

1. 数据管理

  1. 定义满足条件的索引 index
  2. 定义并应用满足条件的索引模板 index template
  3. 定义并应用满足条件的动静模板 dynamic template
  4. 为工夫序列索引定义一个 ILM 策略
  5. 定义创立新的数据流的索引模板 -index template+data stream

2. 检索数据

  1. 执行查问 query: terms and/or phrases 在一个索引的单个或多个 field 中;
  2. 执行查问 query: 应用 bool 组合多个查问和过滤器 bool filter 多个查问;
  3. 写异步检索: async search;
  4. metric and bucket aggregations
  5. 有子聚合的聚合;
  6. 跨集群检索: searches across multiple clusters
  7. 应用运行时字段的检索: search that utilizes a runtime field

3. 研发检索利用

  1. 高亮检索后果中的 term 词;
  2. 按需要对检索后果进行 sort;
  3. 检索后果分页;
  4. 定义并应用索引别名: alias;
  5. 定义并应用检索模板 search template

4. 数据处理

  1. 定义满足条件的 mapping;
  2. 定义并应用满足条件的定制 analyzer: custom analyzer ;
  3. multi-fields: 不同 data type, analyzers 的 multi-fields;

    (Define and use multi-fields with different data types and/or analyzers)

  4. 应用 reindex api+update by query 来 reindex 和更新文档;
  5. 定义和应用 ingest pipeline, 蕴含无痛批改 document;

    (Define and use an ingest pipeline that satisfies a given set of requirements, including the use of Painless to modify documents)

  6. 通过 Painless scripting 定义 runtime fields 来获取自定义 values

    (Define runtime fields to retrieve custom values using Painless scripting)

5. 集群治理

  1. 诊断分片问题并修复集群的衰弱状态;
  2. 备份和复原某个集群或某个索引;
  3. 配置一个 snapshot 为可检索;
  4. 配置一个 cluster 为可跨集群检索: for cross-cluster search
  5. 实现跨集群复制: Implement cross-cluster replication


Elastic Certified Engineer exam is currently on version 8.1.

Data Management

Define an index that satisfies a given set of requirements
Define and use an index template for a given pattern that satisfies a given set of requirements
Define and use a dynamic template that satisfies a given set of requirements
Define an Index Lifecycle Management policy for a time-series index
Define an index template that creates a new data stream
Searching Data

Write and execute a search query for terms and/or phrases in one or more fields of an index
Write and execute a search query that is a Boolean combination of multiple queries and filters
Write an asynchronous search
Write and execute metric and bucket aggregations
Write and execute aggregations that contain sub-aggregations
Write and execute a query that searches across multiple clusters
Write and execute a search that utilizes a runtime field
Developing Search Applications

Highlight the search terms in the response of a query
Sort the results of a query by a given set of requirements
Implement pagination of the results of a search query
Define and use index aliases
Define and use a search template
Data Processing

Define a mapping that satisfies a given set of requirements
Define and use a custom analyzer that satisfies a given set of requirements
Define and use multi-fields with different data types and/or analyzers
Use the Reindex API and Update By Query API to reindex and/or update documents
Define and use an ingest pipeline that satisfies a given set of requirements, including the use of Painless to modify documents
Define runtime fields to retrieve custom values using Painless scripting
Cluster Management

Diagnose shard issues and repair a cluster’s health
Backup and restore a cluster and/or specific indices
Configure a snapshot to be searchable
Configure a cluster for cross-cluster search
Implement cross-cluster replication
