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I learned two small trouble shooting tips of CRM Interactive Reporting regarding two issues in Service Order as reporting area.

(1) Service Order data is not replicated to buffer table.
The corresponding buffer table for Service Order report area is maintained in table CRMC_Q1O_RES as below:

The creation of Service Order will generate a BDOC with type BUS_TRANS_MSG. The handler function module name for this BDOC notification is maintained in table SMW3FDBDOC and SMW3FDCUST (additional call).

Among those handlers the FM CRM_CHANGE_HISTORY is responsible to fill the transaction header data of service order to buffer table CRMD_DHR_HSRVORD, which could be found from callstack below:

(2) Report preview does not work as expected.
In this case you can set a breakpoint in function module RSOA_DSOURCE_READ_REMOTE_DATA to verify whether:

  • the filter value passed from WebUI is working as expected;
  • the correct destination system is chosen as RFC call.

For example, if I maintain the following input and click button“go”:

The breakpoint will be triggered:

The variable l_t_selections contains the parameter specified in WebUI:

And check whether RFC RSAD_INFOCUBE_READ_REMOTE_DATA is called against the correct remote destination – you can check the variable s_destination, which is read from configuration table RSLOGSYSDEST.

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