

共计 6355 个字符,预计需要花费 16 分钟才能阅读完成。

???? 前言


本系列文章旨在通过练习来进步 JavaScript 的能力,一起欢快的做题吧。????????????



求关注求点赞 ????\~~~????????????

???? 题目 1:方程求解 - 三个变量

咱们有 3 个方程,其中 3 个未知数别离为 x,y 和 z,咱们将求解这些未知数。

方程 4x -3y + z = -10,2x + y + 3z = 0,-x + 2y -5z = 17 将作为 [[4,-3,1,-10],[2,1、3、0],[-1、2,-5、17]],后果应以 [1、4,-2](即 [x,y,z])的数组模式返回。


function solveEq(eq){}

???? 题目 2:找到单词对!

给定一个单词数组和一个指标单词,您的指标是找到两个要合并为指标单词的单词,以单词呈现在数组中的程序返回两个单词,并以它们合并造成单词的程序返回各自的索引指标词。给出的数组中的单词可能会反复,然而只有一对惟一的单词形成了指标复合单词。如果找不到匹配项,则返回 null / nil / None。



fn(['super','bow','bowl','tar','get','book','let'], "superbowl")      =>   ['super','bowl',   [0,2]]
fn(['bow','crystal','organic','ally','rain','line'], "crystalline")   =>   ['crystal','line', [1,5]]
fn(['bow','crystal','organic','ally','rain','line'], "rainbow")       =>   ['bow','rain',     [4,0]]
fn(['bow','crystal','organic','ally','rain','line'], "organically")   =>   ['organic','ally', [2,3]]
fn(['top','main','tree','ally','fin','line'], "mainline")             =>   ['main','line',    [1,5]]
fn(['top','main','tree','ally','fin','line'], "treetop")              =>   ['top','tree',     [2,0]]


function compoundMatch(words, target) {//code away :)

???? 题目 3:找出所有的组合

编写一个函数,该函数返回列表 / 数组的所有子列表。


// => [[], [1], [2], [1, 2], [3], [1, 3], [2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]


function power(s) {// TODO: Program me}


???? 题目 1 的答案

参考答案 1:

function solveEq(eq){

     -->  Resolveremos el ejercicio por el sistema de Cramer o Determinantes  <--  

    /* Separo las 3 ecuaciones */
    var eq1 = eq[0];
    var eq2 = eq[1];
    var eq3 = eq[2];

    /* Calculamos el determinante del Sistema */
    var ds = ((eq1[0] * eq2[1] * eq3[2]) + (eq2[0] * eq3[1] * eq1[2]) + (eq3[0] * eq1[1] * eq2[2]))
            - ((eq2[0] * eq1[1] * eq3[2]) + (eq1[0] * eq3[1] * eq2[2]) + (eq3[0] * eq2[1] * eq1[2]));

    /* Calculamos el determinante de X */
    var dx = ((eq1[3] * eq2[1] * eq3[2]) + (eq2[3] * eq3[1] * eq1[2]) + (eq3[3] * eq1[1] * eq2[2]))
            - ((eq2[3] * eq1[1] * eq3[2]) + (eq1[3] * eq3[1] * eq2[2]) + (eq3[3] * eq2[1] * eq1[2]));

    /* Calculamos el determinante de Y */
    var dy = ((eq1[0] * eq2[3] * eq3[2]) + (eq2[0] * eq3[3] * eq1[2]) + (eq3[0] * eq1[3] * eq2[2]))
            - ((eq2[0] * eq1[3] * eq3[2]) + (eq1[0] * eq3[3] * eq2[2]) + (eq3[0] * eq2[3] * eq1[2]));

    /* Calculamos el determinante de Z */
    var dz = ((eq1[0] * eq2[1] * eq3[3]) + (eq2[0] * eq3[1] * eq1[3]) + (eq3[0] * eq1[1] * eq2[3]))
            - ((eq2[0] * eq1[1] * eq3[3]) + (eq1[0] * eq3[1] * eq2[3]) + (eq3[0] * eq2[1] * eq1[3]));

    /* Calculamos el valor de la variable X */
    var x = dx / ds;

    /* Calculamos el valor de la variable Y */
    var y = dy / ds;

    /* Calculamos el valor de la variable Z */
    var z = dz / ds;

    /* Conformamos el registro repuesta de la función */
    return [x, y, z];


参考答案 2:

function solveEq(eq){var d = determinant(eq.map(x=>x.slice(0,3)))
    var d1 = determinant(eq.map(x=>x.slice(1)))
    var d2 = determinant(eq.map(x=>[x[0],x[3],x[2]]))
    var d3 = determinant(eq.map(x=>[x[0],x[1],x[3]]))
    return [d1/d,d2/d,d3/d]
var determinant = (m) => (m[0][0]*(m[1][1]*m[2][2]-m[2][1]*m[1][2]))-(m[0][1]*(m[1][0]*m[2][2]-m[2][0]*m[1][2]))+(m[0][2]*(m[1][0]*m[2][1]-m[1][1]*m[2][0]))

