前文,咱们剖析了 Spring IOC 的初始化过程和 Bean 的生命周期等,而 Spring AOP 也是基于 IOC 的 Bean 加载来实现的。本文次要介绍 Spring AOP 原理解析的切面实现过程(将切面类的所有切面办法依据应用的注解生成对应 Advice,并将 Advice 连同切入点匹配器和切面类等信息一并封装到 Advisor,为后续交给代理加强实现做筹备的过程)。@pdai
Spring 框架系列(9) – Spring AOP 实现原理详解之 AOP 切面的实现
- 引入
aop 配置标签的解析
- config 配置标签的解析
- aspectj-autoproxy 配置标签的解析
- 判断是否是 aop 根底类
- 是否应该跳过 shouldSkip
- 切面办法转成 Advisor
- 获取表达式的切点
- 封装成 Advisor
- 小结
- postProcessAfterInitialization
- 总结
- 更多文章
咱们应该从哪里开始着手看 Spring AOP 的源码呢?和咱们上文剖析的 IOC 源码实现有什么关系呢?
- 前文中咱们写了 AOP 的 Demo,依据其 XML 配置咱们不难发现AOP 是基于 IOC 的 Bean 加载来实现的;这便使咱们的次要入口
所以了解 Spring AOP 的初始化必须要先了解 Spring IOC 的初始化。
- 而后咱们就能找到如下 初始化的流程和 aop 对应的 handler类
即 parseCustomElement 办法找到 parse aop:aspectj-autoproxy
的 handler(org.springframework.aop.config.AopNamespaceHandler)
aop 配置标签的解析
上文中,咱们找到了 AopNamespaceHandler,其实就是注册 BeanDefinition 的解析器 BeanDefinitionParser,将
配置标签交给指定的 parser 来解决。
public class AopNamespaceHandler extends NamespaceHandlerSupport {
* Register the {@link BeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParsers} for the
* '{@code config}', '{@code spring-configured}', '{@code aspectj-autoproxy}'
* and '{@code scoped-proxy}' tags.
public void init() {
// In 2.0 XSD as well as in 2.5+ XSDs
// 注册解析 <aop:config> 配置
registerBeanDefinitionParser("config", new ConfigBeanDefinitionParser());
// 注册解析 <aop:aspectj-autoproxy> 配置
registerBeanDefinitionParser("aspectj-autoproxy", new AspectJAutoProxyBeanDefinitionParser());
registerBeanDefinitionDecorator("scoped-proxy", new ScopedProxyBeanDefinitionDecorator());
// Only in 2.0 XSD: moved to context namespace in 2.5+
registerBeanDefinitionParser("spring-configured", new SpringConfiguredBeanDefinitionParser());
config 配置标签的解析
由 ConfigBeanDefinitionParser 这个类解决,作为 parser 类最重要的就是 parse 办法
public BeanDefinition parse(Element element, ParserContext parserContext) {
CompositeComponentDefinition compositeDef =
new CompositeComponentDefinition(element.getTagName(), parserContext.extractSource(element));
configureAutoProxyCreator(parserContext, element);
List<Element> childElts = DomUtils.getChildElements(element);
for (Element elt: childElts) {String localName = parserContext.getDelegate().getLocalName(elt);
if (POINTCUT.equals(localName)) {parsePointcut(elt, parserContext);
else if (ADVISOR.equals(localName)) {parseAdvisor(elt, parserContext);
else if (ASPECT.equals(localName)) {parseAspect(elt, parserContext);
return null;
parseAspect 的办法如下, 解决办法不难,我这里就不开展了
private void parseAspect(Element aspectElement, ParserContext parserContext) {String aspectId = aspectElement.getAttribute(ID);
String aspectName = aspectElement.getAttribute(REF);
try {this.parseState.push(new AspectEntry(aspectId, aspectName));
List<BeanDefinition> beanDefinitions = new ArrayList<>();
List<BeanReference> beanReferences = new ArrayList<>();
List<Element> declareParents = DomUtils.getChildElementsByTagName(aspectElement, DECLARE_PARENTS);
for (int i = METHOD_INDEX; i < declareParents.size(); i++) {Element declareParentsElement = declareParents.get(i);
beanDefinitions.add(parseDeclareParents(declareParentsElement, parserContext));
// We have to parse "advice" and all the advice kinds in one loop, to get the
// ordering semantics right.
