other,
                                 replace = False,
                                 n_samples = n3//3,
                                 random_state = 420)

train = pd.concat([image_findings_dataset_majority_downsampled ,image_findings_dataset_minority_upsampled,image_findings_dataset_other_downsampled])
train = train.reset_index(drop=True)

在别离对多数和少数样本进行上采样和下采样后,失去的训练数据有 8795 条记录,测试数据有 604 条记录,在医学这种不均衡数据中这个过程是必须的的。


tokenizer = Tokenizer(filters = '',oov_token ='<unk>') #setting filters to none
train_captions = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(train.findings_total) 
test_captions = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(test.findings_total) 
vocab_size = len(tokenizer.word_index)
caption_len = np.array([len(i) for i in train_captions])
start_index = tokenizer.word_index['<start>'] #tokened value of <start>
end_index = tokenizer.word_index['<end>'] #tokened value of <end>



在建设模型之前,让咱们先理解一些注意力在基于的编码器 - 解码器模型中应用的概念。


ChexNet 是一种深度学习算法,能够从胸部 X 光图像中检测和定位 14 种疾病。在 ChestX-ray14 数据集上训练了一个 121 层的卷积神经网络,该数据集蕴含来自 30,805 名独特患者的 112,120 张侧面视图 X 射线图像。后果十分好超过了执业放射科医生的体现。

咱们应用 ChexNet 预训练的权重来应用迁徙学习取得 X 射线的嵌入。因为 ChexNet 权重在 ChestX-ray14 数据集上的疾病分类等工作中失去了很好的收敛。



ChexNet 应用与骨干相似的架构是 DenseNet121,上面是 DenseNet 架构。


GloVe 是一种用于获取单词向量示意的无监督学习算法。对来自语料库的聚合全局词 - 词共现统计进行训练,失去的示意展现了词向量空间的线性子结构。

GloVe 实质上是一个具备加权最小二乘指标的对数双线性模型。该模型的次要实践是简略的察看,即单词 - 单词共现概率的比率有可能编码某种模式的含意。

咱们应用预训练的词向量将词转换为嵌入,GloVe 提供多维从新训练的词向量,其中咱们应用 300 维的词向量进行词嵌入转换。




简略的 RNN 不能很好地解决长期依赖关系。lstm 被明确设计为防止长期依赖问题。

lstm 有三个输出和两个输入,可能向单元状态中删除或增加信息,也能够不加批改地传递信息。



注意力模型的最后目标是帮忙改善计算机视觉和基于编码器 - 解码器的神经机器翻译零碎。该零碎应用自然语言解决 (NLP) 并依赖于具备简单性能的宏大数据库。应用注意力模型有助于创立固定长度向量的映射以生成翻译和了解。

注意力模型能够简略的分为 3 类:

  1. 自注意力模型
  2. 全局注意力模型
  3. 部分注意力模型

本文中咱们将应用 Bahdanau 和 Loung 倡议的论文中应用全局注意力模型(Global Attention Model)。

该模型基于与源地位和先前生成的指标词相关联的上下文向量来预测指标词。具备留神机制的 Seq2Seq 模型由编码器、解码器和留神层组成。


通过加载和下载的权重来实现 ChexNet,为了进行微调将 ChexNet 模型的可训练参数设置为 false,因为咱们心愿每次都应用雷同的权重,并且不想在反向流传中更新这些权重。

def create_chexnet(chexnet_weights = chexnet_weights,input_size = input_size):
  chexnet_weights: weights value in .h5 format of chexnet
  creates a chexnet model with preloaded weights present in chexnet_weights file
  model = tf.keras.applications.DenseNet121(include_top=False,input_shape = input_size+(3,)) #importing densenet the last layer will be a relu activation layer

  #we need to load the weights so setting the architecture of the model as same as the one of the chexnet
  x = model.output #output from chexnet
  x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x)
  x = Dense(14, activation="sigmoid", name="chexnet_output")(x) #here activation is sigmoid as seen in research paper

  chexnet = tf.keras.Model(inputs = model.input,outputs = x)
  chexnet = tf.keras.Model(inputs = model.input,outputs = chexnet.layers[-3].output)  #we will be taking the 3rd last layer (here it is layer before global avgpooling)
  #since we are using attention here
  return chexnet