参考答案 3:

const vectorSum = (a, b) => a.map((n, i) => n + b[i])
const vectorScale = (a, s) => a.map(n => n * s)

function solveEq ([eq1, eq2, eq3]) {if (!eq1[0])
    [eq1, eq2] = [eq2, eq1];

  if (!eq1[0])
    [eq1, eq3] = [eq3, eq1];

  eq1 = vectorScale(eq1, 1 / eq1[0]);
  eq2 = vectorSum(eq2, vectorScale(eq1, -eq2[0]));
  eq3 = vectorSum(eq3, vectorScale(eq1, -eq3[0]));

  if (!eq2[1])
    [eq2, eq3] = [eq3, eq2];

  eq2 = vectorScale(eq2, 1 / eq2[1]);
  eq3 = vectorSum(eq3, vectorScale(eq2, -eq3[1]));
  eq3 = vectorScale(eq3, 1 / eq3[2]);
  eq2 = vectorSum(eq2, vectorScale(eq3, -eq2[2]));
  eq1 = vectorSum(eq1, vectorScale(eq3, -eq1[2]));
  eq1 = vectorSum(eq1, vectorScale(eq2, -eq1[1]));

  return [+eq1[3].toFixed(10), +eq2[3].toFixed(10), +eq3[3].toFixed(10) ];


???? 题目 2 的答案

参考答案 1:

function compoundMatch(words, target) {for (let i = 2; i < target.length - 1; i++) {const [w1, w2] = [target.slice(0, i), target.slice(i)];
    const [i1, i2] = [words.indexOf(w1), words.indexOf(w2)];
    if (~i1 && ~i2) {return i1 < i2 ? [w1, w2, [i1, i2]] : [w2, w1, [i1, i2]];
  return null;

参考答案 2:

const compoundMatch = (words, target) => {const combs = Array.from({ length: target.length - 1}, (_, i) => [target.slice(0, i + 1), target.slice(i + 1)]);
  for (let i = 0; i < combs.length; i++) {let head = words.indexOf(combs[i][0]), tail = words.indexOf(combs[i][1]);
    if (~head && ~tail) return [words[Math.min(head, tail)], words[Math.max(head, tail)], [head, tail]];
  return null;

参考答案 3:

function compoundMatch(words, target) {for (var i = 0; i < target.length; i++) {if(words.indexOf(target.substring(i)) !== -1 && words.indexOf(target.substring(i, -1)) !== -1) {if (words.indexOf(target.substring(i)) < words.indexOf(target.substring(i, -1))) {return [target.substring(i), target.substring(i, -1), [words.indexOf(target.substring(i, -1)), words.indexOf(target.substring(i))]]
      } else {return [target.substring(i, -1), target.substring(i), [words.indexOf(target.substring(i, -1)), words.indexOf(target.substring(i))]]
  return null

参考答案 4:

function compoundMatch(words, target, i = null) {let next, seen = new Set();

  for (let j = 0; j < words.length; j++) {;

    if (i === j || target.indexOf(words[j]) || seen.has(words[j]))


    if (i !== null) {if (words[j].length === target.length) 
        return i < j ? [words[i], words[j], [i, j]] : [words[j], words[i], [i, j]];

    else if (next = compoundMatch(words, target.slice(words[j].length), j))
      return next;

  return null;


参考答案 5:

function compoundMatch(words, target) {const idx = {}  
  for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {const word = words[i]
    if (target.startsWith(word)) {idx[word] = i
      const suffix = target.slice(word.length)
      if (suffix in idx) return [suffix, word, [i, idx[suffix]]]
    else if (target.endsWith(word)) {idx[word] = i
      const prefix = target.slice(0, target.length - word.length)
      if (prefix in idx) return [prefix, word, [idx[prefix], i]]
  return null

???? 题目 3 的答案

参考答案 1:

function power(s) {return s.reduce( function(p, e) {return p.concat( p.map ( function(sub) {return sub.concat([e]);}));
    }, [[]]);

参考答案 2:

function power(s) {var power = [[]];
  s.forEach(function(element) {power.forEach(function(part) {power.push(part.concat(element));
  return power;

参考答案 3:

function power(ary) {var ps = [[]];
    for (var i=0; i < ary.length; i++) {for (var j = 0, len = ps.length; j < len; j++) {ps.push(ps[j].concat(ary[i]));
    return ps;

参考答案 4:

function power(s) {function* f(xs) {if (xs.length === 0)
      yield []
    else {const [x, ...rest] = xs
      for (let p of f(rest)) {
        yield p
        yield [x].concat(p)
  let result = []
  for (let p of f(s))
  return result

参考答案 5:

function power(s) {var powerSet = [[]];
  for (var i=1, len=Math.pow(2, s.length); i<len; ++i) {var set = [];
    for (var j=1, k=0; j<=i; j<<=1, ++k) {if (i & j) set.push(s[k]);
  return powerSet;

???? 后序


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