NodeList nodeList = aspectElement.getChildNodes();
boolean adviceFoundAlready = false;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) {Node node = nodeList.item(i);
if (isAdviceNode(node, parserContext)) {if (!adviceFoundAlready) {
adviceFoundAlready = true;
if (!StringUtils.hasText(aspectName)) {parserContext.getReaderContext().error(
"<aspect> tag needs aspect bean reference via'ref'attribute when declaring advices.",
aspectElement, this.parseState.snapshot());
beanReferences.add(new RuntimeBeanReference(aspectName));
AbstractBeanDefinition advisorDefinition = parseAdvice(aspectName, i, aspectElement, (Element) node, parserContext, beanDefinitions, beanReferences);
AspectComponentDefinition aspectComponentDefinition = createAspectComponentDefinition(aspectElement, aspectId, beanDefinitions, beanReferences, parserContext);
List<Element> pointcuts = DomUtils.getChildElementsByTagName(aspectElement, POINTCUT);
for (Element pointcutElement : pointcuts) {parsePointcut(pointcutElement, parserContext);
finally {this.parseState.pop();
aspectj-autoproxy 配置标签的解析
则由 AspectJAutoProxyBeanDefinitionParser 这个类解决的,咱们看下 parse 办法
public BeanDefinition parse(Element element, ParserContext parserContext) {
// 注册 AspectJAnnotationAutoProxyCreator
AopNamespaceUtils.registerAspectJAnnotationAutoProxyCreatorIfNecessary(parserContext, element);
// 拓展 BeanDefinition
extendBeanDefinition(element, parserContext);
return null;
AopNamespaceUtils.registerAspectJAnnotationAutoProxyCreatorIfNecessary 办法对应如下
public static void registerAspectJAnnotationAutoProxyCreatorIfNecessary(ParserContext parserContext, Element sourceElement) {
BeanDefinition beanDefinition = AopConfigUtils.registerAspectJAnnotationAutoProxyCreatorIfNecessary(parserContext.getRegistry(), parserContext.extractSource(sourceElement));
useClassProxyingIfNecessary(parserContext.getRegistry(), sourceElement);
registerComponentIfNecessary(beanDefinition, parserContext);
AopConfigUtils.registerAspectJAnnotationAutoProxyCreatorIfNecessary 对应如下
public static BeanDefinition registerAspectJAnnotationAutoProxyCreatorIfNecessary(BeanDefinitionRegistry registry, @Nullable Object source) {return registerOrEscalateApcAsRequired(AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator.class, registry, source);
到这里,咱们发现 AOP 的创立工作是交给 AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator 来实现的。
AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator 是如何工作的呢?这时候咱们就要看 AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator 类构造关系了。
- BeanFactoryAware 属于Bean 级生命周期接口办法
- InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor 和 BeanPostProcessor 这两个接口实现,个别称它们的实现类为“后处理器”,是 容器级生命周期接口办法;
联合前文 Spring Bean 生命周期的流程
咱们就能够定位到外围的初始化办法必定在 postProcessBeforeInstantiation 和 postProcessAfterInitialization 中。
如下是上述类构造中 postProcessBeforeInstantiation 的办法,读者在本人看代码的时候倡议打个断点看,能够不便了解
public Object postProcessBeforeInstantiation(Class<?> beanClass, String beanName) {Object cacheKey = getCacheKey(beanClass, beanName);
if (!StringUtils.hasLength(beanName) || !this.targetSourcedBeans.contains(beanName)) {
// 如果曾经在缓存中,则疏忽
if (this.advisedBeans.containsKey(cacheKey)) {return null;}
// 是否是 aop 根底类?是否跳过?if (isInfrastructureClass(beanClass) || shouldSkip(beanClass, beanName)) {this.advisedBeans.put(cacheKey, Boolean.FALSE);
return null;
// Create proxy here if we have a custom TargetSource.
// Suppresses unnecessary default instantiation of the target bean:
// The TargetSource will handle target instances in a custom fashion.
