- 实现了双向通信的对立接口,比照 cyrus-and/chrome-remote-interface 应用协定定义文件主动生成 Chrome Debugging Protocol 接口,两种实现形式,各有千秋。
- 还能够参考 VSCode 的 Language server protocol Node 实现 microsoft/vscode-languageserver-node,外面蕴含了 RPC 的 IPC 版本 vscode-jsonrpc
- Theia 的 WebSocket 连贯基于 RPC 的 WS 版本 vscode-ws-jsonrpc
- JSON 标准方面,能够和 Chrome DevTools Protocol 的 以及 VSCode 的 Language Server Protocol Specification 的 标准对照着看,能够查看 JSON RPC 官网标准
- 搞清楚 JsonRpcServer,ConnectionHandler,JsonRpcConnectionHandler 的作用和关系
- 查看示例源码:Add debug logging support · eclipse-theia/theia@99d191f
Theia 框架前端 UI 布局和 Services 一样,具备灵便可拓展的特点。VSCode 是内置了一套根本的组件零碎,而 Theia 框架的 UI 布局基于 PhosphorJS 框架。PhosphorJS 提供了蕴含 widgets、layouts、事件和数据结构的丰盛工具包。这使得开发人员可能构建可扩大的、高性能的、类桌面的 Web 应用程序,比方 JupyterLab。
PhosphorJS 作者退休,我的项目已归档,该我的项目当初被 Jupyter 团队重命名为 jupyterlab/lumino 持续保护。见 issue:https://github.com/jupyterlab…
- 理解 Theia 的简略原理及前后端模块加载的形式
- 理解 InversifyJS 的依赖注入的原理和应用
Theia JSON RPC 实现的毛病:
- 概念多,什么 factory,proxy 等,server 和 client 概念有点混同。
- 每次增加接口都须要实现 IServer/IClient/IWatcher,而后依照标准注入,工作量并不少
- 和 Inversify、Theia 源码、后端服务耦合重大,没有独立成包
Theia JSON-RPC 协定示例
增加日志调试 JSON RPC 服务
在启动后,Theia 会启动一个 Express 服务。前后端的 JSON-RPC 通信,正是基于 Express 上的 Websocket 连贯。
接下来将创立调试日志零碎服务,而后通过 JSON RPC 连贯到它。
你须要创立相似于上面这个 (logger-server-module. ts) 的后端服务器模块文件:
import {ContainerModule} from 'inversify';
import {ConnectionHandler, JsonRpcConnectionHandler} from "../../messaging/common";
import {ILoggerServer, ILoggerClient} from '../../application/common/logger-protocol';
export const loggerServerModule = new ContainerModule(bind => {bind(ConnectionHandler).toDynamicValue(ctx =>
new JsonRpcConnectionHandler<ILoggerClient>("/services/logger", client => {const loggerServer = ctx.container.get<ILoggerServer>(ILoggerServer);
return loggerServer;
外围在于 ConnectionHandler
和 JsonRpcConnectionHandler
- ConnectionHandler:是一个简略的接口,它指定连贯的 path 以及 onConnection 办法。
创立代理对象到 JSON-RPC 的后端调用的对象,并将本地对象裸露给 JSON-RPC。- ILoggerServer:定义通过 JSON-RPC 调用的后端对象。
- ILoggerClient:是一个 Client 对象,定义来自后端对象的告诉的接管。
类型绑定到 messaging-module.ts
中的 ContributionProvider。
当 MessagingContribution
启动(调用 onStart)时,它为所有绑定 ConnectionHandlers
创立一个 Websocket 连贯。
即顺次在 Server 注册 path,并绑定 onConnection 事件。
// packages/core/src/node/messaging/messaging-contribution.ts
export class MessagingContribution implements BackendApplicationContribution, MessagingService {constructor( @inject(ContributionProvider) @named(ConnectionHandler) protected readonly handlers:
ContributionProvider<ConnectionHandler>) { }
// 服务启动时调用
onStart(server: http.Server): void {
// 遍历
for (const handler of this.handlers.getContributions()) {
const path = handler.path;
try {
}, connection => handler.onConnection(connection));
} catch (error) {console.error(error)
咱们看看一下 JsonRpcConnectionHandler
的实现,就会发现 onConnection
- 基于
和传入的 path 创立 factory 实例 - 通过 createProxy 办法创立代理 proxy
- 从 factory 创立一个代理对象:
factory.target = this.targetFactory(proxy);
- 将 factory 和 connection 连接起来
第三步将调用 new JsonRpcConnectionHandler()
client => {const loggerServer = ctx.container.get<ILoggerServer>(ILoggerServer);
return loggerServer;
这将在 loggerServer 上设置 Client,在这种状况下,用于向前端发送 onLogLevelChanged 告诉。
// packages/core/src/common/messaging/proxy-factory.ts
export class JsonRpcConnectionHandler<T extends object> implements ConnectionHandler {
readonly path: string,
readonly targetFactory: (proxy: JsonRpcProxy<T>) => any,
