共计 925 个字符,预计需要花费 3 分钟才能阅读完成。
在 bigcache 存储中,数据值存储的模式为 []byte。
咱们通过一个,存储的时候,同时会把 hash 值,key 值,工夫戳,entry 同时存起来。
咱们能够简称为 header + entry
header 的存储大小为 18 字节 [18]byte
通过 wrapEntry()函数封装。
const (
timestampSizeInBytes = 8 // Number of bytes used for timestamp
hashSizeInBytes = 8 // Number of bytes used for hash
keySizeInBytes = 2 // Number of bytes used for size of entry key
headersSizeInBytes = timestampSizeInBytes + hashSizeInBytes + keySizeInBytes // Number of bytes used for all headers
func wrapEntry(timestamp uint64, hash uint64, key string, entry []byte, buffer *[]byte) []byte {keyLength := len(key)
blobLength := len(entry) + headersSizeInBytes + keyLength
if blobLength > len(*buffer) {*buffer = make([]byte, blobLength)
blob := *buffer
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(blob, timestamp)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(blob[timestampSizeInBytes:], hash)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(blob[timestampSizeInBytes+hashSizeInBytes:], uint16(keyLength))
copy(blob[headersSizeInBytes:], key)
copy(blob[headersSizeInBytes+keyLength:], entry)
return blob[:blobLength]