

共计 8626 个字符,预计需要花费 22 分钟才能阅读完成。

CSC3002: Introduction to Computer Science
Assignment 2
Assignment description:
You should write your code for each question in several .cpp and .h file. Please pack your whole
project (or source files are acceptable) into a single .zip file, name it using your student ID
(e.g. if your student ID is 123456, then the file should be named as 123456.zip), and then submit
the .zip file via BB. For this assignment, it is not necessary to use the sample project. You can
create an empty project with QT Creater to start programming. Please note that, the teaching
assistant may ask you to explain the meaning of your program, to ensure that the codes are
indeed written by yourself. Please also note that we may check whether your program is too
similar to your fellow students’code using BB. Please refer to the BB system for the
assignment deadline. For each day of late submission, you will obtain late penalty in the
assignment marks. If you submit more than three days later than the deadline, you will receive
zero in this assignment. Detailed description on assignment requirement is stated in the last
few pages.
Exercise 1: Area Codes
P258(266) No.19, 20
1.1 Telephone numbers in the United States and Canada are organized into various three-digit
area codes. A single state or province will often have many area codes, but a single area code will
not cross a state boundary. This rule makes it possible to list the geographical locations of each
area code in a data file. For this problem, assume that you have access to the file AreaCodes.txt,
which lists all the area codes paired with their locations as illustrated by the first few lines of that
Using the AirportCodes program as a model, write the code necessary to read this file into a
Map<int,string> , where the key is the area code and the value is the location. Once you’ve read
in the data, write a main program that repeatedly asks the user for an area code and then looks
up the corresponding location, as illustrated in the following sample run:
As the prompt suggests, however, your program should also allow users to enter the name of a
state or province and have the program list all the area codes that serve that area, as illustrated
by the following sample run:
1.2 When you wrote the FindAreaCode program for the previous exercise, it is likely that you
generated the list of area codes for a state by looping through the entire map and printing out
any area codes that mapped to that state. Although this strategy is fine for small maps like the
area code example, efficiency will become an issue in working with much larger data maps.
An alternative approach is to invert the map so that you can perform lookup operations in
either direction. You can’t, however, declare the inverted map as a Map<string, int> , because
there is often more than one area code associated with a state. What you need to do instead is to
make the inverted map a Map<string, Vector> that maps each state name to a vector of the
area codes that serve that state. Rewrite the FindAreaCode program so that it creates an
inverted map after reading in the data file and then uses that map to list the area codes for a
Requirement for 1.1:

  • File: FindAreaCode.cpp

  • This program looks up a numeric area codes for the United States
  • and Canada. The program works in both directions. If the user
  • enters a number, the program prints out the state or province to
  • which that code is assigned. If the user enters a name, it prints
  • out all the area codes assigned to that name.

    include <iostream>

    include <fstream>

    include <string>

    include “error.h”

    include “map.h”

    include “simpio.h”

    include “strlib.h”

    // TODO
    using namespace std;
    The AreaCode.txt file is given. Please fill in the TODO and rename the file as FindAreaCode.cpp
    Requirement for 1.2:
    / Function prototypes /
    void readCodeFile(string filename, Map<int,string> & map);
    / Main program /
    int main() {
    Map<int,string> areaCodeToState;
    readCodeFile(“AreaCodes.txt”, areaCodeToState);
    // TODO
    return 0;

  • Function: readCodeFile
  • Usage: readCodeFile(filename, map);

  • Reads a data file representing area codes and locations into the map,
  • which must be declared by the client. Each line must consist of the
  • area code, a hyphen, and the name of the state/province.
    void readCodeFile(string filename, Map<int,string> & map) {
    // TODO
  • File: InvertMap.cpp

  • This program looks up a numeric area codes for the United States
  • and Canada. The program works in both directions. If the user
  • enters a number, the program prints out the state or province to
  • which that code is assigned. If the user enters a name, it prints
  • out all the area codes assigned to that name. This version of the
  • code inverts the map at the beginning so that queries about the
  • state names can be resolved efficiently.

    include <iostream>

    include <cctype>

    include <fstream>

    include <string>

    include “error.h”

    include “map.h”

    include “simpio.h”

    include “strlib.h”

    using namespace std;
    // TODO
    / Function prototypes /
    void readCodeFile(string filename, Map<int,string> & map);
    void invertMap(Map<int,string> & areaCodeToState,
    Map< string,Vector<int> > & stateToAreaCodeList);
    / Main program /
    int main() {
    Map<int,string> areaCodeToState;
    Map<string, Vector<int> > stateToAreaCodeList;
    readCodeFile(“AreaCodes.txt”, areaCodeToState);
    invertMap(areaCodeToState, stateToAreaCodeList);
    // TODO
    return 0;