readonly factoryConstructor: new () => JsonRpcProxyFactory<T> = JsonRpcProxyFactory) { }
onConnection(connection: MessageConnection): void {
// 1. 在 path“logger”上创立了一个 JsonRpcProxy
const factory = new JsonRpcProxyFactory(this.path);
// 2. 在 factory 类上创立了一个代理对象
// 这个对象能够应用 ILoggerClient 定义的接口调用 JSON-RPC 的另一端。const proxy = factory.createProxy();
// 3. 这里调用了 new JsonRpcConnectionHandler 传入的函数 client=>{},用于 loggerServer.setClient
factory.target = this.targetFactory(proxy);
// 4. 这将 factory 与 connection 连贯了起来
的申请由 Webpack dev server 解决,请参阅 webpack.config.js
'/services/*': {
target: 'ws://localhost:3000',
ws: true
Server 实现
Server 定义通过 JSON-RPC 调用的后端对象,ILoggerServer
接口如下,这里定义了 4 个办法。
// packages/core/src/common/logger-protocol.ts
export interface ILoggerServer extends JsonRpcServer<ILoggerClient> {setLogLevel(name: string, logLevel: number): Promise<void>;
getLogLevel(name: string): Promise<number>;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
log(name: string, logLevel: number, message: any, params: any[]): Promise<void>;
child(name: string): Promise<void>;
继承自 JsonRpcServer
// packages/core/src/common/messaging/proxy-factory.ts
export type JsonRpcServer<Client> = Disposable & {
* If this server is a proxy to a remote server then
* a client is used as a local object
* to handle JSON-RPC messages from the remote server.
setClient(client: Client | undefined): void;
getClient?(): Client | undefined;};
以后,源码中仅有 ConsoleLoggerServer
的实现:export class ConsoleLoggerServer implements ILoggerServer {}
Client 实现
Client 用于定义接管来自后端对象的告诉,DispatchingLoggerClient
// packages/core/src/common/logger-protocol.ts
export class DispatchingLoggerClient implements ILoggerClient {readonly clients = new Set<ILoggerClient>();
onLogLevelChanged(event: ILogLevelChangedEvent): void {this.clients.forEach(client => client.onLogLevelChanged(event));
- 创立了一个 watcher,应用 loggerWatcher Client 从后端获取事件告诉
- 取得了 Websocket 连贯
- 通过
取得本地对象,用来来解决来自近程对象的 JSON-RPC 音讯,通过传入 createProxy 创立一个代理
// logger-frontend-module. ts
import {ContainerModule, Container} from 'inversify';
import {WebSocketConnectionProvider} from '../../messaging/browser/connection';
import {ILogger, LoggerFactory, LoggerOptions, Logger} from '../common/logger';
import {ILoggerServer} from '../common/logger-protocol';
import {LoggerWatcher} from '../common/logger-watcher';
export const loggerFrontendModule = new ContainerModule(bind => {bind(ILogger).to(Logger).inSingletonScope();
// 1. 这里创立了一个 watcher,应用 loggerWatcher Client 从后端获取事件告诉
bind(ILoggerServer).toDynamicValue(ctx => {const loggerWatcher = ctx.container.get(LoggerWatcher);
// 2. 这里取得了一个 Websocket 连贯
const connection = ctx.container.get(WebSocketConnectionProvider);
// 3. 这里,咱们传入了一个用于解决 JSON-RPC 的对象。return connection.createProxy<ILoggerServer>("/services/logger", loggerWatcher.getLoggerClient());
WebSocketConnectionProvider 的 connection.createProxy
// packages/core/src/common/messaging/abstract-connection-provider.ts
export abstract class AbstractConnectionProvider<AbstractOptions extends object> {
* Create a proxy object to remote interface of T type
* over a web socket connection for the given path.
createProxy<T extends object>(path: string, arg?: object): JsonRpcProxy<T> {const factory = arg instanceof JsonRpcProxyFactory ? arg : new JsonRpcProxyFactory<T>(arg);
onConnection: c => factory.listen(c)
return factory.createProxy();}
* Install a connection handler for the given path.