下载并应用了 300 维预训练的 GloVe 向量。

glove = {}
with open('/content/drive/MyDrive/Project_on_Drive/glove/glove.6B.300d.txt',encoding='utf-8') as f: #taking 300 dimesions
  for line in tqdm(f):
    word = line.split() #it is stored as string like this "'the': '.418 0.24968 -0.41242 0.1217 0.34527 -0.044457 -0.4"
    glove[word[0]] = np.asarray(word[1:], dtype='float32')

embedding_dim = 300
# create a weight matrix for words in training docs for embedding purpose
embedding_matrix = np.zeros((vocab_size+1, embedding_dim)) #https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/layers/Embedding

for word, i in tqdm(tokenizer.word_index.items()):
  embedding_vector = glove.get(word)
  if embedding_vector is not None: #if the word is found in glove vectors
      embedding_matrix[i] = embedding_vector[:embedding_dim]


  • 将图像调整为 255×255 像素。
  • 将文本后果向量化,并将所有后果填充到雷同的长度。
  • 这里应用的图像增强技术是在程度方向和垂直方向以平均概率翻转图像。如果概率小于 33%,则程度翻转,如果介于 33 和 66% 之间,则垂直翻转,否则不进行图像增强。
  • 还进行了数据打乱的操作
class Dataset():
  #here we will get the images converted to vector form and the corresponding captions
  def __init__(self,df,input_size,tokenizer = tokenizer, augmentation = True,max_pad = max_pad): 
    """df  = dataframe containing image_1,image_2 and findings"""
    self.image1 = df.image1
    self.image2 = df.image2
    self.caption = df.decoder_ip     #inp
    self.caption1 = df.decoder_op  #output
    self.input_size = input_size #tuple ex: (512,512)
    self.tokenizer = tokenizer
    self.augmentation = augmentation
    self.max_pad = max_pad

    #image augmentation
    self.aug1 = iaa.Fliplr(1) #flip images horizaontally
    self.aug2 = iaa.Flipud(1) #flip images vertically

    # https://imgaug.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/overview/convolutional.html?highlight=emboss#emboss
    # self.aug3 = iaa.Emboss(alpha=(1), strength=1) #embosses image

    # #https://imgaug.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/api_augmenters_convolutional.html?highlight=sharpen#imgaug.augmenters.convolutional.Sharpen
    # self.aug4 = iaa.Sharpen(alpha=(1.0), lightness=(1.5)) #sharpens the image and apply some lightness/brighteness 1 means fully sharpened etc

  def __getitem__(self,i):
    #gets the datapoint at i th index, we will extract the feature vectors of images after resizing the image  and apply augmentation
    image1 = cv2.imread(self.image1[i],cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)/255 
    image2 = cv2.imread(self.image2[i],cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)/255 #here there are 3 channels
    image1 = cv2.resize(image1,self.input_size,interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
    image2 = cv2.resize(image2,self.input_size,interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
    if image1.any()==None:
      print("%i , %s image sent null value"%(i,self.image1[i]))
    if image2.any()==None:
      print("%i , %s image sent null value"%(i,self.image2[i]))

    #tokenizing and padding
    caption = self.tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(self.caption[i:i+1]) #the input should be an array for tokenizer ie [self.caption[i]] 

    caption = pad_sequences(caption,maxlen = self.max_pad,padding = 'post') #opshape:(input_length,)
    caption = tf.squeeze(caption,axis=0) #opshape = (input_length,) removing unwanted axis if present

    caption1 = self.tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(self.caption1[i:i+1]) #the input should be an array for tokenizer ie [self.caption[i]] 

    caption1 = pad_sequences(caption1,maxlen = self.max_pad,padding = 'post') #opshape: (input_length,)
    caption1 = tf.squeeze(caption1,axis=0) #opshape = (input_length,) removing unwanted axis if present

    if self.augmentation: #we will not apply augmentation that crops the image 
          a = np.random.uniform()
          if a<0.333:
              image1 = self.aug1.augment_image(image1)
              image2 = self.aug1.augment_image(image2)
          elif a<0.667:
              image1 = self.aug2.augment_image(image1)
              image2 = self.aug2.augment_image(image2)
          else: #applying no augmentation

    return image1,image2,caption,caption1

  def __len__(self):
    return len(self.image1)

class Dataloader(tf.keras.utils.Sequence):     #for batching
    def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=True):
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.shuffle = shuffle
        self.indexes = np.arange(len(self.dataset))

