

简介:本⽂将提供对于 PEGASUS 的技术解读,以及如何在 EasyNLP 框架中使⽤与 PEGASUS 相干的文本摘要(新闻标题)生成模型。作者:王明、黄俊 导读文本生成是自然语言解决畛域的一个重要钻研方向,具备丰盛的理论利用场景以及钻研价值。其中,生成式文本摘要作为文本生成的一个重要子工作,在理论利用场景中,包含新闻标题生成、摘要生成、关键词生成等工作模式。预训练语言模型,如 BERT、MASS、uniLM 等尽管在 NLU 场景中获得了令人瞩目的性能,但模型采纳的单词、子词遮蔽语言模型并不适用于文本生成场景中,特地是生成式文本摘要场景。其起因是,生成式文本摘要工作往往要求模型具备更粗粒度的语义了解,如句子、段落语义了解,以此进行摘要生成。为了解决上述问题,PEGASUS 模型(PEGASUS: Pre-training with Extracted Gap-sentences for Abstractive Summarization)针对文本摘要工作设计了无监督预训练任务(Gap Sentence Generation,简称 GSG),即随机遮蔽文档中的几个残缺句子,让模型生成被遮蔽的句子。该预训练任务可能很好地与理论地文本摘要工作匹配,从而使得预训练后的模型通过简略的微调后达到较好的摘要生成成果。因而,咱们在 EasyNLP 框架中集成了 PEGASUS 算法和模型,使用户可能不便地应用该模型进行文本摘要生成相干工作的训练和预测。EasyNLP(https://github.com/alibaba/Ea…)是阿⾥云机器学习 PAI 团队基于 PyTorch 开发的易⽤且丰盛的中⽂ NLP 算法框架,⽀持常⽤的中⽂预训练模型和⼤模型落地技术,并且提供了从训练到部署的⼀站式 NLP 开发体验。EasyNLP 提供了简洁的接⼝供⽤户开发 NLP 模型,包含 NLP 应⽤ AppZoo 和预训练 ModelZoo,同时提供技术帮忙⽤户⾼效的落地超⼤预训练模型到业务。文本生成作为自然语言解决的一大子工作,具备泛滥的理论利用,包含题目生成、文本摘要、机器翻译、问答零碎、对话零碎等等。因而,EasyNLP 也在逐渐减少对文本生成子工作的反对,心愿可能服务更多的 NLP 以及 NLG 算法开发者和研究者,也心愿和社区一起推动 NLG 技术的倒退和落地。本⽂将提供对于 PEGASUS 的技术解读,以及如何在 EasyNLP 框架中使⽤与 PEGASUS 相干的文本摘要(新闻标题)生成模型。Pegasus 模型详解

在此之前,文本生成预训练模型 T5、BART 等模型尽管在泛滥文本生成工作中获得了显著的性能增益,然而在文本摘要工作中,模型的预训练指标与文本摘要指标还是存在较大的差别。这导致此类预训练模型在迁徙至不必畛域的摘要工作时,依然须要较多的训练数据对模型进行微调能力达到较好的成果。为了缓解上述问题,PEGASUS 模型在原始的子词遮蔽损失的根底上,减少了残缺句子遮蔽损失,行将输出文档中的随机几个残缺句子进行遮蔽,让模型还原。具体地,如上图所示,PEGASUS 采纳编码器 - 解码器架构(规范 transformer 架构)。模型对输出采纳两种遮蔽,一种是 BERT 采纳的子词遮蔽,用【mask2】示意,让模型的编码器还原被遮蔽的子词(该类损失在融化试验中被证实对上游工作无性能增益,因而在最终的 PEGASUS 模型中并未采纳)。另一种是 GSG,用【mask1】示意,即让解码器生成输出中被遮蔽的随机残缺句子。针对此损失,作者同时提出三种可选计划,包含 Random(随机抉择 m 个句子)、Lead(抉择前 m 个句子)、Ind-Orig(依据重要性分数抉择 m 个句子)。其中,重要性分数具体通过计算每句话与文档中其它句子汇合的 ROUGE 分数失去。能够认为,该策略抉择可能很大水平代表文档中其它句子的句子作为遮蔽对象。下图展现了三种选句子计划的一个例子,所选句子别离被标记为绿色、红棕色、蓝色。试验表明,采纳第三种句子抉择策略的模型可能获得最优性能。

