

共计 10937 个字符,预计需要花费 28 分钟才能阅读完成。


└─# nmap -sV -Pn    
Host discovery disabled (-Pn). All addresses will be marked 'up' and scan times will be slower.
Starting Nmap 7.91 (https://nmap.org) at 2021-10-19 04:07 EDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.30s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed ports
21/tcp open  ftp     vsftpd 3.0.3
22/tcp open  ssh     OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open  http    Apache httpd 2.4.29 ((Ubuntu))
Service Info: OSs: Unix, Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 49.55 seconds

问题:How many open ports?

关上 80 端口首页,依据文字描述得悉 team name

问题:What is the team name in operation
答案:STARS alpha team


It is in the /diningRoom/

关上下面提醒的页面:/diningRoom/, 写了一行加密的正文:


base64 解密后为:

How about the /teaRoom/

点击 yes 导航到:/diningRoom/emblem.php
拿到 emblem flag

问题:What is the emblem flag

关上 /teaRoom/, 点击 Lockpick. 拿到 pick flag

问题:What is the lock pick flag

依据提醒,关上:/artRoom/, 点击 YES,拿到一个目录 map

Look like a map


/barRoom/ 填入 lock_pick{037b35e2ff90916a9abf99129c8e1837} 跳转到 /barRoom357162e3db904857963e6e0b64b96ba7/
点击read, 显示

Look like a music note

下面密文是 base_32,解密进去是:


问题:What is the music sheet flag

输出到 flag,来到/barRoom357162e3db904857963e6e0b64b96ba7/barRoomHidden.php

点击 Yes, 拿到 gold emblem


Look like you can put something on the emblem slot, refresh the previous page

问题:What is the gold emblem flag

回到 /diningRoom 输出下面的 flag 后拿到一行密文:

klfvg ks r wimgnd biz mpuiui ulg fiemok tqod. Xii jvmc tbkg ks tempgf tyi_hvgct_jljinf_kvc

看提醒下面这一段是 Vigenère 加密, 去到这个网站解密进去是:

there is a shield key inside the dining room. The html page is called the_great_shield_key

关上 /diningRoom/the_great_shield_key.html 拿到 shield_key

问题:What is the shield key flag

/diningRoom2F/ 的正文找到一行密文:

Lbh trg gur oyhr trz ol chfuvat gur fgnghf gb gur ybjre sybbe. Gur trz vf ba gur qvavatEbbz svefg sybbe. Ivfvg fnccuver.ugzy


You get the blue gem by pushing the status to the lower floor. The gem is on the diningRoom first floor. Visit sapphire.html

关上/diningRoom/sapphire.html,拿到 blue_jewel

问题:What is the blue gem flag

把下面 flag 输出到tigerStatusRoom, 取得另一段密文:

crest 1:
Hint 1: Crest 1 has been encoded twice
Hint 2: Crest 1 contanis 14 letters
Note: You need to collect all 4 crests, combine and decode to reavel another path
The combination should be crest 1 + crest 2 + crest 3 + crest 4. Also, the combination is a type of encoded base and you need to decode it

crest 1 先 base64, 再 base32 解进去是:RlRQIHVzZXI6IG

/galleryRoom/note.txt 找到crest 2

crest 2:
Hint 1: Crest 2 has been encoded twice
Hint 2: Crest 2 contanis 18 letters
Note: You need to collect all 4 crests, combine and decode to reavel another path
The combination should be crest 1 + crest 2 + crest 3 + crest 4. Also, the combination is a type of encoded base and you need to decode it

crest 2 先 base32 转,再 base58 转失去:h1bnRlciwgRlRQIHBh

/armorRoom/ 输出 shield_key 后跳转页面点击 reame 失去crest 3

crest 3:
Hint 1: Crest 3 has been encoded three times
Hint 2: Crest 3 contanis 19 letters
Note: You need to collect all 4 crests, combine and decode to reavel another path
The combination should be crest 1 + crest 2 + crest 3 + crest 4. Also, the combination is a type of encoded base and you need to decode it

crest 3 先 base64 转,失去一串二进制数字,2 进制转文本失去一个 16 进制的串,16 进制转 ASCII 失去:c3M6IHlvdV9jYW50X2h

