

======= 结尾重要绿色链接,不看悔恨 ==========
通过 Ffmpeg 实现 MP4 转码加密为 M3u8

本文无需本地下载 Ffmpeg,只需引入 maven 依赖即可

1、引入 maven 依赖

<!--m3u8 视频转码须要 FFmpeg 依赖 -->



2、编写 FfmpegCMD 类代码

package com.gxw.util;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import ws.schild.jave.process.ProcessKiller;
import ws.schild.jave.process.ProcessWrapper;
import ws.schild.jave.process.ffmpeg.DefaultFFMPEGLocator;
 * @Description:(cmd 形式调用 ffmpeg)
 * @author: GuoXiangWen
 * @date:   2022 年 04 月 16 日 上午 08:08:08
 * @Copyright:
public class FfmpegCmd {private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProcessWrapper.class);

    /** The process representing the ffmpeg execution. */
    private Process ffmpeg = null;

     * A process killer to kill the ffmpeg process with a shutdown hook, useful if the jvm execution
     * is shutted down during an ongoing encoding process.
    private ProcessKiller ffmpegKiller = null;

    /** A stream reading from the ffmpeg process standard output channel. */
    private InputStream inputStream = null;

    /** A stream writing in the ffmpeg process standard input channel. */
    private OutputStream outputStream = null;

    /** A stream reading from the ffmpeg process standard error channel. */
    private InputStream errorStream = null;

     * Executes the ffmpeg process with the previous given arguments.
     * @param destroyOnRuntimeShutdown destroy process if the runtime VM is shutdown
     * @param openIOStreams Open IO streams for input/output and errorout, should be false when
     *     destroyOnRuntimeShutdown is false too
     * @param ffmpegCmd  windows such as (mp4 transform to mov):
     *     "-i C:\\Users\\hsj\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\jave\\honer.mp4 -c copy C:\\Users\\hsj\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\jave\\honer_test.mov"
     * @throws IOException If the process call fails.
    public void execute(boolean destroyOnRuntimeShutdown, boolean openIOStreams, String ffmpegCmd) throws IOException {DefaultFFMPEGLocator defaultFFMPEGLocator = new DefaultFFMPEGLocator();

        StringBuffer cmd = new StringBuffer(defaultFFMPEGLocator.getExecutablePath());
        //insert blank for delimiter
        cmd.append(" ");
        String cmdStr = String.format("ffmpegCmd final is :%s", cmd.toString());

        Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
        try {ffmpeg = runtime.exec(cmd.toString());

            if (destroyOnRuntimeShutdown) {ffmpegKiller = new ProcessKiller(ffmpeg);

            if (openIOStreams) {inputStream = ffmpeg.getInputStream();
                outputStream = ffmpeg.getOutputStream();
                errorStream = ffmpeg.getErrorStream();}
        } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();

     * Returns a stream reading from the ffmpeg process standard output channel.
     * @return A stream reading from the ffmpeg process standard output channel.
    public InputStream getInputStream() {return inputStream;}

     * Returns a stream writing in the ffmpeg process standard input channel.
     * @return A stream writing in the ffmpeg process standard input channel.
    public OutputStream getOutputStream() {return outputStream;}

     * Returns a stream reading from the ffmpeg process standard error channel.
     * @return A stream reading from the ffmpeg process standard error channel.
    public InputStream getErrorStream() {return errorStream;}

    /** If there's a ffmpeg execution in progress, it kills it. */
    public void destroy() {if (inputStream != null) {
            try {inputStream.close();
            } catch (Throwable t) {LOG.warn("Error closing input stream", t);
            inputStream = null;

        if (outputStream != null) {
            try {outputStream.close();
            } catch (Throwable t) {LOG.warn("Error closing output stream", t);
            outputStream = null;

        if (errorStream != null) {
            try {errorStream.close();
            } catch (Throwable t) {LOG.warn("Error closing error stream", t);
            errorStream = null;

        if (ffmpeg != null) {ffmpeg.destroy();
            ffmpeg = null;

        if (ffmpegKiller != null) {Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
            ffmpegKiller = null;

     * Return the exit code of the ffmpeg process If the process is not yet terminated, it waits for
     * the termination of the process
     * @return process exit code
    public int getProcessExitCode() {
        // Make sure it's terminated
        try {ffmpeg.waitFor();
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {LOG.warn("Interrupted during waiting on process, forced shutdown?", ex);
        return ffmpeg.exitValue();}

    public void close() {destroy();