 文本摘要模型应用教程以下咱们简要介绍如何在 EasyNLP 框架中应用 PEGASUS 以及其余文本摘要模型。装置 EasyNLP 用户能够间接参考 GitHub(https://github.com/alibaba/Ea…)上的阐明装置 EasyNLP 算法框架。数据筹备在具体的文本摘要场景中,须要用户提供上游工作的训练与验证数据,为 tsv 文件。对于文本摘要工作,这一文件蕴含以制表符 \t 分隔的两列数据,第一列是摘要列,第二列为原文列。样例如下:湖北:“四上企业”停工率已达 93.8% 央视网音讯:4 月 1 日,记者从湖北省新冠肺炎疫情防控工作新闻发布会上获悉,在各方面共同努力下,湖北省停工复产工作获得了阶段性功效。截至 3 月 31 日,湖北省“四上企业”包含规模以上工业、规模以上服务业法人单位等的停工率已达 93.8%,复岗率 69.3%。武汉市的停工率、复岗率也别离达到了 85.4%、40.4%。责任编辑:王诗尧 下列文件为曾经实现预处理的新闻标题生成训练和验证数据,可用于测试:https://atp-modelzoo-sh.oss-c… 中文新闻标题生成因为 PEGASUS 原文产出的模型仅反对英文,为了不便中文社区用户的应用,咱们基于 mT5 的模型架构预训练了一个针对中文新闻标题摘要的模型 mT5,并将其集成进 EasyNLP 的模型库中。同时,咱们还集成了 IDEA 机构预训练的文本摘要中文模型 Randeng(能够认为是中文版的 PEGASUS),便于用户摸索不同模型的性能。以下汇总了 EasyNLP 中可用的模型,并比照模型在上述数据集上的性能体现。举荐用户抉择前两个模型进行文本摘要,后三个模型进行新闻标题生成。中文新闻标题(Rouge1/2/L)论文题目摘要(Rouge1/2/L)hfl/randeng-238M-Summary-Chinese59.66/46.26/55.9554.55/39.37/50.69hfl/randeng-523M-Summary-Chinese62.86/49.67/58.8953.83/39.17/49.92alibaba-pai/mt5-title-generation-zh-275m62.35/48.63/58.9654.28/40.26/50.55alibaba-pai/randeng-238M-Summary-Chinese-tuned64.31/51.80/60.9758.83/45.28/55.72alibaba-pai/randeng-523M-Summary-Chinese-tuned64.76/51.65/61.0659.27/45.58/55.92 在新闻标题生成工作中,咱们采纳以下命令对模型进行训练。用户能够依据超参数‘save_checkpoint_steps’来决定保留模型的步数,框架在此时会对训练的模型进行评测,会依据模型在验证集上的体现决定是否更新保留的模型参数。其中,运行的 main.py 文件在 EasyNLP/examples/appzoo_tutorials/sequence_generation 目录下,同时须要将训练和验证集数据放到该目录下。能够在‘user_defined_parameters’超参数下的‘pretrain_model_name_or_path’指定上述表格中的模型。python main.py \

--mode train \
--app_name=sequence_generation \
--worker_gpu=1 \
--tables=./cn_train.tsv,./cn_dev.tsv  \
--input_schema=title_tokens:str:1,content_tokens:str:1 \
--first_sequence=content_tokens \
--second_sequence=title_tokens \
--label_name=title_tokens \
--checkpoint_dir=./finetuned_zh_model \
--micro_batch_size=8 \
--sequence_length=512 \
--epoch_num=1  \
--save_checkpoint_steps=150 \
--export_tf_checkpoint_type none \
--user_defined_parameters 'pretrain_model_name_or_path=alibaba-pai/mt5-title-generation-zh language=zh copy=false max_encoder_length=512 min_decoder_length=12 max_decoder_length=32 no_repeat_ngram_size=2 num_beams=5 num_return_sequences=5'

另外,用户能够利用以下命令应用模型进行摘要生成,模型的门路由‘checkpoint_dir’指定。用户能够通过‘append_cols’指定在输入文件中增加输出列,如果不指定则填 none。python main.py \

