


  1. 谷歌新的 Play Store 试验性能可对同类利用进行侧面比拟
  2. Android 11 出 Bug:顶栏遮挡游戏界面 不能全屏显示


  1. Android 款式零碎 | 主题背景笼罩
  2. Android Studio 4.1 的 Dagger 导航更新
  3. 应用 Dagger 自定义 WorkManager
  4. 深刻详解 Jetpack Compose | 实现原理
  5. 深刻详解 Jetpack Compose | 优化 UI 构建
  6. 打造 Material 色彩主题 | 设计篇


  1. lu

    又一款 virtual Dom Android 渲染引擎

  2. KtRssReader

    a Kotlin library for parsing RSS feed on Android.

  3. BlurHashExt

    Kotlin extensions of BlurHash for ImageView, Glide, Coil, Piccasso, and fast loading BlurHashDrawable optimized for Android.

  4. DependencyProperty

    DependencyProperty is a dependency resolution library by Delegated Property.

  5. WhatTheStack

    See a pretty error screen when your Android app crashes

  6. MLang

    Android 动态化多语言框架,反对语言包的动静下发、降级、删除,一处装置,到处应用

  7. red-screen-of-death

    A simple screen that is shown when your app gets crashed instead of the normal crash dialog.

  8. EitherNet

    A pluggable sealed API result type for modeling Retrofit responses.

  9. YCShopDetailLayout

    购物商场商品详情页面自定义控件,模拟淘宝、京东、考拉等商品详情页分页加载的 UI 成果。能够嵌套 RecyclerView、WebView、ViewPager、ScrollView 等等。反对设置上拉分页加载动画成果……

  10. evademe

    A asynchronous heuristics evasion library for Android with a KTX scoping function.

  11. YCVideoPlayer

    视频播放器封装库案例,仿照优酷,爱奇艺视频播放器,能够添家视频观看权限,试看模式,相似优酷试看性能。基于 ijkplayer,反对网络视频或者本地视频播放,滑动调节亮度或者音量,快进快退,记录播放地位。能够设置边观看变缓存,反对全屏播放,小窗口,失常播放等模式;还反对列表播放,切换分辨率,还能够自定义视频播放器,拓展性强。曾经用于理论开发中……

  12. XTabLayout

    Added support to modify text size and indicator width based on the original TabLayout.

  13. Bundler

    ???? Android Intent & Bundle extensions that insert and retrieve values elegantly.

  14. CommentDialog

    这是一个 Android 评论框,相似抖音评论弹框


  1. Animation-Tutorials

    ???????????? Tutorials about animations with Animators, Animated Vector Drawables, Shared Transitions, and more


  1. flipclock-android

    The Android wrapper of FlipClock.

  2. calendula

    An Android assistant for personal medication management


  1. AndroidDaemonKiller

    This repository contains a simple script that lets you kill gradle and kotlin daemons.

  2. FakerAndroid

    A tool translate a apk file to stantard android project include so hook api and il2cpp c++ scaffolding when apk is a unity il2cpp game. 间接将 Apk 文件转换为能够进行二次开发的 Android 我的项目的工具, 反对 so hook, 对于 il2cpp 的游戏 apk 间接生成 il2cpp c++ 脚手架

  3. duf

    Disk Usage/Free Utility

  4. jnitrace

    A Frida based tool that traces usage of the JNI API in Android apps.

    ???? 福利

关上淘宝 app,输出密令: 吐丝播客和他的敌人们 ,获取 Toast.show(∞) 播客 听友专属福利,天天都能够支付

版权申明:禁止所有模式的转载 - 禁止商用 - 禁止衍生
