


01 环境及场景

编译环境 Xcode 12.5.1

2021 年 8 月的某一天,Augus 正在调试我的项目需要 A,因为 A 要求须要接入一个 SDK 进行实现某些采集性能

02 操作流程

  • 在程序启动的最开始中央,初始化 SDK,并分配内存空间
  • 在某次的启动中就呈现了以下谬误:

Trapped uncaught exception ‘NSGenericException’, reason: ‘* Collection <__NSSetM: 0x2829f9740> was mutated while being enumerated.’

03 初步猜想



  • 首先进行了 NSMutableSet 某些办法的 hook
  • 开启全局断点

04 最初定位

我的项目中引入 SDK 导致的解体


01 问题起因

被引入第三方的 SDK 在某个逻辑中应用的 NSMutableSet 遍历中对原可变汇合进行同时读写的操作

复现同样解体的场景,Let’s do it

NSMutableSet *mutableSet = [NSMutableSet setWithObjects:@"1",@"2",@"3", nil];

for (NSString *item in mutableSet) {if ([item integerValue] < 3) {[mutableSet removeObject:item];

02 控制台日志



01 问题起因总结

不能在一个可变汇合,包含 NSMutableArray,NSMutableDictionary 等相似对象遍历的同时又对该对象进行增加或者移除操作

02 解决问题

把遍历中的对象进行一次 copy 操作



03 那问题来了

  • copy 是什么?
  • copy 在底层如何实现?
  • copy 有哪些须要留神的?


01 copy 是什么

copy 是 Objective- C 编程语言下的属性润饰关键词,比方润饰 Block orNS* 结尾的对象

02 copy 如何实现

对须要实现的类恪守 NSCopying 协定

实现 NSCopying 协定,该协定只有一个办法

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone;

举例说明,首先咱们新建一个 Perosn 类进行阐明,上面是示例代码

// The person.h file
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>


@interface Person : NSObject<NSCopying>

- (instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)name;

@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;

/// To update internal mutabl set for adding a person
/// @param person A instance of person
- (void)addPerson:(Person *)person;

/// To update internal mutbable set for removing a person
/// @param person A instance of person
- (void)removePerson:(Person *)person;



// The person.m file
#import "Person.h"

@interface Person ()

@property(nonatomic, strong) NSMutableSet<Person *> *friends;


@implementation Person

#pragma mark - Initalizaiton Methods

- (instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)name {self = [super init];
if (!self) {return nil;}
if(!name || name.length < 1) {name = @"Augus";}
_name = name;

// Warn: Do not self.persons way to init. But do u know reason?
_friends = [NSMutableSet set];
return self;

#pragma mark - Private Methods

- (void)addPerson:(Person *)person {

// Check param safe
if (!person) {return;}

[self.friends addObject:person];


- (void)removePerson:(Person *)person {if (!person) {return;}

[self.friends removeObject:person];

#pragma mark - Copy Methods

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {

// need copy object
Person *copy = [[Person allocWithZone:zone] initWithName:_name];

return copy;

- (id)deepCopy {Person *copy = [[[self class] alloc] initWithName:_name];
copy->_persons = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithSet:_friends copyItems:YES];
return copy;

#pragma mark - Lazy Load

- (NSMutableSet *)friends {if (!_friends) {_friends = [NSMutableSet set];
return _friends;


类的性能很简略,初始化的时候须要外层传入 name 进行初始化,如果 name 非法则进行默认值的解决

  • 类外部保护了一个可变汇合用来寄存好友
  • 内部提供了新增和移除的两个办法
    • (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone; 中的实现就是简略的一个 copy 性能
  • 而 deepCopy 是对可变汇合的深层复制,至于起因,咱们会在延展中举例说明,这里先搁置

03 copy 底层实现

之前的文档中说过,想要看底层的实现那就用 clang -rewrite-objc main.m 看源码

为了不便测试和查看,咱们新建一个 TestCopy 的类继承 NSObject,而后在 TestCopy.m 中只加如下代码

#import "TestCopy.h"

@interface TestCopy ()

@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *augusCopy;


@implementation TestCopy


而后在终端执行 $ clang -rewrite-objc TestCopy.m 命令


// augusCopy's getter function
static NSString * _I_TestCopy_augusCopy(TestCopy * self, SEL _cmd) {return (*(NSString **)((char *)self + OBJC_IVAR_$_TestCopy$_augusCopy)); }

// augusCopy's setter function
static void _I_TestCopy_setAugusCopy_(TestCopy * self, SEL _cmd, NSString *augusCopy) {objc_setProperty (self, _cmd, __OFFSETOFIVAR__(struct TestCopy, _augusCopy), (id)augusCopy, 0, 1); }

总结:copy 的 getter 是依据地址偏移找到对应的实例变量进行返回,那么 objc_setProperty 又是怎么实现的呢?