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        # collect batch data
        start = i * self.batch_size
        stop = (i + 1) * self.batch_size
        indexes = [self.indexes[j] for j in range(start,stop)] #getting the shuffled index values
        data = [self.dataset[j] for j in indexes] #taken from Data class (calls __getitem__ of Data) here the shape is batch_size*3, (image_1,image_2,caption)
        batch = [np.stack(samples, axis=0) for samples in zip(*data)] #here the shape will become batch_size*input_size(of image)*3,batch_size*input_size(of image)*3

        return tuple([[batch[0],batch[1],batch[2]],batch[3]]) #here [image1,image2, caption(without <END>)],caption(without <CLS>) (op)
    def __len__(self): #returns total number of batches in an epoch
        return len(self.indexes) // self.batch_size
    def on_batch_end(self): #it runs at the end of epoch
        if self.shuffle:
            np.random.shuffle(self.indexes) #in-place shuffling takes place

编码器层应用 ChexNet 权重对输出 X 射线进行编码,

class Image_encoder(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
  This layer will output image backbone features after passing it through chexnet
  here chexnet will be not be trainable
  def __init__(self,
               name = "image_encoder_block"
    self.chexnet = create_chexnet()
    self.chexnet.trainable = False
    self.avgpool = AveragePooling2D()
  def call(self,data):
    op = self.chexnet(data) #op shape: (None,7,7,1024)
    op = self.avgpool(op) #op shape (None,3,3,1024)
    op = tf.reshape(op,shape = (-1,op.shape[1]*op.shape[2],op.shape[3])) #op shape: (None,9,1024)
    return op 
 def encoder(image1,image2,dense_dim = dense_dim,dropout_rate = dropout_rate):
  Takes image1,image2
  gets the final encoded vector of these
  im_encoder = Image_encoder()
  bkfeat1 = im_encoder(image1) #shape: (None,9,1024)
  bk_dense = Dense(dense_dim,name = 'bkdense',activation = 'relu') #shape: (None,9,512)
  bkfeat1 = bk_dense(bkfeat1)

  bkfeat2 = im_encoder(image2) #shape: (None,9,1024)
  bkfeat2 = bk_dense(bkfeat2) #shape: (None,9,512)

  #combining image1 and image2
  concat = Concatenate(axis=1)([bkfeat1,bkfeat2]) #concatenating through the second axis shape: (None,18,1024)
  bn = BatchNormalization(name = "encoder_batch_norm")(concat) 
  dropout = Dropout(dropout_rate,name = "encoder_dropout")(bn)
  return dropout


class global_attention(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
  """calculate global attention"""
  def __init__(self,dense_dim = dense_dim):
    # Intialize variables needed for Concat score function here
    self.W1 = Dense(units = dense_dim) #weight matrix of shape enc_units*dense_dim
    self.W2 = Dense(units = dense_dim) #weight matrix of shape dec_units*dense_dim
    self.V = Dense(units = 1) #weight matrix of shape dense_dim*1 
      #op (None,98,1)

  def call(self,encoder_output,decoder_h): #here the encoded output will be the concatted image bk features shape: (None,98,dense_dim)
    decoder_h = tf.expand_dims(decoder_h,axis=1) #shape: (None,1,dense_dim)
    tanh_input = self.W1(encoder_output) + self.W2(decoder_h) #ouput_shape: batch_size*98*dense_dim
    tanh_output =  tf.nn.tanh(tanh_input)
    attention_weights = tf.nn.softmax(self.V(tanh_output),axis=1) #shape= batch_size*98*1 getting attention alphas
    op = attention_weights*encoder_output#op_shape: batch_size*98*dense_dim  multiply all aplhas with corresponding context vector
    context_vector = tf.reduce_sum(op,axis=1) #summing all context vector over the time period ie input length, output_shape: batch_size*dense_dim

