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接上篇批改 linphone-sdk-android- 上篇

接中篇批改 linphone-sdk-android- 中篇

本文是下篇,本篇记录在上篇中提到的问题 1 排查过程及修复计划,尽量形容排查问题过程中的思路与方向

上篇中说问题 1 当初认为是 linphone 的 bug,前面看源码及查资料发现可能不是 bug,本篇将记录集体的了解


这里再形容下问题 1:关上音频编解码 G722、G729 等时,发动呼叫的 INVITE SDP 中,没有 G722、G729 的rtpmap

m=audio 7078 RTP/AVP 96 0 8 9 18 101 97
a=fmtp:18 annexb=yes
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/48000
a=rtpmap:97 telephone-event/8000
a=rtcp-fb:* trr-int 1000
a=rtcp-fb:* ccm tmmbr


这里先理解下 SDP 协定,参考 The Session Description Protocol (SDP) (3cx.com)

rtpmapSession attribute lines,即为会话属性行,是对Payload Type 的补充阐明,Payload Type既是 m=audio 7078 RTP/AVP 96 0 8 9 18 101 97AVP前面的数字,这些数字是音频编解码对应的代码,对应关系如下:

下表源自 Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) Parameters (iana.org)

PT Encoding Name Audio/Video (A/V) Clock Rate (Hz) Channels Reference
0 PCMU A 8000 1 [RFC3551]
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 GSM A 8000 1 [RFC3551]
4 G723 A 8000 1 [Vineet_Kumar][RFC3551]
5 DVI4 A 8000 1 [RFC3551]
6 DVI4 A 16000 1 [RFC3551]
7 LPC A 8000 1 [RFC3551]
8 PCMA A 8000 1 [RFC3551]
9 G722 A 8000 1 [RFC3551]
10 L16 A 44100 2 [RFC3551]
11 L16 A 44100 1 [RFC3551]
12 QCELP A 8000 1 [RFC3551]
13 CN A 8000 1 [RFC3389]
14 MPA A 90000 [RFC3551][RFC2250]
15 G728 A 8000 1 [RFC3551]
16 DVI4 A 11025 1 [Joseph_Di_Pol]
17 DVI4 A 22050 1 [Joseph_Di_Pol]
18 G729 A 8000 1 [RFC3551]
19 Reserved A
20 Unassigned A
21 Unassigned A
22 Unassigned A
23 Unassigned A
24 Unassigned V
25 CelB V 90000 [RFC2029]
26 JPEG V 90000 [RFC2435]
27 Unassigned V
28 nv V 90000 [RFC3551]
29 Unassigned V
30 Unassigned V
31 H261 V 90000 [RFC4587]
32 MPV V 90000 [RFC2250]
33 MP2T AV 90000 [RFC2250]
34 H263 V 90000 [Chunrong_Zhu]
35-71 Unassigned ?
72-76 Reserved for RTCP conflict avoidance [RFC3551]
77-95 Unassigned ?
96-127 dynamic ? [RFC3551]

从表中理解到,Payload Type(PT) code 0 – 95 为动态类型,即 code 对应固定的 codec(编解码器),96 – 127 为动静 codec,即须要在 SDP 协商过程中确定

接下来追踪下源码,看看 SDP 中为什么没有rtpmap

先找到 Java 层发动呼叫的代码,在 Core.java 中有 4 个发动呼叫的办法

Call invite(@NonNull String var1);

Call inviteAddress(@NonNull Address var1);

Call inviteAddressWithParams(@NonNull Address var1, @NonNull CallParams var2);

Call inviteWithParams(@NonNull String var1, @NonNull CallParams var2);

具体实现在 CoreImpl.java 中,查看这个 public Call inviteAddress(@NonNull Address addr); 办法吧

private native Call inviteAddress(long nativePtr, Address addr);

@Override @Nullable
synchronized public Call inviteAddress(@NonNull Address addr)  {return (Call)inviteAddress(nativePtr, addr);

Java层调用了 native 层代码,关上编译后生成的 linphone_jni.cc,找到Java_org_linphone_core_CoreImpl_inviteAddress 办法

JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_org_linphone_core_CoreImpl_inviteAddress(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jlong ptr, jobject addr) {LinphoneCore *cptr = (LinphoneCore*)ptr;
    if (cptr == nullptr) {bctbx_error("Java_org_linphone_core_CoreImpl_inviteAddress's LinphoneCore C ptr is null!");
        return 0;
    LinphoneAddress* c_addr = nullptr;
    if (addr) c_addr = (LinphoneAddress*)GetObjectNativePtr(env, addr);
    jobject jni_result = (jobject)getCall(env, (LinphoneCall *)linphone_core_invite_address(cptr, c_addr), TRUE);
    return jni_result;

native 层调用了 linphone_core_invite_address 这个办法,在 IDE 中,能够通过 Ctrl+ 左键点击进行跳转,linphone_core_invite_address位于 linphonecore.c

LinphoneCall * linphone_core_invite_address(LinphoneCore *lc, const LinphoneAddress *addr){
    LinphoneCall *call;
    LinphoneCallParams *p=linphone_core_create_call_params(lc, NULL);
    linphone_call_params_enable_video(p, linphone_call_params_video_enabled(p) && !!lc->video_policy.automatically_initiate);
    call=linphone_core_invite_address_with_params (lc,addr,p);
    return call;

linphone_core_invite_address 办法中调用了 linphone_core_invite_address_with_params 发动呼叫,这个办法较长,删减一些不关怀的代码

LinphoneCall * linphone_core_invite_address_with_params(LinphoneCore *lc, const LinphoneAddress *addr, const LinphoneCallParams *params){
    const char *from=NULL;
    LinphoneCall *call;
    if (!addr) {ms_error("Can't invite a NULL address");
        return NULL;

    bool defer = Call::toCpp(call)->initiateOutgoing();
    if (!defer) {if (Call::toCpp(call)->startInvite(nullptr) != 0) {
            /* The call has already gone to error and released state, so do not return it */
            call = nullptr;

    return call;

linphone_core_invite_address_with_params 办法中调用 linphone_call_new_outgoing 办法创立 Call 对象,调用 initiateOutgoing 办法初始化发动呼叫并设置以后状态为 OutgoingInit,接下来调用startInvite 办法发动呼叫,startInvite办法位于 call.cpp 中,在其中又调用 getActiveSession 办法获取 CallSession,调用CallSession::startInvite 办法

int Call::startInvite (const Address *destination) {return getActiveSession()->startInvite(destination, "");

CallSession::startInvite办法位于 call-session.cpp 中,在这个办法中找了半天,没见有与 SDP 发送相干的逻辑,先去头文件中看看办法原型吧

找了半天也是有点播种的,剖析出调用 addAdditionalLocalBody 去组装自定义扩大头数据

int CallSession::startInvite (const Address *destination, const string &subject, const Content *content) {L_D();
    d->subject = subject;
    /* Try to be best-effort in giving real local or routable contact address */
    string destinationStr;
    char *realUrl = nullptr;
    if (destination)
        destinationStr = destination->asString();
    else {realUrl = linphone_address_as_string(d->log->to);
        destinationStr = realUrl;
    char *from = linphone_address_as_string(d->log->from);
    /* Take a ref because sal_call() may destroy the CallSession if no SIP transport is available */
    shared_ptr<CallSession> ref = getSharedFromThis();
    if (content)

    // If a custom Content has been set in the call params, create a multipart body for the INVITE
    for (auto& content : d->params->getCustomContents()) {d->op->addAdditionalLocalBody(content);

    int result = d->op->call(from, destinationStr, subject);
    if (result < 0) {if ((d->state != CallSession::State::Error) && (d->state != CallSession::State::Released)) {// sal_call() may invoke call_failure() and call_released() SAL callbacks synchronously,
            // in which case there is no need to perform a state change here.
            d->setState(CallSession::State::Error, "Call failed");
    } else {linphone_call_log_set_call_id(d->log, d->op->getCallId().c_str()); /* Must be known at that time */
        d->setState(CallSession::State::OutgoingProgress, "Outgoing call in progress");
    return result;


virtual int startInvite (const Address *destination, const std::string &subject = "", const Content *content = nullptr);

