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influxdb 从 0.12 版本开始不再将其 cluster 源码开源。

基于 influxdb 1.6.0 单机版源码分支,将 0.12 的 cluster 源码 cherry-pick 过去,能够失去 v1.6.0 版本的集群版源码。

分布式 InfluxDB 集群有两种节点:meta 节点和 data 节点:

  • meta 节点负责管理集群的元数据信息,比方 database/retention policy 等;
  • data 节点负责保留集群的时序数据;

分布式 InfluxDB 集群的一致性来说:

  • meta 节点要求强一致性,即在节点间始终保持统一,通过 Raft 实现;
  • data 节点要求最终一致性,即时序数据最终保障统一即可,通过 hh,anti-entropy 实现;

在理论部署中,如果节点较少,通常 1 个节点同时负责 meta 和 data 的职责,看一下它的整体构造:

每个节点应用 4 个端口:

  • 8086:负责接管解决 client 的 /query 和 /write 操作;
  • 8084:负责接管解决 client 的集群治理操作,比方增加 / 删除节点等;
  • 8088:负责底层 Raft 的 RPC 通信 (TCP),传入 Raft lib 即可;
  • 8091:负责节点间 HTTP 查问和操作 Raft 信息,比方 /join、/execute 等;

端口 8086


  # Determines whether HTTP endpoint is enabled.
  # enabled = true

  # The bind address used by the HTTP service.
  bind-address = ""


// NewService returns a new instance of Service.
func NewService(c Config) *Service {
    s := &Service{
        addr:           c.BindAddress,
        https:          c.HTTPSEnabled,
        cert:           c.HTTPSCertificate,
        key:            c.HTTPSPrivateKey,
        limit:          c.MaxConnectionLimit,
        err:            make(chan error),
        unixSocket:     c.UnixSocketEnabled,
        unixSocketPerm: uint32(c.UnixSocketPermissions),
        bindSocket:     c.BindSocket,
        Handler:        NewHandler(c),
        Logger:         zap.NewNop(),}

端口 8084

次要负责集群治理 API,比方 show-nodes/add-data/add-meta 等:

  enabled = true
  bind-address = ":8084"
  https-enabled = true


const (
    // DefaultBindAddress is the default bind address for the HTTP server.
    DefaultBindAddress = ":8084"
// NewConfig returns an instance of Config with defaults.
func NewConfig() Config {
    return Config{
        BindAddress:      DefaultBindAddress,
        AuthEnabled:      false,
        HTTPSEnabled:     false,
        HTTPSCertificate: "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem",
        MaxKeepCopyShard: DefaultMaxKeepCopyShard,

端口 8088 和 8091


const (
    // DefaultRaftBindAddress is the default address to bind to.
    DefaultRaftBindAddress = ":8088"
    // DefaultHTTPBindAddress is the default address to bind the API to.
    DefaultHTTPBindAddress = ":8091"
// NewConfig builds a new configuration with default values.
func NewConfig() *Config {
    return &Config{
        Enabled:              true, // enabled by default
        BindAddress:          DefaultRaftBindAddress,
        HTTPBindAddress:      DefaultHTTPBindAddress,
        RetentionAutoCreate:  true,
        ElectionTimeout:      toml.Duration(DefaultElectionTimeout),
        HeartbeatTimeout:     toml.Duration(DefaultHeartbeatTimeout),
        LeaderLeaseTimeout:   toml.Duration(DefaultLeaderLeaseTimeout),
        CommitTimeout:        toml.Duration(DefaultCommitTimeout),
        RaftPromotionEnabled: DefaultRaftPromotionEnabled,
        LeaseDuration:        toml.Duration(DefaultLeaseDuration),
        LoggingEnabled:       DefaultLoggingEnabled,
        JoinPeers:            []string{},

应用这 2 个端口创立 meta 服务:

func NewService(c *Config) *Service {
    s := &Service{
        config:   c,
        httpAddr: c.HTTPBindAddress,
        raftAddr: c.BindAddress,
        https:    c.HTTPSEnabled,
        cert:     c.HTTPSCertificate,
        err:      make(chan error),
        Logger:   zap.NewNop(),}
    return s