    return context_vector,attention_weights


  1. 将 input_to_decoder 传递给嵌入层,而后取得输入 (batch_size,1, embedding_dim)
  2. 应用 encoder_output 和解码器暗藏状态,计算上下文向量。
  3. 连贯上下文向量与步骤 A 输入
  4. 将 Step- C 输入传递给 LSTM/GRU,并取得解码器输入和状态 (暗藏和单元状态)
  5. 将解码器输入传递到致密层 (词汇表大小),并将后果存储到输入中。
  6. 返回 Step- D 的状态,Step- E 的输入,Step- B 的留神权重
class One_Step_Decoder(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
  """decodes a single token"""
  def __init__(self,vocab_size = vocab_size, embedding_dim = embedding_dim, max_pad = max_pad, dense_dim = dense_dim ,name = "onestepdecoder"):
    # Initialize decoder embedding layer, LSTM and any other objects needed
    self.dense_dim = dense_dim
    self.embedding = Embedding(input_dim = vocab_size+1,
                                output_dim = embedding_dim,
                                weights = [embedding_matrix],
                                name = 'onestepdecoder_embedding'
    self.LSTM = GRU(units=self.dense_dim,return_sequences=True,return_state=True,name = 'onestepdecoder_LSTM')
    self.LSTM1 = GRU(units=self.dense_dim,return_sequences=False,return_state=True,name = 'onestepdecoder_LSTM1')
    self.attention = global_attention(dense_dim = dense_dim)
    self.concat = Concatenate(axis=-1)
    self.dense = Dense(dense_dim,name = 'onestepdecoder_embedding_dense',activation = 'relu')
    self.final = Dense(vocab_size+1,activation='softmax')
    self.concat = Concatenate(axis=-1)
    self.add =Add()
  def call(self,input_to_decoder, encoder_output, decoder_h):#,decoder_c):
        One step decoder mechanisim step by step:
      A. Pass the input_to_decoder to the embedding layer and then get the output(batch_size,1,embedding_dim)
      B. Using the encoder_output and decoder hidden state, compute the context vector.
      C. Concat the context vector with the step A output
      D. Pass the Step-C output to LSTM/GRU and get the decoder output and states(hidden and cell state)
      E. Pass the decoder output to dense layer(vocab size) and store the result into output.
      F. Return the states from step D, output from Step E, attention weights from Step -B
      here state_h,state_c are decoder states
    embedding_op = self.embedding(input_to_decoder) #output shape = batch_size*1*embedding_shape (only 1 token)

    context_vector,attention_weights = self.attention(encoder_output,decoder_h) #passing hidden state h of decoder and encoder output
    #context_vector shape: batch_size*dense_dim we need to add time dimension
    context_vector_time_axis = tf.expand_dims(context_vector,axis=1)
    #now we will combine attention output context vector with next word input to the lstm here we will be teacher forcing
    concat_input = self.concat([context_vector_time_axis,embedding_op])#output dimension = batch_size*input_length(here it is 1)*(dense_dim+embedding_dim)
    output,decoder_h = self.LSTM(concat_input,initial_state = decoder_h)
    output,decoder_h = self.LSTM1(output,initial_state = decoder_h)
    #output shape = batch*1*dense_dim and decoder_h,decoder_c has shape = batch*dense_dim
    #we need to remove the time axis from this decoder_output

    output = self.final(output)#shape = batch_size*decoder vocab size
    return output,decoder_h,attention_weights


class decoder(tf.keras.Model):
  """Decodes the encoder output and caption"""
  def __init__(self,max_pad = max_pad, embedding_dim = embedding_dim,dense_dim = dense_dim,score_fun='general',batch_size = batch_size,vocab_size = vocab_size):
    self.onestepdecoder = One_Step_Decoder(vocab_size = vocab_size, embedding_dim = embedding_dim, max_pad = max_pad, dense_dim = dense_dim)
    self.output_array = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32,size=max_pad)
    self.max_pad = max_pad
    self.batch_size = batch_size
    self.dense_dim =dense_dim
  def call(self,encoder_output,caption):#,decoder_h,decoder_c): #caption : (None,max_pad), encoder_output: (None,dense_dim)
    decoder_h, decoder_c = tf.zeros_like(encoder_output[:,0]), tf.zeros_like(encoder_output[:,0]) #decoder_h, decoder_c
    output_array = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32,size=max_pad)
    for timestep in range(self.max_pad): #iterating through all timesteps ie through max_pad
      output,decoder_h,attention_weights = self.onestepdecoder(caption[:,timestep:timestep+1], encoder_output, decoder_h)
      output_array = output_array.write(timestep,output) #timestep*batch_size*vocab_size

    self.output_array = tf.transpose(output_array.stack(),[1,0,2]) #.stack :Return the values in the TensorArray as a stacked Tensor.)
        #shape output_array: (batch_size,max_pad,vocab_size)
    return self.output_array

这里咱们还将一些比拟常见的训练技巧退出到了训练中,例如早停机制,学习率打算和应用 tensorboard 展现

loss_func = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy() 

def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    #getting mask value to not consider those words which are not present in the true caption
    mask = tf.math.logical_not(tf.math.equal(y_true, 0))