TargetSource targetSource = getCustomTargetSource(beanClass, beanName);
if (targetSource != null) {if (StringUtils.hasLength(beanName)) {this.targetSourcedBeans.add(beanName);
Object[] specificInterceptors = getAdvicesAndAdvisorsForBean(beanClass, beanName, targetSource);
Object proxy = createProxy(beanClass, beanName, specificInterceptors, targetSource);
this.proxyTypes.put(cacheKey, proxy.getClass());
return proxy;
return null;
判断是否是 aop 根底类
是否是 aop 根底类的判断办法 isInfrastructureClass 如下
protected boolean isInfrastructureClass(Class<?> beanClass) {// Previously we setProxyTargetClass(true) in the constructor, but that has too
// broad an impact. Instead we now override isInfrastructureClass to avoid proxying
// aspects. I'm not entirely happy with that as there is no good reason not
// to advise aspects, except that it causes advice invocation to go through a
// proxy, and if the aspect implements e.g the Ordered interface it will be
// proxied by that interface and fail at runtime as the advice method is not
// defined on the interface. We could potentially relax the restriction about
// not advising aspects in the future.
// 父类判断它是 aop 根底类 or 应用 @Aspect 注解
return (super.isInfrastructureClass(beanClass) ||
(this.aspectJAdvisorFactory != null && this.aspectJAdvisorFactory.isAspect(beanClass)));
父类判断它是否是 aop 根底类的办法 super.isInfrastructureClass(beanClass), 实质上就是判断该类是否实现了 Advice, Pointcut, Advisor 或者 AopInfrastructureBean 接口。
protected boolean isInfrastructureClass(Class<?> beanClass) {
// 该类是否实现了 Advice, Pointcut, Advisor 或者 AopInfrastructureBean 接口
boolean retVal = Advice.class.isAssignableFrom(beanClass) ||
Pointcut.class.isAssignableFrom(beanClass) ||
Advisor.class.isAssignableFrom(beanClass) ||
if (retVal && logger.isTraceEnabled()) {logger.trace("Did not attempt to auto-proxy infrastructure class [" + beanClass.getName() + "]");
return retVal;
是否应该跳过 shouldSkip
通过断点辅助,candidateAdvisors 是就是 xml 配置的告诉是对应的
protected boolean shouldSkip(Class<?> beanClass, String beanName) {
// TODO: Consider optimization by caching the list of the aspect names
List<Advisor> candidateAdvisors = findCandidateAdvisors();
for (Advisor advisor : candidateAdvisors) {
if (advisor instanceof AspectJPointcutAdvisor &&
((AspectJPointcutAdvisor) advisor).getAspectName().equals(beanName)) {return true;}
return super.shouldSkip(beanClass, beanName);
切面办法转成 Advisor
findCandidateAdvisors 办法如下:
protected List<Advisor> findCandidateAdvisors() {
// 在父类中找到所有的 advisor:基于 xml 配置的 <aop:before/> 生成的
List<Advisor> advisors = super.findCandidateAdvisors();
// 为 bean Factory 中 AspectJ 切面构建 advistor:通过 AspectJ 注解的形式生成 Advisor 类
if (this.aspectJAdvisorsBuilder != null) {advisors.addAll(this.aspectJAdvisorsBuilder.buildAspectJAdvisors());
return advisors;
在以后的 bean Factory 中通过 AspectJ 注解的形式生成 Advisor 类,buildAspectJAdvisors 办法如下
* Look for AspectJ-annotated aspect beans in the current bean factory,
* and return to a list of Spring AOP Advisors representing them.
* <p>Creates a Spring Advisor for each AspectJ advice method.
* @return the list of {@link org.springframework.aop.Advisor} beans
* @see #isEligibleBean
public List<Advisor> buildAspectJAdvisors() {
List<String> aspectNames = this.aspectBeanNames;
if (aspectNames == null) {synchronized (this) {
aspectNames = this.aspectBeanNames;
if (aspectNames == null) {List<Advisor> advisors = new ArrayList<>();
aspectNames = new ArrayList<>();
String[] beanNames = BeanFactoryUtils.beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors(this.beanFactory, Object.class, true, false);
for (String beanName : beanNames) {if (!isEligibleBean(beanName)) {continue;}
// We must be careful not to instantiate beans eagerly as in this case they
// would be cached by the Spring container but would not have been weaved.
