

共计 892 个字符,预计需要花费 3 分钟才能阅读完成。

CSE 230 Project 4: Pardon the Interruption
Learning Objectives:
● Implement an interrupt service routine in a program containing existing functionality
The Task
In this project, you will be adding an interrupt service routine (ISR) to an existing program. The program is
already fully functional hexadecimal counter that shows the current counter value on the seven-segment
display. You will use the timer to generate an interrupt every x cycles (where x can be between 100 and 200
cycles). Your ISR needs to do the following things:

  1. Toggle all eight LEDs (i.e. if they are all off, they should all be turned on and if they are already on, turn
    them off)
  2. Perform any tasks necessary to allow another timer interrupt within 100 to 200 cycles
    No changes should be made to the existing main loop or sseg_display.asm. Code should only be added following
    the TODO comments.
  3. Take the Project 4 Pre Quiz (3 points)
  4. Submit your program on Canvas with the format: Firstname_Lastname_project4.plp (12 points)
  5. Take the Project 4 Post Quiz (2 points)

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