    #y_pred = y_pred+10**-7 #to prevent loss becoming null

    #calculating the loss
    loss_ = loss_func(y_true, y_pred)
    #converting mask dtype to loss_ dtype
    mask = tf.cast(mask, dtype=loss_.dtype)
    #applying the mask to loss
    loss_ = loss_*mask
    #returning mean over all the values
    return tf.reduce_mean(loss_)
tb_filename = 'Encoder_Decoder_global_attention/'
tb_file = os.path.join('/content/drive/MyDrive/Project_on_Drive',tb_filename)
model_filename = 'Encoder_Decoder_global_attention.h5'
model_save = os.path.join('/content/drive/MyDrive/Project_on_Drive',model_filename)
my_callbacks = [
    tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(patience = 5,
                                     verbose = 2
                                       save_best_only = True,
                                      save_weights_only = True,
                                       verbose = 2
    tf.keras.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=0.1,
                              patience=2, min_lr=10**-7, verbose = 2)
] #from keras documentation



batch_size = 100

embedding_dim = 300

dense_dim = 512

lstm_units = dense_dim

dropout_rate = 0.2

lr (Learning Rate) = 10**-2

number of epochs = 10

min_lr (Minimum Learning rate) =10**-7

模型训练了 10 轮,能够看到损失为 0.5577,精度为 0.8466,验证损失和精度别离为 1.4386 和 0.6907,如果咱们持续运行模型,能够失去更好的损失和精度,但看起来模型是过拟合的,因为失去了 10 轮的最佳后果。


应用 Greedy Search 测试题目预测和 BLEU 评分

咱们决定应用 Greedy Search:是因为正在预测文本,并且心愿在每个单词之后预测下一个最佳单词的概率,并且 Greedy Search 的计算成本并不高,因为咱们尝试了一些启发式搜索算法,例如 beam search,后果证实它们的计算成本很高。

def greedy_search_predict(image1,image2,model = model1):
  """Given paths to two x-ray images predicts the findings part of the x-ray in a greedy search algorithm"""
  image1 = cv2.imread(image1,cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)/255 
  image2 = cv2.imread(image2,cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)/255
  image1 = tf.expand_dims(cv2.resize(image1,input_size,interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST),axis=0) #introduce batch and resize
  image2 = tf.expand_dims(cv2.resize(image2,input_size,interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST),axis=0)
  image1 = model.get_layer('image_encoder')(image1)
  image2 = model.get_layer('image_encoder')(image2)
  image1 = model.get_layer('bkdense')(image1)
  image2 = model.get_layer('bkdense')(image2)

  concat = model.get_layer('concatenate')([image1,image2])
  enc_op = model.get_layer('encoder_batch_norm')(concat)  
  enc_op = model.get_layer('encoder_dropout')(enc_op) #this is the output from encoder

  decoder_h,decoder_c = tf.zeros_like(enc_op[:,0]),tf.zeros_like(enc_op[:,0])
  a = []
  pred = []
  for i in range(max_pad):
    if i==0: #if first word
      caption = np.array(tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(['<start>'])) #shape: (1,1)
    output,decoder_h,attention_weights = model.get_layer('decoder').onestepdecoder(caption,enc_op,decoder_h)#,decoder_c) decoder_c,

    max_prob = tf.argmax(output,axis=-1)  #tf.Tensor of shape = (1,1)
    caption = np.array([max_prob]) #will be sent to onstepdecoder for next iteration
    if max_prob==np.squeeze(tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(['<end>'])): 
  return tokenizer.sequences_to_texts([a])[0]

为什么只有 28.3% 的 BLEU 得分。这时深度学习须要大量的数据,但咱们提供给模型的数据非常少,即便在大量重采样之后,也会偏差于非疾病数据,因而这个 BLEU 评分对于咱们应用的数据来说曾经很好了,如果咱们有大量的数据,那么雷同的模型将体现得十分好,并给出更好的后果。



咱们可能胜利地为 x 射线图像生成题目 (发现),并可能通过带有 GRUs 的基于全局注意力的编码器 - 解码器模型实现约 28.3% 的 BLEU 评分。因为咱们领有的数据非常少,而且偏差于非患病数据,咱们无奈取得十分好的 BLEU 得分,但如果咱们有大量均衡的数据,那么同一段代码能够十分好地预测图像的题目。


能够应用 BERT 来取得题目嵌入,也能够应用 BERT 或者在解码器中应用 GPT- 2 或 GPT- 3 来生成题目,能够应用 Transformer 来代替基于注意力的编码器 - 解码器架构,获取更多有疾病的 x 光图像,因为该数据集中可取得的大多数数据属于“无疾病”类别。



作者:Santhosh Kurnapally