listen(handler: ConnectionHandler, options?: AbstractOptions): void {
this.openChannel(handler.path, channel => {const connection = createWebSocketConnection(channel, this.createLogger());
connection.onDispose(() => channel.close());
}, options);
接下来,即可应用 ILoggerService
获取对象进行 RPC 调用。
LoggerWatcher 定义了 onLogLevelChanged 的音讯响应。
export class LoggerWatcher {getLoggerClient(): ILoggerClient {
const emitter = this.onLogLevelChangedEmitter;
return {onLogLevelChanged(event: ILogLevelChangedEvent): void {emitter.fire(event);
private onLogLevelChangedEmitter = new Emitter<ILogLevelChangedEvent>();
get onLogLevelChanged(): Event<ILogLevelChangedEvent> {return this.onLogLevelChangedEmitter.event;}
// FIXME: get rid of it, backend services should as well set a client on the server
fireLogLevelChanged(event: ILogLevelChangedEvent): void {this.onLogLevelChangedEmitter.fire(event);
// 导入模块
import {loggerServerModule} from 'theia-core/lib/application/node/logger-server-module';
// 加载进容器
Add debug logging support · eclipse-theia/theia@99d191f
外围的接口和类有:ConnectionHandler,JsonRpcConnectionHandler 以及 JsonRpcProxyFactory,搞清楚他们的作用。
ConnectionHandler 是一个简略的接口,它指定连贯的 path 以及 onConnection 办法。
export interface ConnectionHandler {
readonly path: string;
onConnection(connection: MessageConnection): void;
在 JsonRpcConnectionHandler
Websocket 连贯正是在 JsonRpcConnectionHandler
类上建设的。建设连贯的逻辑在 JsonRpcConnectionHandler
类的 onConnection 函数上,过程如下:
// packages/core/src/common/messaging/proxy-factory.ts
export class JsonRpcConnectionHandler<T extends object> implements ConnectionHandler {
readonly path: string,
readonly targetFactory: (proxy: JsonRpcProxy<T>) => any,
readonly factoryConstructor: new () => JsonRpcProxyFactory<T> = JsonRpcProxyFactory) { }
onConnection(connection: MessageConnection): void {
// 在 path“logger”上创立了一个 JsonRpcProxy
const factory = new JsonRpcProxyFactory(this.path);
// 在 factory 类上创立了一个代理对象
// 这个对象能够应用 ILoggerClient 定义的接口调用 JSON-RPC 的另一端。const proxy = factory.createProxy();
// 这里调用了咱们在参数中传入的函数
factory.target = this.targetFactory(proxy);
// 这将 factory 与 connection 连贯了起来
JSON RPC 的外围在于:JsonRpcProxyFactory
,源码里正文很具体,还有应用 Demo,值得好好学习一下。
// packages/core/src/common/messaging/proxy-factory.ts
* Factory for JSON-RPC proxy objects.
* A JSON-RPC proxy exposes the programmatic interface of an object through
* JSON-RPC. This allows remote programs to call methods of this objects by
* sending JSON-RPC requests. This takes place over a bi-directional stream,
* where both ends can expose an object and both can call methods each other's
* exposed object.
* For example, assuming we have an object of the following type on one end:
* class Foo {* bar(baz: number): number {return baz + 1}
* }
* which we want to expose through a JSON-RPC interface. We would do:
* let target = new Foo()
* let factory = new JsonRpcProxyFactory<Foo>('/foo', target)
* factory.onConnection(connection)
* The party at the other end of the `connection`, in order to remotely call
* methods on this object would do:
* let factory = new JsonRpcProxyFactory<Foo>('/foo')
* factory.onConnection(connection)
* let proxy = factory.createProxy();
* let result = proxy.bar(42)
* // result is equal to 43
* One the wire, it would look like this:
* --> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "method": "bar", "params": {"baz": 42}}
* <-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "result": 43}
* Note that in the code of the caller, we didn't pass a target object to
* JsonRpcProxyFactory, because we don't want/need to expose an object.
* If we had passed a target object, the other side could've called methods on
* it.
* @param <T> - The type of the object to expose to JSON-RPC.
export class JsonRpcProxyFactory<T extends object> implements ProxyHandler<T> {protected readonly onDidOpenConnectionEmitter = new Emitter<void>();
protected readonly onDidCloseConnectionEmitter = new Emitter<void>();
protected connectionPromiseResolve: (connection: MessageConnection) => void;
protected connectionPromise: Promise<MessageConnection>;
* Build a new JsonRpcProxyFactory.
* @param target - The object to expose to JSON-RPC methods calls. If this
* is omitted, the proxy won't be able to handle requests, only send them.
constructor(public target?: any) {this.waitForConnection();
protected waitForConnection(): void {
this.connectionPromise = new Promise(resolve =>
this.connectionPromiseResolve = resolve
this.connectionPromise.then(connection => {connection.onClose(() =>
* Connect a MessageConnection to the factory.
