

I begin my English diary for not only IETLES in July,2021, but also for technique and to memorize everyday detail.

  • 《Git 在 IDEA 中的应用(具体图文全解)》https://blog.csdn.net/mucaoyx/article/details/98476174?utm_source=app&app_version=4.6.0
  • this can help you learn the basic operation of the git.
  • but I still not know how to roll back when I have push it to the github.
  • I still have limitied knowlege of github.
  • especially copy(admire) others beauty code.
  • I communicated with an excellent classmate, learning that before relying others people, making yourself better enough.
  • I known that every class is interesting and useful which I taken this semester. but maybe the not every minutes
  • support my idea of tomcat — a web server, but not done marven, which is needed in springboot, which means you needn’t configure environment varible
  • my boyfriend has his own idea, and I like him.(maybe no need to add in my diary):) who is crazy about watching news and he said he thinks news maybe selected, so what he has seen is also abnormal, only abnormal things can be reported.
    -java learning:
    define of array ,two way
    exception which needed to included(must), but some exception in java can be selected
    I know package ,class is the directory, but why use this way?
    supper():used in child in order invoke father’s class or variable,but ….
    not exists
    attribute in(x,y,z,…)(QA4 I change some answers given by teacher,and I think also can be done by union, but too much hassle)
    –tool class:
    roost is becoming popular!almost in 10?
    c is the most popular, if you want initiate in hardware?
    java is the second