Class<?> beanType = this.beanFactory.getType(beanName, false);
if (beanType == null) {continue;}
if (this.advisorFactory.isAspect(beanType)) {aspectNames.add(beanName);
AspectMetadata amd = new AspectMetadata(beanType, beanName);
if (amd.getAjType().getPerClause().getKind() == PerClauseKind.SINGLETON) {
MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory factory =
new BeanFactoryAspectInstanceFactory(this.beanFactory, beanName);
List<Advisor> classAdvisors = this.advisorFactory.getAdvisors(factory);
// 单例加到 advisorsCache, 非单例加到 aspectFactoryCache
if (this.beanFactory.isSingleton(beanName)) {this.advisorsCache.put(beanName, classAdvisors);
else {this.aspectFactoryCache.put(beanName, factory);
else {
// Per target or per this.
if (this.beanFactory.isSingleton(beanName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bean with name'" + beanName +
"'is a singleton, but aspect instantiation model is not singleton");
MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory factory =
new PrototypeAspectInstanceFactory(this.beanFactory, beanName);
this.aspectFactoryCache.put(beanName, factory);
// advisorFactory 工厂获取 advisors
this.aspectBeanNames = aspectNames;
return advisors;
if (aspectNames.isEmpty()) {return Collections.emptyList();
List<Advisor> advisors = new ArrayList<>();
for (String aspectName : aspectNames) {List<Advisor> cachedAdvisors = this.advisorsCache.get(aspectName);
if (cachedAdvisors != null) {advisors.addAll(cachedAdvisors);
else {MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory factory = this.aspectFactoryCache.get(aspectName);
return advisors;
上述办法实质上的思路是:用 DCL 双重锁的单例实现形式,拿到切面类里的切面办法,将其转换成 advisor(并放入缓存中)。
转换的成 advisor 的办法是:this.advisorFactory.getAdvisors
public List<Advisor> getAdvisors(MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory aspectInstanceFactory) {Class<?> aspectClass = aspectInstanceFactory.getAspectMetadata().getAspectClass();
String aspectName = aspectInstanceFactory.getAspectMetadata().getAspectName();
// We need to wrap the MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory with a decorator
// so that it will only instantiate once.
MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory lazySingletonAspectInstanceFactory =
new LazySingletonAspectInstanceFactoryDecorator(aspectInstanceFactory);
List<Advisor> advisors = new ArrayList<>();
for (Method method : getAdvisorMethods(aspectClass)) {// Prior to Spring Framework 5.2.7, advisors.size() was supplied as the declarationOrderInAspect
// to getAdvisor(...) to represent the "current position" in the declared methods list.
// However, since Java 7 the "current position" is not valid since the JDK no longer
// returns declared methods in the order in which they are declared in the source code.
// Thus, we now hard code the declarationOrderInAspect to 0 for all advice methods
// discovered via reflection in order to support reliable advice ordering across JVM launches.
// Specifically, a value of 0 aligns with the default value used in
// AspectJPrecedenceComparator.getAspectDeclarationOrder(Advisor).
Advisor advisor = getAdvisor(method, lazySingletonAspectInstanceFactory, 0, aspectName);
if (advisor != null) {advisors.add(advisor);
// If it's a per target aspect, emit the dummy instantiating aspect.
if (!advisors.isEmpty() && lazySingletonAspectInstanceFactory.getAspectMetadata().isLazilyInstantiated()) {Advisor instantiationAdvisor = new SyntheticInstantiationAdvisor(lazySingletonAspectInstanceFactory);
advisors.add(0, instantiationAdvisor);
// Find introduction fields.