objc_setProperty 在.cpp 中没有找到,在 [Apple 源码](链接附文后)中找到了答案,咱们来看下

// self: The current instance
// _cmd: The setter's function name
// offset: The offset for self that find the instance property
// newValue: The new value that outer input
// atomic: Whether atomic or nonatomic,it is nonatomic here
// shouldCopy: Whether should copy or not
objc_setProperty(id self, SEL _cmd, ptrdiff_t offset, id newValue, 
BOOL atomic, signed char shouldCopy) 
{objc_setProperty_non_gc(self, _cmd, offset, newValue, atomic, shouldCopy);

void objc_setProperty_non_gc(id self, SEL _cmd, ptrdiff_t offset, id newValue, BOOL atomic, signed char shouldCopy) 
{bool copy = (shouldCopy && shouldCopy != MUTABLE_COPY);
bool mutableCopy = (shouldCopy == MUTABLE_COPY);
reallySetProperty(self, _cmd, newValue, offset, atomic, copy, mutableCopy);

看到外部又调用了 objc_setProperty_non_gc 办法,这里次要看下这个办法外部的实现,前五个参数和开始的传入统一,最初的两个参数是由 shouldCopy 决定,shouldCopy 在这里是 0 or 1,咱们现思考以后的状况,

  • 如果 shouldCopy=0, 那么 copy=NO,mutableCopy=NO
  • 如果 shouldCopy=1, 那么 copy=YES,mutableCopy=NO

上面持续 reallySetProperty 的实现

static inline void reallySetProperty(id self, SEL _cmd, id newValue, ptrdiff_t offset, bool atomic, bool copy, bool mutableCopy)
id oldValue;
id *slot = (id*) ((char*)self + offset);

if (copy) {newValue = [newValue copyWithZone:NULL];
} else if (mutableCopy) {newValue = [newValue mutableCopyWithZone:NULL];
} else {if (*slot == newValue) return;
newValue = objc_retain(newValue);

if (!atomic) {
oldValue = *slot;
*slot = newValue;
} else {spin_lock_t *slotlock = &PropertyLocks[GOODHASH(slot)];
oldValue = *slot;
*slot = newValue; 


基于本例子中的状况,copy=YES, 最初还是调用了 newValue = [newValue copyWithZone:NULL];, 如果 copy=NO and mutableCopy=NO, 那么最初会调用 newValue = objc_retain(newValue);

objc_retain 的实现

id objc_retain(id obj) {return [obj retain]; }

总结:用 copy 润饰的属性,赋值的时候,不论自身是可变与不可变,赋值给属性之后的都是不可变的。


01 非汇合类对象

在 iOS 下咱们常常听到深拷贝(内容拷贝)或者浅拷贝(指针拷贝),对于这些操作,咱们将针对汇合类对象和非汇合类对象进行 copy 和 mutableCopy 试验。

类簇:Class Clusters

  • an architecture that groups a number of private, concrete subclasses under a public, abstract superclass.(一个在共有的形象超类下设置一组公有子类的架构);
  • Class cluster 是 Apple 对形象工厂设计模式的称说。应用抽象类初始化返回一个具体的子类的模式的益处就是让调用者只须要晓得抽象类凋谢进去的 API 的作用,而不须要晓得子类的背地简单的逻辑。验证论断过程的类簇对应关系请看这篇 [Class Clusters 文档](链接附文后)。


NSString *str = @"augusStr";
NSString *copyAugus = [str copy];
NSString *mutableCopyAugus = [str mutableCopy];

NSLog(@"str:(%@<%p>: %p): %@",[str class],&str,str,str);
NSLog(@"copyAugus str:(%@<%p>: %p): %@",[copyAugus class],©Augus,copyAugus,copyAugus);
NSLog(@"mutableCopyAugus str:(%@<%p>: %p): %@",[mutableCopyAugus class],&mutableCopyAugus,mutableCopyAugus,mutableCopyAugus);

// 控制台输入
2021-09-03 14:51:49.263571+0800 TestBlock[4573:178396] augus str(__NSCFConstantString<0x7ffee30a1008>: 0x10cb63198): augusStr
2021-09-03 14:51:49.263697+0800 TestBlock[4573:178396] copyAugus str(__NSCFConstantString<0x7ffee30a1000>: 0x10cb63198): augusStr
2021-09-03 14:51:49.263808+0800 TestBlock[4573:178396] mutableCopyAugus str(__NSCFString<0x7ffee30a0ff8>: 0x6000036bcfc0): augusStr

论断:str 和 copyAugus 打印进去的内存地址是一样的,都是 0x10cb63198 且类名雷同都是__NSCFConstantString, 表明都是浅拷贝,都是 NSString;变量 mutableCopyAugus 打印进去的内存地址和类名都不统一,所以是生成了新的对象。


NSMutableString *str = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@"augusMutableStr"];
NSMutableString *copyStr = [str copy];
NSMutableString *mutableCopyStr = [str mutableCopy];

