共计 4229 个字符,预计需要花费 11 分钟才能阅读完成。
- 三元运算符
- 短路评估
- 空值合并运算符
- 模板文字
- 对象属性赋值简写
- 可选链接
- 对象解构
- 扩大运算符
- 对象循环
- Array.indexOf 应用按位运算符的简写
- 应用 !! 将值转换为布尔值
- 箭头 /lambda 函数表达式
- 应用箭头函数表达式的隐式返回
- 双位非运算符
- 指数幂速记
- 16.TypeScript 构造函数简写
- 三元运算符
[condition] ? [true result] : [false result] -
// Longhand let str = '' let finalStr if (str !== null && str !== undefined && str != '') {finalStr = str} else {finalStr = 'default string'} // Shorthand let str = ''let finalStr = str ||'default string'//'default string
此逻辑 OR 运算符 || 当预期值为虚伪时,为变量调配默认值。
- 空值合并运算符
let str = ''let finaStr = str ??'default string'//''
let num = null
let actualNum = num ?? 0 // 0
- 模板文字
const name = 'Iby'
const hobby = 'to read'
// Longhand
const fullStr = name + 'loves' + hobby // 'Iby loves to read'
// Shorthand 单行
const fullStr = `${name} loves ${hobby}`
// 多行文本
const fullStr2 = `${name} loves ${hobby}.
She also loves to write!`
- 对象属性赋值简写
// Longhand
const obj = {
x: 1,
y: 2,
z: 3
// Shorthand
const x = 8
const y = 10
const obj = {x, y}
- 可选链接
const obj = {
x: {
y: 1,
z: 2
others: [
// Longhand
if (obj.hasProperty('others') && others.length >= 2) {console.log('2nd value in others:', obj.others[1])
// Shorthand
console.log('2nd value in others:',obj.others?.[1]) //‘tested’console.log('3nd value in others:',obj.others?.[2]) //'undefined'
- 对象解构
const obj = {
x: {
y: 1,
z: 2
other: 'test string'
// Longhand
console.log('Value of z in x:', obj.x.z)
console.log('Value of other:', obj.other)
// Shorthand
const {x, other} = obj
const {z} = x
console.log('Value of z in x:', z)
console.log('Value of other:', other)
const obj = {x: 1,y: 2}
const {x:myVar} = object // 解构时将 x 重命名为 myVar 了
console.log('My renamed variable:', myVar) // My renamed variable: 1
- 扩大运算符 …
// Longhand
const arr = [1, 2, 3]
const biggerArr = [4,5,6].concat(arr)
const smallObj = {x: 1}
const otherObj = object.assign(smallObj, {y: 2})
// Shorthand
const arr = [1, 2, 3]
const biggerArr = [...arr, 4, 5, 6]
const smallObj = {x: 1}
const otherObj = {...smallObj, y: 2}
- 对象循环
三种 for 循环简写:
(1)for…of 拜访数组条目
(2)for…in 拜访数组的索引和在对象字面量上的应用时的键
(3)Array.forEach 应用回调函数对数组元素及其索引执行操作
// Longhand
const arr = ['Yes', 'No', 'Maybe']
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {console.log('Here is item:', arr[i])
// Shorthand
for (let str of arr) {console.log('Here is item:',str)
arr.forEach((str) => {console.log('Here is item:',str)
for(let index in arr){console.log( `Item at index ${index} is ${arr[index]}` )
// For object literals
const obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
for (let key in obj){conaloe.log( `Value at key ${key} is ${obj[key]}` )
- Array.indexOf 应用按位运算符的简写(~)
const arr = [10, 12, 14, 16]
const realNum = 10
const fakeNum = 20
const realNumIndex = arr.indexOf(realNum)
const noneNumIndex = arr.indexOf(fakeNum)
// Longhand
if (realNumIndex > -1) {console.log(realNum, 'exists!')
} else if (realNumIndex === -1) {console.log(realNum, 'does not exist!')
if (noneNumIndex > -1) {console.log(fakeNum, 'exists!')
} else if (noneNumIndex === -1) {console.log(fakeNum, 'does not exist!')
// Shorthand
console.log(realNum + (~realNumIndex ? 'exists!' : 'does not exist!')
console.log(fakeNum + (~noneNumIndex ? 'exists!' : 'does not exist!')
- 应用!!将值转为布尔值
// Longhand
const simpleInt = 3
const intAsBool = Boolean(simpleInt)
// Shorthand
const simpleInt = 3
const intAsBool = !!simpleInt //true
const simpleInt = -1
const intAsBool = !!simpleInt //false
- 箭头 /lambda 函数表达式
// Longhand
function printStr(str) {console.log('This is a string:', str)
// Shorthand
const printStr = (str) => {console.log('This is a string:', str)
// Shorthand TypeScript (specifying variable type 指定变量类型)
const printStr = (str: string) => {console.log('This is a string:', str)
- 应用箭头函数表达式的隐式返回
// Longhand
function capitalize(name) {return name.toUpperCase()
function add(numA, numB) {return numA + numB}
// Shorthand
const capitalize = (name) => name.toUpperCase()
const add = (numA, numB) => (numA + numB)
// Shorthand TypeScript (specifying variable type)
const capitalize = (name: string) => name.toUpperCase()
const add = (numA: number, numB: number) => (numA + numB)
- 双位非运算符
利用按位 NOT 运算符两次 ~~ 容许咱们取得一个值的 Math.floor()
// Longhand Math 必须援用之后能力用
const num = 4.5
const floorNum = Math.floor(num) // 4
// Shorthand ~~ 可间接应用
const num = 4.5
const floorNum = ~~num // 4
- 指数幂速记
另一个具备用的技巧是 Math.pow() 函数。应用内置 Math 对象的代替办法是 ** 应用技巧。
// Longhand
const num = Math.pow(3, 4) // 81
// Shorthand
const num = 3 ** 4 // 81
- TypeScript 速记(不太懂 <http://>)
// Longhand
class Person {
private name: string
public age: int
protected hobbies: string[]
constructor(name: string, age: int, hobbies: string[]) {
this.name = name
this.age = age
this.hobbies = hobbies
// Shorthand
class Person {
private name: string,
public age: int,
protected hobbies: string[]) {}}
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