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手写 promise
const PENDING = 'pending'
const RESOLVED = 'resolved'
const REJECTED = 'rejected'
function MyPromise(fn) {
// 保留初始化状态
var self = this
// 初始化状态
this.state = PENDING
// 用于保留 resolve 或者 rejected 传入的值
this.value = null
// 用于保留 resolve 的回调函数
this.resolvedCallbacks = []
// 用于保留 reject 的回调函数
this.rejectedCallbacks = []
// 状态转变为 resolved 办法
function resolve(value) {
// 判断传入元素是否为 Promise 值,如果是,则状态扭转必须期待前一个状态扭转后再进行扭转
if (value instanceof MyPromise) {return value.then(resolve, reject)
// 保障代码的执行程序为本轮事件循环的开端
setTimeout(() => {
// 只有状态为 pending 时能力转变,if (self.state === PENDING) {
// 批改状态
self.state = RESOLVED
// 设置传入的值
self.value = value
// 执行回调函数
self.resolvedCallbacks.forEach((callback) => {callback(value)
}, 0)
// 状态转变为 rejected 办法
function reject(value) {
// 保障代码的执行程序为本轮事件循环的开端
setTimeout(() => {
// 只有状态为 pending 时能力转变
if (self.state === PENDING) {
// 批改状态
self.state = REJECTED
// 设置传入的值
self.value = value
// 执行回调函数
self.rejectedCallbacks.forEach((callback) => {callback(value)
}, 0)
// 将两个办法传入函数执行
try {fn(resolve, reject)
} catch (e) {
// 遇到谬误时,捕捉谬误,执行 reject 函数
MyPromise.prototype.then = function (onResolved, onRejected) {
// 首先判断两个参数是否为函数类型,因为这两个参数是可选参数
onResolved =
typeof onResolved === 'function'
? onResolved
: function (value) {return value}
onRejected =
typeof onRejected === 'function'
? onRejected
: function (error) {throw error}
// 如果是期待状态,则将函数退出对应列表中
if (this.state === PENDING) {this.resolvedCallbacks.push(onResolved)
// 如果状态曾经凝固,则间接执行对应状态的函数
if (this.state === RESOLVED) {onResolved(this.value)
if (this.state === REJECTED) {onRejected(this.value)
手写 Promise.all()
Promise.all = function(iterator) {if (!Array.isArray(iterator)) return;
let count = 0;
let res = [];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {for(let item of iterator) {Promise.resolve(item)
.then(data => {res[count++] = data;
if (count === iterator.length) {resolve(res);
.catch(e => {reject(e);
// test
let p1 = Promise.resolve(3);
let p2 = 4;
let p3 = new Promise(resolve => {setTimeout(resolve, 100, 'lee')
// setTimeout 的第三个往后参数都是用来作为第一个参数也就是函数的参数, 也就是其实是 setTimeout(resolve('lee'), 100)
Promise.all([p1, p2, p3]).then(data => {console.log(data);
手写 Promise.race()
Promise.race = function(iterator) {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {for(let item of iterator) {Promise.resolve(item)
.then(data => {resolve(data)
.catch(e => {reject(e)
let p1 = new Promise(resolve => {setTimeout(resolve, 105, 'p1 done')
let p2 = new Promise(resolve => {setTimeout(resolve, 100, 'p2 done')
Promise.race([p1, p2]).then(data => {console.log(data); // p2 done
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