--mode=predict \
--app_name=sequence_generation \
--worker_gpu=1 \
--tables=./cn_dev.tsv  \
--outputs=./cn.preds.txt \
--input_schema=title:str:1,content:str:1,title_tokens:str:1,content_tokens:str:1,tag:str:1 \
--output_schema=predictions,beams \
--append_cols=content,title,tag \
--first_sequence=content_tokens \
--checkpoint_dir=./finetuned_zh_model \
--micro_batch_size=32 \
--sequence_length=512 \
--user_defined_parameters 'language=zh copy=false max_encoder_length=512 min_decoder_length=12 max_decoder_length=32 no_repeat_ngram_size=2 num_beams=5 num_return_sequences=5'

以下为模型对近期热点事件预测的几条样例,每条样例蕴含 5 列数据(以制表符 \t 隔开),别离为预测的摘要列(新闻标题)、beam search 的 5 条候选(用 || 隔开)、输出的原文、输出的新闻标签。其中后三列是从对应的输出数据中间接拷贝过去。因为新闻文本过长,以下仅展现每条样例的前四列后果。费德勒辞别信:将来我还会打更多的网球 费德勒辞别信:将来我还会打更多的网球 || 费德勒辞别信:将来我还会打更多网球 || 费德勒辞别信:将来我还会打更多网球但不是在大满贯或巡回赛 || 费德勒辞别信:将来我还会打更多的网球 || 详讯:费德勒发表服役,并辞别信 一代传奇闭幕!网球天王费德勒发表服役 央视网音讯:北京工夫 9 月 15 日晚,网球天王罗杰 - 费德勒在集体社媒上发表服役。41 岁的费德勒是女子网坛历史最平凡球员之一,曾 103 次斩获单打冠军,大满贯单打夺冠 20 次(澳网 6 冠、法网 1 冠、温网 8 冠、美网 5 冠),共计 310 周位于男单世界第一。附费德勒辞别信:在这些年网球给我的所有礼物中,最棒的毫无疑问是我一路上所遇到的人:我的敌人、我的竞争对手、以及最重要的球迷,是他们给予了这项静止生命。明天,我想和大家分享一些音讯。正如你们中的许多人所晓得的,过来三年中,我遇到了受伤和手术的挑战。……
台风“梅花”将在大连沿海登陆将逐渐变性为温带气旋 台风“梅花”将在大连沿海登陆将逐渐变性为温带气旋 || 台风“梅花”将在大连沿海登陆后逐步变性为温带气旋 || 台风“梅花”将在大连沿海登陆将逐步变性为温带气旋 || 台风“梅花”将在大连沿海登陆后变性为温带气旋 || 台风“梅花”将在大连沿海登陆后逐步变性 台风“梅花”将于 16 日黄昏前后在辽宁大连沿海登陆 记者 9 月 16 日从辽宁省大连市气象部门获悉,往年第 12 号台风“梅花”将于 16 日黄昏前后在大连市旅顺口区至庄河市一带沿海登陆,之后逐步变性为温带气旋。受台风“梅花”影响,14 日 8 时至 16 日 10 时,大连全市均匀降雨量为 132 毫米,最大降雨量呈现在金普新区大李家街道正明寺村,为 283.6 毫米;一小时最大降雨量呈现在长海县广鹿岛镇,为 49.4 毫米 …… 英文文本摘要 EasyNLP 模型库中同样集成了英文文本摘要模型,包含 PEGASUS 和 BRIO。以下表格展现了两个模型在英文文本摘要数据上的性能体现。用户同样能够应用上述代码对模型进行训练和预测。须要留神的是,EasyNLP 默认的是对中文的解决,因而,当须要解决英文文本时,须要在‘user_defined_parameters’中指定 language 为 en,如不提供,则默认为中文(zh)。英文文本摘要(Rouge1/2/L)alibaba-pai/pegasus-summary-generation-en37.79/18.69/35.44hfl/brio-cnndm-uncased41.46/23.34/38.91  训练过程如下:wget http://atp-modelzoo-sh.oss-cn…
wget http://atp-modelzoo-sh.oss-cn…

python main.py \

--mode train \
--app_name=sequence_generation \
--worker_gpu=1 \
--tables=./en_train.tsv,./en_dev.tsv  \
--input_schema=title:str:1,content:str:1 \
--first_sequence=content \
--second_sequence=title \
--label_name=title \
--checkpoint_dir=./finetuned_en_model \
--micro_batch_size=1 \
--sequence_length=512 \
--epoch_num 1 \
--save_checkpoint_steps=500 \
--export_tf_checkpoint_type none \
--user_defined_parameters 'language=en pretrain_model_name_or_path=alibaba-pai/pegasus-summary-generation-en copy=false max_encoder_length=512 min_decoder_length=64 max_decoder_length=128 no_repeat_ngram_size=2 num_beams=5 num_return_sequences=5'