/attic/ 输出输出 shield_key 后跳转页面点击 reame 失去crest 4

crest 4:
Hint 1: Crest 2 has been encoded twice
Hint 2: Crest 2 contanis 17 characters
Note: You need to collect all 4 crests, combine and decode to reavel another path
The combination should be crest 1 + crest 2 + crest 3 + crest 4. Also, the combination is a type of encoded base and you need to decode it

crest 4 先 base58 解码失去一个 16 进制字符串,再转 ASCII 失去:pZGVfZm9yZXZlcg==

所以 crest 1 + crest 2 + crest 3 + crest 4 失去一个字符串:


base64 解密进去是:
FTP user: hunter, FTP pass: you_cant_hide_forever

所以咱们当初失去了 ftp 的登入权限,登录到靶机,把文件全副下载下来待剖析:

└─# ftp
Connected to
220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)
Name ( hunter
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls -alh
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
drwxrwxrwx    2 1002     1002         4096 Sep 20  2019 .
drwxrwxrwx    2 1002     1002         4096 Sep 20  2019 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0            7994 Sep 19  2019 001-key.jpg
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0            2210 Sep 19  2019 002-key.jpg
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0            2146 Sep 19  2019 003-key.jpg
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0             121 Sep 19  2019 helmet_key.txt.gpg
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0             170 Sep 20  2019 important.txt

important.txt 文件走漏出暗藏文件夹:

└─# cat important.txt                                                                                                                                                                                                                 127 ⨯

I think the helmet key is inside the text file, but I have no clue on decrypting stuff. Also, I come across a /hidden_closet/ door but it was locked.


问题:Where is the hidden directory mentioned by Barry

001-key.jpg 用 steghide 拆散出一个文件:

└─# steghide extract -sf 001-key.jpg 
Enter passphrase: 
wrote extracted data to "key-001.txt".
└─# cat key-001.txt 

key1 字符串:cGxhbnQ0Ml9jYW

002-key.jpg 的文件信息 Comment 里有一个奇怪的字符串,咱们先记录下来:

└─# exiftool 002-key.jpg
ExifTool Version Number         : 12.16
File Name                       : 002-key.jpg
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 2.2 KiB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2021:10:19 23:46:31-04:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2021:10:19 23:47:26-04:00
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2021:10:19 23:46:31-04:00
File Permissions                : rw-r--r--
File Type                       : JPEG
File Type Extension             : jpg
MIME Type                       : image/jpeg
JFIF Version                    : 1.01
Resolution Unit                 : None
X Resolution                    : 1
Y Resolution                    : 1
Comment                         : 5fYmVfZGVzdHJveV9
Image Width                     : 100
Image Height                    : 80
Encoding Process                : Progressive DCT, Huffman coding
Bits Per Sample                 : 8
Color Components                : 3
Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling            : YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2)
Image Size                      : 100x80
Megapixels                      : 0.008

key2 字符串:5fYmVfZGVzdHJveV9

key3 用 binwalk 拆散出一个文件:

└─# binwalk -e 003-key.jpg

0             0x0             JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
1930          0x78A           Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, uncompressed size: 14, name: key-003.txt
2124          0x84C           End of Zip archive, footer length: 22

└─# cd _003-key.jpg.extracted 
└─# ls
78A.zip  key-003.txt
└─# cat key-003.txt          

key3 字符串:3aXRoX3Zqb2x0

联合 key1+key2+key3 失去的字符串是:


这个是 base64 串,解进去是:


问题:Password for the encrypted file

用下面的秘钥 解密 gpg 文件

└─# gpg --decrypt helmet_key.txt.gpg > helmet_key.txt                                                                 
gpg: AES256 encrypted data
gpg: 以 1 个明码加密
└─# cat helmet_key.txt

