本文次要钻研一下 dubbo-go 的 tracingFilter
const (tracingFilterName = "tracing")
// this should be executed before users set their own Tracer
func init() {extension.SetFilter(tracingFilterName, newTracingFilter)
var (
errorKey = "ErrorMsg"
successKey = "Success"
// if you wish to using opentracing, please add the this filter into your filter attribute in your configure file.
// notice that this could be used in both client-side and server-side.
type tracingFilter struct {}
- tracingFilter 的 init 办法设置了 newTracingFilter
func newTracingFilter() filter.Filter {
if tracingFilterInstance == nil {tracingFilterInstance = &tracingFilter{}
return tracingFilterInstance
- newTracingFilter 办法实例化 tracingFilter
func (tf *tracingFilter) Invoke(ctx context.Context, invoker protocol.Invoker, invocation protocol.Invocation) protocol.Result {
var (
spanCtx context.Context
span opentracing.Span
operationName := invoker.GetUrl().ServiceKey() + "#" + invocation.MethodName()
wiredCtx := ctx.Value(constant.TRACING_REMOTE_SPAN_CTX)
preSpan := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
if preSpan != nil {
// it means that someone already create a span to trace, so we use the span to be the parent span
span = opentracing.StartSpan(operationName, opentracing.ChildOf(preSpan.Context()))
spanCtx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span)
} else if wiredCtx != nil {
// it means that there has a remote span, usually from client side. so we use this as the parent
span = opentracing.StartSpan(operationName, opentracing.ChildOf(wiredCtx.(opentracing.SpanContext)))
spanCtx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span)
} else {
// it means that there is not any span, so we create a span as the root span.
span, spanCtx = opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, operationName)
defer func() {span.Finish()
result := invoker.Invoke(spanCtx, invocation)
span.SetTag(successKey, result.Error() != nil)
if result.Error() != nil {span.LogFields(log.String(errorKey, result.Error().Error()))
return result
- Invoke 办法首先构建 operationName,而后应用 opentracing.StartSpan 开启 span,之后 defer 执行 span.Finish(),而后执行 invoker.Invoke(spanCtx, invocation),最初设置 span.SetTag 及 span.LogFields
func (tf *tracingFilter) OnResponse(ctx context.Context, result protocol.Result,
invoker protocol.Invoker, invocation protocol.Invocation) protocol.Result {return result}
- OnResponse 办法间接返回 result
tracingFilter 的 Invoke 办法首先构建 operationName,而后应用 opentracing.StartSpan 开启 span,之后 defer 执行 span.Finish(),而后执行 invoker.Invoke(spanCtx, invocation),最初设置 span.SetTag 及 span.LogFields
- tracing_filter