 预测过程如下:python main.py \

--mode=predict \
--app_name=sequence_generation \
--worker_gpu=1 \
--tables=./en_dev.tsv  \
--outputs=./en.preds.txt \
--input_schema=title:str:1,content:str:1 \
--output_schema=predictions,beams \
--append_cols=title,content \
--first_sequence=content \
--checkpoint_dir=./finetuned_en_model \
--micro_batch_size 32 \
--sequence_length 512 \
--user_defined_parameters 'language=en copy=false max_encoder_length=512 min_decoder_length=64 max_decoder_length=128 no_repeat_ngram_size=2 num_beams=5 num_return_sequences=5'

 以下展现了模型对一篇热点科技新闻稿的摘要预测后果:With the image generator Stable Diffusion, you can conjure within seconds a potrait of Beyoncé as if painted by Vincent van Gogh, a cyberpunk cityscape in the style of 18th century Japanese artist Hokusai and a complex alien world straight out of science fiction. Released to the public just two weeks ago, it’s become one of several popular AI-powered text-to-image generators, including DALL-E 2, that have taken the internet by storm. Now, the company behind Stable Diffusion is in discussions to raise $100 million from investors, according to three people with knowledge of the matter. Investment firm Coatue expressed initial interest in a deal that would value the London-based startup Stability AI at $500 million, according to two of the people. Lightspeed Venture Partners then entered talks — which are still underway — to invest at a valuation up to $1 billion, two sources said. Stability AI, Coatue and Lightspeed declined requests for comment. The London-based startup previously raised at least $10 million in SAFE notes (a form of convertible security popular among early-stage startups) at a valuation of up to $100 million, according to one of the sources. An additional fourth source with direct knowledge confirmed Stability AI’s previous round. Much of the company’s funds came directly from founder and CEO Emad Mostaque, a former hedge fund manager. News of the prior financing was previously unreported. By nature of being open source, Stability AI’s underlying technology is free to use. So far, the company does not have a clear business model in place, according to three of the sources. However, Mostaque said in an interview last month with Yannic Kilcher, a machine learning engineer and YouTube personality, that he has already penned partnerships with“governments and leading institutions”to sell the technology.“We’ve negotiated massive deals so we’d be profitable at the door versus most money-losing big corporations,”he claims. The first version of Stable Diffusion itself cost just $600,000 to train, he wrote on Twitter — a fraction of the company’s total funding. Mostaque, 39, hails from Bangladesh and grew up in England. He received a master’s degree in mathematics and computer science from Oxford University in 2005 and spent 13 years working at U.K. hedge funds. In 2019, he launched Symmitree, a startup that aimed to reduce the cost of technology for people in poverty; it shuttered after one year, according to his LinkedIn profile. He then founded Stability AI in late 2020 with the mission of building open-source AI projects. According to its website, text-to-image generation is only one component of a broader apparatus of AI-powered offerings that the company is helping to build. Other open-source research groups it backs are developing tools for language, audio and biology. Stable Diffusion — created in collaboration with RunwayML, a video editing startup also backed by Coatue, and researchers at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich — has generated by far the most buzz among the company’s projects. It comes as AI image generators entered the zeitgeist this year, with the release of OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 in April and independent research lab Midjourney’s eponymous product in July. Google also revealed a text-to-image system, Imagen, in May, though it is not available to the public. Mostaque and his peers have said that the existing technology only represents the tip of the iceberg of what AI art is capable of creating: Future use cases could include drastically improved photorealism, video and animation. These image generators are already facing controversy: Many of them have been trained by processing billions of images on the internet without the consent of the copyright holder, prompting debate over ethics and legality. Last week, a testy debate broke out online