for (Field field : aspectClass.getDeclaredFields()) {Advisor advisor = getDeclareParentsAdvisor(field);
if (advisor != null) {advisors.add(advisor);
return advisors;
getAdvisor 办法如下
public Advisor getAdvisor(Method candidateAdviceMethod, MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory aspectInstanceFactory,
int declarationOrderInAspect, String aspectName) {validate(aspectInstanceFactory.getAspectMetadata().getAspectClass());
AspectJExpressionPointcut expressionPointcut = getPointcut(candidateAdviceMethod, aspectInstanceFactory.getAspectMetadata().getAspectClass());
if (expressionPointcut == null) {return null;}
// 封装成 advisor
return new InstantiationModelAwarePointcutAdvisorImpl(expressionPointcut, candidateAdviceMethod,
this, aspectInstanceFactory, declarationOrderInAspect, aspectName);
获取表达式的切点的办法 getPointcut 如下:
private AspectJExpressionPointcut getPointcut(Method candidateAdviceMethod, Class<?> candidateAspectClass) {
AspectJAnnotation<?> aspectJAnnotation =
if (aspectJAnnotation == null) {return null;}
AspectJExpressionPointcut ajexp =
new AspectJExpressionPointcut(candidateAspectClass, new String[0], new Class<?>[0]);
if (this.beanFactory != null) {ajexp.setBeanFactory(this.beanFactory);
return ajexp;
AbstractAspectJAdvisorFactory.findAspectJAnnotationOnMethod 的办法如下
private static final Class<?>[] ASPECTJ_ANNOTATION_CLASSES = new Class<?>[] {Pointcut.class, Around.class, Before.class, After.class, AfterReturning.class, AfterThrowing.class};
* Find and return the first AspectJ annotation on the given method
* (there <i>should</i> only be one anyway...).
protected static AspectJAnnotation<?> findAspectJAnnotationOnMethod(Method method) {for (Class<?> clazz : ASPECTJ_ANNOTATION_CLASSES) {AspectJAnnotation<?> foundAnnotation = findAnnotation(method, (Class<Annotation>) clazz);
if (foundAnnotation != null) {return foundAnnotation;}
return null;
findAnnotation 办法如下
private static <A extends Annotation> AspectJAnnotation<A> findAnnotation(Method method, Class<A> toLookFor) {A result = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, toLookFor);
if (result != null) {return new AspectJAnnotation<>(result);
else {return null;}
AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation 获取注解办法如下
* Find a single {@link Annotation} of {@code annotationType} on the supplied
* {@link Method}, traversing its super methods (i.e. from superclasses and
* interfaces) if the annotation is not <em>directly present</em> on the given
* method itself.
* <p>Correctly handles bridge {@link Method Methods} generated by the compiler.
* <p>Meta-annotations will be searched if the annotation is not
* <em>directly present</em> on the method.
* <p>Annotations on methods are not inherited by default, so we need to handle
* this explicitly.
* @param method the method to look for annotations on
* @param annotationType the annotation type to look for
* @return the first matching annotation, or {@code null} if not found
* @see #getAnnotation(Method, Class)
public static <A extends Annotation> A findAnnotation(Method method, @Nullable Class<A> annotationType) {if (annotationType == null) {return null;}
// Shortcut: directly present on the element, with no merging needed?
if (AnnotationFilter.PLAIN.matches(annotationType) ||
AnnotationsScanner.hasPlainJavaAnnotationsOnly(method)) {return method.getDeclaredAnnotation(annotationType);
// Exhaustive retrieval of merged annotations...
return MergedAnnotations.from(method, SearchStrategy.TYPE_HIERARCHY, RepeatableContainers.none())
封装成 Advisor
注:Advisor 是 advice 的包装器,蕴含了 advice 及其它信息
由 InstantiationModelAwarePointcutAdvisorImpl 结构实现
public InstantiationModelAwarePointcutAdvisorImpl(AspectJExpressionPointcut declaredPointcut,
Method aspectJAdviceMethod, AspectJAdvisorFactory aspectJAdvisorFactory,
MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory aspectInstanceFactory, int declarationOrder, String aspectName) {
this.declaredPointcut = declaredPointcut;
this.declaringClass = aspectJAdviceMethod.getDeclaringClass();
this.methodName = aspectJAdviceMethod.getName();
this.parameterTypes = aspectJAdviceMethod.getParameterTypes();
this.aspectJAdviceMethod = aspectJAdviceMethod;
this.aspectJAdvisorFactory = aspectJAdvisorFactory;
this.aspectInstanceFactory = aspectInstanceFactory;
this.declarationOrder = declarationOrder;
this.aspectName = aspectName;
if (aspectInstanceFactory.getAspectMetadata().isLazilyInstantiated()) {
// Static part of the pointcut is a lazy type.
