


最近浏览 <<Go 微服务实战 >> (刘金亮, 2021.1)
本系列笔记拟采纳 golang 练习之

案例需要 (聊天服务器)

  • 用户能够连贯到服务器。
  • 用户能够设定本人的用户名。
  • 用户能够向服务器发送音讯,同时服务器也会向其余用户播送该音讯。

指标 (Day 3)

  • 在 Day 2 中, 已根本实现功能性编码, 测试也通过了, 明天尝试压测, 并诊断是否存在内存和 routine 透露


  • 批改单元测试代码, 并发客户端减少到 50 个, 每个客户端随机 1 - 3 秒发送一条音讯
  • 增加 ILoggingService, 以更不便的采集全局日志
  • 应用 pprof 包的 api, 采集 heap 和 goroutine 的诊断日志
  • 应用 go tool pprof < 诊断日志 >, 察看是否存在内存和 routine 透露
  • 发现单元测试总是 failed, 总有若干 tChatClient, 服务端未打印敞开日志
  • 查看 routine 诊断日志, 发现存在 routine 透露
  • 在 tChatClient 中增加更具体的函数调用日志, 发现是 closeChan 通道写入阻塞导致
  • 修复 routine 透露的 bug, 加大并发客户端到 500 个, 并进行多轮测试, 察看是否存在内存和 routine 透露


  • ChatServer_test.go
  • 增大客户端并发数, 并增加 pprof 诊断
  • 诊断 ILoggingService.AllLogs(), 判断所有客户端是否实现连贯 / 断开的闭环
package chat_server

import (
    cs "learning/gooop/chat_server"

func Test_ChatServer(t *testing.T) {fnAssertTrue := func(b bool, msg string) {
        if !b {t.Fatal(msg)

    // create dump file
    memProfile, err := os.Create("/home/ioly/chat_server_mem.profile")
    if err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
    cpuProfile, err := os.Create("/home/ioly/chat_server_cpu.profile")
    if err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
    rtnProfile, err := os.Create("/home/ioly/chat_server_routine.profile")
    if err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
    err = pprof.StartCPUProfile(cpuProfile)
    if err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
    defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()

    port := 3333
    server := cs.NewChatServer()
    err = server.Open(port)
    if err != nil {t.Fatal(err)

    clientCount := 500
    wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}

    rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
    address := fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%v", port)
    for i := 0;i < clientCount;i++ {err, client := cs.DialChatClient(address)
        if err != nil {t.Fatal(err)

        id := fmt.Sprintf("c%02d", i)
        //client.RecvHandler(func(client cs.IChatClient, msg cs.IMsg) {//    t.Logf("%v recv: %v\n", id, msg)

        go func() {client.SetName(id)

            n := 0
            duration := rnd.Intn(3) + 1
            for range time.Tick(time.Duration(duration) * time.Second) {client.Send(&cs.ChatMsg{id, fmt.Sprintf("msg %02d from %v", n, id) })

                if n > 10 {break}


    // wait and set status
    done := []bool{false}
    go func() {wg.Wait()
        done[0] = true

    // print passed seconds
    passedSeconds := 0
    for range time.Tick(time.Second) {
        t.Logf("%v seconds passed", passedSeconds)

        if done[0] {break}


    // dump heap file
    err = pprof.Lookup("heap").WriteTo(memProfile, 0)
    if err != nil {t.Fatal(err)
    err = pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(rtnProfile, 0)
    if err != nil {t.Fatal(err)

    // check server logs
    logs := cs.Logging.AllLogs()
    fnHasLog := func(log string) bool {
        for _,it := range logs {if strings.Contains(it, log) {return true}
        return false
    for i := 0;i < clientCount;i++ {msg := fmt.Sprintf("tChatClient.postConnClosed, c%02d, serverFlag=false", i)
        fnAssertTrue(fnHasLog(msg), "expecting log:" + msg)

        msg = fmt.Sprintf("tChatServer.handleIncomingConn, clientCount=%v", i + 1)
        fnAssertTrue(fnHasLog(msg), "expecting log:" + msg)

        msg = fmt.Sprintf("tChatClient.postConnClosed, c%02d, serverFlag=true", i)
        fnAssertTrue(fnHasLog(msg), "expecting log:" + msg)

        msg = fmt.Sprintf("tChatServer.handleClientClosed, c%02d", i)
        fnAssertTrue(fnHasLog(msg), "expecting log:" + msg)


并发 500, 仅开端局部

tChatClient.beginWrite, write error, c496, serverFlag=true
tChatClient.beginWrite, <- closeChan, c496, serverFlag=true
tChatClient.postConnClosed, c496, serverFlag=true
tChatServer.handleClientClosed, c496
tChatServer.handleClientClosed, c496, clientCount=1
tChatClient.closeConn, c498, serverFlag=false
tChatClient.beginWrite, <- closeChan, c498, serverFlag=false
tChatClient.beginRead, read error, c498, serverFlag=false
tChatClient.postConnClosed, c498, serverFlag=false
tChatClient.beginRead, read error, c498, serverFlag=true
tChatClient.closeConn, c498, serverFlag=true
tChatClient.beginWrite, <- closeChan, c498, serverFlag=true
tChatClient.postConnClosed, c498, serverFlag=true
tChatServer.handleClientClosed, c498
tChatServer.handleClientClosed, c498, clientCount=0
    ChatServer_test.go:97: 34 seconds passed
--- PASS: Test_ChatServer (39.50s)
ok      command-line-arguments  39.535s



