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本周合并 Pull requests 5 个,新增 Pull requests 6 个,敞开 Issues 1 个,新增 Issues 5 个。总计 150 个文件批改,新增 531 行代码,删除 432 行代码。

Merged Pull Requests

fix: remove dup apply pass on the same physical op#453 merged 5 days ago
feat: revert hadoop common version to 2.7.1 for batch#482 merged 6 days ago
feat: add taskmanager as java submodule#481 merged 6 days ago
style: update hybridse header guard style#470 merged 6 days ago
fix: fix bug in integration-test-src#479 merged 7 days ago

Open Pull Requests

fix: create index parse and desc#480 opened 7 days ago
feat: java sdk add api getTableSchema#483 opened 7 days ago
feat: rm zk dependency in standalone mode#486 opened 6 days ago
fix: fix concat join fail#489 opened 6 days ago
fix: fix can’t use broadcast join when open window skew optimization#490 opened 5 days ago
feat: support plan explain#491 opened 5 days ago

Close Issues

Bug: fail to compile and run some SQL statements with OpenMLDB-batch when enable batch_window_parallelization#437 closed 5 days ago

Open Issues

Feat: Support explain for dataframe in openmldb-batch#488 opened 6 days ago
Bug: Can’t use broadcast join automatically when genAddColumnsDf#487 opened 6 days ago
Bug: Cannot resolve column name “__CONCATJOIN_INDEX__”#485 opened 6 days ago
Bug: Failed to merge incompatible data types string and int#484 opened 6 days ago
create table and create index should use the same logic to avoid more mistakes.#478 opened 7 days ago


Chen22 (jingchen2222@gmail.com)
HuangWei (huangwei@apache.org)
Kanekanekane (1290561498@qq.com)
tobe (tobeg3oogle@gmail.com)


本周恰逢中国国庆节,预祝大家国庆高兴,OpenMLDB 相干的代码批改和 Pull-request 比同期较少,但仍有重要的 bugfix。包含 OpenMLDB Batch 模块当初能够同时开启窗口并行优化和窗口歪斜优化,同时修复集成测试中发现的 SQL 优化过程反复优化子节点的状况。本周新增内部开发者参加,在 Gitee 悬赏 Issue 中修复了 C ++ header style 重构问题,更多悬赏工作请参考【悬赏】第四范式悬赏打算第一期来啦…。

欢送更多开发者关注和参加 OpenMLDB 开源我的项目。