Pointcut preInstantiationPointcut = Pointcuts.union(aspectInstanceFactory.getAspectMetadata().getPerClausePointcut(), this.declaredPointcut);
// Make it dynamic: must mutate from pre-instantiation to post-instantiation state.
// If it's not a dynamic pointcut, it may be optimized out
// by the Spring AOP infrastructure after the first evaluation.
this.pointcut = new PerTargetInstantiationModelPointcut(this.declaredPointcut, preInstantiationPointcut, aspectInstanceFactory);
this.lazy = true;
else {
// A singleton aspect.
this.pointcut = this.declaredPointcut;
this.lazy = false;
this.instantiatedAdvice = instantiateAdvice(this.declaredPointcut);
通过 pointcut 获取 advice
private Advice instantiateAdvice(AspectJExpressionPointcut pointcut) {
Advice advice = this.aspectJAdvisorFactory.getAdvice(this.aspectJAdviceMethod, pointcut,
this.aspectInstanceFactory, this.declarationOrder, this.aspectName);
return (advice != null ? advice : EMPTY_ADVICE);
交给 aspectJAdvisorFactory 获取
public Advice getAdvice(Method candidateAdviceMethod, AspectJExpressionPointcut expressionPointcut,
MetadataAwareAspectInstanceFactory aspectInstanceFactory, int declarationOrder, String aspectName) {
// 获取切面类
Class<?> candidateAspectClass = aspectInstanceFactory.getAspectMetadata().getAspectClass();
// 获取切面注解
AspectJAnnotation<?> aspectJAnnotation =
if (aspectJAnnotation == null) {return null;}
// If we get here, we know we have an AspectJ method.
// Check that it's an AspectJ-annotated class
if (!isAspect(candidateAspectClass)) {
throw new AopConfigException("Advice must be declared inside an aspect type:" +
"Offending method'" + candidateAdviceMethod + "'in class [" +
candidateAspectClass.getName() + "]");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {logger.debug("Found AspectJ method:" + candidateAdviceMethod);
// 切面注解转换成 advice
AbstractAspectJAdvice springAdvice;
switch (aspectJAnnotation.getAnnotationType()) {
case AtPointcut: // AtPointcut 疏忽
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {logger.debug("Processing pointcut'" + candidateAdviceMethod.getName() + "'");
return null;
case AtAround:
springAdvice = new AspectJAroundAdvice(candidateAdviceMethod, expressionPointcut, aspectInstanceFactory);
case AtBefore:
springAdvice = new AspectJMethodBeforeAdvice(candidateAdviceMethod, expressionPointcut, aspectInstanceFactory);
case AtAfter:
springAdvice = new AspectJAfterAdvice(candidateAdviceMethod, expressionPointcut, aspectInstanceFactory);
case AtAfterReturning:
springAdvice = new AspectJAfterReturningAdvice(candidateAdviceMethod, expressionPointcut, aspectInstanceFactory);
AfterReturning afterReturningAnnotation = (AfterReturning) aspectJAnnotation.getAnnotation();
if (StringUtils.hasText(afterReturningAnnotation.returning())) {springAdvice.setReturningName(afterReturningAnnotation.returning());
case AtAfterThrowing:
springAdvice = new AspectJAfterThrowingAdvice(candidateAdviceMethod, expressionPointcut, aspectInstanceFactory);
AfterThrowing afterThrowingAnnotation = (AfterThrowing) aspectJAnnotation.getAnnotation();
if (StringUtils.hasText(afterThrowingAnnotation.throwing())) {springAdvice.setThrowingName(afterThrowingAnnotation.throwing());
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported advice type on method:" + candidateAdviceMethod);
// 最初将其它切面信息配置到 advice
String[] argNames = this.parameterNameDiscoverer.getParameterNames(candidateAdviceMethod);
if (argNames != null) {springAdvice.setArgumentNamesFromStringArray(argNames);
return springAdvice;
回头看,次要是解决应用了 @Aspect 注解的切面类,而后将切面类的所有切面办法依据应用的注解生成对应 Advice,并将 Advice 连同切入点匹配器和切面类等信息一并封装到 Advisor 的过程。
有了 Adisor, 注入到适合的地位并交给代理(cglib 和 jdk)实现了。
* Create a proxy with the configured interceptors if the bean is
* identified as one to proxy by the subclass.