NSLog(@"str:(%@<%p>: %p): %@",[str class],&str,str,str);
NSLog(@"copyStr: (%@<%p>: %p): %@",[copyStr class],©Str,copyStr,copyStr);
NSLog(@"mutableCopyStr: (%@<%p>: %p): %@",[mutableCopyStr class],&mutableCopyStr,mutableCopyStr,mutableCopyStr);

// 控制台输入
2021-09-03 15:31:56.105642+0800 TestBlock[4778:198224] str:(__NSCFString<0x7ffeeaa34008>: 0x600001a85fe0): augusMutableStr
2021-09-03 15:31:56.105804+0800 TestBlock[4778:198224] copyStr: (__NSCFString<0x7ffeeaa34000>: 0x600001a86400): augusMutableStr
2021-09-03 15:31:56.105901+0800 TestBlock[4778:198224] mutableCopyStr: (__NSCFString<0x7ffeeaa33ff8>: 0x600001a86070): augusMutableStr

论断:str 和 copyStr 和 mutableCopyStr 打印进去的内存地址都不一样的,然而生成的类簇都是__NSCFString, 也就是 NSMutableString。

02 汇合类对象

本文对 NSMutableSet 展开讨论,所以只对该类进行测试。


Person *p1 = [[Person alloc] init];
Person *p2 = [[Person alloc] init];
Person *p3 = [[Person alloc] init];

NSSet *set = [[NSSet alloc] initWithArray:@[p1,p2,p3]];
NSSet *copySet = [set copy];
NSSet *mutableCopySet = [set mutableCopy];

NSLog(@"set:(%@<%p>: %p): %@",[set class],&set,set,set);
NSLog(@"copySet: (%@<%p>: %p): %@",[copySet class],©Set,copySet,copySet);
NSLog(@"mutableCopySet: (%@<%p>: %p): %@",[mutableCopySet class],&mutableCopySet,mutableCopySet,mutableCopySet);

// 控制台输入
2021-09-03 16:11:36.590338+0800 TestBlock[4938:219837] set:(__NSSetI<0x7ffeef3f7fd0>: 0x6000007322b0): {(
<Person: 0x600000931e00>,
<Person: 0x600000931e20>,
<Person: 0x600000932000>
2021-09-03 16:11:36.590479+0800 TestBlock[4938:219837] copySet: (__NSSetI<0x7ffeef3f7fc8>: 0x6000007322b0): {(
<Person: 0x600000931e00>,
<Person: 0x600000931e20>,
<Person: 0x600000932000>
2021-09-03 16:11:36.590614+0800 TestBlock[4938:219837] mutableCopySet: (__NSSetM<0x7ffeef3f7fc0>: 0x600000931fa0): {(
<Person: 0x600000931e00>,
<Person: 0x600000932000>,
<Person: 0x600000931e20>

论断:set 和 copySet 打印进去的内存地址是统一的 0x6000007322b0, 类簇都是__NSSetI 阐明是浅拷贝,没有生成新对象,也都属于类 NSSet;mutableCopySet 的内存地址和类簇都不同,所以是深拷贝,生成了新的对象,属于类 NSMutablSet;汇合外面的元素地址都是一样的。


NSMutableSet *set = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithArray:@[p1,p2,p3]];
NSMutableSet *copySet = [set copy];
NSMutableSet *mutableCopySet = [set mutableCopy];

NSLog(@"set:(%@<%p>: %p): %@",[set class],&set,set,set);
NSLog(@"copySet: (%@<%p>: %p): %@",[copySet class],©Set,copySet,copySet);
NSLog(@"mutableCopySet: (%@<%p>: %p): %@",[mutableCopySet class],&mutableCopySet,mutableCopySet,mutableCopySet);

// 控制台输入
2021-09-03 16:33:35.573557+0800 TestBlock[5043:232294] set:(__NSSetM<0x7ffeefb78fd0>: 0x600002b99640): {(
<Person: 0x600002b99620>,
<Person: 0x600002b99600>,
<Person: 0x600002b995e0>
2021-09-03 16:33:35.573686+0800 TestBlock[5043:232294] copySet: (__NSSetI<0x7ffeefb78fc8>: 0x6000025e54a0): {(
<Person: 0x600002b99620>,
<Person: 0x600002b99600>,
<Person: 0x600002b995e0>
2021-09-03 16:33:35.573778+0800 TestBlock[5043:232294] mutableCopySet: (__NSSetM<0x7ffeefb78fc0>: 0x600002b99680): {(
<Person: 0x600002b99620>,
<Person: 0x600002b99600>,
<Person: 0x600002b995e0>

论断:set 和 copySet 和 mutableCopySet 的内存地址都不一样,阐明操作都是深拷贝;汇合外面的元素地址都是一样的

03 论断剖析

  • NSMutable* 结尾的类不要用 copy 属性去润饰,因为每次赋值操作拷贝进去的都是不可变汇合类
  • 汇合类的 copy 和 mutableCopy 操作,对象外面的元素不会产生拷贝,只会对容器层面拷贝,也称之为单层深拷贝