$ go tool pprof ~/chat_server_mem.profile 
File: chat_server.test
Type: inuse_space
Time: Mar 9, 2021 at 8:56am (CST)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
(pprof) top
Showing nodes accounting for 8461.35kB, 100% of 8461.35kB total
Showing top 10 nodes out of 15
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
 5720.44kB 67.61% 67.61%  5720.44kB 67.61%  time.startTimer
 1184.27kB 14.00% 81.60%  1184.27kB 14.00%  runtime/pprof.StartCPUProfile
 1024.38kB 12.11% 93.71%  1024.38kB 12.11%  runtime.malg
  532.26kB  6.29%   100%   532.26kB  6.29%  runtime/pprof.(*profMap).lookup
         0     0%   100%  1184.27kB 14.00%  command-line-arguments.Test_ChatServer
         0     0%   100%  5720.44kB 67.61%  learning/gooop/chat_server.(*tChatClient).beginWrite
         0     0%   100%  1024.38kB 12.11%  runtime.mstart
         0     0%   100%  1024.38kB 12.11%  runtime.newproc.func1
         0     0%   100%  1024.38kB 12.11%  runtime.newproc1
         0     0%   100%  1024.38kB 12.11%  runtime.systemstack
(pprof) quit

routine 透露诊断 (修复前)

有透露时的诊断日志 (并发 50)

$ go tool pprof ~/chat_server_routine.profile 
File: chat_server.test
Type: goroutine
Time: Mar 9, 2021 at 9:12am (CST)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
(pprof) top
Showing nodes accounting for 4, 100% of 4 total
Showing top 10 nodes out of 21
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
         3 75.00% 75.00%          3 75.00%  runtime.gopark
         1 25.00%   100%          1 25.00%  runtime/pprof.runtime_goroutineProfileWithLabels
         0     0%   100%          1 25.00%  command-line-arguments.Test_ChatServer
         0     0%   100%          1 25.00%  learning/gooop/chat_server.(*tChatClient).beginWrite
         0     0%   100%          1 25.00%  learning/gooop/chat_server.(*tChatClient).closeConn
         0     0%   100%          1 25.00%  main.main
         0     0%   100%          1 25.00%  runtime.chanrecv
         0     0%   100%          1 25.00%  runtime.chanrecv1
         0     0%   100%          1 25.00%  runtime.chansend
         0     0%   100%          1 25.00%  runtime.chansend1

能够看到 closeConn 函数阻塞

func (me *tChatClient) closeConn() {if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&me.closeFlag, 0, 1) {return}

    Logging.Logf("tChatClient.closeConn, %v, serverFlag=%v", me.name, me.serverFlag)
    me.closeChan <- true

从代码看, closeConn 函数阻塞只有一种可能, 就是 closeChan 阻塞.
这个起因有点诡异, 因为曾经加了 atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32 爱护,
依然导致阻塞, 惟一起因是并发环境下, closeChan 尚未开始读取, 是无奈写入的.

修复 routine 透露

就是给导致写阻塞的 closeChan 加上缓冲, 大小等于 closeConn 函数的可能调用入口数量

func openChatClient(conn net.Conn, serverFlag bool) IChatClient {
    it := &tChatClient{
        conn: conn,
        openFlag: 0,
        closeFlag: 0,
        serverFlag: serverFlag,

        closeChan: make(chan bool, 3),    // 给 closeChan 增加缓冲区!!
        sendChan: make(chan IMsg, gMaxPendingSend),

        name: "anonymous",
        sendLogs: []IMsg{},
        dropLogs: []IMsg{},
        recvLogs: []IMsg{},
    return it

routine 透露诊断 (修复后)

修复后, 加大并发到 500, 未发现显著 routine 透露 (不存在业务代码导致挂起的 routine)

$ go tool pprof ~/chat_server_routine.profile 
File: chat_server.test
Type: goroutine
Time: Mar 9, 2021 at 9:28am (CST)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
(pprof) top
Showing nodes accounting for 3, 100% of 3 total
Showing top 10 nodes out of 17
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
         2 66.67% 66.67%          2 66.67%  runtime.gopark
         1 33.33%   100%          1 33.33%  runtime/pprof.runtime_goroutineProfileWithLabels
         0     0%   100%          1 33.33%  command-line-arguments.Test_ChatServer
         0     0%   100%          1 33.33%  main.main
         0     0%   100%          1 33.33%  runtime.chanrecv
         0     0%   100%          1 33.33%  runtime.chanrecv1
         0     0%   100%          1 33.33%  runtime.main
         0     0%   100%          1 33.33%  runtime/pprof.(*Profile).WriteTo
         0     0%   100%          1 33.33%  runtime/pprof.profileWriter
         0     0%   100%          1 33.33%  runtime/pprof.writeGoroutine

