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Android 10 之前的暗藏形式:

con.getPackageManager().setComponentEnabledSetting(new ComponentName(con,activityAliasName,PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED,PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP);

Android 10 之后,该暗藏图标形式生效,暗藏胜利后仍然会在桌面上保留其图标,点击后会跳转到利用详情页。具体查看官网 API 更新阐明:getActivityList)。

那这就很好受了,在我看来,目前设计的并不太正当,能不能暗藏应该由用户决定,而不是强制不容许暗藏,不过目前官网也设置了管制开关,能够批改零碎设置来去掉该限度,只不过须要 adb 或能批改零碎设置的 APP 或 ROOT 权限能力批改。接下来就是具体分析了。


  • getActivityList

      public List<LauncherActivityInfo> getActivityList(String packageName, UserHandle user) {logErrorForInvalidProfileAccess(user);
          try {return convertToActivityList(mService.getLauncherActivities(mContext.getPackageName(),
                      packageName, user), user);
          } catch (RemoteException re) {throw re.rethrowFromSystemServer();
  • getLauncherActivities

    public ParceledListSlice<LauncherActivityInfoInternal> getLauncherActivities(String callingPackage, String packageName, UserHandle user) throws RemoteException {
      // 查问蕴含 ACTION_MAIN 和 CATEGORY_LAUNCHER 的 activity
      ParceledListSlice<LauncherActivityInfoInternal> launcherActivities =
                      new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN)
      // 检测零碎设置(零碎设置管制开关管制是否走新版限度逻辑)if (Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),
              Settings.Global.SHOW_HIDDEN_LAUNCHER_ICON_APPS_ENABLED, 1) == 0) {return launcherActivities;}
      // 没有找到入口 activity
      if (launcherActivities == null) {
          // Cannot access profile, so we don't even return any hidden apps.
          return null;
      final int callingUid = injectBinderCallingUid();
      final long ident = injectClearCallingIdentity();
      try {
          // 托管配置文件能够暗藏 APP
          if (mUm.getUserInfo(user.getIdentifier()).isManagedProfile()) {
              // Managed profile should not show hidden apps
              return launcherActivities;
          // 设施管理员能够暗藏 APP
          if (mDpm.getDeviceOwnerComponentOnAnyUser() != null) {
              // Device owner devices should not show hidden apps
              return launcherActivities;
          final ArrayList<LauncherActivityInfoInternal> result = new ArrayList<>(launcherActivities.getList());
          if (packageName != null) {
              // If this hidden app should not be shown, return the original list.
              // Otherwise, inject hidden activity that forwards user to app details page.
              // 可能是如果大于 0,示意有无效的启动入口,则不必注入暗藏的 APP 详情页入口
              if (result.size() > 0) {return launcherActivities;}
              final ApplicationInfo appInfo = mPackageManagerInternal.getApplicationInfo(packageName, /* flags= */ 0, callingUid, user.getIdentifier());
              // 依据 APP 信息进行判断是否注入暗藏 APP 详情页入口
              if (shouldShowSyntheticActivity(user, appInfo)) {
                  LauncherActivityInfoInternal info = getHiddenAppActivityInfo(packageName,
                          callingUid, user);
                  if (info != null) {result.add(info);
              return new ParceledListSlice<>(result);
          final HashSet<String> visiblePackages = new HashSet<>();
          for (LauncherActivityInfoInternal info : result) {visiblePackages.add(info.getActivityInfo().packageName);
          final List<ApplicationInfo> installedPackages =
                  mPackageManagerInternal.getInstalledApplications(/* flags= */ 0,
                          user.getIdentifier(), callingUid);
          for (ApplicationInfo applicationInfo : installedPackages) {if (!visiblePackages.contains(applicationInfo.packageName)) {if (!shouldShowSyntheticActivity(user, applicationInfo)) {continue;}
                  LauncherActivityInfoInternal info = getHiddenAppActivityInfo(applicationInfo.packageName, callingUid, user);
                  if (info != null) {result.add(info);
          return new ParceledListSlice<>(result);
      } finally {injectRestoreCallingIdentity(ident);
  • shouldShowSyntheticActivity

    private boolean shouldShowSyntheticActivity(UserHandle user, ApplicationInfo appInfo) {
      // 没有 app 信息,是零碎 APP 或者更新的零碎 APP,则不增加暗藏详情页入口
      if (appInfo == null || appInfo.isSystemApp() || appInfo.isUpdatedSystemApp()) {return false;}
      // 是管理员 APP 也不必增加该入口
      if (isManagedProfileAdmin(user, appInfo.packageName)) {return false;}
      final AndroidPackage pkg = mPackageManagerInternal.getPackage(appInfo.packageName);
      if (pkg == null) {
          // Should not happen, but we shouldn't be failing if it does
          return false;
      // If app does not have any default enabled launcher activity or any permissions,
      // the app can legitimately have no icon so we do not show the synthetic activity.
      return requestsPermissions(pkg) && hasDefaultEnableLauncherActivity(appInfo.packageName);


  • 若是你的 APP 有 adb 权限或 ROOT 权限,能够间接批改这个全局开关,批改命令如下:

    adb shell settings put global show_hidden_icon_apps_enabled 0
  • 或者你的 APP 有设施管理员权限
  • 或者你的 APP 是零碎 APP
  • 或者你的 APP 没有任何默认启动入口
  • 或者你的 APP 没有申请任何权限
  • 或者你的 APP 波及到 Managed profile(这个具体不太分明怎么用)
  • 或者你的 APP 是 Xposed 模块,能够间接注入零碎服务拦挡相干 API,或者注入能够批改零碎设置的 APP(比方:设置)间接批改这个开关
  • 或者你是零碎源码开发者,能够间接批改该处代码即可
  • 其它更多还未摸索出的形式 (比方利用某些逻辑破绽)……..


  • Android hide/unhide app icon programmatically