after a Colorado fine arts competition awarded a top prize to an AI-generated work of art. Moreover, unlike DALL-E and Midjourney, which have restrictions in place to prevent the generation of gory or pornographic images, Stable Diffusion’s open source nature allows users to bypass such a block. On 4chan, numerous threads have appeared with AI-generated deepfakes of celebrity nudes, while Reddit has banned at least four communities that were dedicated to posting“not safe for work”AI imagery made using Stable Diffusion. It’s a double-edged sword for Stability AI, which has accumulated community goodwill precisely due to its open source approach that gives its users full access to its code. The company’s website states that the company is“building open AI tools,”a mission that mirrors the initial intent of OpenAI to democratize access to artificial intelligence. OpenAI was launched as a nonprofit research organization by prominent technologists including Sam Altman and Elon Musk, but upon accepting a $1 billion investment from Microsoft in 2019, it became a for-profit business. The move led it to focus on commercializing its technology rather than making it more widely available, drawing criticism from the AI community — and Musk himself. Stability AI has been a for-profit corporation from its inception, which Mostaque has said is meant to allow the open source research to reach more people. In an interviewwith TechCrunch last month, he said that the company was fully independent.“Nobody has any voting rights except our 75 employees — no billionaires, big funds, governments or anyone else with control of the company or the communities we support,”he said. At a $1 billion valuation, Mostaque would be ceding up to 10% of the company to the new financiers. Venture capital investors who take significant stakes in startups typically ask for board positions so they can influence the decisions the company is making using their money. Lightspeed, which manages $10 billion of assets, and Coatue, which is in charge of $73 billion, both have a track record of taking board seats, though it’s unclear if that will be the case with Stability AI. Follow me on Twitter. Send me a secure tip.
上述文本来自于 https://www.forbes.com/sites/… 针对上述新闻原稿,以下为两个最新模型的摘要生成后果:stable Diffusion is in discussions to raise $100 million from investors, three people say. The image generator is one of several popular AI-powered text-to-image generators.company behind the popular image generator Stable Diffusion is in talks to raise $100 million from investors, according to sources 以上是如何利用 EasyNLP 进行文本摘要模型训练和预测的全副过程,更具体的应用教程可退出以下课程进行学习。题目党速成班:基于机器学习 PAI EasyNLP 的中文新闻标题生成将来瞻望在将来,咱们打算在 EasyNLP 框架中集成面向常识的中⽂预训练模型,笼罩各个常⻅的 NLU 和 NLG 中⽂畛域,敬请期待。咱们也将在 EasyNLP 框架中集成更多 SOTA 模型(特地是中⽂模型),来⽀持各种 NLP 和多模态工作。此外,阿⾥云机器学习 PAI 团队也在继续推动中文文本生成和中⽂多模态模型的⾃研⼯作,欢送⽤户继续关注咱们,也欢送加⼊ 咱们的开源社区,共建中⽂ NLP 和多模态算法库!Github 地址:https://github.com/alibaba/Ea… 参考文献 Chengyu Wang, Minghui Qiu, Taolin Zhang, Tingting Liu, Lei Li, Jianing Wang, Ming Wang, Jun Huang, Wei Lin. EasyNLP: A Comprehensive and Easy-to-use Toolkit for Natural Language Processing. arXivZhang, Jingqing, et al. “Pegasus: Pre-training with extracted gap-sentences for abstractive summarization.” International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2020.Xue, Linting, et al. “mT5: A massively multilingual pre-trained text-to-text transformer.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.11934(2020).Lewis, Mike, et al. “Bart: Denoising sequence-to-sequence pre-training for natural language generation, translation, and comprehension.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.13461 (2019).Song, Kaitao, et al. “Mass: Masked sequence to sequence pre-training for language generation.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.02450 (2019).Dong, Li, et al. “Unified language model pre-training for natural language understanding and generation.” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (2019).Yixin Liu, Pengfei Liu, Dragomir Radev, and Graham Neubig. 2022. BRIO: Bringing Order to Abstractive Summarization. In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 2890–2903, Dublin, Ireland. Association for Computational Linguistics. 阿里灵杰回顾阿里灵杰:阿里云机器学习 PAI 开源中文 NLP 算法框架 EasyNLP,助力 NLP 大模型落地阿里灵杰:预训练常识度量较量夺冠!阿里云 PAI 公布常识预训练工具阿里灵杰:EasyNLP 带你玩转 CLIP 图文检索阿里灵杰:EasyNLP 中文文图生成模型带你秒变艺术家阿里灵杰:EasyNLP 集成 K -BERT 算法,借助常识图谱实现更优 Finetune 原文链接:https://click.aliyun.com/m/10… 本文为阿里云原创内容,未经容许不得转载。