* @see #getAdvicesAndAdvisorsForBean
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(@Nullable Object bean, String beanName) {if (bean != null) {Object cacheKey = getCacheKey(bean.getClass(), beanName);
if (this.earlyProxyReferences.remove(cacheKey) != bean) {return wrapIfNecessary(bean, beanName, cacheKey);
return bean;
- Spring 进阶 – Spring AOP 实现原理详解之 AOP 代理的创立
- Spring 进阶 – Spring AOP 实现原理详解之 Cglib 代理实现
- Spring 进阶 – Spring AOP 实现原理详解之 JDK 代理实现
- 由 IOC Bean 加载 办法栈中找到 parseCustomElement 办法,找到 parse
的 handler(org.springframework.aop.config.AopNamespaceHandler) - AopNamespaceHandler注册了
的解析类是 AspectJAutoProxyBeanDefinitionParser - AspectJAutoProxyBeanDefinitionParser的 parse 办法 通过 AspectJAwareAdvisorAutoProxyCreator 类去创立
AspectJAwareAdvisorAutoProxyCreator实现了两类接口,BeanFactoryAware 和 BeanPostProcessor;依据 Bean 生命周期办法找到两个外围办法:postProcessBeforeInstantiation 和 postProcessAfterInitialization
- postProcessBeforeInstantiation:次要是解决应用了 @Aspect 注解的切面类,而后将切面类的所有切面办法依据应用的注解生成对应 Advice,并将 Advice 连同切入点匹配器和切面类等信息一并封装到 Advisor
- postProcessAfterInitialization:次要负责将 Advisor 注入到适合的地位,创立代理(cglib 或 jdk),为前面给代理进行加强实现做筹备。
首先,从 Spring 框架的整体架构和组成对整体框架有个认知。
Spring 根底 – Spring 和 Spring 框架组成
- Spring 是什么?它是怎么诞生的?有哪些次要的组件和外围性能呢? 本文通过这几个问题帮忙你构筑 Spring 和 Spring Framework 的整体认知。
其次,通过案例引出 Spring 的外围(IoC 和 AOP),同时对 IoC 和 AOP 进行案例应用剖析。
Spring 根底 – Spring 简略例子引入 Spring 的外围
- 上文中咱们简略介绍了 Spring 和 Spring Framework 的组件,那么这些 Spring Framework 组件是如何配合工作的呢?本文次要承接上文,向你展现 Spring Framework 组件的典型利用场景和基于这个场景设计出的简略案例,并以此引出 Spring 的外围要点,比方 IOC 和 AOP 等;在此基础上还引入了不同的配置形式,如 XML,Java 配置和注解形式的差别。
Spring 根底 – Spring 外围之管制反转(IOC)
- 在 Spring 根底 – Spring 简略例子引入 Spring 的外围中向你展现了 IoC 的根底含意,同时以此发散了一些 IoC 相干知识点; 本节将在此基础上进一步解读 IOC 的含意以及 IOC 的应用形式
Spring 根底 – Spring 外围之面向切面编程(AOP)
- 在 Spring 根底 – Spring 简略例子引入 Spring 的外围中向你展现了 AOP 的根底含意,同时以此发散了一些 AOP 相干知识点; 本节将在此基础上进一步解读 AOP 的含意以及 AOP 的应用形式。
基于 Spring 框架和 IOC,AOP 的根底,为构建下层 web 利用,须要进一步学习 SpringMVC。
Spring 根底 – SpringMVC 申请流程和案例