* This connection will be used to send/receive JSON-RPC requests and
* response.
listen(connection: MessageConnection): void {if (this.target) {for (const prop in this.target) {if (typeof this.target[prop] === 'function') {connection.onRequest(prop, (...args) => this.onRequest(prop, ...args));
connection.onNotification(prop, (...args) => this.onNotification(prop, ...args));
connection.onDispose(() => this.waitForConnection());
* Process an incoming JSON-RPC method call.
* onRequest is called when the JSON-RPC connection received a method call
* request. It calls the corresponding method on [[target]].
* The return value is a Promise object that is resolved with the return
* value of the method call, if it is successful. The promise is rejected
* if the called method does not exist or if it throws.
* @returns A promise of the method call completion.
protected async onRequest(method: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any> {
try {return await this.target[method](...args);
} catch (error) {const e = this.serializeError(error);
if (e instanceof ResponseError) {throw e;}
const reason = e.message || '';
const stack = e.stack || '';
console.error(`Request ${method} failed with error: ${reason}`, stack);
throw e;
* Process an incoming JSON-RPC notification.
* Same as [[onRequest]], but called on incoming notifications rather than
* methods calls.
protected onNotification(method: string, ...args: any[]): void {this.target[method](...args);
* Create a Proxy exposing the interface of an object of type T. This Proxy
* can be used to do JSON-RPC method calls on the remote target object as
* if it was local.
* If `T` implements `JsonRpcServer` then a client is used as a target object for a remote target object.
createProxy(): JsonRpcProxy<T> {const result = new Proxy<T>(this as any, this);
return result as any;
* Get a callable object that executes a JSON-RPC method call.
* Getting a property on the Proxy object returns a callable that, when
* called, executes a JSON-RPC call. The name of the property defines the
* method to be called. The callable takes a variable number of arguments,
* which are passed in the JSON-RPC method call.
* For example, if you have a Proxy object:
* let fooProxyFactory = JsonRpcProxyFactory<Foo>('/foo')
* let fooProxy = fooProxyFactory.createProxy()
* accessing `fooProxy.bar` will return a callable that, when called,
* executes a JSON-RPC method call to method `bar`. Therefore, doing
* `fooProxy.bar()` will call the `bar` method on the remote Foo object.
* @param target - unused.
* @param p - The property accessed on the Proxy object.
* @param receiver - unused.
* @returns A callable that executes the JSON-RPC call.
get(target: T, p: PropertyKey, receiver: any): any {if (p === 'setClient') {return (client: any) => {this.target = client;};
if (p === 'getClient') {return () => this.target;
if (p === 'onDidOpenConnection') {return this.onDidOpenConnectionEmitter.event;}
if (p === 'onDidCloseConnection') {return this.onDidCloseConnectionEmitter.event;}
const isNotify = this.isNotification(p);
return (...args: any[]) => {const method = p.toString();
const capturedError = new Error(`Request '${method}' failed`);
return this.connectionPromise.then(connection =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {if (isNotify) {
// sendNotification
connection.sendNotification(method, ...args);
resolve();} else {
// sendRequest
const resultPromise = connection.sendRequest(method, ...args) as Promise<any>;
.catch((err: any) => reject(this.deserializeError(capturedError, err)))
.then((result: any) => resolve(result));
} catch (err) {reject(err);
* Return whether the given property represents a notification.
* A property leads to a notification rather than a method call if its name
* begins with `notify` or `on`.
* @param p - The property being called on the proxy.
* @return Whether `p` represents a notification.
protected isNotification(p: PropertyKey): boolean {return p.toString().startsWith('notify') || p.toString().startsWith('on');
protected serializeError(e: any): any {if (ApplicationError.is(e)) {
return new ResponseError(e.code, '',
Object.assign({kind: 'application'}, e.toJson())
return e;
protected deserializeError(capturedError: Error, e: any): any {if (e instanceof ResponseError) {
const capturedStack = capturedError.stack || '';
if (e.data && e.data.kind === 'application') {const { stack, data, message} = e.data;
return ApplicationError.fromJson(e.code, {
message: message || capturedError.message,
stack: `${capturedStack}\nCaused by: ${stack}`
e.stack = capturedStack;
return e;
集体还是感觉 cyrus-and/chrome-remote-interface 应用协定定义文件主动生成形式更优雅,代码更简洁。且独立成包,每次只须要增加 protocol 类型文件内容即可主动生成接口。
不过 chrome-remote-interface 只是一个客户端接口,并没有服务端。集体参考着设计了基于 Websocket 的 JSON RPC 协定标准和及 API。:cloudbase-interface,具备以下长处:
- 蕴含服务端和客户端
- 不论后端应用什么 websocket 框架,只须要提供:serverAdaptor 接口的实现即可。
- 应用中间件的思维裁减 API
- Communication via JSON-RPC
- JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification
- microsoft/vscode-languageserver-node