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本文次要钻研一下 dubbo-go-proxy 的 ParamMapper



// ParamMapper defines the interface about how to map the params in the inbound request.
type ParamMapper interface {
    // Map implements how the request parameters map to the target parameters described by config.MappingParam
    Map(config.MappingParam, *Request, interface{}, RequestOption) error

ParamMapper 接口定义了 Map 办法



type headerMapper struct{}

// nolint
func (hm headerMapper) Map(mp config.MappingParam, c *client.Request, rawTarget interface{}, option client.RequestOption) error {target, fromKey, to, toKey, err := mapPrepare(mp, rawTarget)
    if err != nil {return err}

    rawHeader := c.IngressRequest.Header.Get(fromKey[0])
    if len(rawHeader) == 0 {return errors.Errorf("Header %s not found", fromKey[0])
    setTarget(target, to, toKey[0], rawHeader)
    return nil

headerMapper 实现了 ParamMapper 接口,其 Map 办法提取和映射 header



type uriMapper struct{}

func (um uriMapper) Map(mp config.MappingParam, c *client.Request, rawTarget interface{}, option client.RequestOption) error {target, fromKey, to, toKey, err := mapPrepare(mp, rawTarget)
    if err != nil {return err}
    if to == constant.RequestURI { }
    uriValues := router.GetURIParams(&c.API, *c.IngressRequest.URL)
    if uriValues == nil {return errors.New("No URI parameters found")
    setTarget(target, to, strings.Join(toKey, constant.Dot), uriValues.Get(fromKey[0]))
    return nil

uriMapper 实现了 ParamMapper 接口,其 Map 办法用于提取和映射 uri



type queryStringsMapper struct{}

// nolint
func (qs queryStringsMapper) Map(mp config.MappingParam, c *client.Request, rawTarget interface{}, option client.RequestOption) error {target, fromKey, to, toKey, err := mapPrepare(mp, rawTarget)
    if err != nil {return err}
    queryValues, err := url.ParseQuery(c.IngressRequest.URL.RawQuery)
    if err != nil {return errors.Wrap(err, "Error happened when parsing the query paramters")
    rawValue := queryValues.Get(fromKey[0])
    if len(rawValue) == 0 {return errors.Errorf("%s in query parameters not found", fromKey[0])
    setTarget(target, to, toKey[0], rawValue)
    return nil

queryStringsMapper 实现了 ParamMapper 接口,其 Map 办法用于提取和映射 query string



type bodyMapper struct{}

// nolint
func (bm bodyMapper) Map(mp config.MappingParam, c *client.Request, rawTarget interface{}, option client.RequestOption) error {
    // TO-DO: add support for content-type other than application/json
    target, fromKey, to, toKey, err := mapPrepare(mp, rawTarget)
    if err != nil {return err}

    rawBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(c.IngressRequest.Body)
    defer func() {c.IngressRequest.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(rawBody))
    if err != nil {return err}
    mapBody := map[string]interface{}{}
    json.Unmarshal(rawBody, &mapBody)
    val, err := client.GetMapValue(mapBody, fromKey)
    if err != nil {return errors.Wrapf(err, "Error when get body value from key %s", fromKey)
    setTarget(target, to, strings.Join(toKey, constant.Dot), val)
    return nil

bodyMapper 实现了 ParamMapper 接口,其 Map 办法用于提取和映射 body 参数



func mapPrepare(mp config.MappingParam, rawTarget interface{}) (target *requestParams, fromKey []string, to string, toKey []string, err error) {
    // ensure the target is a pointer and type is requestParams
    target, err = validateTarget(rawTarget)
    if err != nil {return nil, nil, "", nil, err}
    // retrieve the mapping values' origin param name
    _, fromKey, err = client.ParseMapSource(mp.Name)
    if err != nil {return nil, nil, "", nil, err}
    // retrieve the mapping values' target param name and param types(header/uri/query/request body)
    to, toKey, err = client.ParseMapSource(mp.MapTo)
    if err != nil {return nil, nil, "", nil, err}
    return target, fromKey, to, toKey, nil

mapPrepare 办法依据 config.MappingParam 从 rawTarget 提取 requestParams、fromKey、to、toKey



func setTarget(target *requestParams, to string, key string, val interface{}) error {valType := reflect.TypeOf(val)
    if (to == constant.Headers || to == constant.QueryStrings) && valType.Kind() != reflect.String {return errors.Errorf("%s only accepts string", to)
    switch to {
    case constant.Headers:
        target.Header.Set(key, val.(string))
    case constant.RequestURI:
        target.URIParams.Set(key, val.(string))
    case constant.QueryStrings:
        target.Query.Set(key, val.(string))
    case constant.RequestBody:
        rawBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(target.Body)
        defer func() {target.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(rawBody))
        if err != nil {return errors.New("Raw body parse failed")
        mapBody := map[string]interface{}{}
        json.Unmarshal(rawBody, &mapBody)

        setMapWithPath(mapBody, key, val)
        rawBody, err = json.Marshal(mapBody)
        if err != nil {return errors.New("Stringify map to body failed")
        return errors.Errorf("Mapping target to %s does not support", to)
    return nil

setTarget 办法用于将 val 写入到 requestParams 的对应局部


dubbo-go-proxy 的 ParamMapper 接口定义了 Map 办法;它有四个实现类别离是 headerMapper、uriMapper、queryStringsMapper、bodyMapper;mapPrepare 办法用于提取参数,setTarget 办法用于将 val 写入到 requestParams 的对应局部。


  • dubbo-go-proxy