是个 virtual 虚函数,阐明有函数复写,在 IDE 中搜寻发现 MediaSession 类继承自 CallSession,好的,找到MediaSession 复写的 startInvite 办法,办法较长,删除一些不关怀的代码

int MediaSession::startInvite (const Address *destination, const string &subject, const Content *content) {L_D();
    // 删除不关怀的代码


    int result = CallSession::startInvite(destination, subject, content);
    if (result < 0) {if (d->state == CallSession::State::Error)
        return result;
    return result;

MediaSession::startInvite 中调用 setLocalMediaDescription 办法组装本地媒体形容信息,最初再调用父类的 CallSession::startInvite 办法持续发动呼叫,好的,当初只关怀 setLocalMediaDescription 办法,其中 opSalCallOp,在 IDE 中关上 call-op.cpp,找到setLocalMediaDescription 办法,删减一些不关怀的代码

int SalCallOp::setLocalMediaDescription (SalMediaDescription *desc) {if (desc) {sal_media_description_ref(desc);
        belle_sip_error_code error;
        belle_sdp_session_description_t *sdp = media_description_to_sdp(desc);
        vector<char> buffer = marshalMediaDescription(sdp, error);
        if (error != BELLE_SIP_OK)
            return -1;

    } else {mLocalBody = Content();
    return 0;

到这里终于发现与 SDP 相干的办法了 media_description_to_sdp,持续查看media_description_to_sdp 办法,此办法位于 sal_sdp.c 中,办法较长,次要是组装 SDP 协定数据,比方设置版本、创立源信息,创立会话等,这里删减一些不关怀的代码

belle_sdp_session_description_t * media_description_to_sdp(const SalMediaDescription *desc) {belle_sdp_session_description_t* session_desc=belle_sdp_session_description_new();
    bool_t inet6;
    belle_sdp_origin_t* origin;
    int i;
    char *escaped_username = belle_sip_uri_to_escaped_username(desc->username);

    if (strchr ( desc->addr,':') !=NULL ) {inet6=1;} else inet6=0;
    belle_sdp_session_description_set_version (session_desc,belle_sdp_version_create ( 0) );

    origin = belle_sdp_origin_create ( escaped_username
                                      , inet6 ? "IP6" :"IP4"
                                      ,desc->addr );

    belle_sdp_session_description_set_origin (session_desc,origin);

    belle_sdp_session_description_set_session_name ( session_desc,
        belle_sdp_session_name_create (desc->name[0]!='\0' ? desc->name : "Talk" ) );

    // 删减不关怀的代码

    for (i=0; i<desc->nb_streams; i++) {stream_description_to_sdp(session_desc, desc, &desc->streams[i]);
    return session_desc;

剖析 media_description_to_sdp 办法找到在 stream_description_to_sdp 办法中组装数据流信息到 SDP 协定中,stream_description_to_sdp办法十分长,此办法次要是组装 SDP 协定中编解码相干的信息,这里删除大部分不关怀的代码

static void stream_description_to_sdp (belle_sdp_session_description_t *session_desc, const SalMediaDescription *md, const SalStreamDescription *stream) {
    // 删减不关怀的代码

    media_desc = belle_sdp_media_description_create (sal_stream_description_get_type_as_string(stream)
                 ,sal_media_proto_to_string (stream->proto)
                 ,NULL );
    // 看到 payloads 字段
    if (stream->payloads) {for ( pt_it=stream->payloads; pt_it!=NULL; pt_it=pt_it->next) {pt= ( PayloadType*) pt_it->data;
            mime_param= belle_sdp_mime_parameter_create ( pt->mime_type
                    , payload_type_get_number (pt)
                    , pt->clock_rate
                    , pt->channels>0 ? pt->channels : -1 );
            belle_sdp_mime_parameter_set_parameters (mime_param,pt->recv_fmtp);
            if (stream->ptime>0) {belle_sdp_mime_parameter_set_ptime ( mime_param,stream->ptime);
            // 锁定此办法
            belle_sdp_media_description_append_values_from_mime_parameter (media_desc,mime_param);
            belle_sip_object_unref (mime_param);
    } else {
        /* to comply with SDP we cannot have an empty payload type number list */
        /* as it happens only when mline is declined with a zero port, it does not matter to put whatever codec*/
        belle_sip_list_t* format = belle_sip_list_append(NULL,0);