  • Function: readCodeFile
  • Usage: readCodeFile(filename, map);

  • Reads a data file representing area codes and locations into the map,
  • which must be declared by the client. Each line must consist of the
  • area code, a hyphen, and the name of the state/province.
    void readCodeFile(string filename, Map<int,string> & map) {
    // TODO
  • Function: invertMap
  • Usage: invertMap(areaCodeToState, stateToAreaCodeList);

  • Fills up the stateToAreaCodeList map by linking each state
  • to a vector of all the area codes that state contains. The
  • stateToAreaCodeList map is created by the client and should
  • be empty when invertMap is called. It is interesting to note
  • that the implementation doesn’t need to check whether the state
  • is already in the stateToAreaCodeList. If it isn’t, selecting
  • the element creates a default value.
    void invertMap(Map<int,string> & areaCodeToState,
    Map< string,Vector<int> > & stateToAreaCodeList) {
    // TODO
    The AreaCode.txt file is given. Please fill in the TODO and rename the file as InvertMap.cpp
    Exercise 2: IntArray
    P565(573) No.4, 5, 6 -> Treat these three problem as one exercise.
    2.1 Design and implement a class called IntArray that implements the following methods:
    A constructor IntArray(n) that creates an IntArray object with n elements, each of
    which is initialized to 0.
    A destructor that frees any heap storage allocated by the IntArray .
    A method size() that returns the number of elements in the IntArray .
    A method get(k) that returns the element at position k . If k is outside the vector bounds,
    get should call error with an appropriate message.
    A method put(k, value) that assigns value to the element at position k . As with get , the
    put method should call error if k is out of bounds.
    Your solution should be split into separate interface and implementation files in a manner similar
    to the CharStack example from the chapter. In the initial version of the code, you should add the
    necessary definitions to the intarray.h file to prevent clients from copying IntArray objects.
    Design and implement a unit test to check the methods exported by the class.
    By keeping track of the array size and checking that index values are inside the array bounds, this
    simple IntArray class already fixes two of the most serious shortcomings of the built-in array
    2.2 You can make the IntArray class from the preceding exercise look a little more like
    traditional arrays by overriding the bracket-selection operator, which has the following prototype:
    Like the get and put methods, your implementation of operator [] should check to make
    sure that the index k is valid. If it is, the operator [] method should return the element by
    reference so that clients can assign a new value to a selection expression.
    2.3 Implement deep copying for the IntArray class from exercises and .
    The TestIntArray.cpp file is given. Please write your intarray.h file and intarray.cpp file.
    Exercise 3: H-Fractal
    P385(393) No.16
    If you search the web for fractal designs, you will find many intricate wonders beyond the Koch
    snowflake illustrated in this chapter. H-fractal, in which the repeated pattern is shaped like an
    elongated letter H in which the horizontal bar and vertical lines on the sides have the same
    length. Thus, the order-0 Hfractal looks like this:
    int & operator [](int k);
    To create the order-1 fractal, all you do is add four new H-fractals—each one half of the original
    size—at each open end of the order-0 fractal, like this:
    To create the order-2 fractal, all you have to do is add even smaller H-fractals (again half the size
    of the fractal to which they connect) to each of the open endpoints. This process gives rise to the
    following order-2 fractal:
    Write a recursive function
    where x and y are the coordinates of the center of the H-fractal, size specifies the width and the
    height, and order indicates the order of the fractal. As an example, the main program
    would draw an order-3 H-fractal at the center of the graphics window, like this:
    drawHFractal(GWindow & gw, double x, double y,
    double size, int order);
    int main() {
    GWindow gw;
    double xc = gw.getWidth() / 2;
    double yc = gw.getHeight() / 2;
    drawHFractal(gw, xc, yc, 100, 3);
    return 0;
    Please fill the TODO and rename the file as HFractal.cpp.
  • File: HFractal.cpp

  • This program draws an H-fractal on the graphics window.int main() {

    include “gwindow.h”

    / Function prototypes /
    void drawHFractal(GWindow & gw, double x, double y, double size, int order);
    / Main program /
    int main() {
    GWindow gw;
    double xc = gw.getWidth() / 2;
    double yc = gw.getHeight() / 2;
    drawHFractal(gw, xc, yc, 100, 3);
    return 0;

  • Function: drawHFractal
  • Usage: drawHFractal(gw, x, y, size, order);

  • Draws a fractal diagram consisting of an H in which each additional
  • fractal layer draws half-size fractals at the four endpoints of each H.
    void drawHFractal(GWindow & gw, double x, double y, double size, int order) {