- 前文咱们介绍了 Spring 框架和 Spring 框架中最为重要的两个技术点(IOC 和 AOP),那咱们如何更好的构建下层的利用呢(比方 web 利用),这便是 SpringMVC;Spring MVC 是 Spring 在 Spring Container Core 和 AOP 等技术根底上,遵循上述 Web MVC 的标准推出的 web 开发框架,目标是为了简化 Java 栈的 web 开发。本文次要介绍 SpringMVC 的申请流程和根底案例的编写和运行。
Spring 进阶 – IoC,AOP 以及 SpringMVC 的源码剖析
Spring 进阶 – Spring IOC 实现原理详解之 IOC 体系结构设计
- 在对 IoC 有了初步的认知后,咱们开始对 IOC 的实现原理进行深刻了解。本文将帮忙你站在设计者的角度去看 IOC 最顶层的结构设计
Spring 进阶 – Spring IOC 实现原理详解之 IOC 初始化流程
- 上文,咱们看了 IOC 设计要点和设计构造;紧接着这篇,咱们能够看下源码的实现了:Spring 如何实现将资源配置(以 xml 配置为例)通过加载,解析,生成 BeanDefination 并注册到 IoC 容器中的
Spring 进阶 – Spring IOC 实现原理详解之 Bean 实例化(生命周期, 循环依赖等)
- 上文,咱们看了 IOC 设计要点和设计构造;以及 Spring 如何实现将资源配置(以 xml 配置为例)通过加载,解析,生成 BeanDefination 并注册到 IoC 容器中的;容器中寄存的是 Bean 的定义即 BeanDefinition 放到 beanDefinitionMap 中,实质上是一个
ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>
;并且 BeanDefinition 接口中蕴含了这个类的 Class 信息以及是否是单例等。那么如何从 BeanDefinition 中实例化 Bean 对象呢,这是本文次要钻研的内容?
- 上文,咱们看了 IOC 设计要点和设计构造;以及 Spring 如何实现将资源配置(以 xml 配置为例)通过加载,解析,生成 BeanDefination 并注册到 IoC 容器中的;容器中寄存的是 Bean 的定义即 BeanDefinition 放到 beanDefinitionMap 中,实质上是一个
Spring 进阶 – Spring AOP 实现原理详解之切面实现
- 前文,咱们剖析了 Spring IOC 的初始化过程和 Bean 的生命周期等,而 Spring AOP 也是基于 IOC 的 Bean 加载来实现的。本文次要介绍 Spring AOP 原理解析的切面实现过程(将切面类的所有切面办法依据应用的注解生成对应 Advice,并将 Advice 连同切入点匹配器和切面类等信息一并封装到 Advisor,为后续交给代理加强实现做筹备的过程)。
Spring 进阶 – Spring AOP 实现原理详解之 AOP 代理
- 上文咱们介绍了 Spring AOP 原理解析的切面实现过程(将切面类的所有切面办法依据应用的注解生成对应 Advice,并将 Advice 连同切入点匹配器和切面类等信息一并封装到 Advisor)。本文在此基础上持续介绍,代理(cglib 代理和 JDK 代理)的实现过程。
Spring 进阶 – Spring AOP 实现原理详解之 Cglib 代理实现
- 咱们在前文中曾经介绍了 SpringAOP 的切面实现和创立动静代理的过程,那么动静代理是如何工作的呢?本文次要介绍 Cglib 动静代理的案例和 SpringAOP 实现的原理。
Spring 进阶 – Spring AOP 实现原理详解之 JDK 代理实现
- 上文咱们学习了 SpringAOP Cglib 动静代理的实现,本文次要是 SpringAOP JDK 动静代理的案例和实现局部。
Spring 进阶 – SpringMVC 实现原理之 DispatcherServlet 初始化的过程
- 前文咱们有了 IOC 的源码根底以及 SpringMVC 的根底,咱们便能够进一步深刻了解 SpringMVC 次要实现原理,蕴含 DispatcherServlet 的初始化过程和 DispatcherServlet 解决申请的过程的源码解析。本文是第一篇:DispatcherServlet 的初始化过程的源码解析。
Spring 进阶 – SpringMVC 实现原理之 DispatcherServlet 解决申请的过程
- 前文咱们有了 IOC 的源码根底以及 SpringMVC 的根底,咱们便能够进一步深刻了解 SpringMVC 次要实现原理,蕴含 DispatcherServlet 的初始化过程和 DispatcherServlet 解决申请的过程的源码解析。本文是第二篇:DispatcherServlet 解决申请的过程的源码解析。