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beyla 反对通过 ebpf,主动采集应用程序的 trace 信息。

对于 golang 程序,beyla 还反对 trace context progagation,即微服务之间的 trace 上下文流传,这样服务之间调用的链条就连起来了,达到了一般的侵入式 tracing 同样的成果。

以 golang 的 nethttp 为例,讲述 beyla 对 trace context propagation 的实现原理。

一. 整体原理

Trace context propagation 会监听对外部服务的 HTTP 调用,在 HTTP header 中减少 traceparent 字段。

通过 http header 中 traceparent 字段,实现了 trace context propagation。

在 golang 利用中,对外部服务的 Http 调用,会顺次调用:

  • net/http.(*Transport).roundTrip
  • net/http.Header.writeSubset

监听 roundTrip 时:

  • 以 key=goroutine_addr, value=trace,写入 ongoing_http_client_requests 对象;
  • 以 key=header_addr,value=goroutine_addr,写入 header_req_map 对象;

监听 header_writeSubset 时:

  • 依据 header_addr,查找 header_req_map 对象,找到 goroutine_addr;
  • 依据 goroutine_addr,查找 ongoing_http_client_requests 对象,找到 trace 信息;
  • 最初,应用 bpf 辅助函数:bpf_probe_write_user(),将 trace 信息中的 traceparent 写入 http 的 header;

二. 监听 uprobe/roundTrip


  • 首先,将 goroutine 及其 trace 信息,写入 ongoing_http_client_requests 对象;
  • 而后:

    • 若以后 request header 中没有 traceparent,则将 key=header_addr,value=goroutine_addr 写入 header_req_map 对象;
    • 若以后 request header 中有 traceparent,则不须要做什么,因为 http header 中曾经有 trace 信息了;
// bpf/go_nethttp.c

int uprobe_roundTrip(struct pt_regs *ctx) {roundTripStartHelper(ctx);
    return 0;
// bpf/go_nethttp.c

/* HTTP Client. We expect to see HTTP client in both HTTP server and gRPC server calls.*/
static __always_inline void roundTripStartHelper(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
    // 将 gorouinte 及其 trace 信息,写入 ongoing_http_client_requests 对象
    if (bpf_map_update_elem(&ongoing_http_client_requests, &goroutine_addr, &invocation, BPF_ANY)) {bpf_dbg_printk("can't update http client map element");
// 若反对 header propagation
    if (!existing_tp) { // request 中没有 traceparent
        void *headers_ptr = 0;
        bpf_probe_read(&headers_ptr, sizeof(headers_ptr), (void*)(req + req_header_ptr_pos));
        bpf_dbg_printk("goroutine_addr %lx, req ptr %llx, headers_ptr %llx", goroutine_addr, req, headers_ptr);
        if (headers_ptr) {bpf_map_update_elem(&header_req_map, &headers_ptr, &goroutine_addr, BPF_ANY);    // 写入 header_req_map 对象

header_req_map 对象的定义:

struct {__uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH);
    __type(key, void *); // key: pointer to the request header map
    __type(value, u64); // the goroutine of the transport request
    __uint(max_entries, MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS);
} header_req_map SEC(".maps");

三. 监听 uprobe/header_writeSubset


  • 首先,依据 header_addr,查找 header_req_map 对象,失去 goroutine_addr;
  • 而后,依据 goroutine_addr,查找 ongoing_http_client_requests 对象,失去 trace 信息;
  • 最初,将 trace 信息,组装给 traceparent,通过 bpf_probe_write_user() 函数,写入 http header 中;
// beyla/go_nethttp.c

// Context propagation through HTTP headers
int uprobe_writeSubset(struct pt_regs *ctx) {void *header_addr = GO_PARAM1(ctx);
    void *io_writer_addr = GO_PARAM3(ctx);
    // 首先,依据 header_addr,查找 header_req_map 对象,失去 goroutine_addr
    u64 *request_goaddr = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&header_req_map, &header_addr);
    // 而后,依据 goroutine_addr,查找 ongoing_http_client_requests 对象,失去 trace 信息
    u64 parent_goaddr = *request_goaddr;
    http_func_invocation_t *func_inv = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&ongoing_http_client_requests, &parent_goaddr);
    unsigned char buf[TRACEPARENT_LEN];
    make_tp_string(buf, &func_inv->tp); // trace 写入 buf
    // 最初,应用 bpf_probe_write_user() 函数将 buf 中的信息写入 http header
    if (len < (size - TP_MAX_VAL_LENGTH - TP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH - 4)) {// 4 = strlen(":_") + strlen("\r\n")
        char key[TP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 2] = "Traceparent:";
        char end[2] = "\r\n";
        bpf_probe_write_user(buf_ptr + (len & 0x0ffff), key, sizeof(key));
        len += TP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 2;
        bpf_probe_write_user(buf_ptr + (len & 0x0ffff), buf, sizeof(buf));
        len += TP_MAX_VAL_LENGTH;
        bpf_probe_write_user(buf_ptr + (len & 0x0ffff), end, sizeof(end));
        len += 2;
        bpf_probe_write_user((void *)(io_writer_addr + io_writer_n_pos), &len, sizeof(len));
    return 0;

对于 nethttp,这里最终写入的是 bufio.Write 的 buf 字段:

// go/src/bufio/bufio.go

type Writer struct {
    err error
    buf []byte
    n   int
    wr  io.Writer

四. bpf 辅助函数 bpf_probe_write_user

bpf_probe_write_user() 因为会批改用户态的内存,对内核有一些要求:

In order to write the traceparent value in outgoing HTTP/gRPC request headers, Beyla needs to write to the process memory using the bpf_probe_write_user eBPF helper.
Since kernel 5.14 (with fixes backported to the 5.10 series) this helper is protected (and unavailable to BPF programs) if the Linux Kernel is running in integrity lockdown mode. Kernel integrity mode is typically enabled by default if the Kernel has Secure Boot enabled, but it can also be enabled manually.

而对于内核 lockdown 的配置:

Beyla will automatically check if it can use the bpf_probe_write_user helper, and enable context propagation only if it’s allowed by the kernel configuration. Verify the Linux Kernel lockdown mode by running the following command:

cat /sys/kernel/security/lockdown

If that file exists and the mode is anything other than [none], Beyla will not be able to perform context propagation and distributed tracing will be disabled.


  • 若内核版本 <5.*,则反对 context propagation;
  • 若内核版本 <5.10,则反对 context propagation;
  • 否则:

    • 查看读取内核平安锁定文件 /sys/kernel/security/lockdown,查看是否启用内核平安锁定;
    • 若未启动内核平安锁定 (KernelLockDownNone),则反对;
// pkg/internal/ebpf/common/common.go

func SupportsContextPropagation(log *slog.Logger) bool {kernelMajor, kernelMinor := KernelVersion()
    if kernelMajor < 5 || (kernelMajor == 5 && kernelMinor < 10) {log.Debug("Found Linux kernel earlier than 5.10, trace context propagation is supported", "major", kernelMajor, "minor", kernelMinor)
        return true
    // 读文件 /sys/kernel/security/lockdown
    lockdown := KernelLockdownMode()
    // 若内容 =none,则返回 true
    if lockdown == KernelLockdownNone {log.Debug("Kernel not in lockdown mode, trace context propagation is supported.")
        return true
    return false