    // 组装自定义 sdp 属性
    if (stream->custom_sdp_attributes) {belle_sdp_session_description_t *custom_desc = (belle_sdp_session_description_t *)stream->custom_sdp_attributes;
        belle_sip_list_t *l = belle_sdp_session_description_get_attributes(custom_desc);
        belle_sip_list_t *elem;
        for (elem = l; elem != NULL; elem = elem->next) {belle_sdp_media_description_add_attribute(media_desc, (belle_sdp_attribute_t *)elem->data);
    // 删减不关怀的代码

stream_description_to_sdp 办法中看到 payload 字段,马上就要找到了 happy~

通过剖析,锁定 belle_sdp_media_description_append_values_from_mime_parameter 办法,剖析此办法,在其中找到组装 rtpmap 的源码

void belle_sdp_media_description_append_values_from_mime_parameter(belle_sdp_media_description_t* media_description, const belle_sdp_mime_parameter_t* mime_parameter) {
#ifndef BELLE_SDP_FORCE_RTP_MAP /* defined to for RTP map even for static codec*/
    if (!mime_parameter_is_static(mime_parameter)) {
        /*dynamic payload*/
        if (belle_sdp_mime_parameter_get_channel_count(mime_parameter)>1) {
            snprintf(atribute_value,MAX_FMTP_LENGTH,"%i %s/%i/%i"
        } else {
            snprintf(atribute_value,MAX_FMTP_LENGTH,"%i %s/%i"
    // always include fmtp parameters if available
    if (belle_sdp_mime_parameter_get_parameters(mime_parameter)) {
        snprintf(atribute_value,MAX_FMTP_LENGTH,"%i %s"

这里先剖析下 mime_parameter_is_static 办法是干什么的?查看以下源码发现,噢~~,原来是用于判断编解码是否是动态类型(后面提到的 Payload Type)

const struct static_payload static_payload_list [] ={

static int mime_parameter_is_static(const belle_sdp_mime_parameter_t *param){
    const struct static_payload* iterator;
    size_t i;

    for (iterator = static_payload_list,i=0;i<payload_list_elements;i++,iterator++) {
        if (iterator->number == param->media_format &&
            strcasecmp(iterator->type,param->type)==0 &&
            iterator->channel_count==param->channel_count &&
            iterator->rate==param->rate ) {return TRUE;}
    return FALSE;

当初再来剖析下 belle_sdp_media_description_append_values_from_mime_parameter 办法的意思,粗心如下:如果没有定义 BELLE_SDP_FORCE_RTP_MAP 这个宏就执行 if (!mime_parameter_is_static(mime_parameter)) 判断编解码是否是动态类型,如果定义了就不判断是否是动态类型

总结一下就是如果没有定义 BELLE_SDP_FORCE_RTP_MAP 这个宏,就不组装动态类型编解码的 rtpmap 信息,只组装动静类型编解码的 rtpmap 信息,终于找到源头了,真是拨云见日呀

到这里还没完,既然是依据宏定义做的判断,必定在编译的时候能够配置,先看看能不能找到定义宏的中央,在 IDE 中全局搜寻,在 belle-sip 下的 CMakeList.txt 中发现

option(ENABLE_RTP_MAP_ALWAYS_IN_SDP "Always include rtpmap in SDP." OFF)




$ cd linphone-sdk/build/
$ cmake --build . --parallel 8

从新编译后拷贝到 AS 中运行,发动呼叫查看 Logcat 输入


在源码中看到通过 BELLE_SDP_FORCE_RTP_MAP 这个宏管制是否在 SDP 中蕴含动态类型编解码的 rtpmap 信息,集体猜想是动态类型的编解码信息,是协定中固定的,任何遵循协定的实现方,都能够依据动态类型编解码对应的 code 解析出相应的 rtpmap 信息,所以在 SDP 中去掉动态类型编解码器的 rtpmap 信息,同时也能够缩小发送数据包的大小,加重网络压力