问题:What is the helmet key flag

用下面的 key 关上暗藏页面/hidden_closet/

点击 READ,失去一串密文:

wpbwbxr wpkzg pltwnhro, txrks_xfqsxrd_bvv_fy_rvmexa_ajk

去到这个网站, 利用 vigenere-solver 解密失去:

weasker login password, stars_members_are_my_guinea_pig

去到/studyroom, 输出 helmet_key,解锁房间拿到外面的 gz 文件,解压后失去 ssh 登录用户名:

SSH user: umbrella_guest

点击 EXAMINE,失去 ssh 明码:

SSH password: T_virus_rules

问题:What is the SSH login username

问题:What is the SSH login password

全局寻找STARS bravo team:

find / |xargs grep -ri 'STARS bravo team' -l >f.txt

/var/www/html/hiddenCloset8997e740cb7f5cece994381b9477ec38/index.php 找到文本:

umbrella_guest@umbrella_corp:/tmp$ cat /var/www/html/hiddenCloset8997e740cb7f5cece994381b9477ec38/index.php
                <title>Closet room</title>
                <h1 align="center">Closet room</h1>

        <img alt="closet_room" src="../images/maxresdefault.jpg.5" style="display: block;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto; width: 50%;"/>

        <p>The closet room lead to an underground cave</p>
        <p>In the cave, Jill met injured Enrico, the leader of the STARS Bravo team. He mentioned there is a traitor among the STARTS Alpha team.</p>
        <p>When he was about to tell the traitor name, suddenly, a gun shot can be heard and Enrico was shot dead.</p>
        <p>Jill somehow cannot figure out who did that. Also, Jill found a MO disk 1 and a wolf Medal</p>
        <p><b>Read the MO disk 1?</b>   <a href="MO_DISK1.txt">READ</a></p>
        <p><b>Examine the wolf medal?</b>  <a href="wolf_medal.txt">EXAMINE</a></p> 


问题:Who the STARS bravo team leader


find / |xargs grep -ri 'Chris' -l >c.txt

/home/umbrella_guest/.jailcell/chris.txt 找到文本:

umbrella_guest@umbrella_corp:/tmp$ cat /home/umbrella_guest/.jailcell/chris.txt
Jill: Chris, is that you?
Chris: Jill, you finally come. I was locked in the Jail cell for a while. It seem that weasker is behind all this.
Jil, What? Weasker? He is the traitor?
Chris: Yes, Jill. Unfortunately, he play us like a damn fiddle.
Jill: Let's get out of here first, I have contact brad for helicopter support.
Chris: Thanks Jill, here, take this MO Disk 2 with you. It look like the key to decipher something.
Jill: Alright, I will deal with him later.
Chris: see ya.

MO disk 2: albert 

问题:Where you found Chris

问题:Who is the traitor

albert其实就是下面密串 wpbwbxr wpkzg pltwnhro, txrks_xfqsxrd_bvv_fy_rvmexa_ajk 的维吉利亚解密密串,解进去是:

weasker login password, stars_members_are_my_guinea_pig

问题:The login password for the traitor

切换到weasker, 查看 sudo -l,发现这个账号领有 root 的所有权限

umbrella_guest@umbrella_corp:/var/www/html$ su weasker
weasker@umbrella_corp:/var/www/html$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for weasker: 
Matching Defaults entries for weasker on umbrella_corp:
    env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin\:/snap/bin

User weasker may run the following commands on umbrella_corp:
    (ALL : ALL) ALL

间接 sudo su 切换到 root, 拿到 root.txt

weasker@umbrella_corp:/var/www/html$ sudo su  
root@umbrella_corp:/var/www/html# cat /root/root.txt 
In the state of emergency, Jill, Barry and Chris are reaching the helipad and awaiting for the helicopter support.

Suddenly, the Tyrant jump out from nowhere. After a tough fight, brad, throw a rocket launcher on the helipad. Without thinking twice, Jill pick up the launcher and fire at the Tyrant.

The Tyrant shredded into pieces and the Mansion was blowed. The survivor able to escape with the helicopter and prepare for their next fight.

The End

flag: 3c5794a00dc56c35f2bf096571edf3bf

问题:The name of the ultimate form

问题:The root flag
