共计 1945 个字符,预计需要花费 5 分钟才能阅读完成。
- 谷歌为 Android TV 开发者提供多种新性能
- Android 11 将主动填表性能整合到键盘输入倡议中
- 谷歌发表 Android Auto 行将反对更多的导航和数字停车利用
- 谷歌 Pixel 5 只有 XL 版本 搭载骁龙 765G 且将比 Pixel 4 更便宜
- [[图]Wear OS 将迎来重磅更新:利用启动工夫缩短 20%](https://www.cnbeta.com/articl…
- 析构函数的妙用
- 一文搞懂 Android JetPack 组件原理之 Lifecycle、LiveData、ViewModel 与源码剖析技巧
- 聚焦 Android 11: Android 开发者工具
- Android11 真的要来了,最全适配实际指南奉上
- 以人为本 | Android 11 的音讯告诉
- Android 存储空间的最佳实际 (下)
- Kotlin 修炼指南(三)——奇技淫巧
- AlphaPlayer
AlphaPlayer 是直播中台应用的一个视频动画特效 SDK,能够通过制作 Alpha 通道拆散的视频素材,再在客户端上通过 OpenGL ES 从新实现 Alpha 通道和 RGB 通道的混合,从而实现在端上播放带通明通道的视频。
- XposedDetectLib
A light-weight yet powerful solution library for detecting xposed installation.
- themed-toggle-button-group
Customisable toggle buttons inside a FlexboxLayout.
- mmat
An automatically testing and analysis hprof library for android app (主动剖析 Android 内存透露)
- DragDropTwoRecyclerViews
Made some code example to demonstrate dragging and dropping from one RecyclerView into another.
- AndroidShell
Execute shell commands on Android.
- indeterminate-checkbox
Android CheckBox with additional 3rd indeterminate state
- copper
A content provider wrapper for reactive queries
- easy-states
The simple, stupid state machine for Java
- kotlinx-datetime
A multiplatform Kotlin library for working with date and time.
KOOM(Kwai OOM, Kill OOM) 是快手性能优化团队在解决挪动端 OOM 问题的过程中积淀出的一套残缺解决方案。
- scrcast
A fully, featured replacement for screen recording needs backed by Kotlin with the power of Coroutines and Android Jetpack.
- jacoco-android-gradle-plugin
Gradle plugin that creates JaCoCo test reports for Android unit tests
- Gallerit
A sample Android gallery to search images posted on Reddit built using modern Android development tools (Architecture Components, MVVM, Coroutines, Flow, Navigation, Retrofit, Room, Koin)
- MovieHunt
Movie Android App written in Kotlin, MVVM, RxJava, Android Architecture Components.
- Corey
Personal fitness app. Workout. Schedule. Your body. Your goals.
- gitout
A command-line tool to automatically backup Git repositories from GitHub or anywhere.
- transfer
???? 汇合多个 API 的大文件传输工具.
- dex2jar
Unofficial dex2jar builds
- APKLab
Android Reverse Engineering WorkBench for VS Code
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