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手撸 golang 仿 spring ioc/aop 之 6 扫码 1


最近浏览 [Spring Boot 技术底细: 架构设计与实现原理] (朱智胜 , 2020.6)
本系列笔记拟采纳 golang 练习之
Talk is cheap, show me the code.


Spring 的次要个性:1. 管制反转(Inversion of Control, IoC)2. 面向容器
3. 面向切面(AspectOriented Programming, AOP)源码 gitee 地址:https://gitee.com/ioly/learning.gooop



  • 参考 spring boot 罕用注解,应用 golang 编写“基于注解的动态代码增强器 / 生成器”

    • 配置:ComponentScan,Configuration, Bean
    • Bean 申明:Component, Service, Controller
    • Bean 注入:Autowried
    • AOP 注解:Before, After, Around, PointCut

子目标(Day 6)

  • 昨天把思路撸分明了,明天入手实现各种词法元素的扫描

    • project.go: 扫描整个我的项目的所有代码文件。module 名从 go.mod 文件外面取
    • packages.go: 递归扫描某个代码目录
    • files.go: 扫描某个 go 代码文件,并解析 import/struct/field/method 等元素
    • imports: 扫描指定代码文件的所有 import
    • domain/*.go:词法元素模型集,码略


扫描整个我的项目的所有代码文件。module 名从 go.mod 文件外面取

package scanner

import (

func ScanProject(name, dir string) (error, *domain.ProjectInfo) {e, module := parseModFileAndGetModuleName(dir)
    if e != nil {return e, nil}

    files, e := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
    if e != nil {return e, nil}

    project := domain.NewProjectInfo()
    project.Name = name
    project.LocalDir = dir
    project.Module = module

    for _, file := range files {if !file.IsDir() {continue}

        e, pkg := ScanPackage(project, nil, dir+"/"+file.Name())
        if e != nil {return e, nil} else {project.AppendPackage(pkg)

    return nil, project

func parseModFileAndGetModuleName(dir string) (error, string) {modfile := path.Join(dir, gModuleFile)
    _, e := os.Stat(modfile)
    if e != nil {return gErrorModuleFileNotFound, ""}

    data, e := ioutil.ReadFile(modfile)
    if e != nil {return e, ""}

    text := string(data)
    for _, line := range strings.Split(text, "\n") {line := strings.TrimSpace(line)
        if !common.Tokens.MatchString(line, gModulePrefix) {continue}

        if ok, s := common.Tokens.MatchRegexp(line, gModulePattern); ok {return nil, strings.TrimSpace(s[len(gModulePrefix)+1:])

    return gErrorProjectModuleNotFound, ""

var gModuleFile = "go.mod"
var gModulePrefix = "module"
var gModulePattern = "^module\\s+\\w+(/\\w+)*"

var gErrorModuleFileNotFound = errors.New("module file not found: go.mod")
var gErrorProjectModuleNotFound = errors.New("project module not found in go.mod")



package scanner

import (

func ScanPackage(project *domain.ProjectInfo, parent *domain.PackageInfo, dir string) (error, *domain.PackageInfo) {pkg := domain.NewPackageInfo()
    pkg.Project = project
    pkg.Parent = parent
    pkg.LocalDir = dir

    _, f := filepath.Split(dir)
    pkg.Name = f

    files, e := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
    if e != nil {return e, nil}

    for _, file := range files {if file.IsDir() {e, p := ScanPackage(project, pkg, dir+"/"+file.Name())

            if e != nil {return e, nil} else if p != nil {pkg.AppendPackage(p)

        } else if strings.HasSuffix(file.Name(), ".go") {e, f := ScanCodeFile(pkg, dir+"/"+file.Name())

            if e != nil {return e, nil} else if f != nil {pkg.AppendFile(f)

    return nil, pkg


读入某个 go 代码文件,革除正文,而后解析 import/struct/field/method 等元素

package scanner

import (

func ScanCodeFile(pkg *domain.PackageInfo, file string) (error, *domain.CodeFileInfo) {fbytes, e := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
    if e != nil {return e, nil}

    ftext := string(fbytes)
    lines := strings.Split(ftext, "\n")
    for i, it := range lines {lines[i] = strings.TrimRightFunc(it, unicode.IsSpace)

    codeFile := domain.NewCodeFileInfo()
    codeFile.Package = pkg
    codeFile.RawLines = lines

    // clean comments
    bInParaComment := false
    cleanLines := make([]string, len(lines))
    for i, it := range lines {
        s := it

        if bInParaComment {
            // para comment end?
            i := strings.Index(it, gParaCommentEnd)
            if i >= 0 {
                bInParaComment = false
                s = s[i+1:]

            } else {cleanLines[i] = ""

        if common.Tokens.MatchString(it, gLineCommentPrefix) {cleanLines[i] = ""

        s = removeParaCommentInLine(it)
        i1 := strings.Index(s, gParaCommentStart)
        if i1 >= 0 {s = s[:i1]
            bInParaComment = true
        cleanLines[i] = s

    // parse imports

    // todo: parse struct declares/fields/methods

    return nil, nil

func removeParaCommentInLine(s string) string {arr := gParaCommentInLine.FindAllStringIndex(s, -1)
    if len(arr) > 0 {for i := len(arr) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {from := arr[i][0]
            to := arr[i][1]
            s = s[:from] + s[to+1:]

    return s

var gLineCommentPrefix = "^\\s*//"
var gParaCommentInLine = regexp.MustCompile("/\\*.*\\*/")
var gParaCommentStart = "/*"
var gParaCommentEnd = "*/"


扫描指定代码文件的所有 import

package scanner

import (

func ScanImport(file *domain.CodeFileInfo) {parseSingleImport(file)

func parseSingleImport(file *domain.CodeFileInfo) {
    for _, it := range file.CleanLines {if gSingleImportRegexp.MatchString(it) {ss := gSingleImportRegexp.FindAllStringSubmatch(it, -1)[0]
            imp := domain.NewImportInfo()
            imp.File = file

            if len(ss) == 3 {
                imp.Alias = ""
                imp.Package = ss[1]
            } else if len(ss) == 5 {imp.Alias = ss[1]
                imp.Package = ss[3]


func parseMultiImports(file *domain.CodeFileInfo) {
    bInBlock := false
    for _, it := range file.CleanLines {
        if bInBlock {if gMultiImportEnd.MatchString(it) {
                bInBlock = false

            if gImportPackage.MatchString(it) {ss := gImportPackage.FindAllStringSubmatch(it, -1)[0]
                imp := domain.NewImportInfo()
                imp.File = file

                if len(ss) == 3 {
                    imp.Alias = ""
                    imp.Package = ss[1]
                } else if len(ss) == 5 {imp.Alias = ss[2]
                    imp.Package = ss[3]

        if gMultiImportStart.MatchString(it) {
            bInBlock = true

var gSingleImportRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\s*import\s+((\w+|\.)\s+)?("\w+(/\w+)*")`)
var gMultiImportStart = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*import\s+\(`)
var gMultiImportEnd = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*\)`)
var gImportPackage = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*((\w+|\.)\s+)?("\w+(/\w+)*")`)

